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Misery of a Davesprite (Another Homestuck Fanfiction)


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There really isn't enough Homestuck fanfiction on here, is there? Well why don't I fix that? Yes tis I Striderlicious with yet another fanfic for you peoples. I hope you like it. Davesprite by the way for those of you who don't know is a part bird, part human, and part like ghosty sprite thing. So yeah. He is actually my profile pic thingy on here.


Davesprite really hated his life. Especially at this point in time. As if this game weren't cruel enough to him, it decided to torture him further. It sucked, to say the least.

Being part bird and all, came with bird characteristics. Unfortunately one of those characteristics included molting. Why on Earth he had to molt, only god knew. It wasn't like he even wanted the fucking feathers in the first place.

Molting was really, reeeaaally fucking dumb. It was itchy as hell, And feathers were everywhere. Like seriously, he couldn't go anywhere without leaving a trail behind. And there were also the dumb patchy spots where they fell out too.

He finally just decided to lock himself up in his room on the ship, giving up on actually attempting to go places on the ship. It only made a mess and plus he looked hella stupid anyways with all the missing feathers.

Unfortunately, the universe decided that just molting wasn't misery enough for the poor birdsprite. Noooo. It decided to dump some goddamn dandy germs on him too. He hadn't even known that sprites /could/ get sick until now.

At somepoint he had made a makeshift nest/bed things out of blankets and other assorted things on the ship. And that was where he was now, although it was smothered in feathers at this moment thanks to his dumb molting.

Those feathers were also definitely not helping with how he felt at the moment. The mess of fluff and feathers surrounding him was irritating his nose to no end. "Heh...heh...hehCHSKSH!" The leftover feathers on him poofed up slightly at the sneeze.

To go along with his irritated nose, he had a sore throat, a killer headache, and he was fucking freezing. It didn't help that he was missing a bunch of feathers, which usually kept him warm.

He was laying here, curled up, shivering, and feeling downright miserable. He coughed harshly, cursing his entire existence as he curled up even further, covering himself with his wings in the hopes it might help keep him warm.

And of fucking course, that's when John decided to show up. There was a knocking at the door, as well as the familiar voice of his friend.

"Dave? Are you in there? Jade and I have been wondering where you were at. We haven't seen you for days. Are you alright?" John asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah. Fucking dandy. I've just been busy with...stuff," he replied. He cursed how bad his voice sounded. He just hoped John was too gullible to notice.

John, however, did notice, and frowned worriedly. His friend didn't sound alright. And the stuff part sounded suspicious. "You don't sound alright. Also what stuff?"

Dave cursed again under his breath, glaring at the floor. He replied, "Dude no I'm seriously fine."

Unfortunately his body decided it would be a dandy time to sneeze just then. He attempted to supress it, with little success. "Heh...heh....HehCKSHCH!" Okay. One. He could make an excuse for one. "HahCHSKCH! HehCHSK! HahCKSHSHCH!" Okay. Fuck.

John frowned even more at the sneezes, realizing that no, Davesprite wasn't okay. "You aren't okay. I'm coming in."

He stepped into the room, only to notice right off the bat that the entire place was covered in feathers. A few fluttered into his face as the air from the now open door shifted in, blowing a few at him. He spluttered for a second, frowning.

He then walked up to the curled up mass of orange on the bed nest thing, studying him. The sprite was rather patchy, and was less orange than usual. A more peach color than the normal dark orange. It seemed the equivalent to a human being paler from sickness. He was also shivering like a leaf, and looking goddamn miserable period. John couldn't help but pity the other.

Sure John had noticed the extra feathers following Davesprite around, as well as the patchy spots that continued to show up on the other. Davesprite had explained that he was molting, and John took it in stride. With how weird this entire game was, nothing really bothered him anymore.

Although when he showed up, he didn't expect the other to be sick too. He felt extremely bad for the other, frowning. Unfortunately his mouth worked before he thought. "You look like shit."

Davesprite had given up denying the fact he felt horrible as soon as John entered the room. "I feel like shit too." As if to prove a point, he coughed harshly after that, groaning.

John sighed, reaching out and putting a hand on the other's forehead. He was definitely burning up. He wasn't exactly sure how sprite temperatures worked, but he was almost positive Davesprite had a fever. Well fuck.

"You're running a fever. God dammit Dave why didn't you come get me?" the boy chastised the other, frowning more.

"I didn't wanna be a nuisance. Plus I was just covering the entire damn shit with my dumb feathers."

"It didn't bother me or Jade! Dammit. Well...I'll try to see if I can find you some medicine or something. And some blankets too."

The sprite nodded, sniffling miserably. "Yeah. That would be nice." He sneezed again after that, shivering more.

John took one last worried glance at the other before rushing off to get the things he'd need. He returned a few minutes later with several blankets, some water, and medicine.

He nudged the shivering ball of orange and feathers. God Davesprite looked really out of it too. The absense of worss coming from the other was somewhat unnerving in itself.

"Hey Dave. I'm back," the dark-haired boy stated.

"Oh hey. Welcome back to misery party town. Population: Davesprite. Why don't you hop on and tour this town of goddamn shittyness and ick. A side of snot and feathers too."

John rolled his eyes somewhat at the speech, but still felt bad for the other. Not only was the guy losing feathers left and right, he was sick as hell too. The Egbert sighed, petting the other gently.

"I brought you some blankets. And some medicine."

He placed a blanket over the birdboy, watching the shivering stop with the added warmth. He then held out the water and a few pills. "Take these. They'll help."

Normally Davesprite would protest, but right now he felt too crappy to do so. So he took the pills greatfully, swallowing them with the water. He grimaced at the pain in his throat before curling up again.

"HehCKSH!" He sneezed yet again, sniffling and burying his head under the blankets. God he felt horrible. But at least he had John here now. That somehow made things a little less shitty.

"You should try and rest. It might help you feel better," John said, still looking at the other worriedly.

The sprite nodded, soon drifting off into dreamland. Thankfully, he had John here to take care of him, even when he woke up. Maybe the universe wasn't so bad after all.

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Aw this was really cute! I like the way you spell your sneezes!

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Yesss, I dig it. Miserable sick Davesprite/allergy-inducing feathers is my new OTP. Hope you write more :D

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