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Indoor Warmth - X-men, Charles and Erik M/M


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Erik lay stock still, propped up on an elbow. Charles knew.

"Erik, I'b sorry," Charles apologised awkwardly, "I didt bean to pry. I coudt block it ad we were both gettig caught up id the passiod..."

Erik did not move or speak. He was mortified. Charles knew about his...his....his interest and...

"It's alright," Charles gently projected, "it's not what I would have expected from you of all people..."

"Don't make fun of me." Erik growled, beginning to get up from the bed and collect his shirt.

"Do, do, I'b dot..." Charles reached out and held onto his wrist, "...it's just I...I'd have thought you would be idterested id thigs bore...wild..."

"Wild?" Erik repeated, one sneeze from Charles could send him to heaven and back physically, how was that not wild?

"I thought you'd like thigs like...I dodnt do what I thought. But sdeezig is kide of...idocednt...'' Charles swallowed and coughed, "I'b a little relieved."

"Relieved? Why? Shouldn't you be creeped out? I've been thoroughly enjoying your misery? I nearly exploded when you sneezed on me - "

"Well..." Charles rubbed his nose with a tissue and blushed lightly, "I dodnt have buch experiedce ad I didt do what to expect frob you, how to...please you...I bean, this is codsiderably - AAAAHH-SHOOO! - evidedtly easier with by cold ad allergies durig the sprig ad subber ad Raved cad tell you how bad I ab with dust ad perfube.."

Charles was promptly cut off by Erik kissing him, not just out of passion, but out of love.

"Whad was that for? Just the sdeeze..?"

"Thank you."

"Thagk be for what - HHHHIIII-SHEW! Oh. Urgh. Also relieved you're dot cobletely ad utterly repulsed by by codition at the bobedt, I'b such a bess."

"An exquisite one."

The pair fell silent and they lay back on the bed. Along with the rain that poured outside came a tingling question neither wanted to ask. What were they now? Was it love or lust?

For Erik, he would say it started as lust, but now? Love. He was sure it was love.

And Charles? He would say he loved Erik.

"Maybe he just wants sex." He thought, and Erik looked over and realised Charles didn't know he could hear him, "Maybe he just fancies me a little. Erik doesn't love me back, he wouldn't. Erik is a God - he could have his pick of anyone." Erik watched him, he anxiety on his love's face.

"Maybe it's just my sneezes," Charles wondered, "my cold might have just driven him over the edge. Maybe - "

He was cut of by Erik's hand wandering over and taking his, gripping it tightly. Charles looked at his in surprise and rolled over, snuggling into Erik's chest.

They must have dozed for half an hour or so before Erik woke to the sound of muffled, wet sneezes.

"I'm surprised that cold hasn't fully exited your body with the amount of sneezing you do, Charles."

Charles wiped his nose and let out a breath of laughter, "I idherited this frob by father. The sdeezig, the allergies too. He always resedted it, ad did I udtil dow."

Erik chuckled and put his arm around Charles, "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

"I'b a little hugry," Charles commented, searching for a fresh tissue, "shall we go ad get ludch sood?"

"You mean shall I get lunch soon." Erik told him firmly, "You will stay here."

"But Erik - "

"No buts, Charles," Erik tucked the blankets round him, "you're shivering. I will get something and bring it back, alright?"

Pulling on a shirt and shoes, he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

"Erik!" Charles called, coughing and strained.

"What is it?"

"I bight sdeeze while you're god ad you'll biss it." Charles told him, cheekily.

Erik smiled, "I'm sure you'll make up for that when I get back."

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Charles now finally understood what it was like to be Erik-level agitated. He was so, so, so bored.

It had been ten minutes and Erik still wasn't back. Admittedly he had kept himself entertained the fist five (rolling round the bed giggling and making strangled squealing through his sore throat). But soon that had grown tiring and he found himself longing for Erik to be back already, regretting mentioning food. He'd happily forego lunch if it would just make Erik come baaaaaaaack.

Metal-controlling really did come in handy, Erik thought to himself, not just for combat. He let the two plastic bags full of canned soup hover in front of him as he unlocked the front door and stepped in, dumping the bags on the kitchen counter and beginning to sort through them.

"Erik, why is there a lot of cans of soup everywhere?" Raven asked, wondering secretly why she keeps walking in on Erik doing weird shit in the kitchen.

"Charles and I were going to have lunch together," Erik explained, "and I didn't know what sort of soup he felt like."

"So you bought the whole store?"

"No," Erik corrected her impatiently, "I bought two of each kind." Honestly, what else would you do if you were going to serve soup to someone you cared for very deeply and wanted to make happy and you didn't know what sort of soup they liked?

"Why didn't you just ask him before you went out?" Raven asked, eyebrow nearly hitting the roof.

"Why don't you stop asking stupid questions and tell me what Charles likes from here?"

"Hey, what's with all the soup?" Alex and Sean wandered in, staring incredulously at the abundance of cans.

"Don't ask," Raven told them, rolling her eyes, "Erik, just give him chicken. You can't go wrong with chicken."

"Chicken. Right."

"And take it up to him, Erik, you as well - I am not having any of us get sick - "

"I know, I know. We'll just play chess in my room."

He heard a definite snigger from the boys.


"You guys are gonna be, er, 'playing chess' are you?" Alex giggled, "You two certainly like to 'play chess' a lot."

"Yeah," Sean snickered, "Just another day of 'playing chess'...up in your room...alone..."

Erik glared, "What exactly are you implying here?" he asked, low and dangerous, "Is there anything funny about two grown men playing a board game?"

"Nope." Alex and Sean struggled to straighten out their faces, "Just making an observation that you two like to play chess and spend a lot of time together."

"And is there something wrong with that?" Erik was beginning to feel defensive, "What are you, some kind of human conservative kind?"

"No, no - "

"So what's wrong with two men spending time together - ?"

"Erik," Raven put two bowls of soup and some orange juice on a tray, "I made the soup, go on up. You'll be carrying what Charles has - now off with you."

Erik took the tray, "Sure." he shot glares at Alex and Sean.

Erik didn't feel like he could concentrate enough to let the tray levitate, he was still annoyed. They were making jokes about him and Charles? Was this some kind of running joke between the lot of them?

When Erik reached his room, Charles was blowing his nose, "Hey you." he rasped, "I was begidig to thigk you were dever cobig back but thed I doticed the betal goig awry. Everythig alright?"

Erik looked at him, should he tell him? Tell him that, like mutants, humans don't accept two men as 'legitimate'? That they're something to see in a freak show? That -

"Erik," Charles had already seen what was bothering him and began to start what Erik was sure would have been one of Charles' Very Touching Speeches that he would invariably roll his eyes at but secretly be comforted by, "sorry, excuse be, I - AAAEE-shoo! CHOO! HIT-CHEW!"

"I know, I know they don't mean harm." Erik mumbled, "But I don't like being mocked. And I certainly don't like you being mocked. It takes a lot for me to get close to someone, especially like this. To have it ridiculed, to have us ridiculed..."

Charles squeezed Erik's hand and they fell silent for a while, punctuated only by -


Erik waited for the metal in the room to stop trembling and did not remove his hands from his nose and mouth, glancing up at Charles, who's tired face was looking amused.

"Bless you, my friend."


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I don't think I have words for this.

I really like this. Especially where this seems to be going. Nom.

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"Bless you, by fred - hah - hah-ah...HUH-schoo! Ektch-eeww!"

"Ad bless you too, HUH-CHIEW!"

It was the next day and Erik's strain of the cold had most definitely taken hold. Erik was partially grateful, as this meant more time alone with Charles. But mostly he was cursing this blasted cold. He was maddeningly restless - at least with just Charles sick he could keep himself busy taking care of him but like this? Charles had insisted he lay down with him and as lovely as that was, Erik could not do it all day. Second of all, Erik's cold - while just as sneezy - was more messy in two ways. First of all, it was decreed that Erik should absolutely never go without tissues (his sneezes were incredibly wet and the amount of tissues he had already used to blow his nose after every sneeze was astronomical) and second of all, they caused the metal to do odd things.

Hank spent the better half of the morning wondering why his microscope was apparently trying to punch him in the face until he heard thunderous sneezing from upstairs and deduced that Erik must have caught the good professor's cold.Goodness he was beginning to see why Raven was so firm about their quarantine.

Erik sneezed, cringing at drenching the already-waterlogged tissue. Seeing Charles sneezing and blowing his nose was heaven but him? Urgh, he just prickled with embarrassment at any display of weakness but this? This was pathetic. And the fact that Charles of all people had to see him like this was beyond shameful. He looked vile, he knew it. While the pale, fever-flushed, red-nosed look was positively angelic on Charles, he just looked like a clown. Charles' sneezes were utterly gorgeous and could send him into realms of pleasure. His own sneezes were positively disgusting.

"I'b sorry, by love." Charles mumbled thickly, blowing into his own tissue, sensing his companion's misery, "I should have bid bore careful."

"It's dot your fault, I chose to be id such close proxibity. I dodnt regret it at all."

"Ad for the record," Charles' chapped lips played into a cheeky smile, "I'b begiddig to see where you're cobig from with this sdneezig thig."

"Oh, are you dow?" Another thick blow muffled Erik's words.

"You look idcredibly adorable like this. I dever see you so vuderable."

"I'd prefer to keep it that way." Erik coughed,

"Why?" Charles nuzzled into him, "Dodnt you feel cobfortable edough round be? I'd dever judge you."

"I dow, I dow." Erik paused, remembering how Shaw/Schmidt had reacted to weakness, "Old habits die hard, I suppose."

"EEEEHHH-SHEW! Kide of like this cold id a way."

"Fair point - UUUUUHHHH-SCHOOO!"

"Bless you, by fred - hah - hah-ah...HUH-schoo! Ektch-eeww!"

"Ad bless you too, HUH-CHIEW!"

Meanwhile, the four that resided downstairs grew more and more frustrated with picking up all the metal things that chucked themselves about when Erik sneezes they had resolved to just give up until he was better, seeing as all their efforts were being continuously undone.

And so continued the morning until they both drifted off around midday. Actually, Erik thought to himself as he wrapped his arms around Charles, he could lay with Charles for the whole day, in fact.

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I love the headcanon of metal flying around whenever Erik sneezes! This is gorgeous.

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Charles knew Erik was staring at him.

"Hhhmmm..." he rolled over, stretching out his long pale arms sleepily, "Good bordig, tiger."

"It's the afterdood, Charles."

"I dow, I dow. I'b just teasig." Charles flopped onto his side, wiggling his nose, "Were you starig at be just dow?"

"Do..." Erik replied,

"You're a terrible liar."

"You're a telepa - pah - pah - PAH'TCHOO!"

"Whoops," Charles dried off his shoulder with a tissue and passed another to Erik, "Bless you, by fred."

Which brought them to their next order of business. Erik had wanted to ask this since their first kiss the other day, as had Charles. Neither of them wanting to broach the delicate subject of what their relationship actually was. Were they still 'just friends'? Were they...'boyfriends'? And if it didn't work out would they go back to being 'just friends'?

"I thigk.." Charles sniffled thickly, the question was practically bursting from Erik's mind, "well, I've always beed attracted to you, sidce the bobent we pulled you out the water ad thed...as I got to dow you..."

"Do you thigk you ad I could do it?" Erik mumbled cautiously, "You ad I are so differedt, could we have a...a..."

Erik couldn't quite bring himself to say it. He knew what people thought of homosexual relationships. The holocaust was long over but people's minds were still the same. He knew what had happened to men like he and Charles in the camps...the ones with the pink triangle...

"Erik," Charles touched his cheek gently, "it won't be like that."

"It wod't be vastly better, either."

"We're butadts, Erik, we're already keeping one thing low-key..."

"I dod't care about the hubad's reactiod!" Erik snapped and Charles withdrew his hand sharply, hurt, and Erik felt a wave of guilt crash over him, "I'b sorry, I did't bean to sdap. I bean...I dod't care about the hubad's opidiod of us - they could't hurt us if they tried - but with Alex ad Sead jokig about before, I just..."

"Ssshhh..." Charles replaced his hand, this time on Erik's temple, "if they have a probleb they cad go if they like. Raved will accept us, Hagk will too. I'b sure there are bany out there who would too. Erik," Charles took Erik's hands in his and gripped tightly, "I wadt you. Here. With be, by by side, together."

Erik felt dampness on his face and it wasn't just his streaming nose.

Was he...crying...?

"Hey...Hey..." Charles reached out and thumbed away the tears,

"I'b sorry," Erik said, throat catching, "Dobody ever...I've dever..."

"Sssshhh..." Charles repeated, bringing Erik into his chest, "I dow."


Charles giggled lightly at the man's mentally projected embarrassment and reached for the tissue box, "Bless you, my love."

Day one into Erik's first emotionally-invested relationship and he was already convinced he had found heaven. Good God, look at him, Erik thought, was life finally giving him something good after all those years upon years of hell? Watching Charles sneeze and blow his nose, he smiled, maybe finally something was going to go right for him.

If anyone deserved love, Charles thought to himself, rubbing his now very sore nose on a tissue, it was Erik. So much pain and anger, Erik needed someone to treat him well. And if anyone was going to do it, it was most definitely Charles.

"HIH-tchew! Hih-hih-hiiih-HIIII-SCHEW! HUH-TCHOO! HAH-HA-SCHOO!"

"Bless you, lieblig." Erik smiled, nose still buried in his...his...his boyfriend's...chest.

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omg this is fabulous! i cant believe i just found this its sweet, adorable, sexy and just CHERRRIKKK!!!!!!!!!!!

(pls if you continue can you write about raven/hank/alex/sean's response because that would be perfect for the feels~)

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Cherick. So much awesome. And the whole metal bender head canon, I'm all in!!! I find that sexy as hell! Actually, the whole loss of control of mutant powers when sneezing idea as whole is fantastically hot!

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There was the distinct sound of shivering when Erik walked back into the room with tea and a fresh box of tissues.

"Charles?" Erik leaned over and touched the bundle of blankets that cocooned Charles. A small, flushed, slightly sweaty face peaked out of it, teeth chattering and Erik could definitely feel the heat radiating from him like a furnace.

"Oh, God..." Erik pressed his lips to the telepath's forehead and nearly burned his lips, "Charles?"

A whimper came from the sheets, but Erik wasn't sure of whether it was a response or a reaction to the dreams he was projecting.

Erik...Charles' mind whispered, urgently, they were being torn apart. Huge robot things seemed to morph around them, dead. All of them. Dead. Erik, please.., 'I warned you, Charles.' Erik in the dream said, 'It's too late now. They're all dead because of you. You abandoned us.'

Erik, please don't leave...

Images of them laughing, kissing, holding hands, holding one another flickered through Charles' mind as he tried to reach the dream Erik's turned back, Erik, please, I love you! I love you! I love you!

"Charles!" Erik fought through the blankets that must have been roasting him like an oven turkey wrapped in foil, "Charles, wake up, t's just a dreab, I'b here, I'b here. Charles, I love you, I love you too, Charles...Charles..."

Erik ran to the bathroom, ignoring the messy sneeze on the way there, sniffling, and ran a flannel under the cold tap.

"There you go, schatz, cool you dowd."

"Do..." Charles shifted and moaned weakly, half-awakening, "is cold..." he tried taking the flannel off but Erik held it firmly in place,

"Charles," he reasoned, wiping his nose on the back of his hand, "I dow it feels cold but you deed to keep it there, you're too warb, you're feverish..."

"Erik..." Charles whimpered, "Erik..."

The nightmare was still going on. Erik could see it all. A mixture of his own nightmares and Charles'.

"Guys?" Raven's voice came from outside the door, knocking. "Everything ok?"

Erik opened the door, "He's feverish, Raved, his teberature is way too hot, he's havig fever dreabs..." he unfolded a tissue and was about to turn away to sneeze,

"I know." Raven interrupted him, pointedly, "He's broadcasting them over the whole house."

Erik froze, mid-sneeze, and lowered the tissue, turning back to her. "You've seed...everythig...?"


"About be ad..."



Erik looked back at Charles, who had discarded the blankets completely upon realising how hot he was. "Raved, we..."

She walked past him, into the room up to the bed and Charles looked up at her, "Oh," he gasped, "Raved, Raved, I..."

"Sssshhh..." she smiled at him, reverting to her blue form. "It's ok, we're here. It was just a dream, we're all here."

"Ad Erik?"

"Erik too."

Charles glanced over and smiled at Erik through fever-glazed eyes. And Erik smiled back, despite the knot in his stomach. Charles had, accidentally, effectively outed them. To everyone.

When Raven turned to leave, Erik stopped her,

"Just keep an eye on him, ok?" she cut through whatever he was about to say, "Call me if he gets worse."

Erik, unsure of what to say to that, simply nodded and let her walk out, morphing back into her blonde mirage again.


"Bless you, sdeezy." Charles' weak voice was tinged with a smile as Erik re-corrected the shape of the end bedframe.

Erik blew his nose roughly and sighed when the bedframe twisted back as it had done before, "Are you feelig alright?"

"Dot really," Charles admitted, reaching for a tissue as Erik (yet again) fixed the bedframe, "still horrible but I'b dot as feverish I didn't thigk."


"Sorry if you...saw adythigk..."

"I'b pretty sure the whole house saw what was goig od id your head, Charles."

"What? Heeehng-schtew!"

"Raved told be. You were broadcastig everythig. They all dow."

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Oh dear. How frightening. For both of them. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Charles lowered the tissue from his streaming nose, forgetting to wipe.


"You were dreabig about us, shoutig out that you love be. You were projectig your thoughts and...everyode...heard, id a sedse."


"I dodnt dow how they - Hhhhiiiiihhhng-SCTHEW!" Erik trailed off as he was interrupted by a sneeze that flung the alarm clock off the bedside table, followed by a thick, honking blow that crushed it into a tangled, twisted metal mess on the floor. Charles coughed, deep, rattling ones that made Erik wonder if there was a baby's toy in his chest.

"I suppose..." Charles said slowly, wiping his nose and mouth once he was done coughing, "...we should go dowd ad face theb..."

"What, dow?"

"Do tibe like the presedt."

Erik watched his boyfriend run a tired hand through his sweat-damp hair. Anyone could see, with his blanched face, shadow-sunken eyes, rutilous cheeks and practically glowing ruby nose, that he was in no fit state for this kind of discussion. But Erik had to agree, as haggard as they both were, it was just better to get it over with. Who knows, maybe they could threaten to pass on their germs to anyone who speaks up.

Charles got to his feet and, for what good it would do, pulled on a jumper and sprayed on at least a little deodorant in order to make himself presentable. Erik, on the other hand had shrugged off his dressing gown, leaving himself shirtless.

"What?" Erik shrugged at him, "I'm hot and they've all seen me shirtless at some point." It was true, Erik was definitely far more climitised to colder temperatures than the rest of them were - be it from his Germanic origins or his time in such poor conditions - Charles smiled in appreciation of his boyfriend's physique and body confidence and summoned his telepathic strength, touching his fingers to his temple.

Everyone, if you could all assemble in the living room immediately. Erik and I could like a word with you all. But, he added quickly, make sure to sit on the sofas away from us - Erik and I are still likely contagious.

Charles straightened up, only to be bend double again by a crushing sneeze, and fumbled for some fresh tissues, "You ready for this?"

"Let's fide out." Erik replied gruffly, taking his hand.

When they got down to the living room they found all of them sat there. Raven, Hank, Alex and Sean. All seated in front of the television, waiting.

"Hello everyode." Charles began, stuffily, "I expect you all dow why you're here."

Everyone was silent and the awkwardness rang through the air. Charles glanced nervously at Erik.

"First of all, I'd like to start off by apologisig - I had a very high teberature earlier ad I was dot id full codtrol of by powers. I'b gived to uderstad that I projected by fever-idduced dreabs aroud the lot of you, displayig a lot of distubig ibagery ad I ab sorry for ady distress that caused you." He took a deep breath and took Erik's hand again, "Ad secod of all...sobe of the thigs you saw id those dreabs are dot edtirely udtrue. Erik ad I have decided, that is, we are now seeig ode adother as a couple...id a robadic way. As partders."

Erik shifted closer to his...boyfriend and put his arms round his waist, surveying the rest of the room, challenging them to say something. Just try it, he thought, just you try.

"I dow sobe of you have suspected this was cobig for a while, based od sobe of the jokes that I hear have beed circulatig," Charles looked very pointedly at Alex and Sean, who cringed slightly under Charles' guilt-tripping gaze, "but I hope that you will treat our relatiodshib with the sabe respect you would a heterosexual ode - excuse be, Erik, cad you pass..." Erik whipped a tissue from the nearby box and Charles crammed his nose into it with the force of his sneeze that wracked his body.

Everyone was quiet until Sean spoke up.

"Well...I don't have a problem with it. But isn't it kind of...unnatural?"

Erik was about to blow, Charles opened his mouth - either to calm Erik or patiently correct Sean. Alex cast a look at Sean - hurt? Charles didn't know but it was Hank that spoke up.

"Actually, homosexuality has been observed in over 100 different mammals that we know of, and even more in non-mammals. Even in some of mankind's closest living relatives - primates."

"Huh." Sean sat and pondered this, "Well, then, just do whatever makes you guys happy. None of my business."

Everyone stopped. Alex was nodding and Raven looked at her brother proudly. "I'm so happy for you guys - " she got up to hug them both,

"Whoa, Raved - "Charles stepped back, "still codagious."


"But bight I ask," Charles wondered aloud to the group, "aside frob the obvious betal projectiods - EEEHH-kshew! - what gave us away?"

Erik rolled his eyes and mirrored the sneeze. Even he knew the answer to that question.

"Are you kidding?" Alex snorted, "I was surprised to find out you two weren't a couple when I first met you. Could cut the sexual tension with a knife!"

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I have been checking this board an unreasonable amount of times since I commented on this last night and I'm so excited to see more! I will resume checking this far too often. I love it! This story could continue on forever, as far as I'm concerned :)

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"Are you kidding?" Alex snorted, "I was surprised to find out you two weren't a couple when I first met you. Could cut the sexual tension with a knife!"

But really.

I love this! So many feels, and the timing of everything is so perfect. Also, ditto to what Quite Contrary said - I check this waaaay too often, and will continue to do so. :)

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"Are you kidding?" Alex snorted, "I was surprised to find out you two weren't a couple when I first met you. Could cut the sexual tension with a knife!"

This. Yup.

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WOW! thank you everyone! i plan on doing at least twenty parts to this and i have ANOTHER cherik fic planned straight after. this time with allergies! seeing as i did mention charles' terribly sensitive nose as a product of his more sheltered upbringing, it needs to be done. once i'm fully validated i would like to contribute to the adult section BUT that's all goals for the future - for now, enjoy some sneezy fluff!


The house, for once, was quiet.

The kids had gone out to the cinema, courtesy of Charles for being so mature about he and Erik's relationship which meant no noise, so complaining when Erik flung metal around, no accidental fires and they were not confined to Erik's room.

Instead they were curled up on a sofa in, to Erik's bewilderment, the 'other' living room, watchingnotwatching some God-awful romance while Charles snuggled into Erik's chest as Erik traced his fingers through his tousled hair, occasionally giving him soft kisses on his forehead.

"I have do idea what we are watchig right dow." Charles mumbled, beginning to drift off from Erik's soft touch.

"Be deither." Erik yawned, "But frob what I cad gather it's pretty terrible."

Erik wasn't sure if Charles was reading his mind but Charles sat up suddenly and began to kiss him hotly. Letting his tongue explore his mouth, smiling as Erik gasped, feeling Charles' nose run. Erik began to kiss back more passionately and Charles teased him, wiggling his nose and making little sniffs.

"Charles..." Erik breathed, wiping his own nose on the back of his hand and Charles moved onto his neck, nibbling gently, rubbing his damp nose into it.

"Mmmm, that's heaved..."

I know...Charles purred inside his mind, and I do plan on giving you much more where that came from - "Hurrr-ghsh!"

Erik bit back a moan as Charles' sneeze sprayed his jaw.

"Sorry." Charles' sparkling blue bunny-rabbit eyes were on him, wiping his nose on his sleeve,

"You dow I dod't bind. I love it. I kida wish you'd do that bore ofted, "HRAAAAH-STCHOOOO!" and he shuddered, this time from the goosepimples that were erupting on his arms.

"Take it easy, darlig," Charles swept his lover's fringe off his face, "Are you code? Cad I get you adother bladget?"

"Do, do..." Erik reassured him, "I dow exactly what I deed to get be hot...HAAAEEE-SCHOOO!"

"Cobe od, you," Charles began to pull his boyfriend up, "back to bed."

"Dooooo, whyyyyy?" moaned Erik, "It's cobfy here ad we were just - "


"Yeah, that!"

"We cad do bore of that upstairs, i assure you I have pledy of sdeezes left id me." Charles smiled, "Ad your teberature is creepig up, I wadt to dip that id the bud."

"I bet you have lots of sdeezes id that precious dose of yours." Erik smirked, lightly kissing the tip of his oh-so-slightly too-large-for-his-face nose, causing it to scrunch up so deliciously into an expression of desperation and sneeze so hard Erik was sure it was mentally projected as well as physically.

"Bless you, schatz. Yes, I think going to the bedroom is a very, very good idea."

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Wow, I can't even handle this! Please just write cherik forever and never stop! So fabulous!

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"I bet you have lots of sdeezes id that precious dose of yours." Erik smirked, lightly kissing the tip of his oh-so-slightly too-large-for-his-face nose, causing it to scrunch up so deliciously into an expression of desperation and sneeze so hard Erik was sure it was mentally projected as well as physically.


Yup, I'm dead.

I would LOVE to read some Cherik with allergies involved. Can't wait!

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Soo... I just went and typed "schatz" and "liebling" into Google translate (dunno why I didn't think to do that earlier) and now I'm even MORE dead! That is too sweet!

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Charles sneezed and blew his nose again and flinched at the pain in his sinuses. "Christ," he muttered, pinching his nose softly to dull the pain, "whed is this bloody cold goig to get out?"

Never, Erik thought and then winced with guilt. He didn't want Charles to suffer, but he just looked so delicious and -

"Ow, ow, ow..." Charles was now seated on the bed, massaging his nose and cheeks. "Sorry, Erik, I'b just feelig so clogged up ad blowig by dose hurts, dot that it helps buch..."

"Steab." Erik cut in, "steab should help."

Charles smiled with an expression that Erik had begun to recognise as his 'I've just a groovy idea' look.

"What?" Erik began smiling with him.

"I go dowdstairs ad bake us sobe hot toddies. You stay here ad rud us both a bath. There's sobe bubble bath id by bathroom cabidet frob last tibe I was ill - should clear out the siduses."

"I liked that plad bore ad bore as you wedt od." Erik grinned, "Extra whiskey for be, please."

"Oh, ad Erik?" Charles called as Erik was about to leave for the bathroom,



Erik smiled, "I suppose we'd better hurry up with those toddies ad this bath, eh?"

Erik rummaged through Charles' cabinet. Asprin, toothpaste, gel, deodorant, comb, shaving cream....ah, there it was. 'Mentholated Bath Bubble Gel', the bottle read. Erik tingled inside, was Charles serious about this?

The water roared and steam reared up like a boiling monster from the tub. Erik unscrewed the bottle and attempted to smell it, pulling away immediately. "Ach, das ist starke..." he mumbled, squeezing the bottle and pouring it in the water and watching the fluffy white glacier bubbles grow until the bath was a minty arctic, exhaling menthol vapours from it's body.

"Das ist sehr starke - EEEEEHHHSSHH-HOOO! HIIIIIH-TCHOOO! Ach...ah...ah - ah! AaahhTCHOOOO! Guh...uh, ah - AH! TCHOOOO!"

"Gooddess be, Erik, bless you!" Charles pushed open the bathroom door with his shoulder, "Good thig I used a wooded tray."

"Charles!" Erik rushed to help him with the drinks, "You should have let be help with that - ACH-KTCHOO!" he ducked and turned away just in time to sneeze,

Charles giggled and set the tray down, watching his boyfriend's facial expressions as he struggled to cope with the impending sneeze, or sneezes.


"Bless you and bless you agaid, by dear." Charles slipped off his shirt, "Are you aware your sdeezes soud bore Gerbad after you've beed speakig it?"

"What?" Erik frowned, unbuckling his trousers,

"I felt your thoughts, could't uderstad cos it was id Gerbad ad I did't have the stregth or codcentratiod to tradslate but I dotice your sdeezes soud bore so dow." Charles was now stepping carefully into the bath and relaxing back.

"Charles, what od Earth are you babblig about?"

"Oh, I dod't dow," the telepath reached out with his arms to guide the metal-bender in, "cobe 'ere." Erik was now fully in the bath and his lips were locked with Charles', who's nose - along with Erik's - was trickling down as the vapours truly took effect.


"HEGK-TCHOO! Oh, bless you, Erik."

"Ad bless you, bein schatz."

"This stuff is rather potedt, isd't it?" Charles commented, sniffling, "I really deed a tissue."

"You're fide." Erik grinned, looking at the telepath's dishevelled figure against the fluffy clouds in the bathtub,

"You wadt your toddy?" Charles reached over, "Here's your's, extra whiskey as you like it..." he passed Erik his glass and clinked it with his own, "To us, our woderful group of idividuals we have livig with us ad to the best code I have ever had the fortude to codtract."

"That, I will drigk to, by love."

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