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~ lab rats request for DNO (Chase) ~


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I'm so so so very sorry it took so long! I've been out of story ideas for everything, and my life has been a little busy and stuff. But I finally came up with a little something for you wink.png hope you enjoy @DeathNoteOwner. (This takes place during the episode avalanche. I keep the same episode plot, but throw my own stuff in too.)

I do not own lab rats, but I wish I owned Chase tonguesmiley.gif

Being trapped under a mountain of snow takes it's toll on any person. Even bionic people! But it was especially hard on Chase who was currently running out of air and warmth fast.

Making his mission log again, he silently prayed that Bree & Adam would rescue him from the disaster he made. Why did he try to prove that he do the mission without his brother and sister?

"Hetcho! Hetchoo! Ugh." Chase groaned, shivering uncontrollably. Getting warm was just not an option anymore. The scary thought that he could die there entered his mind and his eyes widened with fear.

Just when he thought all hope was lost, the frozen snow above him started to cave in, like someone was digging him out.

"Yes! Adam, Bree, I knew you'd come for me! I'm in here!" He called, suddenly noticing how sore his throat felt.

Pushing that thought out of his head, he shielded his eyes as the final amount of snow fell. But a new problem arose.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked, in an annoyed tone.

"Saving my son's life!" Douglas heroically said over the blizzard winds.

Chase glared at Douglas, but at least allowed him help get Chase free. It felt nice to stand again. But only for a moment.

Chase winced at the sudden pounding in his head, but followed Douglas silently hoping that he could get some rest wherever they were going.

"Would you like some soup? I went to cooking school in the 90's. It's tusken bean." Douglas offered.

"Is it poisoned?" Chase asked, scanning his options before digging into the soup he desperately needed.

"Yes. I flew 10,000 miles around the world in a massive storm, and risked my life in an avalanche to rescue you, so I could then poison you." Douglas said sarcastically.

Chase sighed, and grabbed the cup, gratefully sipping all of it up. The warmth felt so good to his practically frozen body, and he quickly finished it.

"Well, you make a pretty good soup for a diabolical maniac." Chase said.

"You should try my keesh." Douglas boasted, ignoring Chase's comment.

"Yeah, maybe some other time. I'm leaving." Chase said, standing up. Ugh, since when was it so hard to balance? And why was the room spinning?

Chase heard his name being called, before he blacked out into darkness.

Chase groaned, turning his head to the side in attempt to make his migraine disappear.

"You've got a pretty bad fever cooking, son. I mean seriously! I could fry an egg on your forehead," Douglas exaggerated. "Speaking of, I make a wonderful omelet if you're interest-"

Chase cut him off by an unexpected coughing fit. Douglas patted his back until Chase's throat calmed down.

"Look, Chase. You and I have a lot more in common then you think. I know what it's like to be ignored. To have a sibling who always steals the spotlight. I know how hard it's been for you. And I can help," Douglas started.

"For the last time I don't need your help!" Chase said hoarsely. He gradually stood up and walked over to a comfy looking chair. The place was surprisingly warm for a tent. Or maybe that was just the fever talking.

Douglas got an evil look in his eye.

"What if I told you, you could be stronger then Adam and faster then Bree? I can make it so you can have all three abilities."

"H-h...hetcho! How?" Chase asked, wiping his nose on a davenport hanky that was somehow in his mission suit.

He explained that by the time Chase's chip was made, Douglas knew how to build in more abilities in updates.

"Join me Chase, I can help you be all you were meant to be." Douglas said in a proud voice.

Chase agreed, but he had a plan in his head. Man, it would be easier to get things done if he didn't have a splitting headache.

Back at the lab, Chase was almost finished loading the "update". Douglas evilly boasted that no one would be able to stop them once the download would be complete.

Just then the doors to the lab opened, and Adam, Bree, & Mr. Davenport walked in.

"Don't give up guys, there's still a chance we could find him-" Mr. Davenport stopped right in his sentence when he saw Chase standing right in front of him.

"Chase, you're alive!" He yelled, startled.

Douglas walked out of hiding, his plan to have a dramatic entrance working.

"It's evil uncle daddy!" Adam gasped pointing at Douglas.

Mr. Davenport told Chase to back away, but Douglas explained that Chase was his partner now.

"You won't get away with this." Donald said.

Just then there was a little beep noise. "I just did." Douglas said. "Chase will now have all three bionic abilities, and no one will be able to stop us!" "Actually they can." Chase sad with a smirk. "That USB drive you're holding is completely useless."

"What!? Well then what just took an hour and a half to download?" Douglas angrily shouted.

Chase explained that it was the list of things Adam had ever eaten. And Adam cried for his "incredible edibles".

"You double crossed me." Douglas said, getting angrier by the second.

"Did you really think I would betray my own family?" Chase asked.

"I would never go to your side. We're a team. And teams never give up on each other."

"Alright you got me! What do you say we just put all this beside and get down to the business of healing this family." Douglas dramatically said, in a fake sad voice and motioned for a group hug. Adam was a about to hug Douglas, but Mr. Davenport held him back.

Douglas pulled out a gun and got ready to shoot them.

"Get down!" Chase yelled, trying not to cough, while grabbing the CrioBlaster and freezing Douglas in a huge ice cube.

Right after, Chase groaned and passed out, his fever spiking without rest.

"Leo! Adam! Help me get him into his capsule." Mr. Davenport called, as they drug Chase to his sleeping chamber, and Mr. Davenport turned on the heater in his capsule.

"He must've contracted some type of virus while he was in freezing temperatures too long. I'll do some research later. The important thing right now is to make sure he'll be alright." Donald said, typing away at the syber desk.

"I didn't know we could get sick." Bree said randomly.

"Bree, you're super human, but you're still human. The reason you haven't gotten sick before is because you guys have been in the lab your whole life, and that makes it difficult for germs to get in." Donald explained, walking over to his computer to finish something he was working on. "Get some sleep guys. I need you all to be ready for the presentation of the CrioBlaster tomorrow, so don't stay up."

Adam and Bree nodded, heading into their capsules, which changed them into their pajamas. Everyone was thinking the same thing; it had been a rough day!

I'm sorry if it's bad or if it seems rushed/short. I just felt like I could put it off any longer for you smile.png also I apologize for not having Adam sneeze or have allergies like you requested. I'm not good at writing his personality, but I might be able to continue and try to get him something to sneeze at. Only if you want me to though smile.png thanks for reading!

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I love this show! Very nice! Love Chase too :D

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This was really awesome!! I Love Chase! :D Thank you so much for writing this. wish there were more fics about him. :D

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Aww thanks @Zane! I wish there were more fics about him too, so I decided to write one :P I'd love it if someone else did too lol

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