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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Problem That Can't Be Solved With Raiding-Tomb Raider Lara/Sam fic


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Lara flailed about as she sneezed, her upper body pitching forward and her legs following in succession.

Lara had very little time to blearily blink her eyes; had her sleep addled brain not been completely consumed by a building itch to sneeze, she would have been confused. Or angry-though she was coming to bed too late to hold any jurisdiction, truth be told.


Her face scrunched up as she sneezed, and the movement of her head fleeting reminded her that Sam lay right by her side.

The thought was almost immediately forgotton, however; as Lara's nostrils flared while she attempted to brace herself; instincts taking over and leaving her clutching the bed beside her.


Lara bucked forward, and her head clonked unceremoniously against her roommate's.

Sam groaned with a mix of frustration and exhaustion. Her more frustrated side took over, and she made her self seated as soon as her waking body would allow-leaving her laying forward with her elbows perched on the bed.

"Ok, what the hell?" She demanded; eyes closed. Her rage at being woken up still had some limits.

"First you kick me. Then you HIT me! On the head! With YOUR head!"

In the moments Sam had stopped to allow Lara to beg for forgiveness, all she heard was-gasps?

They were somewhat stuttering-oh god, they sounded desperate! Sam rolled her precariously balanced body over; one elbow remaining, but the other arm supporting her from Lara's other side.

"Hey, honey, are you oka-"

She was interrupted by a relieved sounding "Heeaaaattshhhiiiieeeeww!"

Sam blinked. Her mind, too overwhelmed to acknowledge what had just happened, began to take in the obvious.

Her friend was laying under her. She was breathing heavily through her mouth, and looked completely drained. And she hAD SNEEZED ON HER!


She yelled-more exasperated and shocked than genuinely angry. Why did Lara just sneeze on her? And why was it so WET?

Ew. Just-ew. Sam continued to determinatedly scrub her face, but didn't speak again-either too absorbed in the task, or too tired to push the matter.

What DID pull her out of her frenzy, however, was a tired British "I'b szorry." from her right. Craning her neck to look down, she saw Lara staring at her for a second, puppy dog eyes that were guilty but innocent-before she shamefully lowered her gaze and began to sniffle and wipe her nose. Good god-even her sniffles sounded sorry. Or was that pathetic?

Sam sighed as she rolled herself off the bed, and padded back from the bathroom with a bok of tissues.

She sighed and slowly lowered herself to Lara's side, placing the box on Lara's chest.

"It's okay, sweetie." She said-trying her hardest to sound reassuring-slowly and somewhat hesitantly moving her hand to rest on the poor girl's forehead.


Hope you enjoyed-it's my first ever fic-of ANY kind, and I would really appreciate any criticism or support!

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Hi there, and welcome to the forum :)

I think you've written a good little story here, with plenty of opportunity for it to go on... ;) I've always imagined Lara has having a really powerful sneeze and not being afraid to really let it go. I'd love to read about her sneezing while exploring a particularly dusty tomb :D

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