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Sophie's SPN Cast Drabbles (Misha, Jensen, Jared)


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D'awww!!! I love how Jensen mentions the kryptonite because he's all about Batman, Lord of the Rings and stuff in the show smile.png

Thanks! Yeah, I just thought it would be cool thing for him to say, but now that you mention it... Dean's all about that stuff, isn't he? Wasn't there this one time where he said "I'm Batman" ? :D

Love this thread. So adorable

Awww...! :blush: I'm flattered! Hope you'll like the next drabbles, too!

Alright, everyone. This weekend is going to be absolutey cray-zy with my birthday and all! And then soon I'll be gone for a week and I don't know yet whether I'll have access to the internet...

So that's why I'm giving you more drabbles now! You guys are awesome and I really hope that we can keep this thread going for a while! ;) Your comments always make my day!

Because I luv you guys so much, I'm giving you three drabbles today! And because the GISHWHES registration finally opened, all three are about Misha (more or less). I can't help, I just love the man so much! :heart:

Titel: The Abnosome Gene

Sickies: Jared & Jensen

Word Count: 100

“Hello, sickies.”

Misha beams at Jensen and Jared, who, in return, glare daggers at him.

“Take your habbidess and shove it ub your...” Jensen breaks off coughing.

“You'll get sick, too. Eventually”, Jared announces darkly.

“Doubt it.”

“Huh'Ach'shOooO! Why? Everyone on the set is sick.”

“But I'm... abnosome.”

Jensen has finally recovered from his coughing fit. “That's not even a word.”

“The internet begs to differ.”

“I bet you'll get sick!”, Jared says before blowing his nose.

“20 bucks?”


“The abnosome gene is rare, but if expressed...”

Jensen cuts him off. “Jared, bbake hibb shut up!”

“Can't. Too sick.”

Titel: The Abnosome Gene... Fails

Sickie: Misha<3

Word Count: 100

Hiding it is tougher than Misha expected. After all, he is an actor. But how many more times will those coughs pass for laughter? And how many more times can he stifle his sneezes when nobody's looking?

Jared, in spite of still being sick himself, is way too perceptive.

“You feeling alright?”, he asks innocently and Misha forces a smile.

“Oh, better than alright.” But, of course, right then, at the least convenient time, his nose has to betray him. “Huh'ASHh'ah! Huh'ISHhhhh!”

Jared grins at him and puts out his hand. “Pay up. You lost.”


“Dude. You totally lost.”

Aaaand... because Misha is so awesome and I love the idea of him being embarrassed about sneezes, here's the third one.

Titel: Different

Sickie: Possibly Misha...? Decide for yourself!^^

Word Count: 100

Misha Collins isn't the type of person who gets embarrassed easily. In fact, he has been asked before whether he even knows how embarrassment feels.

Misha is the guy who doesn't mind photos off himself wearing silly hats, dressed up as a fairy or having yogurt run down his face all over the internet. He doesn't mind any of the pictures with the caption “Meanwhile Misha” and he recently spread his legs in front of another man on television.

But this...

Out of nowhere, his nose starts tickling. “Huh'Ishh'uuhh!”

Everyone's staring. Misha doesn't know what to do.

This is different.

A/N: The incident I was referring to was Misha and Collin (was it Collin?) on Whose Line Is It Anyway. Did anybody else see that? Misha totally spread his legs in front of him, it was hilarious! :laugh2:

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Wasn't there this one time where he said "I'm Batman" ?

Hehe yes!!! It was the one where he had the "lucky rabbit foot" oh I love that episode!!!

These drabbles are AMAZING!! :)

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Gasp!!! I can't believe you wrote drabbles based on my prompt!! (if you can call it a prompt :P). And TWO drabbles! This is a dream come true :D

I am loving these, of course. Mishaaaa... he's just so adorable!!! Anyway, have a great (alrhough busy) weekend. I'll just be here rereading these drabbles <3

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Gasp!!! I can't believe you wrote drabbles based on my prompt!! (if you can call it a prompt :P). And TWO drabbles! This is a dream come true :D

I am loving these, of course. Mishaaaa... he's just so adorable!!! Anyway, have a great (alrhough busy) weekend. I'll just be here rereading these drabbles <3

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Gasp!!! I can't believe you wrote drabbles based on my prompt!! (if you can call it a prompt :P). And TWO drabbles! This is a dream come true :D

I am loving these, of course. Mishaaaa... he's just so adorable!!! Anyway, have a great (alrhough busy) weekend. I'll just be here rereading these drabbles <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gasp!!! I can't believe you wrote drabbles based on my prompt!! (if you can call it a prompt tonguesmiley.gif). And TWO drabbles! This is a dream come true biggrin.png

I am loving these, of course. Mishaaaa... he's just so adorable!!! Anyway, have a great (alrhough busy) weekend. I'll just be here rereading these drabbles <3

I'm so glad you liked it! If you have another request, please let me know! It can be specific or general! I'll do my best! ;)

Guys? I'm baaaa-aaack!! :D Did you miss me? Because I sure missed you all, my lovely readers! :heart:

Because you had to wait so long, I'll give you three drabbles! :) They are meant to be a story, but, you know, I wanted to stick to the 100 word format. So it's basically three parts. Enjoy! <3

Titel: Not a Good Day

Sickie: Jared

Word Count: 100

“Huh'Ishh'ah!” Jared sighs. It's one of those days. Wake up feeling shitty, but it's a shooting day, so it doesn't matter. Go to work, pull through, running on empty, until finally you're done for the day.

Right now, he's really thankful for the running water in the facilities near the set. A hot shower is exactly what he needs. Jared strips down to nothing and begins to shiver violently. He wants to step into the shower, but his nose has other plans. “Huh'Ashh'ooO! Heh'Ishhh'hH!”

He doubles over, doesn't bother to cover. “Huh'Eshhh'uuhhH!”

He sniffles wearily. “Ugh.” Not a good day.

Titel: Horrible Timing

Sickie: still Jared...

Word Count: 100

Somehow, the warm water does little to warm him up. Even though he dreads the moment, eventually Jared has to step out of the shower, into the cold air. Of course, right then another sneeze creeps up on him. He covers it, but struggles to contain the wet force. “Huh...hh'AShhhH!”

Quickly, Jared grabs a towel and wraps it around his shivering body. He searches for another one to dry his hair with when he notices. His clothes are gone. They were right there, now they're gone.

Jared lets out an exasperated sigh. Jensen did announce his retaliation. Horrible timing, though.

Titel: Mercy

Sickie: Jared... yet again! Surprise! ;)

Word Count: 100

Bare-footed, covered in only a towel, Jared walks the walk of shame to Jensen's trailer. His whole body is shaking now. It's so damn cold.

“Hey, Jensen!” He breaks off coughing.

He hears giggling from inside the trailer. Is Misha in on this, too?

“Can I please have them back now?”

More giggling. Jared stifles a sneeze. “Catching my death out here, Jen!”

The giggles stop. Then, the door opens. Jensen eyes him. Misha risks a peek, too.

Jared sneezes again. Three times.

Jensen frowns worriedly. “Damn it, Jared. Why didn't you say something? Come inside! It's warm in here.”

Hope you liked these! If anybody has any requests, let's hear them! ;)

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D'awwwww!!! I think this is my favorite of yours!!! Just love the way Jared tries to play it off as nothing!

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D'awwwww!!! I think this is my favorite of yours!!! Just love the way Jared tries to play it off as nothing!

Thank you! :blush: I'm really glad you liked it that much!!

Love these- so adorable

Aww...thanks! Hope you like the next ones, too! ;)

Ok those were soo cute! Love them! Want more!

Thanks for your comment, Alexys! :) You'll get more!

And they were all Jared too! Feels like it must be my birthday. I loved that last one especially.

Aww... Sen Beret, you're too sweet! :hug: Is Jared your favorite? I could write more about him, if you give me a prompt? Oh, in fact, I already wrote one more about him! :laugh2: Hope you like it!

A/N: Both of these were inspired by a video that, I think, MaiMai posted in the Supernatural thread (Sneezing in the Media). In it, Jared talks about being sick with a fever and shivering in bed on the day of the People's Choice Award. And that phrase, the "Yearly Supernatural Flu"? Yeah, I did not come up with that. He literally said that. I mean, wth, right? My head pretty much exploded! (But in a good way! :laugh2:)

Titel: The Yearly Supernatural Flu

Sickie: Jensen

Word Count: 100

Jensen is determined not to get sick. Of course, like everyone else on the set, he's aware of the “Yearly Supernatural Flu”. People say that sooner or later, it hits everyone. Jared was one of the first to catch it this year. Bobby also had it. And this morning, the make-up girl was really sniffly. Now, Jensen can feel the congestion settle in his sinuses. He feels a little dizzy and worn-out. And his throat feels scratchy and sore. Talking hurts.

But... he's not going to get sick. He is stronger than that.

Suddenly, his breath hitches. “Huh'YISHH'ehhw!”

Well, crap.

Titel: The Yearly Supernatural Flu Part 2

Sickie: Jared

Word Count: 100

“Huh'Eshh'ooO! Hah...esh'ooOoO!”

Jared sniffles. He's sitting in his bed and can't get warm, which is strange, because he is wearing a jacket and is wrapped in two blankets.

Of course, it's tempting to knock himself out with flu medication and simply sleep until he feels better, but there is one problem. In 30 minutes, he has to leave for the People's Choice Award.

He texts Jensen. “Can't get warm. Feel like crap.”

The reply comes quickly. “Lemme come and get you.”

Jared leanes back, still shivering, and smiles a little. Jensen is on his way. It's going to be okay.

How was that? Does anybody have any requests? (I'm planning on some denial and caretaking already. But of course, you could still second that!^^) Thanks for the continued interest and support! I :heart: you guys!

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Aww, the yearly supernatural flu! I loved that line... probably played that video at least 50 times by now. And I agree with SS14... I love the way they take care of each other!

And oh my god, if you ever need prompts, I'm so full of them. Full to the brim. Plus there's always TG's meme! (Can't believe it's still going on, over three months later...)

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MishaMishaMishaMisha!!! What about this for a prompt:

Every year for as long as he can remember, Misha has had awful spring allergies. Like, terrible. So when he doesn't answer his phone, texts, IMs, emails, and other assorted crazy ways of communication jared and jensen have tried that faithful Saturday morning, they decide to break into his house and go all supernatural spy on his ass! Which means ringing the doorbell...

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Oh my goodness!!! So amazing the way Jensen always cares for Jared like he's his real little brother smile.png

Thank you! Yeah, you know how they sometimes say in interviews that they feel like real brothers? Aww... they're so cute! :wub:

You should totally do more Misha... twitchsmile.gif

Oh God, yes! I feel like I neglected him! I think I tried to write less Misha, because he's my favorite and I didn't want to neglect the two Js! Haha... but now it's definitely time for some Mishawesomeness again! ;)

Aww, the yearly supernatural flu! I loved that line... probably played that video at least 50 times by now. And I agree with SS14... I love the way they take care of each other!

And oh my god, if you ever need prompts, I'm so full of them. Full to the brim. Plus there's always TG's meme! (Can't believe it's still going on, over three months later...)

Thank you for your comment and thanks for the link! That looks like a good source of inspiration! I'll check it out! And I just wanted to say I'm really happy you're sticking with this thread and that we share this mutual love for SPN/ the SPN actors! :)

MishaMishaMishaMisha!!! What about this for a prompt:

Every year for as long as he can remember, Misha has had awful spring allergies. Like, terrible. So when he doesn't answer his phone, texts, IMs, emails, and other assorted crazy ways of communication jared and jensen have tried that faithful Saturday morning, they decide to break into his house and go all supernatural spy on his ass! Which means ringing the doorbell...

Awww... I agree, Miiiisha...!!<3 THANK YOU! That's a really good prompt, should be fun to do! Hopefully, you'll like what I end up writing. (You did say "terrible", right? Muahaha...!)

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Okay, so I'm real excited for ouranlover's prompt and thought about how I could do it. It obviously can't be done in 100 words, but after all, this is called a drabble thread and not a oneshot thread, so... I decided to write it in several drabbles. (Man, the 100 word format turns into a real b*tch when you're trying to get a coherent story done...) Anyway, here are the first three. I hope you all like it, especially ouranlover! ;)

A/N: I imagine this to be set at a time where there is no shooting, but somehow, everyone's still hanging out near the shooting location in Vancouver. Maybe they just got done with the last episode of the season...? Okay, this makes little to no sense, I apologize, but just get on with it and enjoy the sneezing! ;)

Part 1: So it begins...

It was one of the first nice days of the year, so Misha decided to go to the park with West.The boy was excited about the weather and kept talking about random stuff while tugging at Misha's wrist. All in all, Misha was having a great day.

A light breeze breathed warm air into his face and suddenly, there it was. The strong tickle in the back of his sinuses... the irritated eyes. He'd almost forgotten. West looked up as he stopped and froze, then jerked forward.


Misha sighed inwardly, thinking: So it begins...

Part 2: Misha is Suffering

“Huh... huh'Ashh'ahhh! Esshh'ahhh! Heh... heh'ekshh'eww!”

Misha took a shaky breath, then sniffled wetly. He was lying on his couch in an awkward position. The weather was still sweet and his wife had taken both kids on a trip, while he... felt like dying. His sinuses were almost completely blocked, his eyes were itchy and watering constantly and the sneezing fits were forceful and sudden and left his throat sore and tender.

Misha lifted his heavy head to look for the tissues, but right then, the tickle in his nose returned with a vengeance. “Huh...huh'ASHH'ooo! Heh'eshhh'OOooO! Uggh.”

Part 3: J2 Grow Suspicious



On the other end of the phone, Jensen let out a sigh. “It's Misha.”

“It's always Misha, Jen.”

“Jared. He hasn't answered any of my texts!”

“Hm. There I was, thinking he was ignoring me for some reason.”

“You, too? This isn't good.”

“Have you tried calling?”

“Yeah? Like 20 times?!”

Jared chuckled. “Stalker.”

“Shut up! This is serious!”

“Okay, sorry.” There was a pause. “Maybe”, Jared said, pondering, “it's a prank?”

Jensen snorted. “Right. Disappearing's real funny.”

“Okay, well... what do we do?”

“I say, we go check it out.”

“Why not.”

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On the other end of the phone, Jensen let out a sigh. “It's Misha.”

“It's always Misha, Jen.”

“Jared. He hasn't answered any of my texts!”

“Hm. There I was, thinking he was ignoring me for some reason.”


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Awesome prompt

That's what I thought! Ouranlover had a great idea! :) In case you meant the way I'm writing it, too... thanks! xx




On the other end of the phone, Jensen let out a sigh. “It's Misha.”

“It's always Misha, Jen.”

“Jared. He hasn't answered any of my texts!”

“Hm. There I was, thinking he was ignoring me for some reason.”


Haha... your reply made me smile and giggle a little! :) I'm glad you like it! Your prompt was honestly great! I'm posting three more parts right now and I have even more ready! :D

A/N: I'm not putting it anymore, but all of these are 100 words exactly without the caption. Enjoy! ;)

Part 4: Misha's Still Suffering

Misha groaned miserably. He was still lying on the couch in the exact same position and couldn't tell how much time had passed. The sun wasn't shining anymore, though. That he knew. But even though apparently hours had passed, his situation hadn't improved in the slightest. The sneezes were still killing him. The build-ups were sometimes long and breathy, other times the sneezes caught him by surprise and threw his body forward forcefully without a warning.

From somewhere, he heard a sound. His cell phone? He considered getting up, but another fit came over him and wore him out completely.

Part 5: Surrender

For a second, Misha felt like drifting off to sleep. But, of course, his nose wasn't done tormenting him just yet. The tickle caught him off guard, he sucked in his breath sharply and without even lifting his head off the couch. Suddenly, the sneeze was stuck. He was frozen with his streaming eyes half-shut and his nostrils flaring. Then, he took an experimental sniff and that did the trick. “Huh'ESHHH'ieew! Hkkgh'ISHh'uhh! Huh'EKKSH'ahh!”

Everything hurt. Misha didn't even bother to move. He'd given up on blowing his nose. No more moving. Just letting the sneezes have their way with him.

Part 6: J2 Go Exploring Supernatural Style

“He's not answering.”

“Give him a second.”

Jensen stared at the closed door and took a deep breath.“That was a second.”

Jared gave him an amused look.

“What do you suggest we do? We have to wait until he opens the door.”

“Not necessarily”, Jensen said grimly.

“Um.” Alarmed by the look on his friend's face, Jared intercepted: “You're not going to kick in that door. You're not Dean! You can't do this in real life!”

“How hard can it be?”

With a shrug, Jensen threw his body against the door and made a face. “Damn, that hurt.”

“Told you.”

As I said, more parts are already written! If you like this and want more, leave a comment and I'll post them asap! ;)

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More More More!!! That was so amazing!!! I wanna see J2 discover Misha!! smile.png

As you wish! ;)

DAMN GURL!surprise.gif

Haha... I'll take that as a compliment...? (:

Part 7: Persistence

“You could just call him again”, Jared suggested lamely.

“What, you think I'm giving up?” BOOM. Another unsuccessful attempt to open the door.

“Stop! You're going to break it!”

“It's... so... much... easier... on set!”, he said, while throwing himself against the door continuiously.

“Sh!” Suddenly, there were sounds from inside the apartment.


Jensen stopped mid-motion to look at Jared. “Was that... Misha?”

Then, the door opened.

“Oh, good God. You look horrible”, Jensen said instead of a greeting.

Misha stared at him through streaming eyes. Then, he took a few wavering steps and collapsed back onto the couch.

Part 8: What is it?

Jared and Jensen followed him, exchanging confused looks. Their co-star had dropped his body onto the couch and now remained there, motionless, but breathing audibly.

“What's wrong with him?”, Jared whispered in Jensen's direction.

“I don't know! Ask him!”

“Um...” Jared took a careful step towards the man-sized lump on the couch. “Misha?”

A groan was the only response. Jensen gestured for Jared to go on.

“What is it?”

“Just leave mbe here to die...”, Misha mumbled.

Jensen bit his lip worriedly. “Maybe he's depressed”, he whispered to Jared.

“It's the flowers...!”, Misha whispered stuffily.

Jared sighed. “He's on drugs.”

Part 9: The Inquisition Continues

“Abb ddot...”, Misha groaned.

Jensen frowned. “What was that?”

Jared shrugged. “I can barely understand him. Mish, what did you say?”

“Abb do... ohh... Huh'AShh'aahh!”

“Bless you”, Jensen said and turned to Jared. “He's sick.”

Jared was not convinced. “Then why did he babble about flowers?”

“Um... he's so sick, he's high on flu medication?”

“Misha...”, Jared placed a hand on the man's shoulder carefully. “Did you... take anything?”



“I ndever... I'b just... Huh'Eshhh'iww! Dabb it!”

Jensen kneeled down on the other side of Misha and said gently: “You can tell us. What's wrong?”

Misha sniffled miserably. “Allergies!”

Can you tell I'm having waaaay too much fun with just a single prompt? :D

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