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Indoor Warmth - X-men, Charles and Erik M/M


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I started this at four in the morning, hammered drunk and now I'm posting it. I do love some cherik and X-Men ssooooo it was honestly inevitable really. This is my first fanfic so please do be nice.


Charles honestly wasn't that bothered about the weather. In fact he welcomed it. The late morning storm that battered this Sunday meant he was finally able to just let go for one day, curl up and read.

Erik on the other hand, be it the man's drive to their cause or his hard upbringing, was not content to sit in front of the fire with some tea and a book, as Charles had suggested. Instead, possibly because of his compulsive need to be constantly doing something, paced in front of the window which revealed an angry grey sky battered by lashings of rain and gale-force winds.

"There are mutants out there," Erik muttered, agitated, "mutants we need to find."

"Mutants who I'm sure would prefer to not be brought out in this weather." Charles reasoned fir the hundredth time. He poured himself another cup and offered to do the same to Erik's empty cup, doing it anyway when Erik shook his head in decline.

He sighed and closed his book. Truthfully, he'd rather still be in bed. Travelling so much had worn him out and there was a dull thump in his head. His throat felt, not sore but...how would one describe it? Hot? Yes. His throat felt hot. He'd been debating most of the morning whether he was coming down with something and he knew had he been out and about, he might not have noticed.

Charles opened the large oak cabinet next to the bookshelf and brought out the chess set.

"Fancy a game?" He suggested, setting up the board, desperate to occupy Erik.

The metal bender sighed, shrugged and sat down. "Alright then."

"Another day, Erik," Charles reassured him, "we'll find them another day."

Erik made a noise of agreement and Charles felt a smile grow on his face alon g with the pool if warmth that grew in his stomach when he looked at Erik. Erik often got this look on his face while playing. Concentrating, focused. Like a cat focused on a piece of ribbon dangled in front of it.

And with the growing smile and warmth grew another feeling. A not entirely unfamiliar, but slightly less pleasant feeling in the very very back of his nose.

A hot pickle, like a small cactus resided there and was rapidly growing, causing an itchy wetness that made Charles sniffle and Erik's eyes to flicker up to watch his friend who was holding the back of his hand pressed to his slightly swollen nose and the other fumbling in his pocket for a tissue or a handkerchief but by then it was too -

"Heh, kuh-CHOO!"

- late.

Erik stifled a small smile playing at his lips and a warm fuzz diaplated inside. Charles did look so very...adorable, really, snuffling, blushing, clear blue eyes somewhat watery and his other hand fumbling still.

"Excuse me, Erik, it's your turn, isn't it?" Charles sniffed, congestion hinting in his voice.

Yes it was, but Erik didn't care about that.

"Bless you, Charles."

Charles nodded his thanks and blew his nose on a somewhat old napkin he found in his pocket. That ended any debate for him. As far as he was concerned that sneeze was the signal to open the floodgates and the wet itch in his nose along with the new pain in his throat, gave his body permission to surrender to the cold that was clearly making its victory match through his sinuses.

Yes. He really was quite thankful fir today's weather.

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Erik on the other hand, be it the man's drive to their cause or his hard upbringing, was not content to sit in front of the fire with some tea and a book, as Charles had suggested. Instead, possibly because of his compulsive need to be constantly doing something, paced in front of the window which revealed an angry grey sky battered by lashings of rain and gale-force winds.

I love restless Erik and the imagery (and how it mirrors his mood). I imagine him being like that too, needing to keep himself busy. And I'm already hooked just a couple sentences in! You have a great style.

Erik made a noise of agreement and Charles felt a smile grow on his face alon g with the pool if warmth that grew in his stomach when he looked at Erik. Erik often got this look on his face while playing. Concentrating, focused. Like a cat focused on a piece of ribbon dangled in front of it.

I love that part. :wub:

I second ickydog2006! I hope you have more to share. :)

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well, ya'll asked. i'm no longer drunk so let's see if my writing is just as good while sober. oh the joys of student life.


"Checkmate." Erik knocked over Charles' piece and claimed victory on the board.

"Codgradulatiods." Charles mumbled, rough voice muffled behind a tissue. This cold had gone from not-even-sure-if-it's-there to 'I've had my head injected with large amounts of fluid'. Holding the tissue to his nose again, flushing redder than the fire, he blew his nose forlornly. Getting this sick so quickly in front of Erik wasn't something he wanted to do and -


"Bless you, friend." Erik felt his stomach leap and fought to control his thoughts. Charles had previously told him, as a warning, it was harder to stop his powers from allowing other people's thoughts and emotions and this was not a particular clump of thoughts he wanted Charles knowing about. Watching the other man descend into coughing his feelings of excitement, affection and - to some extent - lust were forced down as feelings of concern fell on top of them.

"Huh-huh...ha-hah? IIIITCHEW!"

"Charles." Erik stood up, "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Charles gave a crackly chuckle, "'Let's' get me to bed, eh? What are you going to do? Tuck my in and read me a story?''

Erik thought about what he's rather do with Charles in bed, but mentally cursed himself and squashed that thought down deep inside like a teenage boy hiding his first stolen Playboy in his mattress.

Charles stopped, had Erik just been thinking what he thought he'd just been thinking? Had he heard that right?

No, couldn't have been.

Erik didn't see Charles in that way. He -


- had to be delusional.

Erik stopped, noticing Charles stopping. Had Charles just been thinking about seeing what Erik had just been thinking? Did he see that right?

No, he couldn't have. He would have said something. Maybe make an awkward joke, or give him a kind talk letting him down gently. Or would he have just politely ignored it.

Charles didn't see Erik in that way. He -


- had to be paranoid.

When Erik had walked a copiously sneezing, coughing, sniffling, nose-blowing, all-round sick Charles to his room he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and panicked for a split second. Should he do that if Charles already suspects?

"AAAHH-SCHHH! Excuse be, sorry." Charles apologised thickly, "Best dot cob too close though, you dodnt wadt to catch this."

Erik's dry mouth somehow forced out the words "It's fine." Before clearing his throat and composing himself. "You should get into bed." he said, nonchalantly, "Sleep it off, you'll only get yourself worse like this."

"I will." Charles smiled behind the tissue covering his angry red nose and mouth, "Gooddight, Erik, sorry if I've already idfected you."

"In which case," Erik began smoothly, mouth running faster than his brain, "we'll have to just look after each other, then, won'y we?''

Both of the men stared at one another for a second, before a horrified Erik, maintaining his composure went "Sleep well, friend." and bid a hasty retreat to his own room to be alone with his shame.

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omg fetish!Erik? And might he possibly become sick as well?

Poor lil Charles has such big sneezes. :yay: More to come I hope?

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Wowww, I've never tried to write while drunk, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be this fantastic! It's always great to see some new Cherik around, and this is lovely :D can't wait for more!!

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Erik didn't sleep much that night.

It's not that he wanted to stay awake, as he did usually so many other nights, but the fluttering/churning in his stomach was twisting and turning. Did Charles know? What was he thinking? But also how...how...

How completely, utterly kissable his lips looked, chapped and swollen. How delicious his cherry-red nose looked, raw and wet. How the flush on his stainless white cheeks clashed with the freckled pattern on his face. His tousled Brown hair, his lips parted in laboured mouth-breathing. The glassy tears in his eyes that sparked as they slowly closed as he raised a delicate hand to his poor, sire, battered nose and...

Charles wasn't the only one flushed and breathless apparently. Dear God, I hope I'm not projecting my thoughts, he worried to himself.

But he drifted off soon after that and, unfortunately, Erik remembered why he disliked sleep so much.

"Mama..." The coin, the guards, the gate, the gun.

"MAMA!" He screamed, the bedframe rattled and jolted and his alarm flung itself across the room.

"Erik?" A small voice came from outside.

"Charles?" Erik cried weakly, opening the door with a flick of his wrist.

Charles stood in the doorway, clad in oversized pyjamas and a navy dressing gown stuffed with tissues, clutching a crumpled one in his hand. In the dim light Erik could see his nose was indeed battered and rubbed sore, with a dribble if clear liquid round it, just like he'd imagined...

"I heard you," Charles told him, hoarsely, "you were projectig, I wasdt strog edough to stob it. Ib sorry, I wadnted to bake sure you were ok." He broke off to sneeze violently into the tissue, evidently too tired to care about being a reserved sneezer.

Erik looked at the sick man in front of him, desire tingling inside but guilt burned away at him. Charles needed to rest and he'd clearly gone and woken him up, with disturbing imagery and was now stood there like an idiot saying nothing.


Charles blew his nose, cringing at how wet and thick it was. He he was trying to be a supportive friend, a strong rock to lean on, maybeateensybitofaherotorescueerikfromhisnightmares and he was just stood there, barely able to say words without sounding ridiculous, sneezing everywhere like a germ-ridden mess and so, so, sniffly. He was pathetic and disgusting and...

He was being hugged.

He was being held tightly. Arms around his slender waist, being gathered up and almost swallowed up by the embrace.


"Sorry I woke you up." Erik mumbled, choking, "but I'm glad you're here."

Charles relaxed into the hug, "Be too, by fred."

"I know you're ill but I just..."

"Erik, I - huuuuh-schoooooo!!"

Erik froze, feeling the wet spray touch his neck, feeling like an animal caught by it's prey. Don't. Move.

Charles, however, leapt back utterly mortified, "I am so sorry, I am sorry...!" He sputtered, producing as many clean tissues as he possibly could like a magician at a performance with coloured handkerchiefs.

How had he managed to cock up so badly?

"Charles, Charles..." Erik was soothing him, bringing him back into the embrace, "it's fine, you couldn't help it."

"But I..." Oh no...tears. Really, Charles? He thought to himself, your friend has just come out if a traumatic nightmare, answered the door to your sorry self st this time if night, been sneezed on - and you' re the one getting emotional?

"Come on, you," Erik guided him into the room, "in here."

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D'awww! <3 I'll never be tired of reading about these two! Looking forward to more :D

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Ooooh, KickingUpTheDust! I love this so much!

How quickly Charles' cold progressed? bigeyedsmiley.pnglol.gif

Erik having the fetish?shifty.gifevilsmiley03.png

Charles coming to Erik's rescue in the middle of the night? sp_ike.gif

Pretty much my reaction to this story: worshippy.gif

Can't wait for an update!

ALSO: The "had to be delusional"/ "had to be paranoid" parallel was brilliant!

Edited by Purple
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Eeeeee poor sick emotional Charles :wub: Dying to see what happens next.

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hahaha, dusty15, that was actually based off my last cold. i felt fine all day, got into bed and my throat was hurting but i thought nothing of it. then just one sneeze and it was like confirmation 'YOU'RE SICK LOL' and i spent the rest of the night surrounded by tissues and feeling like utter hell.


Charles sniffled thickly and tried to get a hold of himself. He shouldn't have come. Now he just looks a fool. Why did he have to try and be the hero? What difference would it have made if he had been ok? Erik would have just said he was fine and sent him off back to bed. Urgh, his head was pounding.

"Sit down." Erik lowered him down gently onto the bed, "I'll get you some water."

"Do..." Charles moaned, "you've just had a dightbare...I should be lookig after you, cobfortig you..."

"Charles," Erik wandered into the bathroom, filling a glass with water and bringing it back in, "I'm not unused to these dreams. I've had them for a long time. You on the other hand - " he handed Charles the glass, " - are ill, tired, and just experienced this trauma for the first time. Now stop being a bloody saint and get into bed."

"You seeb to be very deterbid to get be idto bed this evedig, Erik." Charles joked, shakily.

Erik paused. Thank God it was dark because his face must have been like a radioactive lobster, "I-it's just that, well, you're ill and should be resting and..."

"Erik," Charles interrupted, "do you thigk...I bean...would it be ok if we stayed id the sabe roob todight? Id case you have ady bore dreabs? I'b dot strog edough to block theb..."

Erik's heart pounded in his ears. Charles? In this state? In his room?



"Sure." Erik breathed out finally. "You get into bed and I'll..." he moved over to the small couch near the window.

"Oh..." was that disappointment in Charles' eyes? "I just thought...I mean, I didn't want to deprive you of your bed. I'll take the sofaaaahh - aahh, huhTCHOOO!

"Bless you, Charles, you need to be in bed, you're shivering, you can't take the sofa tonight."

He lightly shoved Charles down and began tucking the sheets around him. Charles' glassy eyes stared up and he looked like he was about to say something but -


"Bless you, Charles."

My heart leaps when you say my name.


Had he just heard that right? "Charles?"


It had been so quiet Erik had barely heard it and only did not move as Charles' large, delicate hand was gripped round his on the bed.

"Erik," he breathed, "are you happy here?"

Erik placed another hand, slowly, gently on top of Charles', "Yes."

"Happy with be as your fred?"

"And more."

"Ad you'll stay? You wodnt go ruddig off without be?"

"I promise."

A smile appeared on Charles' tired face before he let out a messy sneeze into his dressing gown sleeve, "That's all I deeded to hear."

Erik wasn't sure if Charles knew he was projecting his thoughts into Erik's head, or anyone's head at all, but sensing all his thoughts and feelings, he took that as good as permission as any.

He gathered Charles up in his arms and settled down next to him for a good night's sleep.

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Sorry I've not updated in a few days, my WiFi in my student house has worse connection than flaccid dick. Think my landlord just gave up on listening to any of our complaints since we're nearing the end of our tenancy. Can't wait to move out!


The sunlight cracked through the curtains and poured onto Charles' face. Sniffling wetly, he opened his eyes,

"Hupt-chooo! Urgh."

The sunlight had never particularly agreed with him but the cold has sensitized his nose tenfold. Resolving to open his eyes a little more carefully this time, he peeked open and remembered he wasn't in his room. And probably because if that, he wasn't the only one in this bed.

Rolling over he realised he was in the strong, cosy arms of a lightly snoring Erik Lensherr.

Charles' heart fluttered and he had to look away to control himself, his entire body being on vibrate.

Erik had snuggled him? All night? He didn't even think Erik had it in him to snuggle. Yet here he was...


Charles had tried to stifle it in his hands and looked carefully at Erik. Had he woken him?

Erik didn't open his eyes, but a small smile appeared on his lips, sleepily.

"Good morning, Charles."

Charles tried to respond, but found his throat was so dry and sore nothing but a rough squeak came out. Erik chuckled and Charles gave up, settling for a telepathic "Good morning." Instead.

"I guess you're no better than you were?"

"How could you possibly guess?" Charles projected back sarcastically, blowing his nose and wincing at the sting round his nostrils.

Erik jumped at the noise and felt an all-too-familiar heat in his body. Charles had to know what he was doing to him. He had to.

"Well," Erik swallowed hard and focused on controlling his voice, "if that's the case, you should probably stay in bed today. Avoid giving it to the others."

That thought hadn't occurred to Charles and he sprang back, "Oh shit!" His thoughts rang out, "at least one of us needs to be in good health! I didn't think! Erik, I'm..."

"Calm down." Erik pushed him back onto the bed, "I'm likely already infected and if that's the case..." He paused. Seeing Charles like this was...exciting to say the least and the idea of taking care of him, holding him, kissing him...

Wait, what?

Oh yes. Being confined to bed? Nightmare.

"Erik, I - HET-SSHHCHUU!" Charles fumbled for a tissue. Unable to find one, he wiped his nose on a tissue.

Erik physically couldn't handle anymore. And Charles sensed his friend's discomfort and blushed. Through his foggy head he couldn't tell; was Erik lusting for him or disgusted by him? He could detect attraction but no hint of disgust...but why else would he...?

"HAAAH-tchoo!" Christ, he cursed himself.

"Look," Erik choked, "you get in the shower. The steam will help. I'll go and grab us some breakfast."

"Thags." Charles managed hoarsely. Erik nodded and darted for the door. Once he was out Charles allowed himself a little bounce of glee, he'd spent the night in the arms of Erik Lensherr!

Once Erik was safely out the door and down the corridor he leaned against the wall and allowed himself to breathe - he had just spent the night with his arms wrapped around a sneezy, messy Charles Xavier!

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I LOVE this! Cherik is so great!

Oh no...tears. Really, Charles? He thought to himself, your friend has just come out if a traumatic nightmare, answered the door to your sorry self st this time if night, been sneezed on - and you' re the one getting emotional?

That's my favorite part. wubsmiley.gif Keep up the great work!

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Erik was right. The steam did help.

Charles let the hot rain of the shower cascade onto his face, melting the congestion in his blotchy red cheeks and nose and he sniffled as it began to run. Selecting some minty shower gel he began to wash away the fever-sweat and last night's embarrassment.

But last night wasn't all embarrassment -


- was it?

Erik had stayed with him, in the same bed, arms wrapped around him like a teddy bear. The thought made Charles smile, he quite fancied the thought of being Erik's teddy bear. All snuggly and cuddly that Erik could hold onto for comfort. They could make forts out of bedding together and kiss and nuzzle and -

Well, this was just convenient, wasn't it? Evidently not all of his being was completely drained by illness. Clearly his mind was still very much active. As was his heart and blood rush ('flow' seemed a little too delicate right now, considering how his heart was going.) How did he get this far, this far?


Pawing at his nose, realising it was useless in the shower and realising his little daydreams were useless. Erik was a friend, but that was all he'd ever be. Last night was a fluke, a rare display of come of the affection Erik would never show anyone. yes, he was proud to be the one he revealed it to, but Erik was very much his own man. A lone wolf. The sole hunter. The only reason he and Charles had even paired up in the first place was because he knew Charles would help him along. Their friendship, while Charles was confident in it's integrity, was nothing more than a bonus.


How had he allowed this? How had this happened? How had he let himself succumb to this weakness?

Erik sniffled and concentrated on the kettle. Dear God and whoever was out there, please please please don't let Charles see anymore.

Last night was a fluke. Charles was delusional. And while he was happy (sort of) Charles didn't seem to have any sort of objection to Erik sharing his bed he wondered if his friend had been a little freaked out. It most certainly was not normal behaviour, in England, Germany, Poland or America for two men to share a bed with solely platonic intent. It just was not the done thing. They were not children, they were adult men.

He certainly hoped that Charles hadn't noticed other things about him this morning. More physical. The sweating, the nerves, the trembling. How did you fall this hard, this fast you bloody idiot?

Oh great. He just used the word 'bloody'. He was even beginning to talk like Charles although even as a child he had admired the English accent. It sounded so important, clear. It made people listen.

"Heeeey, Erik?"

There was a sudden clatter and he whipped around. It was just Raven.

"What is it?" he tried remaining calm, but Raven's expression was one of 'whooooa-kay what's going on here?' and he noticed. The draws were open and every single one of the pots, pans, all of the cutlery were hovering a few inches above where they should be and vibrating as hard as his entire body was.

"You ok?" Raven asked, raising an eyebrow.

Erik's throat was tight and he struggled to get the words out. his thoughts were too messy. Charles, tea.

"Fine." he struggled,

"Ok...just wanted some orange juice. Is Charles ok, by the way? He told us all he was sick and training was cancelled for a bit cos he'd likely infected you with it.''

"He told you?"

"Well," she tapped her temple, "mentally."

Erik nodded and turned back to the tea as she backed slowly out of the kitchen with her orange juice in hand. How did he do this right? Charles loved tea but something Charles Xavier loved and raved so much about couldn't be so simple as putting in boiling water with this herby bag and adding milk or lemon. That was how they'd done it in Germany but maybe there was some kind of English way? Some sort of trick? The English seemed to talk more about tea than was necessary so Erik had always assumed it was different.

After ten minutes of frowning, he decided to do it 'the normal way' as he called it and - his more rational mind told him - bugger if Charles didn't like it. Walking back upstairs, concentrating carefully on the hovering tray so nothing spilled, he opened the door and was greeted by a shirtless Charles in the middle of what looked like a messy sneezing fit.

Good thing he'd put the tray down in time.

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he opened the door and was greeted by a shirtless Charles in the middle of what looked like a messy sneezing fit.

This. Just.... This. drool.gif

Ahem, anyway, coherent words. Right. This part was beautiful. Will we perhaps get to see some sneezy Erik as well? (I might just die.)

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We'll get there, we'll get there. Erik will come down with it soon muahahahahahahaha.


"Aaaaee-gtchew! HIH-YATCHOO! Etchew! HEH-tchew! Huh-huh-hah? Hah-atchOO!" Charles thundered, barely able to keep his towel round his waist with the force. One hand gripped round it, securing the dangerously loose material. The other held tiredly in front of his face indicating he'd been at it for a while.

Erik stood, frozen, watching his companion struggle with his hitching breath and try to stem the streaming of his nose.

"Impressive." Erik commented dryly.

Charles looked up at him and tried to smile through his ever-changing pre-sneeze face thatfranklyErikjustwantedtokiss

"Quite..." he sighed, tightening his towel around him and rubbing his nose, "I- aaaaahhhh - it seebs like ids a pretty-yyyy shockig cold I've cob dowd with."

Shocking indeed, Erik thought, shifting uncomfortably. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself if he was quite honest.


"You should be in bed." Erik told him, roughly, coughing. "Feel free to stay in my bed again for today. I'll keep myself busy somehow."

"You bean drive yourself bad with boredob ad id doid so, drive be bad too?" Charles laughed, "Just stay hear with be. We'll have a chess day. Baybe eved be really advedturous ad try out sob other board gabes."

"Wow, Charles, maybe you should slow down. Don't strain yourself too much with all this adventure while you're ill."

The telepath chuckled, "I'll get the board and - " as he saw Erik start to protest, " - THEN I'll get into bed."


"Bless you, Charles." Erik's voice was hoarse after what must have been Charles' hundredth sneeze that day. It was honestly getting to the point where he wanted to slip out to cool down but he just...

"Your turn, Erik."

Erik sighed. He hadn't played snakes and ladders since he was a small child in Germany and it seemed so...so....safe in comparison to anything else he could be doing with Charles he just...

Charles sniffled, gearing himself up for another sneeze, fumbling for a tissue he just wanted to kiss him and -

Charles stopped, his face relaxing and he lowered the tissue.

"False start?"

And Charles kissed him.

It was everything Erik has imagined. His dry, cracked lips becoming moist, the occasional opening of the mouth to let air in so he could breathe, the wiggling of the nose as he fought back a sneeze.

Erik couldn't breathe, he felt dizzy. Charles...just like...

"Erik, I'b sorry." he could hear Charles apologising, snuffling into a tissue, "I thoughd you wadted be to..."

"Sssssshhh..." Erik felt himself caress the other man's cheek, plucking a tissue from the box and holding it over Charles' nose, "Blow."

Charles did and Erik lost his breath again as they melted into another kiss.

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They broke away from their kiss suddenly, like it was a n electric shock.




"Yep. Do you...?"

"Oh yes..."

The pair sat there fir a few moments, silence occasionally punctuated by Charles' liquid sniffles. They had both wanted it, but now it was happening it raised all sorts of -


But that was a problem for another day, right? Erik thought.

"I concur." Charles purred inside his head. And he didn't have to read his mind to know what Erik was going to do next.

The metal-bender and the telepath drew together again like magnets and, to Erik's surprise, Charles was the first to remove his shirt, using the brief moment their lips were apart to remove his light, long-sleeved pyjama top ans snatching up a tissue to give his streaming a nose a quick wipe n blow, before resuming mouth-to-mouth contact and quickly helping Erik out of his own shirt.

And there they both were. Charles looked at his companion, breathless and unsure of what to do. This was his first time with a man. And while he was sure Erik had more experience than he, Erik too seemed nervous. But all that melted away once their lips met again . Two seconds in, Charles froze -his nose was dribbling mercilessly and worse, it was dribblibg onto Erik. He tried to pull away, to clean himself up, to apologise but Erik stopped him and only gripped him harder, kissing him more firmly. Surely he knew, sure he..

This was it, Erik thought, really it. My God, Charles Xavier you are...

"Erik..." Charles' voice breathed into his mind and guided him down onto the bed. Moaning as Erik began to leave his swollen lips and ravish his neck hungrily, leaving bite marks like he'd been mauled by a wild animal.

"EEEEHH-GSCHOO..!" Charles, distracted, felt the wet spray dampen Erik's neck and he became curious when Erik practically melted into his arms.

"Erik..." Charles projected urgently, "stop, I'm -" and he sneezed again.

Erik did stop, albeit reluctantly. His fantasy was finally coming true. Charles was enjoying it, if his projected thoughts were anything to go by, but Charles was still sick and he was nervous. They'd only just started ...whatever this was do maybe divided head-first (literally) would be rushing a bit . He's sure Charles is worth the wait. In fact he's positive.

Charles released another messy sneeze and Erik passed him a tissue, "Ssshhh, darling." He soothed, "let's take it slow today, ok?"

"I'b sorry," Charles let himself be tucked in by Erik, "I've wadnted this for so log ad wed it fidally happeds I'b just like this..." He blew his nose, "I'b sorry, I guess you were expectig bore frob our first edcoudnter rather Thad be beig so...disgustig."

Erik looked away from Charles uneasily, Charles tried not to pry but...

"Oh," he murnered,"I see."

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