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Tropical Paradise [BBC Sherlock (Mystrade)] b-day fic for Spoo: Ch 14/14


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Happy birthday Spoo! smile.png This fic is for you. heart.gif

I know absolutely nothing about tropical islands other than my own limited knowledge and what I learned from google. A lot of this first chapter sets the scene, so not too much sneezing involved, sadly. All mistakes are mine.


Chapter 1

The British government found himself in a strange position. He was uncharacteristically nervous; nail biting, fidgeting nervous. He had stared down heads of state and delivered bad news to the PM and the Queen, yet getting ready to head off on holiday with his partner, was causing him a great deal of anxiety. What if there was a national crisis? What if his hayfever rendered him exhausted and unable to enjoy himself? What if one of them ended up ill? The cycle of worried thoughts ran circles around Mycroft’s head.

Gregory tossed a pillow in Mycroft’s direction, with a genuine chuckle. Mycroft had been lost in a reverie, biting the cuticle on his thumb. The politician looked up in confusion, but saw nothing but a smile on Gregory’s face, and love in his chocolate brown eyes.

“Stop worrying, love. Everything’s going to be fine. We’re going to have an amazing time. Do I need to come over there and help you relax?” Gregory teased with a smile and a lewd wink.

Mycroft raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. “That will not be necessary my dear. If you were to do that, we would most certainly miss our flight. I am sure you can control your urges until we arrive, Gregory.” Mycroft gave Gregory a rare coy smile and picked up his suitcase. “Shall we?”

After an unremarkable flight, the pair arrived on the private tropical island. Gregory wondered if Mycroft himself owned the island outright, or if it was owned by his family, or even more worryingly so, by the Royal Family. Mycroft was rather evasive when he had been asked about it, so Gregory just let it go, and accepted it as one of the perks of dating (or rather now, being engaged to) a Holmes.

The first thing Gregory noticed upon disembarking from the private plane was that it was bloody bright out. The second thing he noticed he immediately forgot due to the fact that he was suddenly bent at the waist and sneezing harshly.

Huh-etcssSHHhhoo! HuhhrahhhSHHhooo!

Mycroft turned to his lover immediately, a look of concern on his face. “God bless you, Gregory. Are you quite alright?” He studied his partner’s face intently, quickly deducing that Gregory was not suffering from anything other than a photic response to the vivid sunshine, something not usually found in the city of London.

“Thank you, love. I’m fine.” Gregory smiled broadly at Mycroft, who then pulled out a pair of designer sunglasses and handed them to his lover. “I believe you will make good use of these here,” he said.

Gregory immediately put on the sunglasses and looked around for a reflective surface to check out his appearance. Not finding one, he made a mental note to do so at the earliest convenience.

They made their way to the car that was set to take them to the private villa they would be staying at for the next week; their bags had already been stowed in the boot. Gregory quickly admired his appearance in the reflection of the window of the car. Mycroft came up next to him and put an arm around his waist, kissing him, also admiring the detective inspector’s appearance. After a second quick kiss, they made their way into the car.

After a short drive, they arrived at the tropical villa. It was a one-story, with cream coloured stone walls, and flamingo pink shutters. The entire home was surrounded by palm and mangrove trees interspersed with orchids and bougainvillea blooms.

Upon exiting the car, Gregory sneezed abrasively again, not used to the dazzling sunshine.

HuhhrahhhSHHhhh! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshhhoo!

He quickly pushed the sunglasses down over his eyes from where they had rested on top of his head. He’d need to remember that for the rest of the trip.

“Goodness! God bless you, my dear!” Mycroft pulled his handkerchief from the pocket of his linen trousers and pressed it into Gregory’s hand.

With a slight sniff, Gregory wiped his nose. “Thanks, love,” he said smiling at the younger man. “I’m going to need to remember to wear these before I go outside while we’re here.” Gregory chuckled, a low rumbling laugh deep within his chest that Mycroft couldn’t help but grin in return at.

Mycroft took Gregory’s hand in his, and together they walked hand-in-hand inside.

Edited by cally
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OmgomgOMGGGG. A birthday fic for me?! happy crying.GIF You're too sweet! Also, I LOVE where this is going so far (there's so many possibilities, mwahaha aaevil.gif).

Thank you, cally. So much. You're the best.hug.gif

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Goodness me! Wow! :drool: I can like get you Myc I know I have anxiety too but Greggy's got ya okay?

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Mmmm. Private island holiday? Exciting! I love how nervous Mycroft is. Silly goose. And Gregory all teasing.

Gregory wondered if Mycroft himself owned the island outright, or if it was owned by his family, or even more worryingly so, by the Royal Family. Mycroft was rather evasive when he had been asked about it, so Gregory just let it go, and accepted it as one of the perks of dating (or rather now, being engaged to) a Holmes.


Excited to see where this goes!

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OmgomgOMGGGG. A birthday fic for me?! happy%20crying.GIF You're too sweet! Also, I LOVE where this is going so far (there's so many possibilities, mwahaha aaevil.gif).

Thank you, cally. So much. You're the best.hug.gif

Thank you. You're the best. :)hug.gif

There are so many possibilities, and I begin to hint at some of them in this next chapter.

Goodness me! Wow! drool.gif I can like get you Myc I know I have anxiety too but Greggy's got ya okay?

I'm glad you enjoyed. Mycroft got a bit worked up, but hopefully the sea air will relax him. :)

Mmmm. Private island holiday? Exciting! I love how nervous Mycroft is. Silly goose. And Gregory all teasing.

I want a private island holiday for myself! :)

Chapter 2


The inside of the villa was just as spectacular as the outside. It was furnished with light coloured wood and wicker, with accents in fuchsia and turquoise. It was relatively small; just a good-sized kitchen, sitting room, bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. The sitting room had French windows that opened out onto a private beach. For a short vacation it made sense. They wouldn’t be entertaining, and everything was meant to be low-key, allowing the two of them to have an actual break from their hectic lives.

After a brief discussion, they decided that it would be best to shower and nap before having dinner and a late night swim. They were still running on British Summer Time, and it felt far later in the day to them, despite the sun shining outside.

This was exactly how they found themselves spending the first half-day on the island, in quiet harmony.

Just after sunrise on the following morning, Gregory awoke rather refreshed. He knew Mycroft had been up in the night on the phone, and decided to let the British government have a lay-in.

He got up and made himself a cup of coffee and couldn’t resist going out to the beach. He walked along the shore, breathing in the fresh ocean air, relaxing in the sound of the rhythm of the waves breaking. He literally could feel all of his stresses and worries washing away out to sea.

Once his coffee was nearly gone, Gregory turned around and headed back towards the villa. He hoped to have many relaxing walks like this with Mycroft over the next few days. They didn’t even need to talk; just be together enjoying the company of one another.

As he slowly walked back along shore, relishing the feel of the sand under his toes and the waves lapping at his feet, he found that his nose had become rather itchy. Not something completely out of the ordinary, but annoying all the same. He had hoped that there would be an absence of such issues while on holiday; perhaps this was just a random occurrence. He sniffled slightly and then immediately found himself surrendering to a fit of rapid, ticklish sneezes that he directed into his fist.

Rahhhshhngxt! Rahhhshhngxtishh! HuhhrahhhSHHhooo! HuhhraGHNTshhh!

Frowning, he made his way back to the villa, pausing to clean the sand from his feet before going inside. He worried about the seemingly random bout of sneezing; he didn’t feel unwell and he knew Mycroft would only make a fuss if he knew. And keeping things from Mycroft Holmes was not easy in the best of times.

Before heading to the bedroom, he made another coffee and a cup of tea for Mycroft. He hoped that his lover was still sleeping. It was rather early still, and while he wanted to spend as much time as possible enjoying the island with him, he also wanted Mycroft to have as much downtime as possible.

Upon entering the bedroom, he found that Mycroft had just awoken. He looked sleep rumpled, and the detective inspector found that very alluring. Mycroft sat up in bed and greeted his lover with a smile. “Good morning, Gregory.”

Gregory returned the smile, and put the tea down bedside Mycroft. “Morning, love.” He kissed Mycroft on the top of his head and then came around the bed to join him. By the time Gregory had settled himself, Mycroft found himself in a bit of a predicament. Nostrils flaring, he quickly turned away from Gregory and sneezed.

Heh-hhhmmpftish! Mmmmpftish! Mmmmpftighx! Mmmmpftx!

“God bless you, love!” Gregory gave Mycroft a sympathetic smile. Mycroft always sneezed in the morning, no matter what. Gregory actually found it rather adorable, not that he would ever say so, of course. He didn’t want Mycroft feeling any more self-conscious about himself than he already did.

“My apologies, Gregory,” Mycroft said. He gave a weak sniffle and rubbed his nose. He looked up, expectantly at his partner. “Would you mind,” he began. Gregory immediately knew what his lover needed, and went off to fetch a handkerchief for him. They had been a bit distracted last night, and had not fully unpacked.

Gregory returned quickly and Mycroft gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you, my dear,” he said and quickly and gently blew his nose.

Gregory smiled back. “It was no trouble, love.” He ruffled Mycroft’s soft auburn hair. “I can’t wait to see you freckle up,” he teased.

Mycroft raised an eyebrow. He disliked his freckles immensely. He did not want to return to London covered in spots. “Gregory, I do not understand your obsession with my freckles. They are so unsightly. I would rather not return to London with any additional disfigurements.”

Gregory leaned over and gave Mycroft a tender kiss. “Well, in that case, we will have to make sure you freckle only in places I can see,” he said with a wink.

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Gregory leaned over and gave Mycroft a tender kiss. “Well, in that case, we will have to make sure you freckle only in places I can see,” he said with a wink.

Hehehe! I'm giggling like a little school girl over here! Love this story!

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FRECKLES OH MY GOD STAHP IT :lol: You can tell mama Awko like this story CX

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Heh. Greg and I share something in common: We both love Mycroft's freckles. Especially the freckles on his nose. ;) Cally, this is just so amazing! I'm really loving the descriptions of the villa and the beach. And then there's the domesticity too (which is ALWAYS loved). Guhhh. :wub:

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Hehehe! I'm giggling like a little school girl over here! Love this story!

:) thank you so much!

FRECKLES OH MY GOD STAHP IT heh.gif You can tell mama Awko like this story CX

Freckles are awesome! :)

Love love love smile.png Can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Fabulous

:) Thank you!

Heh. Greg and I share something in common: We both love Mycroft's freckles. Especially the freckles on his nose. wink.png Cally, this is just so amazing! I'm really loving the descriptions of the villa and the beach. And then there's the domesticity too (which is ALWAYS loved). Guhhh. wub.png

I am SO SO SO glad you are enjoying. :) Freckles, sun, and domesticity abound. :)

Chapter 3


After a simple breakfast of toast and fruit they planned on relaxing on the beach; something Gregory never thought he would ever see. This required getting the British government completely covered in a ridiculous amount of sunscreen with an alarming number on the bottle. Once done, the pair made their way to the private beach. Once again, Gregory had forgotten to put on his sunglasses before making his way into the sunshine and he stopped in his tracks and let out a pair of loud, unrestrained sneezes.

Huhhrahhhnghtshhhooo! HuhhrahhhshhhOOOO!

“God bless you, my dear,” Mycroft said. He studied Gregory out of the corner of his eye; still worried that something was potentially going to ail one of them.

“Thanks, love,” Gregory said with a smile. He reached out and took Mycroft’s hand as they walked out onto the sand.

“You’re welcome,” Mycroft replied softly, returning the grin.

Since Gregory’s walk earlier that morning, a large beach umbrella had been put up on the beach, and under it an enormous plush blanket. There were also chaise lounges, if either of them decided to sit off the sand. There was a stack of beach towels and a cooler filled with beverages and snacks as well.

Gregory was enthralled with the cooler filled with snacks and immediately helped himself to a bottle of water. He made himself comfortable on the portion of the blanket that was exposed to the sun, while Mycroft favoured the shaded side. They were able to stretch out side by side, and still each have what they wanted; sun for Gregory, and shade for Mycroft. Heaven forbid any freckles appear where Mycroft doesn’t want them.

Gregory had brought a novel with him to read while they relaxed in companionable silence. Mycroft was grateful for this quiet time; he had been up for most of the early morning hours dealing with pushy bureaucrats on the phone.

It didn’t take long for Mycroft to doze off, lulled to sleep by the fresh salty air and the lapping of the ocean waves. Gregory regarded his lover fondly as he slept. It was still hard to believe that he was here with Mycroft on this island paradise.

Gregory read for a bit longer, and then found himself warm from the sun. Carefully, he removed his sunglasses. He didn’t want to trigger another sneeze and risk disturbing Mycroft. He placed them down next to his novel and made his way down the beach to the shore.

The water was warm and perfect, like a velvety cocoon. It was crystal clear, reflecting the expanse of the blue sky above. Nothing like the Thames back home, he thought.

He dove into a breaking wave and swam out a bit. The water was perfect; he could stay out in the sea forever. He swam laps for a bit enjoying the exertion, the pull on his muscles. He finally made his way back to Mycroft; seawater dripping from his already tanned skin.

He sniffled as he bent over to pick up a beach towel. Somehow he had managed to get sea water up his nose. He attempted to rub the tickle away, but only succeeded in making his nose itch further. His nose scrunched up and he sneezed explosively.

Huhhrahhhshhhgnxt! HuhhraGHNTshhhooo! Huhhrahhhshhhooo! RahhhTISHshhhooo!

“G’bless,” Mycroft mumbled from his resting position on the blanket.

Gregory was about to thank Mycroft when he sneezed again, the result of a further tickle and he muffled them into the towel he had picked up.

Hehhhh-HuhhraGHNTshhh! Rahhhshhngxtishh!

Mycroft sat up with a concerned look on his face. “God bless you again, my dear. Are you all right?”

“Thank you, love. Just managed to get a bit of sea water up my nose,” Gregory said, chuckling.

Mycroft raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything further on the matter.

“How was the water?” Mycroft asked, taking in his lover’s well muscled appearance and tanned skin.

“It was gorgeous, love. The temperature was perfect. It is unbelievable here, Mycroft.” Gregory sat back down on the blanket next to Mycroft and stretched out, drying off in the sun.

Mycroft closed the gap between the two of them and kissed Gregory, tasting the sea salt on his lips. The two remained embraced like that for some time; until Gregory’s stomach growled. They both laughed, and hands entwined, headed back inside for some lunch.

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That sounds perfect and this whole thing is SO CUTE! I wanna vacation... *sigh* <3 Sea water up his nose :lol:

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I ought to record myself reading this. Then you can hear the embarrassing sounds I make, because I'm just so overwhelmed by FEELS! :yay: I love how Greg is an ocean-lover (he definitely strikes me as the type who absolutely loves to swim) and how Mycroft avoids the sun like the plague. :lol: I adore this story, cally. It's so good.

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This is just wonderful! I love it!

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That sounds perfect and this whole thing is SO CUTE! I wanna vacation... *sigh* <3 Sea water up his nose heh.gif

Sea water up the nose is rather uncomfortable! heh.gif

I ought to record myself reading this. Then you can hear the embarrassing sounds I make, because I'm just so overwhelmed by FEELS! yay.gif I love how Greg is an ocean-lover (he definitely strikes me as the type who absolutely loves to swim) and how Mycroft avoids the sun like the plague. heh.gif I adore this story, cally. It's so good.

I am so glad you're enjoying. Tonight's just a short chapter, sadly. Next chapter, it gets real. ;)

This is just wonderful! I love it!

Thank you so much!

Chapter 4


After lunch the pair took a long stroll on the beach. Gregory wished that he could get Mycroft in less clothing, but the younger man insisted on wearing long linen trousers and a long sleeved linen shirt. He even wore a large straw hat to protect his face from getting any more freckles. Gregory rolled his eyes and nearly put his foot down at that, but let it go. It was their holiday and he didn’t want to have any disagreements.

On their way out down to the shore, Gregory noticed that his nose got a rather fierce tickle as they made their way out, not for the first time either. He paid it no mind, figuring it was just a random itch.

Their walk along the coastline was relaxing and peaceful as they made conversation interspersed with breaks in the conversation to simply listen to the waves lapping gently.

The sand, while hot, felt glorious under their feet. It was remarkably soft; not like some of the sandy beaches Gregory had been to when he was younger. He listened carefully as Mycroft told him a bit more about the island and its history, but noticed how careful the British government was to leave out his personal association with the island.

After an hour of walking the pair returned to the villa, both eager for some cool refreshments. As they walked up the path to the door, Gregory sneezed, overcome with a similar fierce tickle like before.

HuhhraGHNTshhhooo! RahhhTISHshhhoo!

Mycroft had been slightly in front of Gregory, turned around with a concerned look on his face. “God bless you, my dear.”

Gregory smiled and thanked Mycroft, careful not to let his face betray his own concern. They walked inside and found freshly squeezed ice-cold lemonade ready for them. It was perfectly refreshing after their long walk.

Mycroft studied his lover carefully, looking for any signs that Gregory was unwell. All he could see was glowing tanned skin and Gregory’s radiant smile. He put his worries to the side again, as he felt an overwhelming feeling of fondness come over him. He drained his glass and pulled Gregory toward their airy bedroom.

A few hours later, after a satisfying dinner, the two sat out on the lounge chairs and looked at the stars until they were giddy with the need to sleep.

The following morning Gregory was woken by Mycroft’s (adorable) morning sneezes.

Heh-hhhmmpftish! MmmmINGHtighsh!

“G’bless,” Gregory mumbled sleepily into his pillow.

When there was no reply, Gregory turned his head and blearily opened an eye. Mycroft had his head tipped back, fanning his hand in front of his nose as if it would coax out the sneeze faster. Before Gregory could comment, Mycroft was rewarded with another pair of sneezes.

Ah-hah-hhh-heh-hhhmmpftish! Mmmmmmpftishoo!

“God bless you, love,” Gregory said with a chuckle. He sat up and plucked a tissue out of the box and handed it to his lover. Mycroft gave him a wry smile and dabbed at his nose.

“Thank you, my dear. I am sorry for waking you.” While he had the opportunity, Mycroft once again studied Gregory carefully.

“S’alright,” Gregory said yawning and stretching. He pushed himself up so he was up against the headboard and pulled Mycroft to him. He kissed the back of Mycroft’s head and enveloped himself in his warmth.

After a long (what can only be described as a cuddle) cuddle, they began to discuss the day’s plans.

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This is just fabulous! They're so sweet. You have me curious what could be going on with Gregory, is it random or not? And I just Love Mycroft's habitual morning sneezes.

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Oh, this is so sweet. Love their relationship and Greg's random (or not?) nasal troubles. Luckily he doesn't seem too bothered by it, even though Mycroft is! And Mycroft's morning sneezes are indeed adorable. I do hope his hayfever doesn't start playing up (who am I kidding?) Lovely writing as always.

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*Incoherent squeaking noises*

This is so adorable, oh my Goddddd. :wub: I would have read/loved this story even if it wasn't a sneezefic! :P I'm still so in love with the descriptions of their vacation and the beach and EVERYTHING. :heart:

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I love his morning sneezes, and just the fact Lestrade finds them adorable.

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This is just fabulous! They're so sweet. You have me curious what could be going on with Gregory, is it random or not? And I just Love Mycroft's habitual morning sneezes.

It should be clear from this next chapter. :)

Oh, this is so sweet. Love their relationship and Greg's random (or not?) nasal troubles. Luckily he doesn't seem too bothered by it, even though Mycroft is! And Mycroft's morning sneezes are indeed adorable. I do hope his hayfever doesn't start playing up (who am I kidding?) Lovely writing as always.

Thank you so much! I am glad you are enjoying!

*Incoherent squeaking noises*

This is so adorable, oh my Goddddd. wub.png I would have read/loved this story even if it wasn't a sneezefic! tonguesmiley.gif I'm still so in love with the descriptions of their vacation and the beach and EVERYTHING. heart.gif

heart.gif Awwwwwwwwwwwww wub.pngheart.gif I am SO glad you are enjoying, you have no idea! :)

I love his morning sneezes, and just the fact Lestrade finds them adorable.

Aren't they they most adorable?

Chapter 5


The plans for the day were to explore the waterfall on the other side of the island. This really wasn’t an activity that Mycroft normally participated in. He ran on his treadmill and had passed on most legwork in his day job. However, he knew that Gregory enjoyed such pursuits as hiking, and since the trail was only about a kilometer, he figured he could manage, especially since the view was supposed to be breathtaking.

They dressed appropriately for the day; this meant that Mycroft was still covered head to toe in lightweight linen and a wide brimmed hat, while Gregory was in shorts and a tshirt. His skin was deeply tanned now, making his hair appear that much more spectacularly silver. Mycroft had to refrain from running his fingers through it constantly.

As they headed out to the car that would bring them to the other side of the island, Gregory had to once again stop to sneeze harshly.

HuhhrahhhSHHhhh! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshhhoo!

“God bless you, my dear.” Mycroft decided that if Gregory sneezed like that again he would say something. He was beginning to be concerned.

“Thank you, love,” Gregory said with a slight sniffle. He could hear the undertone of worry in Mycroft’s voice. He decided that he would try to leave the villa before Mycroft from now on, especially if he kept on sneezing like this. Clearly something on the island was starting to affect him. He noticed it at other times too, where his nose would prickle and itch out of the blue. But for now it was time for the waterfall.


The walk was short and pleasant; predominantly covered in shade much to Mycroft’s delight. The last part of the tree-lined trail was uphill, but they were rewarded for the little bit of effort when they came upon the waterfall. It was majestic and flowing, the sound echoing for miles. The two stood there hand in hand, just watching and listening to the waterfall, impressed with the miracle of nature.


Mycroft led Gregory to a clearing where a giant blanket had been put down, and a large basket along with bucket of champagne was on ice waiting for them. Gregory very nearly attacked his lover with kisses when he saw what was waiting. He was so very touched and moved by the gesture that he needed to show his appreciation.

They had a pretty hot and heavy make out session, until they had to finally pull apart before they became dehydrated from the heat of the day. Of course, champagne wasn’t the ideal choice for rehydration; it was chilled and ready for them nonetheless.

They rested there together enjoying each other’s company. After a while, Gregory sat up and took in his surroundings; he was still able to see (and hear) the waterfall, and the same foliage as the villa; bougainvillea and orchids surrounded the clearing, as it did much of the island.

They drank champagne and ate the picnic lunch that had been prepared. Gregory shared some stories where Sherlock had done something ridiculous or spectacular, and Mycroft talked about his early days in the field; things that were not classified, mostly about the places he had traveled to.

Gregory had noticed early on in the afternoon that his nose was progressively becoming more and more ticklish. He managed to cover it up with well timed sniffles and discreet nose rubs when Mycroft was gazing at the waterfall or simply just laying quietly in the sun (with his hat covering his face to protect him from the evils of freckles).

He knew a sneeze was inevitable and hoped that when it happened that Mycroft didn’t show any undue worry. He thought about saying he needed to stretch his legs a bit, but he knew that Mycroft would wish to come along.

He was mid-sentence when it happened; his breath hitched wildly and he quickly turned away from Mycroft.

Hehhhh-HuhhraGHNTshhh! Rahhhshhngxtishh!

“Sorry,” Gregory said, embarrassed.

“God bless you, my dearest. Are you alright?” Mycroft’s voice didn’t sound too concerned, to Gregory, but Mycroft was a master at subterfuge.

“Thank you, love. I’m fine,” he said, sniffling slightly.

Mycroft frowned, not fully convinced. Ever the prepared gentleman, he pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to his partner, knowing full well Gregory’s shorts didn’t have any pockets.

Gregory blew his nose gently, but this had the unfortunate trigger of setting off another pair of sneezes.

HuhhrahhhSHHhooo! HuhhraGHNTshhh!

“God bless you again!” Mycroft intently studied Gregory for a moment, but was unable to find anything amiss.

Gregory sniffed. “Thank you,” he said, smiling at Mycroft. He pulled the younger man closer to him and into a heated kiss that went on for some time.


They finally decided that they would head back for a late afternoon swim; the ground not being exactly conducive to napping or any other activities. They packed up the blanket and the remnants of their lunch and headed off down the path to the waiting car.


When they arrived back at the picturesque villa, the same tickle hit Gregory in the same spot again. His nose was still sensitive from earlier in the afternoon, and Gregory was bent double from the force of the flurry of sneezes; a veritable fit this time.

Rahhhshhngxt! Rahhhshhngxtishh! Huhhrahhhshhhooo! HuhhrahhhSHHhooo!

HuhhraGHNTshhhooo! Huhhrahhhshhhooo!

Gregory was aware of a warm hand on his back, and Mycroft speaking softly to him as he sneezed explosively.

“God bless you again, Gregory,” Mycroft said after the sixth sneeze. Mycroft had blessed each sneeze, a clear indication of his concern. He handed his lover the handkerchief from earlier; he had put it back in his pocket just in case and was glad he had.

Gregory accepted the soft cloth gratefully. “Thag you, love. Sorry,” he said. “I don’t know what came over me.” He wiped and blew his nose as they went inside the villa.

Mycroft debated whether or not to discuss what was happening with Gregory. He knew he told himself that he would if it happened again, and it had. However, it had been such an enjoyable day, and he would hate to have to ruin it because he was overly concerned because Gregory had sneezed a few times. He didn’t appear ill or in anyways bothered, so Mycroft decided to put it off and enjoy the evening with his lover.


The private beach was no longer flooded with sunshine, so Mycroft was able to enjoy a relaxing early evening swim with Gregory. After, they sat on the shore and watched the sun set; a perfect ending to a perfect day.

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I love how they have a little island fairy who strategically lays things out for them. Greg all tanned in shorts and a T. Mycroft in linen and a floppy hat. Just too perfect! I can totally imagine it!

Gregory was bent double from the force of the flurry of sneezes; a veritable fit this time.

Can I just join them and romp the bejeezus out of him? Cause you're killing me here!!!

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I love how they have a little island fairy who strategically lays things out for them. Greg all tanned in shorts and a T. Mycroft in linen and a floppy hat. Just too perfect! I can totally imagine it!

They do have an island fairy! :) Island fairies are awesome!

Apologies for the delay in getting the next chapter up, real life, etc....

Chapter 6


The pair slept well after their day out. It was late into the morning when they awoke; well when Gregory was woken from a deep sleep by Mycroft’s morning sneezes.

Hehhh-hhhmmmpftish! Mmmpftish! Mmmpftinghsh! MmmpfTIGshooo!

“G’bless,” Gregory mumbled sleepily.

Mycroft sniffled. “Apologies for waking you, my dear,” he said quietly as he rubbed at his nose. He appeared to be extra sensitive this morning, having already managed to silently stifle several sneezes before succumbing to the more powerful, ticklish ones that woke his lover.

“S’alright love,” Gregory said as he moved to wrap his arms around Mycroft. Mycroft attempted to relax into the embrace hoping that his long, sensitive nose wouldn’t ruin the tender moment.

They actually stayed that way for a fair amount of time; Gregory had dozed back off in fact. So Mycroft was terribly embarrassed when he sneezed, once again waking his partner. He tried to stifle, but for some reason was unable to suppress the paroxysm.

Mmmpftgx! INGHtighsh! Mmmpftishooo! INGHtighshooo!

Before Gregory could say anything Mycroft was immediately apologizing.

“Apologies, Gregory. I am terribly sorry,” he said, sounding congested, as he put his hand over Gregory’s.

“God bless you, love! You’ve certainly got the sneezes this morning,” he teased. He reached over and grabbed the box of tissues on the nightstand. “Here, lovey,” he said, quickly kissing Mycroft on the tip of his nose.

Mycroft gave Gregory an exasperated look. His lover was such a tease sometimes. He knew exactly what kissing Mycroft on the nose would do. Mycroft’s eyes fluttered briefly before he succumbed once again.

Ah-hah-hhh-heh-hhhmmpftish! MmmmINGHtighsh!

“God bless you again, love,” Gregory said, giggling. He received an icy look from Mycroft in return. “Sorry, sorry!” Gregory said, holding up his hands in surrender. “I couldn’t help it; you and your adorable morning sneezes,” he said, smiling. He quickly kissed Mycroft, knowing that the younger man didn’t agree with his statement.

Mycroft thawed a bit at the kiss; he did find it terribly hard to stay angry with Gregory. They stayed like that, kissing for a bit, enjoying each other’s company.

The two had decided the evening before that it would be another lazy day. Mycroft wanted to finish the novel he was reading, and Gregory was happy enough to swim and rest on the beach for the afternoon.

After a leisurely very late breakfast they made their way out to the beach. Gregory had offered to carry the towels so that he could head out before Mycroft in case he had another odd reaction on the path. Mycroft wouldn’t hear of it, and the two headed out along the greenery-lined path together. This time, like all others, Gregory once again found himself having a sudden irritating tickle and the subsequent sneezing. Unlike the other times, this tickle seemed a bit more persistent; he was still sneezing by the time they made their way to the lounge chairs.

Heh-hhh-HuhhrakSHHhooo! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh!

HuhhrahhhSHHhooo! Ahhhshooo! Ahhhkshooo! Rahhhhhshooo!

“My goodness! God bless you! Gregory, I am now absolutely sure that you must be allergic to one of the plants on this island. There is no other reason that you would be having such a reaction,” Mycroft said, a concerned look on his face.

Gregory would have agreed verbally, but at the moment, he was on the verge of another sneeze, his breath hitching wildly and he couldn’t do anything but wait. After a moment, of nothing but hitching breaths and teary eyes, he took his sunglasses off. The sunlight did the trick, allowing the sneezes to explode from him.

Heh-hhh-HuhhrakSHHhooo! Huhhrahhhshhhfff! Huhhrahhhshhhooo! Huhhrahhhnghtshhhooo!

He paused for a moment and wiped the tears from his face, before sneezing wetly once again. He felt Mycroft pressing a handkerchief into his hands and was immensely grateful once again for having such a prepared and considerate partner.

Ahhhisshooo! Ahhhisshooo! Rahhhhhshooo! Huh-HuhhrahhhSHHhooo!

“God bless you again!” Mycroft said, as he led Gregory to one of the chairs and sat him down. He had been blessing Gregory the entire time; there was enough of a pause between sneezes for him to do so.

Gregory blew his nose. “Thank you, love. What would I do without you? Gregory asked seriously, with a wet sniffle. Before Mycroft could answer, Gregory continued. “You’re probably right about the plants. It must be something right outside the villa and whatever it is, was also at the waterfall. At least it isn’t too bad; I don’t feel bothered at all, really.” He sniffled again and swiped at his nose with his handkerchief.

Mycroft had sat down next to Gregory in the other chair. He had a worried look on his face, despite what Gregory had said. “I have antihistamines, should you require them, my dear. I would hate to have you suffer even just a little.” Mycroft took Gregory’s hand and squeezed it.

Gregory gave Mycroft a loving, fond look. “Seriously, love. I’m fine. I feel fine.” He stretched out on the lounge chair and relaxed in the warm sunshine.

Mycroft would have continued the conversation, but seeing the relaxed look on Gregory’s face made him reconsider. He took the novel he wanted to finish out of the bag he had been carrying and made himself comfortable on the other chair, under the umbrella (of course). Before he began to read, he looked out at the water, which looked blue as the sky and inviting. There was a light breeze, which made conditions favourable for being outside, and the lapping of the ocean was peaceful.

Behind his sunglasses, Gregory watched his lover. He smiled as he watched Mycroft take in the beauty of their surroundings and as he relaxed into the chair and began to read. Gregory took the time to do the same, looking out at the sea, until he was lulled into a doze by the steady beat of the waves breaking on shore.

When Gregory woke, he found Mycroft laying out their late picnic lunch of cheese, bread, and fruit. He blinked sleepily and yawned. “I’m going to go jump in the water to wake up. Be right back,” he said to Mycroft. Gregory quickly made his way down the beach and into the water, diving into a breaking wave. While the water was warm, it was cooler than the air temperature, which was all Gregory needed. He was warm from sleeping in the sun and the water was refreshing, and quickly woke him up. He swam out a bit and then made his way back in and up the beach to his waiting partner.

After the picnic lunch, the two sat and talked about what they wanted to do the following day and took a late afternoon swim that ended with them barely on shore and making out like teenagers. The only reason they headed back to the villa was the fact that the private beach was fully engulfed in shade at this time of day, and they were cool after being in the water, with the light ocean breeze blowing.

The villa had been cleaned and dinner was waiting for them to serve themselves at their convenience. On the table was a large vase of gorgeous purple orchids; a bright spot of island colour inside.

Gregory smiled at the thoughtfulness of the island staff. The flowers were beautiful. His smile quickly changed to that of puzzlement and then understanding as his nose began to tickle in earnest. He moved away from the table and grabbed a napkin from a nearby counter.

Heh-hhh-HuhhrakSHHhooo! Huhhrahhhshhhfff! Huhhrahhhshhhooo! Huhhrahhhnghtshhhooo! HuhhrahhhSHHhooo! Rahhhhhshooo!

“My goodness, Gregory! God bless you!” Mycroft quickly deduced the cause of his lover’s sneezing, grabbed the vase, and hurriedly moved it outside the villa.

Gregory continued to sneeze; Mycroft brought him a handkerchief and an antihistamine.

Heh-Rahhhshhngxtishh! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh! Hhhshhngxtishh!

HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh! Huhhrahhhshhh! RahhhTISHshhhooo!

“God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, God bless you Gregory!” Mycroft said, worriedly. Frowning, he pressed the second handkerchief of the day into Gregory’s hands.

Gregory could finally feel the tickle abating and was able to blow his nose. “Thag you, love. I’b sorry,” he said, sniffling wetly.

“There is no reason to apologize, my dearest heart,” Mycroft said, studying Gregory intently. His eyes and nose were slightly reddened now and a few allergic tears had made their way down his cheeks. Mycroft gently brought the hand still holding the cloth up toward Gregory’s nose.

HuhhrahhhSHHhooo! RahhhTISHshhhooo!

Mycroft smiled sympathetically. “God bless you again, my dear.”

Gregory returned the smile. “Thank you again, love. One of these days I will figure out how you do that, you know.”

Mycroft got up for a moment and returned with a glass of water. He handed the water and the pill to Gregory. “Please take this, Gregory. I would hate to have you suffer all evening,” he said.

Gregory nodded and swallowed the pill down. He didn’t want to rely on medication as usual, but he also didn’t want to be congested and sneezing all evening. He sniffled again and rubbed at his nose. The tickle was still there, but had abated enough to where he felt ok. “Shall we have some dinner? That swim made me ravenous,” he said with a wink at Mycroft.

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Chapter 7


Much to Gregory’s dismay the antihistamine he took didn’t kick in right away. He hated to have to sneeze at the dinner table, as he knew that Mycroft found it distasteful. Still holding the decadent handkerchief Mycroft had retrieved for him, he made every attempt to stifle several sneezes into it.

HuhhrahhhSHHhgnxt! HuhhrakSHHgnxt! Hhhshhngxt! Huhhrahhhshhhfff!

“Gregory? God bless you!” Mycroft looked concerned; he knew Gregory was not a fan of trying to suppress his sneezes as it just made him sneeze even more. Case in point; Gregory stood and quickly turned away from the table. “S’cuse me,” he mumbled.

Rahhhshhngxtishhoo! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshhoo! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh! Hhhshhngxtishh!

“God bless you again, my dear!”

Gregory looked up at him with allergic-tear filled eyes and sneezed again.

Heh-Rahhhshhngxtishh! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshhoo!

“God bless!” Mycroft’s tone had increased in worry.

“Thag you, love. I’b sorry,” he said, blowing his nose. Gregory returned to the table, rubbing at his irritated eyes.

Mycroft frowned. He hated to see his partner like this. “Please do not apologize, Gregory. It is not your fault.” He reached over and squeezed Gregory’s hand. “And my dearest, please do not try to stifle like that again,” he said.

Gregory sniffled. “I’ll try,” he said, his voice thick with congestion. “I know you dod’t like sdeezing at the table. I did’t wadt to bake you uncomfordable.”

“Oh, Gregory.” Mycroft frowned. “Please do not worry about my hang-ups right now. It is clear that you’re not feeling well, dearest.” He squeezed Gregory’s hand again, this time leaving his hand there.

Gregory gave his partner a weak smile as he sniffled again. He was afraid if he blew his nose it would set off another fit. “Let’s eat, love. Ok?”

Mycroft nodded and served out the meal for them both, keeping an ever-watchful eye out on Gregory. He hoped that the allergic response would continue to be as minor as it had. He would hate for Gregory to experience anything more serious. Mycroft quickly stopped that train of thought from continuing. He didn’t want to ruin their holiday with his incessant worrying.

They ate quietly, punctuated by Gregory’s wet sniffles. The older of the pair managed to control himself long enough to finish his meal before surrendering to another set of messy sneezes, rendering the handkerchief useless.

Rahhhshhngxtishh! HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh! Hhhshhngxtishh!

HhhhhuhhraGHNTshh! Huhhrahhhshhhooo! Huhhrahhhshhhooo!

“God bless you, God bless you, God bless you, Gregory!” Mycroft had left the room and come back with a fresh handkerchief, that he handed to his partner. Gregory had been so involved in his sneezing, he hadn’t even realised Mycroft had left the room.

“Thag you, Mycroft. I’b sorry.” Gregory blew his nose again; it was starting to become reddened and uncomfortable.

“You are welcome, my dear. Are you up for an evening walk on the beach?”

“I would like nothing more, love.” Gregory took Mycroft’s hand in his, and led him out the door.

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OMG omg omg! You started a story here! Holy shiiiiiiit, this is AMAZING!

It's sneezy!greg. My favorite!! You spoil me so much. Have I mentioned this is Amazing!

And they went on a VACATION! Do you have any idea how happy that makes me? Mystrade in the tropics. You are a genius!

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EEEEK. Two updates, omg. I feel so lucky! :yay: Poor Greg. Being so very sneezy~ I melt a little inside whenever Mycroft gets so terribly worried. The adorable babies! :wub:

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I go on vacation for a few days and come back to such loveliness. 2 updates! And a mystery solved! How exciting!!!

“God bless you, love! You’ve certainly got the sneezes this morning,” he teased. He reached over and grabbed the box of tissues on the nightstand. “Here, lovey,” he said, quickly kissing Mycroft on the tip of his nose.

Mycroft gave Gregory an exasperated look. His lover was such a tease sometimes. He knew exactly what kissing Mycroft on the nose would do. Mycroft’s eyes fluttered briefly before he succumbed once again.

I love teasing!Greg and perturbed!Mycroft. LOL.

Poor miserable Greg. Such a reaction! And Mycroft all caring and sweet.

Sleeping Happy tonight!!!!

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