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We fell a little too deep (Frozen, Hans) M


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It is done! I thought you guys might enjoy my fantasies of this badboy.

I wrote this at 1 in the morning so I'm sorry for any mistakes!


We fell a little too deep

Prince Hans had many ideas how he would first meet the royalty that  dwelled in the Kingdom of Arendelle, and yet here he was, underneath an overturned boat in the cold waters of its enormous fjord.

His attempt of making a good first impression on the Princess Anna was admirable, despite its watery end. Although incredibly clumsy, along with her ability to dance in the street without looking were she was going was almost impressive, Hans could not help but to wonder what she would truly think of him if she knew why he had come. Sadly, when bidding her a farewell, the boat no longer had a hoof to balance it, and Hans fell into the icy fjord below.

Coughing and spluttering up the last bit of water in his throat at the sudden dip in the water, he grabbed for his horse, Sitron's reins and hoisted himself onto the dock. 

"Thank you, Sitron." He coughed again, his words were both licked  with sarcasm and actual gratitude.

His pearl white suit was utterly drenched; his royal-blue, dress shirt was sticking to his skin and he himself was soaked to the very bone. Hans watched, almost in a trance, as drips into the wood, crating a little puddle at his feet. With his poor body caught in a bout of shivers, the freezing water had irritated his sinuses. Hans trembled at the thought of even succumbing to sternutation, crippled at how unnerving it would be.

Once this release had begun, Hans found it extremely difficult, almost impossible to stop. Sitron knew all too well his owner's unfortunate condition, witnessing a fair few attacks of his. They always rode as far as possible from his-- the kingdom when his incurable habit occurred. Insecurity among many other things triggered these uncontrollable fits. Such ridiculous occurrences would not create such a good impression during the Queen's coronation.

No matter how much he tried to fight it, his breath fluttered nervously with the thought of anyone witnessing his sudden outburst. Hans pinched harshly at his nose which burned teasingly with such irritation, as a deep crease forms between his brows. He inhaled through his ticklish nose, not realising how much he would quickly regret his discussion, eyes blinking at an alarming rate. The sharp, shivering of hitched breaths escaping from lips foretold the inevitable release. Long fingers of his gloved hand suddenly gripped his nose. 


Hans’ eyes were watering as he pressed the back of his hand against his nose, eyes half lidded and starting to flutter close to shut. He knew that contained sneeze would be his downfall into an agitated fit-- my word, he tried to hold them back; yet that one sneeze was enough for Hans to know that that was the final spark to ignite the blaze. And even as Hans desperately tried to fight off the monstrous itch, a single tear left his eye, rolled down his cheek, and found its way into the wetness of his glove.

His chest quivered uncontrollably, "…hh…Ehhh…" Hans tried to take a deep breath but only trembled. Thinking through the reaction he was having, he reached into his pocket for his spare handkerchief, only to find it soaked through.

"Hnn… H’ktsch! Ktsh!" Spray misted over his knuckles as he jerked forward with the sneezes, his watery eyes focusing on Sitron's.

His sneezes came as shivers racked his body, eventually coming to his senses to try and find a dry handkerchief in his belongings. 

"HtSCh! Ktsch! ...Hnhh'scht!” 

Hans' cheeks burned with embarrassment as the young prince tried to stifle his involuntary actions. He blindly looked through the Sitron's saddle compartments, to his relief, found one and folded it to his nose.

"Hnh-gxt! ...Eh! hh’NGKK-tt! Eh'NN-shh! Huh’ktSSCHU!" As he pressed the soft fabric to the agitated orifice, he no longer felt the persistent tickle lurking there.

Hans breathed a sigh of relief and coughed the last of the irritation away, before speaking aloud. "My, Sitron. I haven't even made it through the gates and already I'm a mess."

He began to calm down, the extra colour soon left his cheeks, as he returned to his witty demeanour. "I'd glad she didn't have to witness that horrific display." He chuckled, his laughs were hollow and lacking any kind of spirit. 

A rear and a neigh were muffled into his back, as if to say he was silly for thinking such a thing. What is strange that Hans considered his horse his only friend? He had had him since he was a adolescent and he believed Sitron was one of the finest horses the Royal Stables had had.

Hans petted his companion with a gentle hand, as they begun walking together. "Without a doubt, the Queen would not want such a fool for a husband. However, her younger sister doesn't seem to mind as much."

Hans blinked at the realisation of this fact, giving a private smile to his friend. "Perhaps, there is a chance for me after all."

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I really hope there is a part 2 to this because this is wonderfully written :) !

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Sorry, but I'd also like to add that I was glad he was a fit sneezer, as I feel he is quite an attention seeker, and according to numerous studies, attention seekers tend to be fit sneezers, so yay research!

Anyhow, you're awesome.

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I’ve been waiting for this, can you tell?

Absolutely amazing, AppleBlossom. Fetishy stuff aside, this is very well-written and you have Hans’s POV down-pat. (Now why can’t I do that?) I’d love to see more from you—anything, really. You’re just so good at torturing our favorite characters. :twisted1:

And the fetishy stuff, MY GOD. YOU KILL ME. YOU REALLY DO.

Did you just make Hans a psychological sneezer?

“Insecurity among many other things triggered these uncontrollable fits.”

So when Hans is feeling anxious/nervous/down in the dumps he sneezes?

WAT. :boom:

More pls.

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Hello! Thank you everyone for all you lovely comments. I was worried that I hadn't got Hans' personality quite right, but I'm really happy that you think so.

Right now, I'm in a bit of pickle, suffering from writer's block you see, so I'm having trouble with thinking of where this could go, if anywhere!

Maybe in the future I'll come back to Hans, but I'm really sorry about not being able to think of anything! You're all lovely still! :)

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You did get the personalities spot on!! I think that maybe you could have Elsa or Anna find out that Hans is sick and maybe one of them does a little caretaking? If not, you could have Hans walk with Anna and have it accidentally rain making Hans sicker!

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Yay! Sneezy!Hans! This is the first fanfic I've seen of him sneezing and you did it SO well. <3 I love it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ooh, somebody just revived this thread.

I saw you said you had writer's block. If I could make a suggestion...maybe you could write a scene where Hans has a sneezing fit during Elsa's coronation? :P Just a suggestion. ^_^

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  • 5 months later...

Will you update anytime soon? I second the suggestion about the sneezing fit during the coronation and Anna or Elsa finding out he's sick!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

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