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Hunters Get Sick Too (SPN)


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Since Hellatus has begun, to keep my mind busy I'm gonna take a stab at writing Supernatural for a bit. This set in the middle of season 5, before everyone died and the show got really depressing. I hope you guys enjoy!


"Come on, Samantha. Could you be any slower?" Dean grumbled, holding the flashlight in his shaking hands.

"Hey, if you want it done faster than the shovel is all yours."

Dean sniffed, but kept his mouth shut. They were doing a routine salt and burn in the pouring rain and cool temperatures. Dean had dug about halfway before handing the shovel off to Sam. He probably could have dug more but the small headache and scratchy throat he woke up with had turned into a pounding headache and an aching throat. It didn't help that the cold rain was making his nose run, too.

Sam jumped out of the grave, "Done. Let's burn the son of bitch."

"That's the best idea you've had all day." Dean poured the salt and gasoline on the bones, before dropping a lit match on it. The smoke had started to irritate his already sensitive nose. He directed two sneezes towards his shoulder and gave a sniff. "Hehhhetchsheh. HutshCHOO!"

"Bless you."

Dean gave a shrug, cleared his throat, and started to the Impala. Sam followed him, not quite aware of Dean's ailment yet.


"Where to next?" Dean asked, speeding down the highway.

"Next? Dean, we've been taking cases nonstop for almost two months. Why don't we stop at the motel for the night and figure it out tomorrow?"

Dean sighed. He looked over at Sam, who was giving him those damn puppy eyes, and gave in pretty quickly. If he wasn't feeling so run down he would have had more resistance. "Fine."

Sam shot him a look. "Fine? Just like that? No arguments, no complaining, just 'fine'? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine, Sam."


The brothers entered their room, both still wet and shivering. Noticing Dean was practically vibrating from the cold, Sam asked, "Do you want to shower first?"

"No, don't wa...eh... want you getting sick. Hutshoo! CatSHOO!"

Sam rolled his eyes. Of course Dean was worried about him even when Dean was the one sniffling and sneezing,"I don't think it's me we need to be worrying about."

"Shud up, I'b fide."

"Dean, get in the shower before you get pneumonia. You're no good to anyone dead."

"Fide," he grumbled and grabbed his stuff, "but only cause you use all the hot water."

"Whatever, man."

The response Sam got was a slam of the bathroom door. He heard Dean trying, but failing, to blow his nose quietly. Rolling his eyes, he left Dean a note saying he was going out. It was going to be a long couple of nights.

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So cute that Dean worries about Sam getting sick when he's already come down with something. And the banter!! And ooh, the rain! One of my favorite tropes. You're awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm late to the party ( again:P ) but I love where this is going :)

"No, don't wa...eh... want you getting sick. Hutshoo! CatSHOO!"

That sentence... I so could hear it in my head... it's perfect! Need more! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

C'mon, nobody has posted a SPN fic on the website in forever! I'm getting ansy, you HAVE to finish this! Please please please please pleeeeaaaassssee?!?!?!!!

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I wholeheatedly agree! :D continue pretty please with sneezing powder on top? ^_^

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I honestly wasn't expecting all of this amazing feedback! I had originally planned this as a oneshot but you guys inspired me to write some more. I hope you enjoy!


Dean stepped into the shower hoping to find some relief from his aching muscles and clogged sinuses. Before he got a chance to relax under the water, four harsh sneezes burst through him. "Hutch'oo! Hutch'oo! Hh...hh..heshew! HESHEW!!"

Groaning, Dean used the water to wash off his face and his hands. When he finished with his shower, he got out only to be welcomed with a freezing bathroom. He felt the itch return to him and quickly grabbed some toilet paper. "Hutchoo!"

"Bless you," Sam called from the other room. Dean froze. 'Shit, he came back quickly.' Clearing his throat, he got dressed and exited the bathroom. He saw Sam sitting at the table with takeout.

"Back already? Thad was quick."

"Yeah, I just made a couple of quick stops. You feeling any better?" Sam asked, noticing his brother's congested voice, pale skin, and red nose and eyes.

"Any better? Thad would ibply thad I would have feld bad earlier," Dean denied.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Whatever. When you stop acting like a child, I picked up some medicine and soup that you are welcome to have whenever you're ready."

Dean was about to respond when a bout of hacking coughs forced their way out of him. As Dean continued to struggle for breath, Sam sighed as he got up to help Dean. He filled a cup with water and lead Dean onto the bed.

"Not sick, huh?"

"Nah," Dean wheezed, "just allergies."

"You're being ridiculous. Just take some damn medicine." Sam only got a pitiful sneeze as a response.


Sam walked to the bag of supplies he bought and dug around. Pulling out a box of tissues and a bottle of NyQuill, he tossed them to Dean. "Do whatever you want, but I'm going to bed."

Dean grabbed the tissues and blew his nose multiple times. When he was done, he took a swig of the NyQuill and crawled under the covers. Right before he fell asleep, Dean muttered a quiet "Thagks, Sabby."

A small smile appeared on Sam's face as he muttered an equally quiet, "Anytime."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't wait for another update. This is beautifully written! biggrin.png

Edited by fang815
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  • 3 weeks later...

Aw this was so cute! I love how even though Dean was sick he wanted Sammy to shower first. Always looking out for his little bro. And then how he finally admits it at the end by just saying thanks... Loved it! :)

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