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Request For Assassin's Creed 3


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Hi everybody....ok before I ask anything, the people who are waiting for me to update stories or fullfill requests, I am SO sorry. I working on art related stuff, trying with no luck finding work to gain some income and other stuff. But be sure these things will be updated.

Ok! The reason for this post, I am obessed with Assassin's Creed 3....(I love me some Conner Kenway) anywho...I was wondering if anyone would write a sickfic with Conner. There's hardly to none with him as the sick guy. If someone would write it, I'll draw something for that person.

Ok here's the details:

Fandom: Assassin's Creed 3

Type of story: Sickfic

Main person: Conner Kenway

Plot: overworks himself with finding and killing the templars and is not taking care of himself which leads to him getting a bad headcold.

Caretaking: yes...from Achilles

Ok im done...:) Thanks.

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Not sure if you saw this but I did a drabble on this exact scenario when the game first came out :D

85 – City

Fandom: ACIII

Characters: Connor, Achilles

Sneezer: Connor

-A few days after the Boston Massacre-

Achilles and Connor were seated in the basement after some routine drills, waiting to see whether today's lesson would be physical or mental training, or knowledge gaining.

"Connor, today I'm going to explain to you the origins of our motto, Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted." Achilles explained, sitting in the chair that Connor was afraid to sit in because the last one broke. Connor nodded, listening intently and watching with his deep, curious eyes.

"You see, in the words of the great Grand Master Ezio Auditore de Firenze, the phrase is an observation of the nature of reality. To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic. You see boy, in this socie-"

"Eh-chhhu!!" There was a short awkward silence in the room recognizing the interruption. Connor looked up, a light shade of pink coloring his tan cheeks giving away his embarrassment. "Sorry..."

"No need to be sorry. Bless you." Achilles said with a warm smile.

"Bless... me?" Connor asked, confused by the odd phrase.

"Oh. You see Connor, there are many stories around that phrase. The one I believe to be the most true is that in Middle Age Europe, there was a plague spreading like wildfire, killing about a hundred people per day. One of the first signs of the plague was sneezing, and so people would ask for God's blessing in hopes that the person who sneezed would not be sick." Achilles explained.

"Really? That intre-heh..inter...ehhhe...Aichuh!! Ih-chii!! -snf- interesting." He finished meekly, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. A tickle had been bothering him all day, but it had just become strong enough to make him sneeze.

"Bless you again. You aren't coming down with something are you?" Achilles made a slightly worried expression as he passed Connor a handkerchief.

"So- ah...ekshoo!! Something?"

"Yes boy, do you feel ill? A little sore or, a scratchy throat or-"


"Or an itchy nose perhaps?" Achilles questioned with a small smirk. Connor looked up wearily over the kerchief. His muscles had been a bit sore lately, but he assumed it was from his...eventful trip to Boston.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"A couple days..."

"Any signs of this before Boston?"

"...No...no I don't think so. Why?" Achilles just chuckled.

"Well that explains how you picked up a cold. The city is a whole nother world than what you know, with new places and things and...germs. The whole new atmosphere must have taken a toll on your body more than you would expect. Alright boy, off to bed with you. I'll bring you up some dinner later, but I want you resting understand?"

"Y-yes sir...echoo...ihchoo...ahCHUh!! -snf-" With that Connor started up the stairs, the thought of bed seeming too good for this early in the day. As he made it to bed and took off his gear, he was asleep in minutes.

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I MISSED THIS BEAUTIFUL WORK HOW?!? I probably wasn't yet a memeber yet. A..are you.going tp continue this...? O.O

Edited by Artygirl22
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This is wonderful!! biggrinsmiley.gifThe third installment was my favorite, and I love Conner!! yay.gifYou have to continue this!! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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I did originally intend to continue it, so maybe after graduation I will get on it.

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I did originally intend to continue it, so maybe after graduation I will get on it.

Yay!!!! So as promised.....what do you want me to draw for you?

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I did originally intend to continue it, so maybe after graduation I will get on it.

Yay!!!! So as promised.....what do you want me to draw for you?

I would love either Makoto from free! or Yukio from Ao no exorcist

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:sweatdrop: please dont hate me but i never seen seen those tho i have heard of free. I'll look up the guy from free. Oh!! And congrats for graduation. Can't wait till the next part.
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sweatdrop.gif please dont hate me but i never seen seen those tho i have heard of free. I'll look up the guy from free. Oh!! And congrats for graduation. Can't wait till the next part.

Thanks so much!! It'll be up sometime next week

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And i'll draw ur free character. So how do u want me to draw him...fever, sneezy, sick in general?

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Just generally sneezy would be great!! Maybe with, a cute bushy face?

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No problem. Conner needs tlc. Plus i dont mind drawing for others.

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