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"Give the man a break!" (sick!Misha Collins, RPF, 8 Parts)


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  • Sophie<3


  • NorthernLady


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Um... I'm sorry, but... whut...?? :D

I... Hum... am on of those nerd BTW Posted Image I still have that Enochian curse memorized for when I'll Cosplay Cas... One day ;-)

I don't know why exactly, but somehow this made me laugh so hard! It's cute, though, don't worry. And yes, I myself am guilty of looking up random words and phrases in Enochian, so you're definitely not alone! ;)

And the sneezing... Those delicious increasing-in-wetness-and-intensity sneezes... Perfectly spelled sneezes.... Yum. They get to me Posted Image

Aww... I'm glad to hear that! :)

Hint of a fever maybe?

Hm... maybe...? (:

(Dammit! Dean, get out of my BRAIN with your pop culture references!)

Hahaha... oh yes, I can relate. I hear Dean's voice in my head all the time, lately. The other day, my boyfriend said: "You're wonderful" and I replied in Dean's voice: "Right back at ya!" :D

So, there are 4 more parts to come. Are you excited? I hope you'll enjoy the second half of the story as much as the first one! I sure am enjoying your comments a lot! <3


Oh, poor Misha! I agree with the title of the fic, give him a break! *cuddles*

Hm... not yet! I plan on making him suffer just a liiiiittle teeny-tiny bit more, you see? ;) Then we'll all be allowed to cuddle poor Mish until he feels better!<3 Thanks for your comment! (:

This is soooo good! I can't wait until the next part!! Poor Misha <3

Thanks, Kali! Have fun with the next part! I agree, I feel a little bad for him. But then again, sick guys suffering through whatever they need to suffer through are the definition of hot. Right?^^

Part 5

Then, he hurried off to his trailer and closed the door behind him just as another round of sneezes took over his body. He let them out freely and not having to stifle them was a huge relief.

“Huh'Ishhh'aahhh! Huh'EETsh'hhh! Heh...heh... Itch'aahhh!”

Then, he just leaned against the trailer door, panting. Slowly, he brought a clenched fist up to his nose and noticed that it was still running, but what was he supposed to do? He made a mental note to keep one of those old-fashioned handkerchiefs in his trailer for cases like this. They were the only thing he could blow his nose into without setting off an allergy fit.

After a while, his legs got tired and he stumbled over to the couch, where he collapsed into a sitting position, body slumped, head hanging, nose still running.

Misha didn't feel like moving at all. He knew he should probably use his time off to make himself some tea or take a nap, but he felt incapable of doing anything, even getting into a horizontal position.

He honestly didn't know how many minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door.

“Hey, Misha?”

It was Jensen. Misha looked up quickly, which caused a sudden wave of dizziness. He managed to focus his eyes on Jensen after a moment, though, and mumbled a tired: “Hi.”

“Dude.” Jensen closed the trailer door behind him, then stared at the dark-haired man. “Something tells me you've been sitting there like this the whole time.”

Misha shrugged. “Didn't feel like getting up.”

Jensen arched one eyebrow suspiciously and said, with a hint of amusement: “Has that coat grown on you, too? Or is it because you want me to start calling you 'Cas' off camera now?”

“Actually, my name's 'Castiel', Dean”, he replied playfully and sniffled. Then, he added, less playfully: “I guess I forgot to take this off”, and wiggled his way out of the trench coat. Only wearing a white shirt now, he began to shiver.

“Can I sit down?”, Jensen asked and Misha made an effort to scooch over and make some room on the couch beside him. “Be my guest”, he mumbled stuffily.

Only now did he notice the script his co-actor was holding in his hands. “Look”, Jensen started. “We have one of those emotional scenes coming up and I just wanted to go over the lines with you again. I also thought I could help you memorize those Enochian lines, but...” He scrutinized his colleague, “you don't really look like you're up to it.”

“What? Um... no. I'm up to it!”, Misha objected and straightened his back.

Jensen gave him a sceptical look. “Yeah, right.”

Misha suppressed a cough and looked at him innocently. “What?”

Jensen let out a sigh and looked at Misha with his head cocked. “You've been saying that you're fine all day, but I don't believe you. Something's wrong.”

“Nothing's w... huh'ATsh'iooo!” That sneeze had taken him by surprise at the worst possible moment.

“You getting sick, huh?”, Jensen said with a sympathetic smile.

“I... um... maybe”, Misha admitted feebly.

“It's okay”, Jensen said in a brotherly tone. The amount of kindness surprised Misha. Jensen almost sounded like he was talking to Jared. “You don't have to hide this kind of stuff from anybody. People understand. We all get sick sometimes.”

“But I didn't want to sound whiny”, Misha mumbled. “I mean, Jared came to work with a cold and he didn't complain.”

“What, you mean two weeks ago?” Jensen laughed. “The guy had a stuffy nose, and that was it! You should see him when he's actually sick. Whines like a baby. And we still like him.”

“Are you serious?”

“Sure!” Jensen reached out and patted him on the back comfortingly. “Don't be so hard on yourself. If you're sick, you need to tell people and not try to toughen it out. It only gets worse that way. Take it from a person who knows. I always try to ignore illness, too. But I shouldn't and neither should you.”

“Okay”, Misha said and began shifting around uncomfortably. He wasn't sure where the conversation was leading... “Do you wanna go over lines now?”

Jensen chuckled. “Are you serious, man? You're a wreck and you still wanna go over lines with me?”

“Hey! I'm not a... huh'tcheww!!”

“Well, your nose begs to differ”, Jensen joked.

“So no lines?”, Misha said, a little confused, and rubbed his nose. “But that's what you came here for, isn't it?”

Jensen grinned sheepishly. “It's what I said I came here for. Maybe I just wanted to check on you.”

Misha only looked at him. He was a little overwhelmed. Also, ever since he had taken off his trench coat, he felt really cold and couldn't stop shivering.

Jensen noticed. He raised his eyebrows at Misha and for a moment it looked as if he was going to reach out and put a hand to the other man's forehead. But instead, he simply said: “You cold?”

Misha nodded miserably. “Kinda.”

“Come on”, Jensen said suddenly and got up. “I have something for you.”

Misha looked at him in surprise, but Jensen was already at the door. The man seemed to possess at least three times the energy that Misha currently had.

“Let's go, Mish!”, he encouraged the sick man. “Or am I going to have to carry you to my trailer?”

“Nah, I'm coming”, Misha smiled and got up.

So...? What do you think Jensen has for Misha? Comment to find out more quickly haha... xx, Sophie

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Awwwww Jensen is in tha house :) and he got Misha to finally admt! Yay! But the show still has to go on and I'm pretty sure Mish is gonna downplay his illness so it can indeed, go on. Oh I can't wait for him to crash :)

So...? What do you think Jensen has for Misha? Comment to find out more quickly haha... xx, Sophie

My best guess is that it's something for his throat or runny nose. Some Herbal tea? Or does Jensen has a hanky hidden in his trailer?

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Oooo!!! Love this!! Jensen is so sweet! I love watching clips of him and Jared, he really does act like an older brother to Jared. Even though Misha's older than the two of them, Jensen is still so sweet!! Please continue soon! :)

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*whispers* Psssst! I think ouranlover02 likes your story ;-)

Comment to find out more quickly haha... xx, Sophie

Oh and any chance we could see the next chapter sooner? Say.... tonight? Pretty please? :D

Edited by NorthernLady
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Oh I can't wait for him to crash :)

Oh, it will happen! That's for sure! ;)

My best guess is that it's something for his throat or runny nose. Some Herbal tea? Or does Jensen has a hanky hidden in his trailer?

Nope, it's something else! :P But I guess you'll find out sooner than expected, huh?

Oooo!!! Love this!! Jensen is so sweet! I love watching clips of him and Jared, he really does act like an older brother to Jared. Even though Misha's older than the two of them, Jensen is still so sweet!! Please continue soon! smile.png

Thank you so much! c: I know, right? Jensen's awesome! <3 Ah, age doesn't matter. Misha is sick, of course Jensen is there for him! ;)


Um... I'll take that as a compliment...? :D

*whispers* Psssst! I think ouranlover02 likes your story ;-)

Ya think? laugh.png

Oh and any chance we could see the next chapter sooner? Say.... tonight? Pretty please? :D

Anything for you, darling! Honestly, thanks so much for your support! Hope you see this new part soon and like it, too!

Part 6

Jensen basically directed him over to his trailer, even though Misha knew the way. He was walking beside him as if he was expecting his sick co-star to collapse at any given moment.

Misha didn't really mind, though. It was more affection than he'd ever expected to get from Jensen.

“Here we are”, Jensen said and opened the trailer door. “You can go sit down.”

Misha did as he was told and Jensen put down the script he was carrying, only to go to the only cupboard in the trailer, where he opened the top drawer. What he pulled out looked close to a tent, at least in size. It was of a light blue color and looked pretty fuzzy.

“Um... Jensen? What's that?” Misha had to cough. When he came back up, Jensen was beaming at him.

“It's my sick sweatshirt!”

“Your... sick sweatshirt?”

“Yeah!” Jensen was still wearing his happy smile. “I put it on whenever I don't feel good. It's really warm. And you're feeling cold, right? This'll help, trust me.”

“Your.... sick sweatshirt”, Misha stuttered, still trying to grasp the fact that Jensen possessed something like that.

Jensen rolled his eyes playfully. “Oh, come on, Misha! I washed it after the last time I wore it! They're no icky germs on it, promise! Except for the ones you're gonna spread all over it today.”

Still too overwhelmed to talk, Misha took the sweatshirt from Jensen and put it over his head. It was at least a size too big, which made Misha suspect that Jensen had taken it from Jared at some point, but it was wonderfully warm, just like Jensen had promised.

“Um... thank you!”, Misha said and pulled the long sleeves over his hands.

“You're welcome”, Jensen replied warmly, but right then Misha's expression changed suddenly and he brought one hand that was still covered by the soft fabric of the sweatshirt up to his face. “Heh'EShhh'uuuahh! Ugh. 'scuse me”, he mumbled apologetically. “I sneezed on it.”

“Yeah, whatever”, Jensen said dismissively. “It's the sick sweatshirt. It doesn't mind.”

“Cool.” Misha grinned and thanked Jensen again.

“Don't mention it.”

When Misha cleared his throat, Jensen said: “Do you think tea would help? Wait, I'll go make you some. Peppermint sound okay to you?”

“Yeah.” He sniffled. “Sounds great.”

Jensen watched him all the way through his cup of tea and as soon as he had finished, he said: “We still have 30 minutes left. I think you should take a nap. Here, you can use my couch. I don't mind.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh, totally. I live with Jared, I don't have personal space issues.”

Misha laughed a little, then broke off coughing.

“Okay, that's enough. You get some rest”, Jensen said with a hint of bossiness and Misha smiled: “Now you sound like Dean.”

“Shut up and get some rest, Cas!”, Jensen played along. “You're worse than Sammy!”

They both laughed and Misha got comfortable on the couch. When he sniffled wetly again for what felt like the millionth time that day, Jensen said: “Wait, I'll get you something else.”

Misha was already in the process of drifting off and barely noticed how his co-star got up and picked up a box of tissues, then returned to the couch with them.

Also, he was preoccupied, because his nose had just started bothering him again. He turned his side to the wall without opening his eyes and let out a sneeze that he simply couldn't hold back.


He felt another sneeze coming on and wanted to raise his hand to his face, when he felt something else touch his nose. It took him a moment to realize that Jensen was holding a tissue to his face. Another sneeze threw his body forward and Jensen clutched the tissue against his nose with gentle force.

“Bless you”, he said and Misha wanted to push him away, because he knew what devastating effect the tissue paper would have on him, but he was still at the mercy of his nose.

“Huh'AtchOooO! Heh....huh......KUUSh'shuuu! Kash'uuoOOoo! Ke'Itch'iiooo! Itch'iaahh!”

He felt how his nose became more and more irritated by the fabric of the tissue paper, then finally got himself to reach up and take it from Jensen's hand in between two sneezes, before the vicious cycle continued.

“Huh'ASHHH'ioOO! Ashh'iiah! Hutch'uahh!”

“Jeez, Misha! Want me to go get somebody?”, Jensen asked worriedly.

“Nah, it's just the... Atch'iuuUUuu! Just the tissue paper.”

He blew his nose into the soft fabric once, figuring that since his nose had already been in contact with it, he could at least use it now.

Jensen frowned at him, but his mouth was twitching. “Are you saying... tissues make you sneeze?”

Misha nodded miserably. “'s a vicious cycle.”

Jensen laughed out loud. “Dude, that's hilarious! You're really screwed.”

When he saw Misha's face, he stopped. “Um, sorry. It's just a little funny. Wait, is that why you didn't want to blow your nose when Bobby asked you to?”

Misha nodded silently.

Jensen grinned. “Seriously, dude, that's funny. Do you, like, need to use those weird cotton handkerchieves?”

“Sometimes”, Misha admitted. “Generally, though, I try to avoid blowing my nose.”

“Hard on a day like this, huh?”, Jensen said sympathetically. “We should ask the others, maybe somebody has one of those cotton hankies for you. Oh, and by the way, sorry I held that tissue to your face. Just trying to help. Didn't know it would...”

“Not your fault”, Misha interrupted. “I should have said something.”

Over the next thirty minutes, as Misha lay on the couch and Jensen kept talking to him about random stuff, despite his claim that Misha needed sleep, the frequency of Misha's sneezes increased. It was now happening approximately every two minutes.

Also, he was fighting a losing battle against the congestion settling in his sinuses. Now, when he talked, it was more than obvious that something was wrong.

“I thigg tibes albost ubb”, he said with a look at the clock and Jensen snorted. “You don't sound very angelic, Mish.”

“I ddow”, Misha mumbled sadly. “I cadd't help it, though. I'b just so stuffed ub.”

Jensen smiled encouragingly at him. “We'll talk to Bobby.”

“No!” Misha put up his hands and had to cough again, becaue he had yelled at Jensen. “Please”, he choked. “I dod't wanna seeb like a whiny baby.”

“Well, right now you seem like a person with a bad headcold. And if we go back to shooting like this, you won't be able to pull the angel thing off, sorry. It's just not happening today.”

“At least let be try!”, Misha pleaded.

Jensen looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Say your name.”


Jensen laughed out loud. “There. You can't even say your own name, man. Let alone those Enochian lines or any other part of the script, really.”

He held out his hand to Misha and pulled him up. “Let's go back. People are waiting for us. But I'll talk to Bobby. You can't act like this, sorry.”


“No buts, man.”

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Anything for you, darling! Honestly, thanks so much for your support! Hope you see this new part soon and like it, too!

:D :D :D I feel spoilled :D :D :D

What he pulled out looked close to a tent, at least in size. It was of a light blue color and looked pretty fuzzy.

“Um... Jensen? What's that?” Misha had to cough. When he came back up, Jensen was beaming at him.

Oh NO You didn't.... *grin*

“You're welcome”, Jensen replied warmly, but right then Misha's expression changed suddenly and he brought one hand that was still covered by the soft fabric of the sweatshirt up to his face. “Heh'EShhh'uuuahh! Ugh. 'scuse me”, he mumbled apologetically. “I sneezed on it.”

OMG YOU DID!!!!!!! LOL Ok,I am sooo happy with this chapter :) The sneezing fit, Jensen being awesome, the little Dean lines.... I loved it all!

And of course that line...

Jensen looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Say your name.”


Jensen laughed out loud. “There. You can't even say your own name, man. Let alone those Enochian lines or any other part of the script, really.”

That line just about killed me :D

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“Okay, that's enough. You get some rest”, Jensen said with a hint of bossiness and Misha smiled: “Now you sound like Dean.”

“Shut up and get some rest, Cas!”, Jensen played along. “You're worse than Sammy!”

Oh my goodness!! I think I stopped breathing for a minute because I was laughing so hard! Hahahahahaha! laugh.png

Jensen looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Say your name.”


Haha!! This has definitely been my favorite chapter of the story so far!! Love Jensen and Misha! :)

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You update so fast!! Honestly, this story has become a highlight of my day :D I love the caretaking and protesting and denial... Ugh it's overwhelming! (in a good way, of course) As usual, I can't wait to see what happens next!

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First of all, let me say that you all are awesome! Thanks so much for supporting the story this far! (We have earned the "Hot" label. I mean, it definitely describes Misha...^^). Also, I love when people quote specific parts from the story, so I know exactly what you liked, so thanks a lot for that! Two more parts to come! (:

I am sooo happy with this chapter :)

Aww...thank you! That makes me happy! :blush:

That line just about killed me :D

Haha, yeah, I just love when characters are too stuffed up to pronounce their own names properly! :D

Oh, and I just wanted to say that I approve of your signature. "Forever Misha-holic", huh? ;) Same here...

Enjoy the last two parts! (Honestly, I'm a little sad this is ending....)

Oh my goodness!! I think I stopped breathing for a minute because I was laughing so hard! Hahahahahaha! Posted Image

Hahaha... that's awesome! :laugh2:

Haha!! This has definitely been my favorite chapter of the story so far!!

Thank you so much! :) <3 Somehow I feel like the story got better towards the end. Personally, I like the last three parts best. But I'll let you decide if you agree! ;)



Aufdgiuhfjhkjs I absolutely adore it when people use congested talk to prove a point. <3 *melts*

:blush: Glad you liked it! And yes, I can relate! If I imagine Misha saying his name like that, I just....:inlove: I can't even. Hope you like the next part, too! (:

Honestly, this story has become a highlight of my day :D

Awww... yay! Thank you so much! Here's today's highlight then. :blush:

Part 7

On the way to the set they met Jared, who looked particularly well-rested.

“Dude”, he said when he caught sight of Misha. “You look like you got hit by a truck! What happened?”

“Got hit by one of the Impalas”, Misha replied lamely.

When Jared only raised his eyebrows, Jensen chimed in: “He's sick. Been sneezing his head off for the last 30 minutes.”

“Oh?” Jared looked at him. “Thought you were fine?”

“I may have lied”, Misha mumbled.

“That's what I thought”, Jared said and gave him a soft pat on the back. “Good job for pulling through, though.”

“Stop it, Jared! I'm trying to get him to admit that he's done for the day and can't do any more.”

“Oh, well then, you look hideous, Misha. Don't even try to pull through. It would obviously end in a disaster.”

“Thanks for the optimism”, Misha replied sarcastically, then sneezed again.

“Any day”, Jared joked.

As soon as they arrived on the set, Jensen took hold of Misha's arm in a death grab he had most likely learned when preparing for his role as the badass Dean Winchester. There was no escape for the poor, sniffling Misha, who was so tired, he was dragging his feet.

“Hey Bobby”, Jensen greeted the director.

“Hey, boys!” He frowned when he saw Misha. “What's wrong, Collins?”

“He's a mess”, Jensen said. “Caught a bad cold or flu or something.”

“Yeah, I got a little suspicious when those sneezes wouldn't stop.”

“Sorry, cad't help it!”, Misha said apologetically.

“Wow! You sound horrible! A lot worse than before!” He grabbed the arm of a PA, who was walking by him. “Get Misha some more water. Hurry.”

“Wait!” Jensen put up his hands. “He's allowed to go home, right?”

“You can't possibly ask him to stay and act like this”, Jared agreed. “He's a train wreck.”

Misha sniffled miserably. Why did everyone have to keep pointing out how horrible he looked and sounded? It was slightly degrading. He tried to straighten his back to look a little less pathetic, but as he looked down on himself, he found out that he was still wearing Jensen's sweatshirt and that there was in fact the picture of a smiling, white, fluffy teddy bear on his chest. Great. There went his chances of being taking serious in this conversation...

“Cute sweatshirt”, was the first thing the PA said when she brought him his glass of water. She winked at him and he forced a smile, praying that nobody would take a picture of him like this.

“I'm sorry”, Bobby exclaimed, “but we need to get this episode done today! I told you in the morning that we had stuff to do!”

“I know!”, Jensen called out. “But can't we just call it a day? Please! Just look at him!”

“I'm really sorry, Misha!”, Bobby said in his direction. “But I can't let you go. There are some more scenes we need to get done. We can try to make it quick, but if you sneeze or cough or sound too congested, we'll need another take, I'm sorry.”

“But that means it'll take forever”, Jared pointed out. “Bobby. He can't do it.”

Bobby sighed, then told them to wait for him to return, because he needed to discuss this with some people.

“Wow, I feel like a... huh'AtchIooO! I feel like a loser”, Misha said as soon as he had left.

“Shut up!”, Jensen said brotherly. “'s not your fault you're sick.”

“Yeah”, Jared added in a friendly tone. “Remember, I had a cold a couple days ago, too.”

“And you still got your scenes done...”

“Well, I wasn't nearly as sick as you, Mish! And I hated every second of it, too, if that helps.”

“Seriously, buddy”, Jensen said. “Don't sweat it. We all have bad days. And you're really sick, like.. you're out of it. Forgetting those lines and all....”

“Don't remind me. I... huh'ASHH'ioo!”

“Bless you!”, Bobby, who returned right that moment, said.

“So?” Jensen looked up at him. “Can he go home?”

“Wish the answer was Yes. But we need to get this episode done today and one of the writers had a different idea. He's changing Misha's parts right now.”

“Chadging by parts?”, Misha repeated slowly, while wiping his nose with the back of his hand.

“Yeah.” Bobby grinned. “They're writing a cold into the script. Apparently, angels get headcolds, too.”

Jared chuckled. “That's ridiculous.”

“I guess the vessel could get sick, theoretically”, Jensen said with a hint of scepticism.

“It doesn't change much of the plot”, Bobby elaborated. “Just a few witty remarks from Dean and some concern from Sam and Misha can sneeze as much as he needs to.”

So. Misha has to act again in Part 8. Poor baby, huh? <3

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LOL I so wish this wasn't a RPF but it was real life..... the angel with a headcold? I woud have just DIED! :D

“Oh?” Jared looked at him. “Thought you were fine?”

“I may have lied”, Misha mumbled.

“That's what I thought”, Jared said and gave him a soft pat on the back

I don't know why but this line made me smile :)

“Hey, boys!” He frowned when he saw Misha. “What's wrong, Collins?”

“He's a mess”, Jensen said. “Caught a bad cold or flu or something.”

“Yeah, I got a little suspicious when those sneezes wouldn't stop.

Probably because EVERYONE was suspicious even if he was doing his damnest to hide it. Awwww Misha :)

This part was a little less FEEL inducing but I'm pretty sure it's just the calm before the storm :D Yeah I'm also a little sad it got to end but... does it really? ;-) (hint : after next part, in my head, it'll never end )

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LOL I so wish this wasn't a RPF but it was real life..... the angel with a headcold? I woud have just DIED! :D

Wait for the veeery last paragraph of this fic haha... :D

Probably because EVERYONE was suspicious even if he was doing his damnest to hide it.

Haha... I know, right? Everyone knew! Mish is not good at hiding sickness! :P

This part was a little less FEEL inducing

Hm... I get that. I read through the last part again and thought it was kinda mehh... I think that happened because I wrote the story all in one go and then split it up into parts, so I guess I didn't really make sure every single one of them was awesome, if you know what I mean. BUT the good news is that I felt so bad about this, I thought to myself: What the heck, just give them the last part already.

(hint : after next part, in my head, it'll never end )

Awwww... (: I guess it won't end in my head either. (I'll never stop having fantasies about a sick Misha... :inlove: )

HAVE FUN WITH THE LAST PART, EVERYONE! Thanks for supporting this story. You guys rock. :hug:

Part 8

They were back on the set, cameras rolling. Misha had been forced to exchange Dean's sweater for the trench coat again and was trying to suppress a shiver.

“Cas, are you alright?”, Jensen said as Dean.

Misha could feel a sneeze coming on and this time he did nothing to hold it back, only covered with his hand. “Huh'eeetch'iie!”

Sam and Dean exchanged a look. “Okay?”, Sam said. “That was... strange.”

Misha had a line to say right then, but another sneeze came on and Bobby had told him before to just go with it, so he did. “Hua'tchooO!”

“Bless y', Cas”, Dean said with a frown. “Are you.... alright?”

“'s the vessel”, he mumbled stuffily. “Sobethig's wrogg.”

“I'll say.” Dean still looked completely baffled. Jensen was doing an amazing job. Misha, on the other hand, was really embarrassed about the turn of events, but it was also a relief to not have to hide his symptoms anymore. Especially since he was getting worse by the minute.

He stopped suppressing the shivers, thinking that people would probably credit him with brilliant acting after seeing this episode, even though he was really just being himself. Well, except for the deep voice and the occasional Enochian line.

“Cut!”, Bobby yelled after the next scene. “That was brilliant! Misha, bless you! Just keep doing what you're doing. The fans are gonna love it!”

Things were a lot easier from there on. They didn't have to start a new take whenever Misha sneezed or sniffled, they simply left it in and Sam and Dean blessed him or commented something funny, then continued with the dialogue.

“Alright, one more scene!”, Bobby yelled after an hour or two. “Doing great, boys. Keep it up, Misha!”

Misha nodded weakly. His vision was blurry, he was stumbling and now shivering violently. He had given up on wiping his nose a while ago and now officially didn't care anymore about how he looked, even though he had a vague idea that he would live to regret this. (At the latest when pictures of him with snot running out of his nose became viral all over the internet.)

Jensen looked right at him, blinked, then turned to Bobby. “Can we please wrap this up? Misha's suffering. Come on, give the man a break. He pulled through all of this.”

“Seriously, you don't look too good”, Jared said in Misha's direction. “You gonna... pass out or throw up or something?”

Misha wasn't sure how to reply, because currently he felt at risk of doing both things at the same time. Jensen, who noticed his expression, walked over to him quickly and this time he did place a hand on his forehead.

“Crap!”, he mumbled.

“What?”, Misha croaked, voice dripping with exhaustion.

“You feel really warm. Jared, come over here! Does he have a fever?”

Misha saw through a blur how a gigantic hand was being placed on his forehead. He heard Jared's voice from far away. “Yup. Feels like it.”

Then he heard Jensen yell: “The man's burning up! We need to stop right now!”

Next, he was directed off the set and seated somewhere. Then, some person he didn't know hurried over and placed a cold wash cloth on his forehead, some other person forced two pills down his throat and wouldn't budge until he'd finished an entire glass of water. And through the whole thing, Jensen and Jared were right next to him.

“Wadd by...”, he started, then stopped to cough.

“What's that?” Jensen moved closer to him.

“Waddt by sweatshirt...”, Misha whispered hoarsely and Jensen smiled at him.

Misha closed his eyes and leaned back, with Jared's huge hand on his back steadying him.

Then, he heard Jensen's voice again.

“Here you go, bud. Let me help you.”

Several hands took the trench coat off him and Jensen pulled the blue sweatshirt over his head. Misha smiled weakly as Jared pulled the hood over his head and warmth started to surround him.

He heard people's voices from a distance. They were arguing over who should drive him home.

Jensen spoke close to his ear. “You got the day off tomorrow, Mish.”

“Okay”, Misha mumbled and sniffled. His mind was clouded by exhaustion. He felt like he could collapse any moment now.

“The car's ready. Let's get this sick angel home”, somebody said and he felt Jensen and Jared by his side, helping him up.

“'m okay. I cadd walk...”, he croaked, but Jensen interrupted him with a gentle: “Shut it.”

On the way to the car, Misha stopped suddenly and the other two stopped with him.

“What now?”, Jared asked.

“I think he's gonna sneeze...”, Jensen replied.

Misha couldn't say anything. His nose was twitching, his mouth hanging open. It took a lot of effort to raise his elbow to his face in time and he only made it because the build-up took so long.


“Bless you!”, Jared said right away.

Misha lowered his elbow slowly, took a shaky breath, looked down at his arm, then up at Jensen. “I sddeezed... all over the sweatshirt...!”

Jensen laughed. “'s like I said, it's the sick sweatshirt! This is not the first time it's getting sneezed on. It's used to that kind of abuse.”

“Dude, that's yours?”, Jared said and chuckled. “Your 'sick sweatshirt'?”

“Yeah, whatever. Today it's Misha's. Okay?”

“But....” Misha was still horrified at the wetness he had sprayed all over the sweatshirt's sleeve. “But I....”

“Dude, you know what?”, Jensen said. “You keep it. Keep it until you feel better, alright? Then we'll wash it. No worries.”

“Thanks”, Misha said sincerely.

They started walking again, Jensen and Jared still by his side for support. After a few steps, the taller man on his right said: “Call us if you need anything, okay? You should probably spend tomorrow in bed, but if there's anything we can do, you got our numbers, alright?”

“Thanks...”, Misha repeated and smiled a tired smile.

“Get better, man”, Jensen said, as he helped him into the car. “In fact, don't take the sweatshirt off until you feel better, kay?”

Misha promised and Jensen closed the door of the car. It took the exhausted Misha about twenty seconds to fall asleep in the car, but he still had time to think that somehow, over the course of this horrible, exhausting day, he had become friends with Jensen and Jared.

And therefore, he congratulated himself for having gone to work in the morning. As he snuggled deeper into Jensen's special, light blue sick sweatshirt with the teddy bear, he thought that looking back, it had definitely been worth it.

Needless to say, when the Supernatural episode aired, a thread was right away dedicated to it on the Sneeze Fetish Forum website and fangirly fetishists were collectively freaking out and having the best time of their lives, rewatching the episode over and over again and creating lots of fanart and fanfictions about it.

You have made it to the end of this story! Congratulations! (: I'll love you even more if you leave a comment!

xx, Sophie

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oh goodness i'm giggling

i would absolutely love to see that episode

Needless to say, when the Supernatural episode aired, a thread was right away dedicated to it on the Sneeze Fetish Forum website and fangirly fetishists were collectively freaking out and having the best time of their lives, rewatching the episode over and over again and creating lots of fanart and fanfictions about it.

it's so accurate

so accurate.


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This whole thing was amazing (perfect!!!), especially that last part! You're amazing. How brilliant to write it into the show like that! Everyone was so well-written and I loved that part where they were feeling his forehead! So so cute.

Edited by Sen Beret
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THIS IS THE HOTTEST THING EVER. I mean, rewriting the script so all of it's real?? I would rewatch that episode 1000 times over. Ughhh you're so good at writing! If only this would happen..

Anyway, amazing as usual. I'll definitely look out for more here from you!!

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I was sure I'd already commented tonguesmiley.gif But this was one hell of a story biggrin.png My only regret is that we don't see beyond Misha falling asleep in the car (but that's ok, I can easily imagine a stealthy P-A following him home, or maybe replacing the usual chauffeur teeheehee)

Lets wrap it up with my favorite bits smile.png

Misha had a line to say right then, but another sneeze came on and Bobby had told him before to just go with it, so he did. “Hua'tchooO!”

No puny dialogne can stand in face of a mighty sneeze smile.png

Misha wasn't sure how to reply, because currently he felt at risk of doing both things at the same time. Jensen, who noticed his expression, walked over to him quickly and this time he did place a hand on his forehead.

“Crap!”, he mumbled.

Ohhhh shit just hit the fan biggrin.png

Misha lowered his elbow slowly, took a shaky breath, looked down at his arm, then up at Jensen. “I sddeezed... all over the sweatshirt...!”

Jensen laughed. “'s like I said, it's the sick sweatshirt! This is not the first time it's getting sneezed on. It's used to that kind of abuse.”

“Dude, that's yours?”, Jared said and chuckled. “Your 'sick sweatshirt'?”

“Yeah, whatever. Today it's Misha's. Okay?”

Aaaaand you did it again biggrin.png

OMG what a ride this fic has been! Please please never stop writing. You are wonderful! And here's hoping that you grace us with another SPN fic soon...

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