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Girls' Weekend Redux (A Faking It fic! Starring Amy & Karma) F/F-- part 2 up :)


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Hey gang, it's new fandom time! Has anyone else been watching Faking It on MTV? If you haven't, the premise is going to sound really dumb, but it's actually a pretty great show. I highly recommend it. Basically, it's just a new twist on the classic, "lesbian teenager falls in love with her best friend" story.

The premise is, these two best friends named Amy & Karma are mistaken for a couple when someone (Amy's bitchy new stepsister, Lauren) gaybashes them at school. But, since they go to school in Austin, the progressive enclave of Texas, the reaction of the rest of the students is, "screw that homophobic bitch, let's show them what kind of school we are and make them homecoming queens!" Since it makes them suddenly popular, Karma convinces Amy that they shouldn't explain that it was all a mistake...they should just roll with it and be homecoming queens, get super-popular, and then have a fake breakup for their fake relationship once their popularity is cemented. Amy, reluctantly, agrees...but then after a spontaneous kiss in front of the whole school at homecoming assembly, Amy realizes that she's not faking it--she really is falling in love with Karma. Who has no idea.

So, yeah. I thought it sounded dumb before I watched it, but now I'm hooked. The characters are great, the acting is great, they managed to take something super-cliched and make it fresh. So naturally I had to write a sneezefic about it! This story takes place during episode 5, "Remember the Croquembouche." Amy and Karma are forced to drive to Dallas with Amy's obnoxious stepsister-to-be, Lauren, to pick up the dessert for Amy's mom's bridal shower. (And Lauren, btw, is one of only two people who know that Karma and Amy are faking it). Not a huge amount of sneezing in part 1, but of course it's mostly set-up; there will be more in part 2. Enjoy! smile.png


Girls' Weekend Redux

A Faking It fic (Amy/Karma) for SFF

Spoilers: up to episode 5, “Remember the Croquembouche”


“Ugh, it's going to take us hours to get to Dallas in this rush-hour traffic,” Lauren complained shrilly, her perfectly manicured nails tightening on the steering wheel as she threw a vindictive look across the seat to her soon-to-be stepsister. “If you hadn't insisted on waiting to see the end of your stupid show, we could be on our way home with the croquembouche right now.” Amy just chuckled under her breath, trying not to grin too obviously. She couldn't help it. It was just the word: croquembouche.

Karma, on the other hand, was still hoping to salvage a fun weekend with her best friend, and three hours in a car with the two angry blondes just screaming at each other wasn't a big part of the plan. “I know!” She piped up a little too cheerfully from the back seat. “Let's play twenty questions.”

“What are you doing?” Amy grumbled irritably, only temporarily distracted from her exchange of mutual dislike with Lauren.

“Come on, Amy, this is supposed to be our fun weekend,” Karma whined softly, looking up at her best friend with her big brown puppydog eyes, deliberately batting her lashes the way she'd been doing ever since they were little, anytime Amy was cranky and needed some distracting. “Play twenty questions with me. Pleaaaase?”

“Oh...okay, I've got one,” Amy sighed, an unwilling smile creeping across her face as she leaned back in her seat, feeding off the delighted expression lighting up her best friend's face. Lauren just snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Okay. Is it someone you hate?”

“Yes,” Amy smirked.

“Matthew McConaughey?”

“Nope,” The blonde shook her head, relaxing into her seat for the first time since they'd left Austin and turning her head to grin teasingly at her best friend, the girl she loved. “Try again.”

“Is it...” Karma trailed off, the smile fading from her perfectly glossed lips as her brown eyes closed, and a little wrinkle formed above her nose, one hand lifting hastily into the air as her breath hitched unexpectedly. “Uhh'chhx!!” Karma's long shiny hair swung forward between the seats when she sneezed, since she was already leaning forward to talk to Amy.

“Ugh!” Lauren shrieked, flinching to the side as if the dark-haired girl had deliberately sneezed in her face. “Do not get me sick, you dirty little hippie! I have an entire weekend of bridal shower events to run, and I do not intend to look all snotty in the pictures.” Karma shrank back against the seat, sniffling. Amy glared pointedly at her almost-stepsister.

“Bless you, Karm,” She said sweetly, turning her attention back to the person in the car she actually cared about. “Here, d'you want a tissue?” She opened the glove compartment and handed a pocket-pack of kleenex to her friend over the back seat.

“Thanks,” Karma smiled sheepishly, pulling one out and giving her little button nose a rough rub. It didn't feel stuffed up; just a little twitchy. It was probably just the dry air in the car from the a/c. “Now...is it Judy Dench?”

“Yes!” Amy squealed excitedly. Lauren groaned loudly, and deliberately looked straight ahead out the windshield at the unmoving traffic in front of them. The uptight blonde girl ignored them for two more rounds of twenty questions; but when Karma sneezed again, still leaning over the front seat to talk to Amy, Lauren screamed like she'd been thrown off the top of the cheerleading pyramid.

“Okay, that's it! Keep your snotty nose in the back seat, Karma, or so help me I will tell our parents y'all tried to make me have a threesome with you when we get home!”

“Ew,” Said Karma, wrinkling her nose behind a fresh tissue.

“You wish,” Amy snorted. Lauren rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine,” Amy sighed, tossing her wavy blonde hair behind her shoulder as she turned and crawled over the seat. “There, happy? We'll keep all the hippie-lesbian cooties in the back seat.” She rubbed the crook of her neck irritably.

“Want a back rub?” Karma asked her, smiling as she shoved the crumpled tissue into her pocket. Amy nodded happily, and then immediately forgot her annoyance with Lauren as her whole body turned to jelly under her best friend's hands. Karma always knew exactly how to make Amy feel better...and these days, anytime those familiar hands touched her, it made her feel things she'd never even known she could feel before.

“Ooh, you've got a really big knot right here,” Karma murmured, digging her thumb gently into the tight spot at the inside edge of Amy's shoulder blade.

“Mm...mm-hmm,” Amy agreed blissfully, eyes closed. “Yeah, right there...” Karma dug a little deeper into the tender spot, ignoring Lauren's derisive snort from the front seat. Then her hands went suddenly slack, as the irksome tickle welled up in the back of her head again, distracting her from everything else as her eyes slid shut and her little nose quivered helplessly.

“Hheh...hhiiishew!! *Snfl,*” Karma sneezed dazedly, misting the back of Amy's neck. But, the blonde girl didn't whine or flinch the way her stepsister had.

“Bless you, Karm!” Amy frowned, turning back towards her sniffling best friend and reaching out to tuck a lock of glossy brown hair back behind Karma's ear.

“Thandks,” Karma sighed, pulling a fresh tissue from the little plastic travel pack. The first two sneezes had been dry, nothing but a passing tickle; but now her nose was running a little, and she hastily wiped her wet nostrils in the tissue, sniffling sharply to quell the lingering itch.

“I know that sniffle,” Amy cooed teasingly, tapping the end of Karma's cute little nose when she'd stuffed the last tissue away. “You sound like you might be coming down with a little cold, sweetie. I'm gonna make you some ginger tea when we get home, okay? And we can curl up in our PJ's and hate-watch all the Twilight movies.”

“That sounds awesome,” Karma smiled sheepishly, cuddling up against Amy's shoulder with a yawn. “You're making me hope I am catching a cold...just so you can spoil me all weekend.” She sniffled again, and rubbed her nose absently against the heel of her palm. Amy slipped one hand over Karma's knee, and kissed the top of her head. Lauren groaned loudly again from the front seat.

“Oh please, you two can stop pretending to act like lesbians now. I know it's all for show,” she snorted, glaring contemptuously at the two cuddling girls in the rearview mirror.

“We're not acting like lesbians, we're acting like best friends,” Amy spat back indignantly, even as she felt the blush coloring her face. Did Karma think she was acting like a lesbian, too? It was getting harder and harder to find the line these days. One minute, they were all over each other, and the next her best friend was giggling in her ear about how they had everyone “fooled.” Yeah, right. It was a great act. “That's something you wouldn't know anything about, since you don't have any real friends. Only cronies.”

“At least my friends know who I really am,” Lauren retorted hotly, raising an eyebrow deliberately at Amy in the rearview mirror. Two two blondes bristled silently, glaring at each other.

“Amy, please, just ignore her,” Karma sighed, cuddling up more snugly against her best friend's shoulder and pulling one of the blonde girl's hands into her lap. “I don't feel good...tell me a frog and duck story.” Frog and duck were two characters Karma had invented when they were nine, to cheer Amy up when she had her tonsils out and couldn't talk for a week. Since then, they'd taken turns making up new stories for frog and duck anytime one of them was sick or hurt and needed a good distraction.

“Oh...okay,” Amy sighed, unable to resist her best friend's gentle pleading—especially when coupled together with the way she was holding Amy's hand in her lap, drawing absent patterns across her palm. “Okay, let's see...one day when frog and duck were swimming in their favorite pond, they saw a weird new animal in the water that they had never seen before.”

“Was it a monkey?” Karma asked softly, her head still nestled comfortably against Amy's shoulder. The blonde girl could hear the smile in her best friend's voice, and without even meaning to, she felt herself smiling in return.


“Was it...an otter?” Karma yawned, rubbing her nose sleepily against Amy's arm.

“Nope,” Amy grinned, ignoring her stepsister's disapproving glare in the rearview mirror now. “It was a big, fat, wrinkly hippopotamus.”

By the time they made it to the bakery in Dallas, Karma was fast asleep on Amy's shoulder, both hands still limply holding one of Amy's in her lap. Lauren pulled up in front of the fancy, pastry-filled window, put the car in park, and looked expectantly at her stepsister over her shoulder.

“Can you just go in and get the cake yourself?” Amy murmured, rubbing her thumb protectively over the back of Karma's hand without even consciously noticing what she was doing.

“It's a croquembouche,” Lauren hissed furiously, her face going red all over again. Amy rolled her eyes.

“Okay, fine. The croquembouche. Can you just get one of the bakery guys to help you carry it out? I really think she's getting sick, she never gets tired like this when she's normal. I just wanna let her sleep.” Lauren said nothing for a moment, surveying the picture the two girls made in the back seat, looking as snug and cozy as any teenage couple in love.

“Does she know?” Lauren finally asked quietly.

“Know what?” Amy asked, raising an eyebrow in mute confusion.

“That she's the only one who's actually faking it,” Lauren shrugged, without a hint of malice in her voice for once.

“You don't know what you're talking about,” Amy growled quietly through clenched teeth.

“Mm...hippo-ducks,” Karma mumbled in her sleep, twitching slightly against the taller girl's side. “Amy, c'mon...”

“Shh,” Amy whispered, turning to press a light kiss to the top of her best friend's head.

“Mm-hmm,” Lauren sighed quietly, with her best Dallas drawl. “All right, then.” With a dismissive shrug, the usually-bratty cheerleader slipped out of the car, going out of her way to close the door quietly without slamming it. Amy wanted to scream at the pompous, self-righteous popular girl, but the warm, snoring lump of her best friend snuggled against her side stopped her. Lauren doesn't know anything, she told herself again, settling back against the seat with a soft sigh. That was when Karma whimpered sleepily and jolted awake with a soft, miserable whine.

“Ugh, no, the hippo can't do that! Frog isn't s'posed to...*snfl*...” The dark-haired girl coughed sharply, pulling her hand out of Amy's to cover her mouth. The blonde girl felt an instant sense of loss as the cool evening air hit her warm palm.

“Hey, shh, it's okay sweetie,” the blonde girl cooed, threading her fingers lightly through Karma's wavy chestnut hair to soothe her woozy, sleep-dazed friend. “You were just dreaming, Karm. Frog and duck are safe.”

“Oh...” Karma yawned, then giggled sheepishly. “Sorry...I fell asleep and left you alone with the wicked stepsister. Are we...in Dallas?” she rubbed her eyes on the back of her knuckles, looking sleepy and innocent. Impulsively, Amy leaned in and kissed the end of her nose. They both smiled widely at each other; but Amy still wondered, as she had wondered ever since they kissed at the Homecoming assembly last month, whether Karma's smiles and I love you's meant the same thing as hers did now.

“Yep. We're in Dallas. The big hair and croquembouche capital of Texas.” Karma giggled, then began to cough again.

“Aww,” Amy pouted sympathetically, rubbing her best friend's back.

“It's okay, I'm fine,” the shorter girl sighed, pinching the underside of her nose briefly between her fingers with a sharp sniffle. “Just...a little sleepy...” Hastily, she shoved a hand in her pocket and pulled out a crumpled tissue, pushing it snugly against her twitchy nostrils just as they flared wide open, runny and wet. “Hhut'chhhew!!! *Snfl*...aaheshhiiew!!! Aahhh...*snfl!*...” Karma shivered slightly as she bent forward and sneezed twice into the wadded tissue, sniffling sharply to hold back the third sneeze that was still dancing teasingly in the back of her nose.

“Bless you,” Amy said gently, tucking a stray lock of dark hair back behind her best friend's ear as the other girl sniffled again, grumbling softly as she rubbed and pinched the bottom of her nose.

“Do I still get ginger tea when we get home?” Karma asked meekly, turning her head to the side as another raspy cough seized her chest.

“Yes, dear,” Amy teased gently, smiling as she twined a lock of Karma's hair around her finger, then leaned in to kiss her cheek. “And all the chicken soup you can eat.” The dark-haired girl grinned unabashedly; her parents were strict vegetarians, so there was no chicken soup to be had at her house. Miso soup, wheatgrass juice, and herbal remedies, sure; but sometimes she just wanted to feel like a normal kid and eat chicken soup when she was sick. Amy always just knew what she wanted without her having to say it.

“'Kay,” Karma nodded, with a big, goofy smile that faded after a few seconds. “I'm sorry I'm messing up girls' weekend,” she sighed, slumping defeatedly in her seat. “I was supposed to be cheering you up. I have four different kinds of frosting in my backpack.”

“You are cheering me up,” Amy assured her, squeezing her arm with a lopsided smile. “And I can still eat all the icing while you eat the chicken soup. It's a win-win.”

“Really?” Karma asked doubtfully. “You're not just trying to make me feel better? I don't wanna make you sick too, duckie. I could always take my snot and go home. That is, if we ever get back from Dallas. *Snrf.*”

“I don't want you to go home, Karm. You could never ruin girls' weekend...and anyway, spoiling you rotten is a really good distraction from Lauren being my mom's maid of honor. And we can still hate-watch Twilight.” Amy playfully tapped the end of Karma's nose when she sniffled, and they smiled shyly at each other.

“Okay,” Karma agreed happily, snuggling up to Amy's shoulder again with a yawn. Amy's smile faltered when she looked up and saw Lauren staring back at her knowingly through the car window. Great...two more hours in the car with she-devil looking at her like they had some kind of secret together. Which they didn't. In the slightest.

“Just go back to sleep, boo,” Amy sighed, watching Lauren order the bakery employees around through the window as they brought out the towering pastry. “I'll wake you up when we're home.”

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Oh my god this is fic is so cute!! I thought the show was gonna be kinda stupid too but then i marathoned it and got super obsessed! Loved the fic! Please continue!

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I love Faking it! I honestly don't really like Karma (what can I say? I can't stand Amy being deluted) but I love the story! Looking for to more!

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hi guys! here's another part! thanks for the reviews, and let me just say that this story WILL have a happy ending...not following the show after episode 5, for what it's worth. hope you enjoy :)


Girls' Weekend Redux

Part 2


“Stop that coughing right this instant, Karma!” Lauren shrieked as she supervised Amy and Karma carrying the towering croquembouche out of the car and into the house. “If you get your germs all over my bridal shower, I will murder you with my own bare hands!”

“It's my mom's bridal shower,” Amy shot back huffily, half her attention on her annoying new stepsister while the other half tried desperately to keep the enormous, nearly four-foot-high dessert from toppling over as they walked through the front door of the house.

“I can't help it, Lauren,” Karma pouted, blinking hazily as she struggled to hold up her side of the dessert tray. “Do you wanna switch places, or what?”

“No, no, just keep going. You're almost there,” Lauren huffed, keeping her furious glare fixed on the procession as they slowly made their way to the dining room table.

“Oh, will you just look at that! Lauren, you are such a doll for driving all the way to Dallas just to make my shower special,” Amy's mom cooed delightedly as she came in from the kitchen, surveying the towering pastry.

“Yeah, you're welcome,” Amy grumbled, flashing an indignant look at her mom, who didn't even see it.

“Amy, put it down, put it down,” Karma whimpered; and the cranky blonde girl hastily refocused her attention on her best friend, who had a telltale, spaced out look in her half-closed eyes as they crossed the last few steps to the table. Just as they set it down, Karma whipped her hands up and twisted her upper body away, shielding the precious croquembouche from her germs as her eyes shut and her breath hitched helplessly in her chest.

“Hht'chxshh!! *Snfl,*” The dark-haired girl sneezed dizzily into her hands, stumbling slightly because of the way she'd twisted to the side a second before she doubled over. “Hhih...aah'iiisht!!!” She squished the underside of her runny nose hard against her pinched fingers, slightly embarrassed by how close she'd come to spraying a desperate, snotty sneeze all over the fancy dessert. Thank God they hadn't set it down one second later.

“Oh goodness, bless you Karma!” Amy's mom tutted, her attention finally shifting from the delight of her new stepdaughter. “Are you feeling all right, hon?” She may be mortified by her daughter's public coming out, but she had still known Karma since the girls were both in Kindergarten. It wasn't in her nature as a mother to turn a blind eye to her children's suffering, and Karma was, for better or worse, part of their family.

“No! She's not all right!” Lauren huffed furiously, stalking across the room to hustle the sniffling girl a few feet away from the giant dessert now that it was safely on the table. “She's been sniffling and sneezing her nasty germs all over the croquembouche for the last two hours!”

“That is not true,” Amy growled, while Karma blushed scarlet and pulled a wadded-up tissue from her pocket, pinching her nose with a soft sniffle. “She has tissues, Mom, she never sneezed on it. She's not an animal.”

“That's one opinion,” Lauren huffed back snarkily, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms dramatically.

“What did you wanna do, Lauren? Leave her in Dallas?” Amy yelled, getting slightly red in the face now.

“All right girls, settle down now,” Farrah tutted in her best mom voice, putting a hand on Karma's shoulder in an almost protective manner. Amy immediately fell silent, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Karma knows her manners, I'm sure there's no need to make the poor thing feel guilty for catching a little old cold.”

“Thank you,” Karma sighed, smiling weakly as she shoved the crumpled kleenex back in her pocket.

“That's all right, hon,” Farrah waved her off, her attention already back on her bridal shower arrangements as she inspected the towering croquembouche up close. “You girls go on, it was real nice of you to help out with my special day. Lauren and I can take it from here.” Amy's smile vanished, as her resentment for her stepsister—who obviously made a much better daughter for her mother than she did herself—welled up again. It wasn't like she actually wanted to help with the bridal shower preparations; but she still wanted her mom to want her there. Not to just be dismissed now that the good daughter was here.

“C'mon duckie,” Karma murmured in her ear, a warm hand slipping gently into the crook of her arm. “I believe I was promised ginger tea?”

“Oh...all right,” Amy sighed, unable to keep the frown on her face as she looked down at her best friend's grin. They left Lauren and Farrah admiring the ridiculous dessert, and padded up the stairs to Amy's bedroom, already resuming their argument about which Twilight movie was the most fantastically awful.

“Now get into your PJ's and get cozy, okay snifflebug? I'm gonna get you some tea with extra honey.” Amy grinned indulgently, the way she only ever did when she was looking at Karma, who always smiled back the same way.

“And some non-homeopathic cold pills, too?” The dark-haired girl asked hopefully.

“Yes, dear,” Amy smirked, kissing the top of the shorter girl's head. She had only gotten halfway down the hall when she realized she'd forgotten to ask Karma whether she wanted the drowsy or non-drowsy kind, and she doubled back to ask.

“Hey Karm, did you want the—the uh...” Amy's brain stalled out dramatically when she popped her head back into her room, and saw her best friend standing there in her underwear, pajamas in hand. They'd seen each other change a million times before; but ever since the homecoming assembly it felt different. Now, when she looked at Karma's smooth skin, she was jolted with the sense-memory of that kiss; and it took a conscious, physical act of will to stop herself from walking across the room and kissing her best friend like that again.

“Amy? You okay?” Karma asked bemusedly, pulling the soft pink long-sleeved sleep shirt over her head. Then she coughed into the sleeve, and the blonde girl was broken out of her momentary glaze.

“Oh, yeah, sorry. Brain malfunction. Do you want the drowsy or the non-drowsy?”

“Non-drowsy, duh. I'm here to cheer you up all weekend, not sleep through it!” Karma shook her head playfully, rubbing her cute little nose on the back of her sleeve with a scrunched up expression of deep concentration. “Ugh...dammit...” She straightened up with her nose pinched between her thumb and forefinger, gently squeezing her nostrils shut even as they tried to flex open in anticipation, eyes glazed and half shut. “Hhhuh...hhh...hhehiiiishu!! *Snfl.*” She doubled over again, sneezing wetly into one hand. Somehow, sick and sniffling and standing there in her favorite old sleep shirt that just barely covered her ass, she was more adorable than ever. Amy's heart gave a little tug of longing.

“Bless you sweetie,” the blonde girl sighed, the dopey smile already back on her face. “Ginger tea and non-drowsy cold medicine, coming right up.”

“Thadk you,” Karma sighed, smiling sheepishly as she wiped her nose on a fresh tissue. Amy wanted to hug her, but her heart was pounding so fast she was afraid Karma would notice, so she just nodded dumbly and retreated hastily to the kitchen.

When she came back a few minutes later, Amy found her best friend cuddled up in her bed, laptop already open with a DVD queued up. She was also holding a little tub of chocolate frosting with a plastic spoon sticking out. When she saw Amy, she looked up with her most infectious, hooray-my-favorite-person-in-the-world-is-here grin, and the blonde girl felt her stomach double-knot and then belly-flop against her diaphragm. Karma had always looked at her like that; why did it have to make her so damn nervous now?

“For you,” Amy squeaked, grinning dumbly as she held out the tray with tea, cold medicine, and a bag of Ricola cough drops.

“I'll trade you,” Karma grinned back, holding out the container of icing. Amy set the tray down in the middle of the bed and happily climbed under the covers beside her best friend, taking the icing and dropping a quick kiss on her cheek.

“Yum, I'm in heaven,” Amy sighed, sucking down a spoonful of her favorite treat. “But I feel bad eating it right in front of you and not sharing. Are you sure you don't want some? I could put it in a bowl so you don't have to worry about sharing germs.” Karma raised an eyebrow, thoughtfully eyeing the chocolate frosting; then she picked up the clean, not-yet-used spoon from her tea tray, and scooped up a mouthful. Her face quickly scrunched up into a cranky pout.

“It tastes weird,” the dark-haired girl whined, reaching for the tea and taking a sip to wash the chocolate from her mouth. “You can have it.”

“Aww, poor baby,” Amy cooed, stroking her best friend's long chestnut hair while she took another sip of tea. “Your nose must be all stuffed up.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Karma sighed forlornly, putting the tea down and snuggling up against Amy's shoulder with a yawn. Then she cupped a hand to her mouth to cover another raspy cough. “Ugh. Let's just watch the movie.”

“Uh-uh, aren't we forgetting something missy?” Amy teased, holding up the bright orange bottle of cold medicine.

“Oh yeaaaaah,” Karma smiled, sitting up a little against the pillows. “Just don't tell my mom, she'd flip. We're only supposed to take zinc, elderberry and echinacea when we get sick.”

“Yes dear, I know,” Amy teased, smiling goofily at her best friend's excited expression and pouring out a capful of the bright orange liquid.

“Bottoms up,” Karma held out the little medicine cup like a shot of tequila, and then gulped it down, her expression instantly changing to one of disgust. “Ughhh, that's so nasty! I can't believe people drink this. If it's gonna be loaded with artificial colors and preservatives anyway, you'd think they could add a little flavor, too. Blech.”

“Yes, but soon you'll feel all dopey and your nose will stop running and you won't care,” Amy grinned gently, picking up the steaming teacup again and offering it to her pouting friend. Karma took a sip, and sighed quietly when it hit her throat, soothing the raw feeling and washing away the bad taste of the cold medicine.

“Thanks, Amy...nobody knows how to take care of me like you.” She took another sip of tea, missing the shy, longing grin her best friend was giving her.

“You're taking care of me too,” The blonde girl shrugged, settling back down under the covers with her personal tub of chocolate frosting. “I haven't even thought about the devil spawn living across the hall from me for the last fifteen minutes.”

“Yay...success,” Karma yawned, smiling sleepily as she took another sip of tea. Then her expression went slack, and her lungs sucked in a soft, shallow gasp of air. “Hhaaachiew!!! *Snfl,*” the sleepy girl sneezed dazedly into her tea, both hands cupped around the warm mug. A thin, clear trickle of snot trailed gently from one nostril, and she sniffled wetly, her runny nose still itchy and irritated.

“Bless you sweetie,” Amy sighed, grabbing a tissue and, without even thinking about it, gently wiping Karma's nose, pinching the wet underside in the soft cotton tissue as she sniffled again.

“Aah...*snfl*...” Karma's eyes narrowed again, and Amy could feel her best friend's cute little nose quiver in irritation through the tissue; so she pinched a little tighter, wriggling her fingers lightly from side to side to make sure she had a firm grip. Another itchy quiver; another soft gasp. “Aahhh'chshx!!! *Snfl.*” Karma sneezed desperately into the tissue being held to her runny nose, sloshing a few drops of tea out of the mug she still held absently in her hands.

“Bless you,” Amy said again, giving her friend's nose one last, gentle swipe in the now-damp tissue before she pulled it away, leaving Karma sniffling with a glassy-eyed expression. Her nose was growing a bit pink now, still glistening slightly around the underside from her last sneeze.

“Thadks,” Karma sighed, clumsily putting the tea aside on the bedside table and yanking a fresh tissue from the box, blowing loudly and unselfconsciously into the soft cotton. “Ughh,” she sighed when she was done, looking up at her best friend with a sheepish grin. “Sorry I sneezed all over you, I really...didn't mean to...” She yawned and settled down against Amy's shoulder again, rubbing the bottom of her nose methodically through the wadded tissue.

“It's okay Karm, I don't mind your cooties,” Amy smiled gently, her heart already fluttering again at the way the other girl was cuddling up to her, nuzzling her shoulder and snuffling softly into the damp tissue. “D'you wanna start the movie? Or do you have more sneezes?”

“Yes,” Karma chuckled weakly, snatching a fresh tissue and pushing it against her wet nose with a congested sniffle. “T-to both...*snfl*...hhiih...hhuh'tchOOoo!!” The blonde girl felt the full-body shiver that ran down her best friend's spine when she sneezed, cuddled up to Amy's side; and she cooed protectively, wrapping an arm around the shorter girl's shoulders.

“Bless you, babe,” she sighed; then froze in horror when she realized she'd just called her best friend babe. That was not something they called each other. It wasn't even what she'd intended to say. It just sort of slipped out.

But, Karma either didn't notice, or didn't think it was weird, because she just sniffled again and snuggled deeper against Amy's side, pinching the tissue to her nose with both hands for a deep, stuffed-up blow. “Thadks,” she sighed, wriggling her nose inside the tissue in an attempt to clear the lingering tickle from her damp nostrils. “Love you...*snfl.*

“Love you too,” Amy murmured, running her fingers through Karma's long, chestnut hair as they settled down to watch the movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm SO glad I found this! I can't believe I didn't see it before! I've been hoping for a Faking It fic since the show started! Awesome work so far, can't wait to see where this goes :)

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Pleeeease continue :D love your writing as always <3.

P.S. I HAD to watch the show after reading your fic and eeeee it's awesome - thank you for bringing it to my attention!!

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