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Poor Magnus Bane (The Mortal Instruments)


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WARNING! before you read, you should know that I WILL NOT kill off any characters! The character(s) will be in a lot of pain. Hope you guys enjoy this..... (fingers crossed) Comments good or bad are appreciated!

Magnus Bane was not feeling very well this week. He was feeling unusually hot, got huge headaches, and was easy winded. He was trying to hide his discomfort from Alec but he knew that Alec was worried.

Magnus and Alec where sitting down on the couch watching when Magnus started coughing. they weren't very harsh but it sounded like it was causing Magnus discomfort.

"Magnus? Are you alright?" Alec was rubbing soothing circles around his back. Magnus finally stopped but was rubbing his chest. "where did that come from? are you getting sick?"

"ah….. just not feeling my best. but i'll be ok." Magnus cleared his throat and refocused on the TV. Magnus new he was going to have another heart attack but he didn't want to scare Alec.

"I'll be right back" Magnus went into the kitchen and got some Advil. He sighed before swallowing them with water. He hated taking mundane pills, they messed with the magic that flowed through his body. It did weird things to him, of course it helped with the pain but sometimes the magic didn't react nicely, nothing serious.

"Hi'gcho." Magnus sniffed and walked back into the living room.

"Bless you?" Alec gave him an odd look and stood up to check on him.

"What? i can't sneeze?"

"No…. I mean….ehh.. umm?" Alec was stuttering. he cleared his throat, "I've never heard you sneeze before."

Magnus rolled his eyes and sat on the couch, "warlocks sneeze to ya know." Magnus tried to run his left hand through his hair but stopped when his heart started to hurt again, thanks Advil…(sarcastic). "Hih…..Higchoo Hitcho…" He stifled the last two between his thumb and pointer finger.

Alec moved over the Magnus and put a hand on his shoulder. "are you sure your alright?"

"I'm ok… Probably just… Allergies."

"I thought you where only allergic to black horehound?"

"I am." Magnus sniffed trying to think of a reasonable excuse. he's to focused on not sneezing. Damn mundane medicine, and why on earth did it mess with his magic like this.

"You don't have any Black Horehound around… you used it all last month on that spell…. If you bought any more of that crap I swear!"

"Alec… Relax! your going to give yourself a heart attack!" Magnus looked down right after he said it. Not the best choice of words…

"what's wrong?" Alec sat down next to him.

"I'm just…" Magnus clutched his heart. "i'm just tired…" Magnus got up and started to go up the stair into his bedroom. he kept thinking 'just need to get to my room….. almost there.'

Alec watched him closely debating if he should go with him or stay down here. Magnus almost go the the top of the stair when his heart attack started. He clutched his chest and falling.

"Magnus!" Alec ran towards Magnus and picked him up. he layer him down and hoisted his head up. "Magnus! I need to call 911!"

"Ya…. call the hospital and tell them what? AGH! that i'm a warlock! not the best…. idea.."

"hey stay with me!"

"Alec… it'll pass…" Magnus had a pained expression on his face clutching his chest.

"What do I do? Your having a freaking heart attack!"

"Just help me up" Alec picked Magnus up and brought him into bed."

"GAH!!!" Tears where forming in Magnus's eyes.

"Breathe Magnus…. Just Breathe." Magnus was trying to breathe but it hurt so much. Alec's hand and being squeezed by Magnus, just when he thought his hand was going fall off Magnus let go.

"Magnus?? MAGNUS!!" Magnus was unconscious and running a fever. Alec ran to the bathroom and put a wet cloth over his head to help with the fever.

Alec called Isabelle freaking out. "Hello, Alec?"

"Izzy! I need help! Magnus just and a heart attack and i don't know what to do! He just fainted! He's running a fever and he said no doctors. I… I.."

"Alec calm down…. Magnus is the high warlock of Brooklyn. He knows what he is doing. He'll be alright just hang in there. do you want us to come over?"

"It's alright… but ill call you when he wakes up." Alec sat by Magnus and was trying to take deep breathes and hung up. "he'll be ok…. it's going to be fine. He knows what he doing. He's probably heeling himself right now.." Alec took a deep breathe and snuggled up to Magnus.

"please be ok… please be ok.." Alec repeated that for a good fifteen minutes before he fell asleep.

Alec woke up to Magnus coughing.

"hmm? Magus?" Alec woke up and once his eyes adjusted he was awake instantly, "are you alright? do you need anything?!"

"hey, hey! calm down…. what did i tell you. I'm ok, its done." Magnus's voice sounded horse and scratchy.

Alec put a hand on Magnus's forehead, "well at least your fever went down."

Magnus started coughing into his fist almost falling out of bed and he would of, if it weren't for Alec's arm around his waist.

"How do you feel?" Alec rubbed his arm.

"i'm ok… just a little light he.. he.. HIGCHO! hi….HIGCHOO!" he coughed… He rubbed at his nose to try to get ride of the tickle but it only made it worse. "Higcho…." Stifled two sneezes in between his fingers but the last one was too strong. "AUGCH!" the last one sounded like a yell but it really hurt his throat.

"By the angel! bless you! you ok?" all he received was a grunt from Magnus as he leaned heavily on Alec. "Since when does having a heart attack make people sneezy?"

"When a warlock's magic doesn't like mundane medicine…"

"I'm sorry your not feeling well." Alec leaned down and kissed his warlock's forehead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Magnus and Alec fell asleep together on Magnus's canary colored bed spread. Magnus didn't really remember falling asleep, but he did remember waking up. Magnus's heart was starting to ache and it was making it hard to breathe. he woke up coughing slightly and Alec woke up and rubbed circles on his back. the coughs lasted for a long time and Alec was getting worried.

"Magnus? Can you breathe?" Alec moved Magnus into a sitting position.

Magnus's cough finally subsided and he wheezed out, "Alec... there a box in the closet." Magnus coughed and caught his breathe, "can you get it."

Alec practically ran to the closet and quickly grabbed the little black box with the words Cor Impetum written in red. Alec's eyes widened and ran back.

Alec watched as Magnus pulled out a syringe and Stab it into his right leg. The pain in his heart subsided and Magnus put his head back against the headboard. Alec watched as his breathing increased to normal, deep breaths.

Alec took out the little sheet of paper in the box, it seemed to be a recipe for whats in the syringe. Magnus had his eyes closed, trying to convert oxygen to CO2 again. Alec looked over the recipe, some of the things he had never heard of before like gith and coriandri, but others he knew. One in particular caught his eyes, ipsumque.

"Magnus! You know this has horehound in this right?!" Alec looked really scared and was about to freak out when Magnus caught his hand.

"Yes, I know. Don't worry so much Alexander." Magnus's hand slipped from Alec's and landed back on the bed. Magnus's strength still wasn't there.

"your allergic to horehound, and you willingly put it in your system?"

"I'm not deathly allergic to it. It would have been worse if I did not." Magnus paused to cough, "But i might be sick for a couple days."

Alec took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Are you ok?" Alec sat down next to Magnus and felt his forehead, "you have a slight fever."

"Hey," Magnus grabbed his hand, "I am fine." He kissed Alec's hand. "You should go back to sleep, you look exhausted."

"You need it more than I do." Alec kissed Magnus's forehead, "Lay back down, ok?"

Magnus didn't move, "Alec, I don't want you fussing over me. you're worrying your self sick, and the other Nephillum need you healthy and focused." Magnus put a hand on Alec's check. "Why don't you go over to the institute and practice, know thats how you get your mind off things... Please."

Alec leaned into his boyfriends touch, "I can't just leave you! You've had a heart attack! Your sick, and you need someone to take care of you."

"And you have done a fantastic job doing so, you deserve a break." Magnus looked into Alec's beautiful blue eyes, "Please do this for me?"

Alec just stared for a while into those chocolate eyes and immediately melted. "Fine... but call me if you need anything"

Magnus smiled, "of course, now go go go!" Magnus practically pushed him off the bed, but pulled him in for a quick kiss before Alec left for the institute.

Magnus dropped his smile and leaned back against the headboard. He felt horrible and a little nauseated. He wanted Alec out of the house before anything got bad; Magnus knew the horehound was going to take a tole on his system soon enough.

The nausea took over Magnus and he stumbled out of bed, rushing to the bathroom. He emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall coughing. He couldn't stop coughing. The bile was starting to creep it's way up his throat and Magnus kneeled down, head over the toilet. When nothing happened he sat back down. "This is disgusting"

He closed his eyes, waiting for his stomach to calm before trying to stand. After about 5 minutes Magnus stood up and took a shower. Feeling the water run down his back sent a chill up his spine, but none the less, it felt good. He didn't know how long he was in the shower, until the phone started ringing, It was Alec.

He turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and picked put the phone, "Yes, Alec?"

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Alec sounded like he was out of breathe, and he thought he heard something clicking in the background.

"I'm fin...fine" Of course Magnus's nose started to act up..

"Magnus? whats wrong?" Alec seemed concerned.

Magnus turned away from the phone, "Hetchoo! HIgcho.. HAGH!" The last one sounded like a scream, and Alec winced. Magnus coughed.

"bless you. I'm coming back, i'll be there in 10 minutes. Do you need anything?”

“Ugh… sorry… No Alec I don’t need anything.” Magnus laid back down on his bed, “But when you get here. Keep your distance, alright?”

“It’s not like you not to want to cuddle when your sick… what’s going on?”

“Nothing…” Magnus coughed, “Just not feeling well Alexander. I an not very attractive at the moment. Didn’t even put my eyeliner on.”

Alec rolled his eyes. “Really, you think your unattractive? Magnus your hotter when you don’t have all the makeup and hair gel.” Alec blushed and smiled. He knew Magnus couldn’t see, but he sensed Magnus knew.

“Really?” Now it was Magnus’s turn to blush. Magnus was shocked and blamed it on the fever, he may or may not have. The moment was ruined by someone walking down stairs. “Alec, I have to call you back. How fast can you get here hun?”

“I don’t know, ten minutes. if i hurry maybe eight? why?”

“ there is someone crashing the party. You know how I hate unwanted guests.” Magnus hung up the phone and Alec ran outside the institute doors.

Alec sprinted all the way to Magnus’s house, carrying his bow and arrow, and of course a blade. when he got to the house there was a forsaken hanging from a rope attached to nothing. He was completely wrapped and hanging up side down.

“Magnus! Where are you?!”

“Alexander, please don’t shout. I’m right here.” Magnus was sitting on the counter pinching the bridge of his nose.”You’d think these idiots would at least have the brain power to realize coming into a warlocks house would be stupid.”

“Are you alright?” Alec ran towards Magnus and put a hand to his forehead. “Your warm… what happened?”


Magnus’s Pov:

After Magnus hung up on Alec, he went down to investigate. A tall name with runes he recognized from Alec’s body. He smirked at the remembrance. ‘not now Magnus’ he patronized himself.

the man is tall brunette, buzz cut style. Average weight and jock looking in built. he held a knife in his right boot, and another strapped to his belt. On his knuckles where studs attached to a leather wrap only on his left hand, most likely left handed. he wore black leather pants and boots, along with a black T-shirt and a studded dog collar. His eyes where black and he had a small nose, but large lips. He had a scar running across the side of his left check all the way across his lips the the end of his right side of the chin.

The man had not spotted Magnus yet and he planned to use that to his advantage. He snapped on black jeans, but kept his shirt off. “Do you really think it’s wise to try to sneak into my apartment?” He was defending the stairs, with his cat like eyes deadlocked on the forsaken. The forsaken tried to move but his it was as if his feet where glued to the floor. He threw the knife at Magnus but he stopped it in mid air and turned it back against the invader.

He stopped the blade right before it would have plunged into it’s neck. “Who sent you here?” at first Magnus said it in a low growl but when it didn’t answer him, it sounded more like a roar, “WHO SENT YOU HERE!” Everything in the apartment started to shake. The forsaken looked scared, but didn’t answer.

“You can’t talk” it wasn’t a question. With a flick of his wrist the forsaken’s mouth opened revealing no tongue.

The forsaken reached for his knife and went to thrust at Magnus, but he was faster. Magnus wrapped the man in ropes and lifted him up in the air. The forsaken was hung up side down. That’s when Alec came running through the door.


And Continued:

“Oh nothing.” Magnus sat their smiling, “What are you going to do with that.. Forsaken?”

“Yes. Well I need to give him to the clave.” Alec looked back at Magnus who looked worse for wear. “Are you ok?”

“I’m alright. Using magic drained me.” Magnus ducked his head into his elbow and sneezed, “Hitcho, Hetcho.” He coughed while Alec rubbed his back and called the clave.

There was a bright flash and the Forsaken was gone, and all that was left, was a rune. The rune is the symbol of the clave. Only the members of the clave are able to write the symbol. It’s their calling card. Magnus stifled 3 sneezes between his thumb and forefinger.

“well that was fast.” Magnus resumed coughing.

“hmm. must not be a very busy day.”

“now what?” Magnus intwined Alec’s fingers into his.

“I think you need more rest. Maybe tea?” Magnus chuckled.

“I’m alright Alec, I feel like your trying to put me in hibernation.” Magnus laughed. “I’m really ok Alec.”

“You look like you could faint…” before Alec could say much else, Magnus had put his lips to his.

Magnus whispered, “then why don’t we watch a movie? Right here, In my living room. No tricks, just relaxing with my boyfriend.”

Alec shivered, “fine, but lay down ok?”

“As you wish.” Magnus purposely slid his jaw from his down Alec’s until there lips met. Interlocking their lips, Alec put his hand to the back of Magnus’s head.

Alec could feel Magnus’s hot breath on his face, his cool touch on his arms, and his tender, soft lips on his. The kiss was so passionate that it sent chills down Alec’s spine. He loved Magnus, and he loved kissing him. But he had to remember, He can’t. Magnus needs rest, pleasure has to wait.

“Magnus..” Alec pulled away, but kept his face inches away from Magnus. “Couch?”

“Fine fine.” Alec was the first to get up. He went over to the movie collection. “Which movie?”

“uh…” Magnus tried to think of a movie title but his mind was fuzzy, and he was starting to get dizzy. “why don’t you choose… Hept..choo” the sneeze was only slightly stifled.

“How about All the Wrong Reasons?” Magnus nodded in response. (Kevin Zegers was in that movie :))

Alec went to put the movie in the player, while Magnus, slowly, tried to stand up. Magnus’s vision swam and he gripped the counter. Alec didn’t seem to notice, so he closed his eyes, took a deep breathe. When he opened his eyes again, his vision cleared and he walked towards the couch.

Alec turned around to see Magnus laying on the couch, his body covered the whole couch. He smiled and went to make more tea.

While Alec was out of the room, Magnus tried to stifle some watery coughs, but ended up failing. He turn into the cushions and let them out.

Alec ran to the couch and sat Magnus up. Magnus’s cough didn’t light up, no matter what Alec did. Alec got up and ran to the phone, he was about to call the clave when Magnus’s cough subsided. “Magnus!”

Alec ran back to the couch and sat down next to him. He held Magnus’s face in his hand and checked for a fever. Magnus closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. Little beads of sweat where on Magnus’s forehead and a slight fever threatened him.

“I’m ok..” Magnus put his hand on top of Alec’s, “it’s ok” Magnus laid down on the couch and pulled Alec with him.

“Magnus…” Alec tried to protest.

“shh… just lay with me?” Alec agreed and they spooned on the couch. Alec grabbed the remote and turned on the movie.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm soooooo sorry! I know I haven't posted in forever! I got sooo busy! I'm sooo sorry!! please forgive me! Here is part 3:

When the movie was over Alec turned off the tv and turned to Magnus. He was taking a mid-day nap. Alec kissed the warlock’s forehead and went to change.

Alec changed into workout cloths and ran out the door. He ran all the way to the park and did some laps. He liked running; it was a good way to clear his head and just think. He thought about how Magnus seemed to be doing better and how he had a heart attack. It scared him and he got so lost in thought that he hadn’t realized that he ran into a field.

“augh.. gr…great..” He stifled two sneezes before running back. He almost tripped over his own feet but quickly righted himself. His eyes where watering slightly and he felt the urge to scratch them but pushed the thought aside. He ran back to Magnus’s apartment. He was about to open the door when the urge to sneeze overtook him. “hept..” he sighed before opening the door.

When Alec walked through the door, Benadryl was sitting on the table along with a glass of water and a note that read, “You might need this today.”

He took the pill and went looking for Magnus, since he had woken up and moved away from the couch. He wasn’t in the kitchen, the bedroom, or the bathroom. After looking through the remaining rooms, Alec sighed and went into Magnus’s library. He took out his cell phone and called Magnus.

“would you like me to open the door?”

“please.” Magnus smiled and revealed the door to his ‘Magic room’. A door appeared on the back wall and Alec walked through. “Magnus what are you doing in here? You shouldn’t be doing magic. your still not well and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“I’ve missed a lot and I need to catch up. You can help if your up for it?” Alec shrugged and cleared his throat.

“what can I do?”

“do you mind going to the market and getting some things? I could always get someone else to do it if you don’t feel well enough?”

“I’m fine Magnus… Are you? You still look pale and you look as if you can hardly stand.”

“as much as I appreciate your concern, I do have a responsibility to uphold.” Magnus gave a weak smile and grabbed a vile from a rather large book shelf.

“fine, what do you need?” Magnus looked at Alec.

“I’ll write them down. The names are rather hard to remember.” Alec sat down on a stool while Magnus wrote the names of the ingredients he needs.

“I’m not getting horehound.” He saw Magnus write it down.

“You don’t have to. I’ll ask someone else.” Magnus seemed serious.


“I need it for potions.” Magnus wrinkled his nose. Alec always thought that it was really cute. Magnus didn’t notice the little smile across Alec’s face when he did that, he was too focused on the list.

Alec snapped out of his daze and went back to his original train of thought, “Magnus, I don’t want you to get sick… well even more sick.”

“That’s where you come in.” Magnus turned to face him. Alec’s face contorted into one of complete confusion. “you are going to use the horehound, not me. That way I won’t get worse and you can learn a little about warlock potions.”

“I don’t know the first thing about potions.”

“I’m going to be here to help you. I’m just going to be away from it.”

“So you’re going to lead me through it?” Alec had worry and fear in his eyes.

“of course. I’ll be with you the whole way. Nothing dangerous, everything will be fine. There is no time limit so you can take your time, and we can take a break if it gets to stressful for you.”

“What if i mess it up! I could put to much and you couldn’t fix it because of the horehound. Or ill blow up the place, or…” Alec was worried about upsetting Magnus or letting him down.

Magnus got up and walked up to Alec. He put a hand to Alec’s face and said, “If I’m asking too much of you, just tell me.”

“No your not. I just don’t want to let you down.” Magnus smiled and kissed Alec.

“Silly Nephillum, you could never let me down.” Alec blushed and smiled.

“ok…” Alec leaned in a kissed Magnus. The kiss wasn’t as passionate as they both would like, but Magnus was still sick. Magnus was the first to pull away and resting his forehead on Alec’s. “you ok?”

“ya.. just a little light headed.” Using his feet, Alec moved his chair behind Magnus. He put a hand on Magnus’s chest and slowly pushed him down into the chair.

“I’m going to get the stuff. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Will you be ok while I’m gone?”

“I’ll be fine.” Magnus sneaked a kiss, “Now go before nightfall. Vampires love to bombard that place. go go go.” Magnus’s voice was playful but Alec could tell that he was serious.

When Alec left for the groceries, Magnus decided to get everything ready. The pots, ingredients and whatever else he needed, was all on a rather long table. Some of the ingredients had a rather strong scent that seemed to mess with his nose, “Hih….” he tried to hold it back, just long enough to put the stuff in his hands down, “HAGH!” the sneeze made him cough at the end. “ugh… what the h***” He was aggravated. His throat felt raw and scratchy, so he went into the kitchen and drank some water. He rubbed at his throat, but to no avail.

He was in no mood to talk, his throat hurt and he felt light headed still. He heard a knock at his door and the familiar hoodie in the doorway. He had given Rafael an enchanted hoodie that would block the sun from hitting him. Rafael has been a good friend to Magnus over the years. He often did errands for Magnus, and Rafael seemed to really enjoy being “amigos” with Magnus; it also didn’t hurt with the accords.

“hey, Amigo. I have that thing you wanted.” Magnus opened his door and Rafael ran in and into the darkest corner. Magnus could see that Rafael had a package under his arm and that warm smile he always seemed to have, especially when he was able to go out in daylight. It’s almost like he missed seeing the sun.

Magnus smiled and closed the curtains and closed the door. Rafael came out of the corner and walked towards Magnus. He took the hood off and revealed a mark on his right cheek. “Rafael, what happened?”

“Oh this? it’s is nothing to worry about amigo. It’ll heal.” As if on cue the little mark on his cheek started to vanish. “so where should I put this?” Magnus could see the uneasiness in Rafael, he even looked a little green.

“are you alright?” Magnus took the package from him.

“si, I’m alright. I am a vampire who just went out into the sun.” He cracked a smile. “It was nerve racking.”

“Do you want to wait here until its dark? there is a basement.”

“Gracias…” He put the package and started to walk towards the basement.



“a…” He was about to speak when a coughing fit over took him. They where wet and it was hard to breathe. Rafael ran to his side and rubbed and patted his back. When the fit stopped Rafael helped Magnus Into a chair.

Rafael handed him water, “Are you alright amigo? When you told me you had heart attack…”

“I’m fine Rafa…” Right after he said it, he regretted it. No one called him Rafa except…. “I’m sorry.. “

“Hay no problema.” Rafael smiled warmly, but in his eyes he could see that he missed her.

“I miss her too.” Magnus smiled up to Rafael.

“magnus…” Rafael was just about to say something when Alec came through the door.

“Rafael? what are you doing here?” said Alec.

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