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Free! After the Storm (M)


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although I agree that Makoto handled that extremely well, I don't know why Haruka couldn't have found an alternative way of handling the situation where he wouldn't have hurt anyone's feelings! Just because Makoto is his best friend doesn't mean he has to go out of his way to offend Rin. I'm sorry if a harmless comment started this big huge debacle, but you people are blowing this way out of proportion! Am I not entitled to my own opinions? Am I not allowed to comment on a fan fiction I like without being told off by a buncch of people who I haven't even directly offended?! It's an ANIME I'm not even insulting you people! I'm not hating on Makoto, and I'm not hating on this story, but what I comment is my opinion! I could be wrong,but think that I'm allowed to share my opinion without being yelled at! I'm not trying to offend you guys, and I'm Really sorry if I did in any way shape or form, but I promise it wasn't on purpose so please just leave me alone!

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I don't want to have a big argument in the comments of someone else's fanfiction page. So I'll be brief. Just like you have the right to post your opinion, everyone else has the right to disagree and share their own opinions. You don't have the right to post an opinion and have everyone agree with you. PetalsAndThorns, especially, has the right to respond to what is said about her own work.

I did take some personal offense to what you said, but I'm not attacking you, I'm stating that I found what you said offensive, because it misunderstands how anxiety works in real life, and how it was portrayed in this piece of writing. I can't speak for the intentions of the others who criticized what you said, but I don't think anyone is attacking you or blowing it out of proportion.

Again, I apologize if my comments came off as combative, they were not intended that way.

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Your comments are always so depth-fully written and high content. You always go above and beyond to communicate your thoughts on the writing, and to share your experience of reading it. It gives me the chance to get a secondhand enjoyment of my story through your comment and I love it. You hit everything that I was trying to do with this fic in your comment. The pacing, the shifting spotlight. (After the first chapter I was just lost. I’d never written a fic with more than one ill person before and I had no idea how to do it without it just turning into "everyone's sick everywhere", feeling forced and losing impact.) And you pick up on all the underplaying emotions going on behind the scenes. I really enjoy reading your comments. Thank you for putting so much work into your words.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you appreciate my comments. :D I try to leave at least reasonably long ones, since that's what I love receiving...and it's hard to shut up when the story is this good. I'm really impressed with the pacing, mainly because it's something I struggle with myself. It's hard not to lose yourself in "everyone is sick everywhere." That's fun, but it can get repetitive and it can be hard to find the plot once that happens. Sometimes you have to build up to it, even if it's tempting to just dump everything on everyone at once. I'm pretty decent at picking up underlying emotional stuff in texts I suppose, but that's only because it's there and it's really well-written. Seriously, I love your work so much.

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although I agree that Makoto handled that extremely well, I don't know why Haruka couldn't have found an alternative way of handling the situation where he wouldn't have hurt anyone's feelings! Just because Makoto is his best friend doesn't mean he has to go out of his way to offend Rin. I'm sorry if a harmless comment started this big huge debacle, but you people are blowing this way out of proportion! Am I not entitled to my own opinions? Am I not allowed to comment on a fan fiction I like without being told off by a buncch of people who I haven't even directly offended?! It's an ANIME I'm not even insulting you people! I'm not hating on Makoto, and I'm not hating on this story, but what I comment is my opinion! I could be wrong,but think that I'm allowed to share my opinion without being yelled at! I'm not trying to offend you guys, and I'm Really sorry if I did in any way shape or form, but I promise it wasn't on purpose so please just leave me alone!

Dear I don't think any of us were trying to attack you I think we are all trying to be informative as this subject is always touchy and can easily be misunderstood and taken the wrong way. We wanted you to understand that even if it's not specifically stated in canon the situation and headcanons presented in this fanfic do state that both Rin and Makoto are being triggered and the point is to understand the differences in how they deal with it affects people. Petals made this scene very close to real life and that's why we're taking it so seriously, because we are used to people blowing these problems off as immature or unimportant. We wanted you to understand that because the more people that take these problems seriously no matter what medium they are told in, the better people will know how to deal with them in real life. I'm sorry if it came off as attacking. <3

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This scene was written so beautifully Petals that I am having a hard time putting it into words. I am so moved by this scene because I know how Haru feels and the way you portrayed it is extremely real. My best friend is prone to panic attacks over certain things and I have spent so much time trying to figure out how to help when she goes into an attack. The first step is always to remove the trigger and I have lost friends by protecting her. People are aloud to be angry and upset and triggered but it's the way they deal with them that determines how mature they are. I was in a very similar situation to this one where my best friend and my second best friend were both triggered, but while my best friend got even quieter and started to cry, my other friend lashed out and ended up making everything worse. I reacted in a very similar way that Haru did and my other friend couldn't take it and stopped hanging out with us. I love the friend I lost even to this day, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, because best friends have the need to protect each other. That's why this fic is so beautiful, because I'm so used to Haru's only focus being on either Rin or swimming in fanfictions, this is how a best friend acts. They are there to be your rock when you need them most and you have captured that so perfectly, it almost brings me to tears. You are so amazing at writing these complex scenes, and I loved hearing all the sides and reactions to it. Because that's what good writing does, stirs emotions and brings people to an understanding. Thank you for writing this fic <3

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