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Kaede's Hetalia Thread


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Aw, poor Italy! And such a mischievous Prussia!!! wubsmiley.gif I LOVE it all so much!!! yay.gif Keep up the amazing Hetalia fics, Kaede! clapping.gif

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HAPPY CANADIA DAY! This one is fluffier than a kitty that's been recently blow-dried.

My headcanon that I should probably explain for this one is that countries get fevers when the weather is too high above the monthly average of their country. The temperature of their blood is the same as the temperature in their capital. Northern countries like Canada and Russia have to hibernate during the winter because their blood freezes. That's why 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) would be a fever for Canada; the average high temperature in July in Ottawa is 26 degrees Celsius (and it really doesn't get much hotter than that here!)

Here goes an attempt at PruCan Canada Day fluff! Tomorrow there will be an Independance Day sequel!

The only reason Canada got up that morning was to feed Ku... Kuma... Kumamango? Kumachichi? Eh, close enough.

It made no difference to him that it was his birthday. July first was just like any other day to him. No one ever bothered to wish him a happy birthday, smile at him, or even acknowledge his existence, so why should it matter? It was the first day of July, and that was that.

In fact, Canada was not too pleased about having to get up to feel Kumaringo at all. Canada wished the little white bear could feed himself. It wasn't that hard to operate a can opener, and Kumashinto had been talented enough to learn to talk.

Half awake and still in pajamas, Canada opened a can of fish and put it in Kumaminto's bowl.

The bear pawed at his leg. "Who're you?"

"Canada. Planning on remembering it today?" Canada asked.

"Don't think so." Kumakanji sniffed at the food and started eating it. "By the way, who are you?" he said, mouth full of fish.

"Does it matter? I feed you." Canada turned away, threw the can into the garbage, and went back to bed. He saw no point in being awake. No one would even bother to notice whether he was or not. Besides, Canada wasn't feeling great that morning. Maybe it was the fact that no one had been noticing him recently, or maybe it was his economy. Maybe it was his terrible health care that had such a great reputation that his government saw no reason to change it. Whatever it was didn't matter at the moment. He just wanted to sleep.

When Canada awoke a second time, Kumarama was pawing at his hair, trying to catch the curl. "Hungry," the bear said.

"I fed you already." Canada mumbled tiredly. As he spoke he felt a sharp pain in his throat, and he coughed quietly.

"Not me. The one with the white hair. The one with the scary little brother. The one who can see you. I saw him through the window and I was going to let him in but I couldn't reach the door handle. Couldn't hear him but you always give him pancakes anyway so it's a safe assumption that he's hungry."

Canada sat up immediately, ignored the dizziness that came from sitting up, and opened the door for Prussia.

"Hey Birdie!" Prussia said. "The awesome me had no idea that it could be warm in Canada."

"It's July; of course it's warm," Canada replied half-heartedly. "I'm guessing you're here for pancakes, as usual?"

"Was?! Nein!" Prussia invited himself in and handed Canada a huge wrapped box. "Happy Birthday, Birdie!"

Canada was stunned. No one had ever done this for him before. None of his brothers; not even France. Not even when Canada had invited everyone for a party. Canada didn't care what was inside the box. He tackled Prussia with a hug. It may have been a very weak tackle but it was a tackle nonetheless.

"Birdie?" Prussia said as Canada snuggled up to him. "It's warm in Canada."

Canada nodded tiredly. "You already said that."

"But the awesome me meant it differently. Before I meant your climate. Now I mean you. Do you have a fever?"

"Mm... probably." He said it so casually that Prussia almost thought it was normal for him. Canada looked at the thermometer outside through his window. "Thirty degrees. You're right." Perfect. That was exactly what he needed with now. He coughed again.

"Birdie, go to bed."

"You just got me out of bed!" Canada complained. As he went back again, he sneezed a few times. "Eptsshh! Tchhn!" Then he flopped into bed again, exhausted.

Prussia sat next to Canada the whole day and entertained him whenever he was awake (he had to make sure that he wasn't too funny, since laughing hurt Canada's throat). He didn't ask many questions, he mostly told stories of all the times he was better than Austria, which seemed to please Canada for whatever reason.

"Jeez Birdie, this must have been a pretty unawesome birthday," Prussia commented in the evening. "I mean, it was in bed and you only got one present and you didn't even get to go to the festivals or anything! I tried to make it awesome, but even the awesome me can't-"

"Are you kidding?!" Canada interrupted a little too loudly. He coughed. "This was the best birthday I've ever had. Most years I spend the day inside doing nothing. Sometimes I bake a cake and eat it by myself. No one comes over, I never get presents, and I don't like the festivals that much anyways. I'm happy to get a phone call from my government, even if it's just about work. And to have you come over, give me presents, and spend the entire day with me? And you didn't even ask me to cook for you!"

Prussia was stunned. Other countries really treated Canada like shit. Did anyone else know that Canada was sick? He doubted it.

His thoughts were cut off by Canada sneezing. "Ksshhn! Htschuu!" He sniffled. "Can I open the present now?"

Prussia paused. Was it a good idea? Maybe not... but it would be cruel to not let him open it. He nodded, hoping it would turn out well. He had packed it without knowing Canada was sick.

Wrapping paper flew throughout the room in a flurry of red and white from the maple leaf paper. Inside the box were various items- a blanket, two folding chairs, binoculars, and cake. Canada looked at Prussia curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"The awesome me was going to take you to see the fireworks..." Prussia explained. "But if you don't want to go outside that's fine! It wouldn't be awesome of me to let you get worse."

"No, I want to go." Canada got up and Prussia carried the box and half-carried Canada to his car and drove close to where the fireworks were being set off. He set up the chairs and wrapped the large blanket that had originally been planned to be shared between them around Canada. He handed Canada the binoculars so he could see the fireworks better and each of them ate a piece of cake.

Canada seemed happy, though he was shivering a little too much for Prussia's liking. "Where did you get the cake?" Canada asked, shocked that Prussia would ever be able to make something so delicious.

"I stole it from Austria. It's called sachertorte. It would be awesome if he doesn't find out I stole it or else Hungary will be after me with the same pan Austria baked it in."

Canada was only half paying attention to Prussia's words and the cake. He was mostly focused on the explosions of light. "They made my flag out of fireworks!" he exclaimed.

Every time Prussia saw a heart-shaped firework, he couldn't help but lean over and kiss Canada on the cheek. And every time Canada shivered, Prussia would come closer and hug Canada to warm him up.

When the show was over, Prussia took Canada home immediately. Though Canada insisted he felt better, Prussia had a feeling that was a lie.

As soon as they got home, Canada pointed to the thermometer on his window; the same one he had looked at before. "Prussia, I wasn't lying. Since it's dark out now, the temperature has gone down to 26 degrees. I don't have a fever anymore."

"Awesome!" Prussia hugged Canada again. "I can come back tomorrow to see you if you want; and on your brother's birthday we can mess with his fireworks! He deserves it after not noticing you for so long!

Not only did Canada smile, he also said "See you tomorrow! And let's get our sweet revenge!"

Kumachito pawed at Canada's leg. "Who're you?"

"I'm Canada!" he said with a little too much enthusiasm.

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I'm not sure if that made any sense...but anyways I LOVE IT MAKE MORE! :D

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AWW!!! This was such a sweet one-shot! wubsmiley.gif PruCan is just the cutest pairing ever!! Great work, Kaede! biggrinsmiley.gif I'm so excited for the fourth of July sequel!

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Unfortunately (for you, not necessarily me) I'm leaving for a vacation tomorrow and won't be back for two weeks or so, so there won't be any more stories until then. I am very sorry. I wanted to do the Magic Club one and possibly a Nordic one.

Maybe I should make the Nordics into a host club because of this cute picture I found! Hm... Nordic countries, host clubs, two things I don't know much about... I don't see what could possibly go wrong.


But until then, please enjoy a VERY different USUK sequel. VERY different. I don't know if I can even call it USUK, but hell, if it's got Alfred and Arthur and Florida in it, I probably can. Enjoy~!

"How much do we have left, Birdie?"

"Five more containers. It should be plenty."

It was night. Whether it was the evening of July 3rd or the early morning of July 4th; they had no idea. Stars covered the dark sky, but they didn't shine bright enough to show the two countries dressed in navy and wearing masks like ninjas. Canada and Prussia were lurking around in the park where they knew America's fireworks would be set off the following night. They found several fireworks, opened them up, added a little extra black powder, closed them, and put them back exactly where they were before.

They weren't adding extra gunpowder, no, that wouldn't be any fun at all!

The powder they were adding was black pepper. And lots of it. They had five more pepper shakers, and they had already used seven. This would be a night to remember; perhaps not with fond memories, but no doubt it would be remembered.

As soon as it was morning, America was enjoying a festival celebrating his birthday. He loved the opportunity to stuff his face with burgers as well as cake and doughnuts. He was very excited this year, because he had heard that Arthur was coming for his birthday as well.

America was just hoping it wasn't to crash the party.

He shrugged. It might be, but at least he'd get to see him. England was always cooped up in his room as soon as July came. Not only was it Independence Day, but also Canada day a few days prior. The stress was a lot on England. He preferred not to interact with anyone, even his servants. He wouldn't eat much, and sometimes, he would even self-harm. What had he done to make his former colonies hate him? He thought he had been a decent big brother- at least, not one to war against and not one to try to escape from.

That's why America was so excited to see England. England had cared enough about his former colony's feelings to come and celebrate with him. For England to come celebrate an event that had hurt him both physically and mentally really meant a lot to America.

But unfortunately, when Arthur arrived, he crashed the party, and went directly into Florida uninvited-

Get that damn picture out of your head, you pervert.

It was Hurricane Arthur. Not England. England didn't even show up. As America soon learned, England was too upset about the Revolution to even look at America. As usual, he stayed at home in solitude.

America was curled up on the ground crying because of all the pain Arthur had brought, and England was curled up on the ground because of all the pain America had brought.

America's East side was attacked by Arthur. And because Arthur was a tropical storm, America was also soaked. No matter what he did, he could not dry himself off. This was no shower, this was a natural disaster, and towels would not solve anything. The day was ruined, and nothing could make America happy now.

Especially since being soaked meant that America would be sick.

And alone. Most countries that came didn't even come to see Alfred, they just knew there would be food and parties. They wanted to see the fireworks that Alfred had spent so much time setting up. They didn't want to see an obnoxious idiotic country.

The fireworks-!

Alfred was so excited for the fireworks. He had spent hours making each one perfect. Maybe watching them would help. Shivering and cringing, he stood up weakly and walked to his ideal place to watch the fireworks, as close to the fireworks as he could get, a few hours early. He sat down in his chair and fell asleep, knowing that when the fireworks went off, they would be loud enough that he would awaken.


Alfred snapped awake and saw colours exploding across the sky.

Nothing else in the world would make Alfred wake up in pain and sickness and still make him smile. He relaxed in his chair and watched the colours dance across the sky. Red, blue, and white dashed across a black background.

But the colours soon became blurry. America blinked. Why were his eyes suddenly so watery?


And why was he sneezing? It hurt, too. He coughed hoarsely and wondered if he was getting worse. Probably. He rubbed his eyes and continued to watch the fireworks. It didn't last long, though.

"Haa-kkshoo!" This one hurt even more than before. He probably had a fever as well from being dripping wet for so long. "Ektshoo! Hetschoo!" He couldn't stop. He tried desperately to watch the fireworks he'd spent so long making but it was no use. After three or four minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. His sinuses burnt and his eyes watered. He could hardly breathe. He sniffled, but it did nothing to relieve anything. He didn't even want to watch his fireworks anymore. He didn't bother to pack his things up; he could do that later. He just stood up and weakly walked home. He was miserable.

Too miserable to notice the hundreds of other people sneezing madly and the Prussian and Canadian boys hiding nearby, still wearing their navy outfits and masks to block the pepper.

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Aw this was so sad and adorable at the same time!! And I love how you made Canada so mischievous!! yay.gif I hope you have a great vacation!! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Ohhhhh I need to check this more often!!! You did a super cute PruCan I love you!!!

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Thanks for all the nice comments :)

And I'm really excited because I'm putting a little time aside every day from now until the end of my vacation to make a sick Romania comic using Paint

It's super adorable and it has America in it

It will take a reeeeaaally long time but it's going to be amazing :D


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Yay a Romania fan! I haven't seen too much of him in fanfiction and such, so now I'm super excited too!

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I lied. I am going to give you a story. I need to write. Desperately. It is my addiction.

The Romania comic is taking a really long time. You will get it eventually though, don't worry.

You have five choices, and the first one left in a comment here will be the one I write tomorrow/the day after tomorrow. Feel free to add specific details you would like to see in any of the options. These will most likely be illnesses unless you tell me you don't want that.

1) England teaches Colonial America magic.

2) The Witchcraft Club curses people with illness.

3) Bad Touch Trio VS. Austria and England

4) A Nordic thing where Norway probably locks people up.

5) A request.

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OMG. Okay- I'm going to rant and fangirl. XD every time I clicked the link to your thread, it sent me somewhere else and I read about five other threads before finding this one! XD you've no idea how confused and frustrated I was! But goodness, it's not your fault or whatever, I just wanted to share. And gosh, these stories are so cute and well written! Keep up the good work! :3

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I am so honoured you spent so much time trying to find my stories! Your rant made me smile :D I hope this story makes all of you smile!

What prompt out of those above should I do next? I was also thinking that I could do something with Russia and whoever else you want because I like roleplaying him even though he scares the shit out of me both in the anime and in real life and I was thinking that maybe I should learn Russian because I might need it because of the possibility that Russia might take over the world.

By the way, Russia is 23 years old. He only became a country 23 years ago. Same with Ukraine, and Belarus is actually older than Russia and Ukraine. She's 24. I just thought that was interesting because I thought they were much older. Just think about it. Our parents (and maybe even some of us) are older than Russia. He should be a chibi in the show! Most of the other countries are at least a few centuries old!

And speaking of ages, the United States has actually been a country longer than France! If you don't believe me them look it up.

I could also do a prompt with France if you want, I like him too.

And it turns out that every country is under six feet tall! That includes Sweden and Russia! It was shocking too me too.

I should shut up and tell the damn story already, shouldn't I? 'Kay. Here you go.


The sky was still dark when England opened his eyes enough to see it through the window. It must have been very early in the morning, or very late at night. Why was America so eager to wake him up?

"England, what's this?"

And of course, said colony was holding a book that England did not want anyone in the entire world other than perhaps Norway or Romania to see. It was camouflaged within a Harry Potter cover so it didn't look suspicious, and locked within a bookcase filled with scripts from plays and manuscripts from books that England himself was writing whenever he found the time. How the little boy was able to find it, England had no idea. He knew America was learning to read, but that was really not the place to be looking for books, especially when England had already provided him with children's books.

And especially not at such an ungodly hour in the morning!

It had to be the book of magic, didn't it? England thought he had hidden it rather cleverly. It was locked in a closed bookshelf, after all. It had been sealed with magic. How had America opened it?

England really wanted to say It's none of your bloody business; let me sleep, but he decided against it. America was just a little kid, and a curious one at that. Not to mention that he'd probably already heard England talking to his magical friends.

"It's a magic book, America," he said. "It's not something I want you to mess around with on your own though. It can be dangerous." England decided there was no point in staying in bed any longer, as it was unlikely that he would get any more sleep. He got up tiredly and took the book from America's hands to try to put it away.

"If you don't want me to mess around with it on my own then will you mess around with it with me?" America asked.

England paused. Perhaps it would be a good idea to teach his colony magic, just like he had been teaching him to read and write and behave and manage his country and cook (perhaps that one wasn't working out so well. America never followed England's instructions and yet the food still ended up better than how England had done it).

"I suppose so. Yes, let's go do that. Would you like to eat breakfast first?" England asked.

"Not if you're cooking it!" America ran downstairs where he had seen a room full of cauldrons and chalk and even several staves.

England followed close by. "I don't want you to do anything too complicated. You might get hurt. Or worse. Pick something near the start of the book, please."

America opened the book curiously and flipped through the first few pages. "Can I try levitation?"

Smiling, England took out a piece of chalk. "I see no reason why not." He cleared the concrete floor of the basement and drew a circle with the appropriate markings inside. "You'll have to put the object you want to levitate in the middle of the circle."

Proudly, America walked forward and stood in the middle of the circle.

England smiled and held the book up so America could read the spell. "You have to focus very hard on wanting to levitate. If you break focus, it doesn't work."

America nodded determinedly and started chanting the spell. He stayed on the ground and frowned. "It didn't work..." he said. "Let me try it again." It took several tries but eventually America managed to levitate himself for a few seconds. England ran forward and caught him as soon as the spell wore off, which was pretty fast.

"That was amazing, England!" America exclaimed. "I did a spell! Can I do another spell where I make you cook good?"

"It's "well", and I don't believe there's a spell for that. But you can definitely try another one." England looked through a few more pages and soon stopped. "Why don't you curse me?"

America's eyes lit up and he grinned.

England rolled his eyes. "I'm so glad you think so highly of me, America." He passed the book to America, who soon chose a simple curse.

"I'm going to make you sick, England!"

Before England could finish debating whether it would be rude to say Oh America, you practically already do, especially with that terrible grammar of yours, America was chanting the curse with a very determined look on his face. England was sure the curse would work, and most likely, it would last quite a while.

It did.

But no one realized it was America standing in the chalk circle rather than England.

America collapsed backwards when the spell took effect, and he didn't really want to get back up. He curled up on the cold concrete floor and England came and picked him up, finding his skin hot to the touch. Worried, England carried America back upstairs and lay him in bed, giving him a cold washcloth to put on his forehead.

Shivering from the cold cloth, America hid in the blanket and sneezed several times. "Haptshoo! Hekshoo!" They were muffled by the blanket but England could tell that it hurt. He pitied his colony and stroked his hair gently in an attempt to make him feel better. Did they have medicine that could help? England wasn't sure. Perhaps later when America had fallen asleep he could find out.

England doubted a counter-curse would do much good. America had done the spell too well.

Though there was nothing stopping him from trying.

"America, would it be all right if I took you back downstairs and tried the counter-curse?" he asked. He hadn't even thought of it before taking America back upstairs.

"It's cold there..." America muttered, sniffling. "I guess you can... etchoo! Hatschoo!" He shivered and tiredly got up. England helped him back downstairs, wrapped in a blanket, and he stood back in the chalk circle.

England immediately started chanting the counter curse, trying to focus on it as well as possible. When he finished, America looked quite a bit better, though not yet back to normal. England was sure a night's rest would do the trick.

He wasn't sure he wanted anyone or anything else doing tricks on America. No, that wouldn't be a very good idea.

England brought America back upstairs and lay him in bed. When he saw America's open arms practically begging him for a hug, he couldn't help but lie down beside his colony and cuddle with him. Soon America was asleep, clutching tightly to England, and it wasn't likely he would let go for a good while. Since he couldn't move anyway, and had been woken up earlier, soon England fell asleep as well.


Oh bloody hell. What was it now? Hadn't this exact scenario happened the morning prior? Glancing at the clock on his nightstand, England saw that the time was six. What reason did America have for waking England up at six?

"England, are you awake?"

He nodded tiredly, sitting up. Immediately his head began to pound.

"I feel better now. Do you want to do some more magic? Can I do it? Should I make you supper? I don't want you to make it."

"I don't bloody want to make it either." England closed his eyes. "Must you constantly wake me up so bloody early in the morning?"

"England, it's six in the afternoon. We fell asleep around noon, I just woke up before y-"

He was cut off by England attempting to stifle several sneezes. "Haptchh! Httshh! Kkschh!"

America gasped. "So the curse worked after all?! I thought it didn't work!"

"You cast the bloody curse on yourself," England said, coughing a bit. "I must have caught it from you. It's not a big deal, I can perform the same counter-curse on myself, but for now, I'd like to rest."

"That's not what I meant. I wanted to curse you, not me. So when I woke up and you were still sleeping, I drew this!" He pointed at England's floor, which was now covered in chalk and surrounded by a white circle.

England proceeded to jump out of bed and scream several profanities that perhaps America shouldn't have heard.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats funny and awwwwww so cute at the same time!!!

:lol: + :love: = clapping.gif

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No problem! :D and I love numbers two and three on the request list very much- especially the one with the BTT! And as for the request.. Would you be able to write spamano? I was just wondering.

And this drabble actually did make me smile! 'That grammar of your makes me sick' XD oh my gosh England amazing job!

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Of course I can write Spamano! Or I can attempt and most likely fail at writing Spamano but the idea is that I tried!

What if I combined the Spamano with the BTT prompt? Would that be cool? Or do you have a different idea?

I think of the BTT in two ways, one as troublemakers and the other as perfectly misunderstood people thought to be perverts. I don't think they're perverts or bad people at all. This will be with the troublemakers because I think by now we all know I like my characters to be pranksters. It would be easy to add in some Spamano drama if that's what you want. Or something completely different, I don't know.

I don't think I'll be finishing the Romania comic anytime soon. Oh well. These stories can keep you entertained in the meantime. Don't hurt me.

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GYAAAAHH! *squeals and hides* You're so amazing oh my gosh. ;///7///; I think that's a wonderful idea! :D I like it, and I completely agree with your BTT head canon/interpretation thing! You already got a plot and stuff going? I have a few ideas but meh. They probably won't be as good as your genius. XD *rolls around and squees!* :) I won't hurt you! *tackle glomp*

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I've always wanted to be fangirled over! Yes, I do have an idea for the BTT story. I hope it will be okay since I've never ever written Spain before and I'm a little scared because I think I'll mess up. I'm like that with several characters actually, such as Scotland, Estonia, Holy Rome, Belgium, Turkey, Finland, and Iceland, but don't be scared to request them because if I don't write them I'll always be unsure with them.

Yes, I do still plan to do a Nordic story eventually.

I'll start the BTT request shortly.

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Please don't explode. That would be painful.

I think I will roleplay Spain for a day before attempting to write him.

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So I've been procrastinating a lot because I can't write Spain to save my life and because of my vacation which was really awesome thinking, and I thought maybe I should turn the BTT into a longer fic with several parts in its own thread. Because I love the BTT and they are my role models. I can't stand how people hate them, they don't deserve hate at all. Spain has godlike patience and had to put up with Romano, Prussia has the most self-confidence I've ever seen in a single person despite the fact that his little brother killed him, and France is sexy has the worst reputation of all even though he only asks England to marry him in order to save his own life and he only gets naked for the Olympics because it's tradition, and Joan of Arc also died, which no one seems to remember, which shattered France's heart, but France is so optimistic despite all of this and despite being one of the most hated characters and I love them all.

Does a longer story sound good to you? Or should I just write a short one like my previous stories?

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