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Too Many Movie References(OUAT Hook M/F) Part 8 posted. Complete!


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Pure and utter literature, my dear.

I had been wondering why his allergies weren't getting any better the longer he was away from the field and seeking treatment. And it's cute that he had allergies as a kid and conveniently forgot to mention them

I loved it.

Thank you.

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You're most welcome. I'm very glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for inspiring me to write this story. I had so much fun writing it. :D

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Thanks! :D

I can't wait for the new season to begin either. Just two more days...

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Thanks! :D

I'm sort of toying around with the idea of writing a sequel, but no promises though. Just my muses are now sticking images in my head where Hook comes down sick due to all the stress he was under from his allergies, which is so weird because illness doesn't really do anything for me fetishwise... I think I just enjoy hurt/comfort stuff on another level even if it doesn't turn me on or anything.

Anyway I'm just hesitant to write it because as I was afraid of, stuff that happened in the first episode of season 4 did sort of contradict what I wrote in this story, though not really in the way I expected. Like I wasn't expecting season 4 to pick up just minutes after season 3 ended so there's really no way that this story could take place in between seasons 3 and 4 like I had intended. Then there was also the fact that I had written that Hook and Emma had watched DVDs and stuff on Netflix and towards the end of the first episode of season 4 Hook said that he didn't know what Netflix was(sorry if that's too much of a spoiler).

So I guess if I decide to write a sequel my options really are to wait until after all of season 4 airs so I can see how things play out and change when this actually takes place, or just act like my stories are a bit of an alternate universe where the events of season 4 never happen.

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Hope you decide to write more, I enjoyed it. But don't stress yourself out!

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Yeah I'll try not to stress myself out, but I am very meticulous about my writing so that always comes with a bit of stress. I think I probably will be writing a sequel at some point since the muses see fit to keep shoving more images in my head, but I probably won't be doing much if any writing in the coming month since I've challenged myself to read twice as many books as I normally do this month in honor of national book month(in the US). That will also give me some time to see where season 4 is going, though I might still wait until the end of season 4 before posting anything.

I'll be sure to post again in this thread when I do have a sequel posted so it will be easy to find.

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Is the "Bah!" part in reference to my concern about my writing conflicting with the actual series? :laugh:

If so, well I know I shouldn't care about it so much. I know fanfic in general is full of non-canon stuff and I've written non-canon stuff myself before. I suppose the difference is that in the past I was intending to write non-canon, or if I wasn't then multiple seasons had passed since the time the story took place(or the show was already canceled) so there was much less chance of conflict.

Well anyway, thank you for your encouragement. As I said there will likely be a sequel at some point in the future as I doubt my muses will leave me alone. They are also starting to bombard me with ideas for a fic for that new show Forever, but since it's so new I'll probably have to wait for several more episodes at least before I feel I can channel the characters properly.

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