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All Time Low - Zack Merrick


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All Time Low - Zack Merrick

The boys had been on tour for about a month now, they just finished their last show for the week.

"Dude, we killed it tonight!" Alex announced to the group as they entered the tour bus. They all cheered. Jack went straight to the fridge and grabbed some beers and rose them in the air. Everyone grabbed one. They continued talking about how great of a show they had and what was next. “So, we have about three days show free until we hit Chicago. Pretty solid break I think” Alex explained. They all agreed. Time passed as the night went on as soon as 2am hit Zack left the room and headed to his bunk with a splitting headache.

Ten minutes had passed, Jack was the first one to notice, “Uh.. Where’s Zack?” he asked his bandmates. They all looked around the room, Rian got up and walked towards the bunks to see Zack curled up asleep in his bed. “Guys.. I found him” he whispered pointing to Zack. They all nodded at him with their thumbs up. Rian walked back to the living room where Jack and Alex were. “He seemed really quiet tonight, think he’s alright?” Alex asked sounding concerned. “He’s fine, probably just tired. We had a pretty energetic show tonight, maybe we should do the same?” Rian suggested, laughing. Jack and Alex nodded agreeing with Rian. Rian walked towards the bunks and they followed.

Zack POV

I opened my eyes to see the bunks beside me empty. What time is it? I thought. I am shivering like crazy, my stomach is turning and as soon as I know it I’m running towards the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and puke. I throw my head back and groan. Seconds later, Matt knocks on the door “Hey Zack, you okay?” he asks. “Yeah, something must have just not settled in my stomach. I’m fine, thanks” I tell him although I am feeling lousy. “Alright, get out here when ya can” he tells me.

It’s 10 pm and everyone but Zack is awake. Suddenly, the bandmates hear a noise coming from the bathroom, “...is someone throwing up?” Jack asks them. Matt walks into the room “I think it’s Zack” he says and runs to the bathroom. “That’s probably why he went to bed early. His stomach hurt” Rian explained sounding concerned. “Yeah, that would make sense..” Alex said suspiciously. “I hope he’s okay, we can’t afford to lose him at such short notice” Jack said laughing. “You’re horrible” Alex told him. They all hear footsteps and look up, Zack is standing there with his TMNT blanket wrapped around him, his eyes are glossy and he looks slightly pale. “You okay, dude?” Jack asks kindly. “Yeah, just fine. Why?” Zack said, confused. “You don’t look like yourself, that’s all” Rian replied still sounding concerned. “I did just wake up, guys. Damn” Zack said angrily. None of them were convinced. Shortly after, Zack made his way to the end of the couch and lied there.

Zack POV

I feel like shit, I can’t get sick now. There’s only three days: not enough time I say to myself.

My stomach still feels bad, my head is throbbing and I can hardly breathe through my nose. When I’m done in the bathroom, I gathered my blanket from my bunk and headed to the living room. The guys all asked me questions, implying that I was sick or getting sick. I denied all of their questions. I don’t want them to have to worry about me, I can take care of myself unlike Jack and Alex.

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I like it! no one ever goes for Zack! keep going! it would help if you separated out who is talking, don't have all these people talking in one paragraph. make each person's speech its own paragraph. It makes it a lot easier to read.

Great start. I hope gets super sneezy and sick!

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Thank you all for your commentary and feedback! Here is part two!

Zack lied on the couch for about fifteen minutes while watching Jack and Alex play FIFA then finally got up to get his morning coffee. He was silent for most of the morning, taking little sips from his mug. Jack and Alex glanced over at him every so often.

"Hey, we've got a few interviews today. You think you can make it through?" Alex asked Zack concerned.

"Yeah. I told you guys, I'm okay" Zack said, getting annoyed.

"Okay, just checking" Alex said with a smile. Jack looked at Alex, with the “i’m-not-buying-it” look.

Zack was lying, he didn't feel okay at all. He could feel his body still shaking, head pounding and his hand was laying over his stomach hidden under his blanket. He was worrying about Matt getting angry if he couldn’t perform or get the interviews done. Then, his stomach triggered again and he ran to the bathroom at the best of his ability. He got there in time, everyone on the bus looked toward the direction he ran in and looked back at each other.

“I knew he was sick! I called it!” Jack announced, sounding determined.

“Shut up Jack, you do the same thing. Knock it off” Alex said to him, playfully.

Jack rolled his eyes at Alex.

Matt came back onto the bus and looked around the room noticing Zack’s absence.

He rose his eyebrows and the boys pointed toward Zack’s direction.

Matt shook his head and walked to the bathroom. Zack was walking out as Matt stopped him.

“Dude, you’re clearly not okay. What’s up?” Matt said with worry.

Zack let out a little cough and started talking “I’m sure it’s nothing I can’t handle” he said.

Matt placed the back of his hand on Zack’s forehead. “Alright, you’re gonna pass on the first interview until we get you some medicine and rest. Then, we’ll just see how it plays out. Deal?” he explained to Zack. Zack nodded, he wasn’t pleased and he showed it.

Zack walked back to the living room.

“Having second thoughts?” Alex asked him, giggling with Jack.

Zack groaned. “It’s nothing, I’ll be fine” he said sounding upset.

Rian walked over and sat next to him. “What did Matt say?” Rian asked him, also concerned.

“I’ve gotta stay back. Maybe, do another interview later, it depends. I don’t want to let you guys down” Zack answered upset.

“Dude, don’t even worry about it. We have you covered” Rian said kindly.

Zack smiled and started coughing, violently. Matt ran over “You gonna be alright here? You need someone to stay?” he asked.

“Nah, I’ll be okay. Thanks” Zack said as he yawned.

The bandmates were getting ready to head out the door, “Get some rest dude” Alex said to him.

“Feel Better!” everyone else added and they left the bus.

Zack went back to his bunk and fell asleep.

An hour later he was awoken by a coughing attack.

He took a deep breath and exhaled then swept the sweat off his forehead.

He could feel himself burning. He groaned.

Zack got out of his bunk to see who was on the bus.

Jack and Rian were sitting on the couch, watching some movie.

“Hey guys” he said hoarsely.

“Dude, you look like crap” Jack said and Rian elbowed him in the side.

“I feel like crap” he said letting out another cough.

Matt walked onto the bus and saw Zack covered with his blanket talking to Jack and Rian.

He walked over and felt his forehead. “No second interview… let me take your temp” he said worried.

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yes! I love this! Will there be any sneezing? I feel like Zack would stilfe to try and hide his illness, but once defeated he'd have these half stifled sneezes like, "Hept-choo"

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yes! I love this! Will there be any sneezing? I feel like Zack would stilfe to try and hide his illness, but once defeated he'd have these half stifled sneezes like, "Hept-choo"

Yeah, I can do that!
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Sneezing, it's not heeeeere!!! Must add sneezing! Lots of stifles and false starts and zack sneezing!!!!!!!!!! He's so hot...

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Sneezing, it's not heeeeere!!! Must add sneezing! Lots of stifles and false starts and zack sneezing!!!!!!!!!! He's so hot...

Don't worry, it's coming!!
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Thank you for the feedback, I added your requests. Enjoy Part 3!

Rian looked up at Zack, “You gonna be okay? I can stay if you would like” he said.

Zack nodded his head as the thermometer was lying in his mouth.

Matt came back over to where Zack was.

“Go Ri, he’ll be okay. The interview shouldn’t take long” Matt told him taking the thermometer out of Zack’s mouth.

Rian nodded and headed out of the bus, the other bandmates were waiting for him outside.

Matt looked at the thermometer and then back at Zack.

“Man...102, dude. I suggest you take something asap” Matt demanded.

Zack began coughing and nodded at Matt. He slowly got up to walk to the kitchen.

Zack stood up and looked straight, his vision was blurred and he started seeing black. He quickly sat down hoping the couch was behind him. Thankfully, it was.

Matt watched him, carefully.

“Uh, you alright?” Matt asked sounding hesitant

“Light-headed, I think” Zack answered, panicked.

Matt rushed over to him carrying a bottle of water.

“Drink this. Drink all of it, you’re dehydrated” Matt said as he sat down next to him, rubbing his back.

“Thanks” Zack answered as he took the bottle from Matt’s hands.

“I should stay here with you, just incase you do pass out or something happens” Matt said with concern.

“No, you go. I will be okay” Zack said as he put the bottle down.

Zack curled back up into his original spot with his blanket and head on a pillow.

“Alright” Matt said, unconvinced and he headed towards the front of the bus.


Matt heard Zack sneeze along with breaking out into a coughing fit.

They both looked at each other. Zack moved his hand towards Matt signaling him to leave.

But, Matt stayed watching him.

Zack got up, slowly and walked to his bunk where he knew tissues were and blew his nose continuously.

Matt was sitting at the kitchen when Zack returned.

Zack began coughing again and groaned.

“Are you okay, now?” Matt asked, disgruntled.

“No” Zack said, sniffling as he walked back to his spot on the couch.

He took a brief nap before the guys came back.

Zack heard whispering. “Shhh..” “Sshhh” “Haahahaha” “Jack, be quiet!” He opened his eyes and glanced at everyone of them.

“Feeling better?” Rian asked Zack hovering over him.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo” Zack groaned.

Rian handed him a few tissues.

“Can you get Matt?” Zack asked Rian.

“Yeah, sure. Hold up” Rian said, kindly.

Rian ran to the back of the bus to get Matt.

“What’s up?” Matt asked Zack.

“I’m sick” he told him

“Yes, we know. But, I’m glad you figured it out” Matt said sarcastically

“I think..” Zack gasped for breath.

“My fevers worse” he told him, breathing heavily.

“Alright.. Alright” Matt said, slightly panicked.

Matt turned to Rian. “Get him another water, Ri?” he asked.

“On it!” Rian said enthusiastically

Zack groaned for the fourth time. Alex and Jack came in to the room.

“Woah.. what did we miss?” Alex said noticing Rian and Matt running around crazily.

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