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Sick day (1D - Louis)


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“Hey, babe?” Melody whispered into her husband’s ear early one morning.

“Mmm?” He mumbled sleepily, tightening his grip on her.

She laughed lightly. “I need to go.”

“Nooo.” He whined, burying his face in her shoulder. “Stay with me.”

“I have to go to my conference.”

“But you’re going to be gone for two weeks.” He whined. “You can’t leave me alone with her. She scares me.”

Melody laughed louder. “She’s a seventeen year old girl, Louis. She isn’t scary.”

He cracked an eye open and grinned at his wife. “I beg to differ. Teenaged girls are downright terrifying.”

She smirked. “Get over it, Lou. You aren’t actually scared of her.”

“I know. But I don’t want you to be gone for two weeks. I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m gonna miss you too.” She sighed, kissing his temple. “But I’ve gotta go. Tell Tori I love her.”

“Any specific directions regarding her?”

“You need to take her to school in about an hour.”

Louis groaned. “She’s nearly eighteen. When is she getting her license?”

“She wants to wait until she’s eighteen.” Melody shrugged.

“Fair enough.” Louis sighed.

Tori rolled over in bed with a frustrated groan. She’d gone to bed with a scratchy throat, and then woken up around midnight with the worst headache of her life. She pinched the bridge of her nose, and leaned forward. It was nearly time for her to get ready to go to school, and she was completely exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep for a year, but since her head felt like it was about to explode, that probably wasn’t an option.

Eventually, she got up and started changing. The pounding in her head only seemed to intensify, and she whimpered in pain, clutching her head with both hands and leaned forward. Why did it hurt so badly?

Louis was sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping on a hot mug of tea. He glanced at the clock on the microwave and frowned. They had to leave in five minutes; where the hell was Tori? He got up, sighing in irritation as he walked up to her room.

"Tori, are you almost ready?"

“Yeah.” She said, her voice strained. “Just...give me a few minutes.”

“We need to leave in five minutes. Hurry.”

“Mmkay.” She said, sounding like she was about to cry. And she was. Her head was aching so badly, it brought tears to her eyes.

“Are you alright?”

“Fine...I just...slammed my finger in the drawer.” She lied, clutching her head.

“Oh...well...don’t do that.”

“Duly noted.” She whimpered.

"I'll be in the car."

Louis walked downstairs, and grabbed his car keys and wallet. He walked into the garage, opened the garage door and then got in the car. Once he pulled it into the driveway and put it in park. He'd only been playing on his phone for a few minutes when the passenger door opened. Louis looked up to see an exhausted and pale looking Tori.

"Get in, we're late." She nodded wordlessly and got in. "You're quiet this morning." Louis said after a few minutes. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just tired." She whispered, and then fought back a wince. Her throat was absolutely killing her.

Louis pulled into the parking lot, put the car in park, and turned to look at her. "are you feeling alright?"

She shrugged. "Not particularly."

He frowned and felt her forehead. "You seem a bit warm...what's bothering you?"

"Head and throat."

"Do you want to go to school, or would you rather go back home and rest?" He asked. "You look absolutely knackered...did you sleep at all?"

"Woke up at midnight with a headache." She sighed.

"Tori, that's not good." He frowned. "How bad is it?"

"It feels like it's going to explode." She winced. "And it feels like someone shoved a hot iron down my throat."

"I'll take you home. We can watch a movie, and I'll make you tea, yeah?"

She nodded sleepily. "Sounds good."

He pulled out of the parking lot and drove back home. Once they were in the garage, Louis looked at her.

"Go change into your pajamas and bring down a blanket. I'll start the tea and soup. Are you hungry?"

She shook her head. "Not particularly."

He nodded. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

I nodded and he got out of the car, walking in the house. Tori's eyelids dropped shut, and she leaned her head back, falling asleep.

Twenty minutes later, Louis had gotten the tea and soup all made, as well as grabbed the thermometer and pain relievers from the medicine cabinet in his and Melody’s bathroom, yet she still wasn’t downstairs. How long was it going to take her to get changed?

He decided to check the garage first, just in the off chance she’d fallen asleep in the car.

When he walked into the garage, he saw that his theory was correct; she was still sitting up, but her head was flopped forward, and her mouth was open.

"Tori?" He chuckled, walking over to the passenger's side of the door. He knocked on the window, and her head snapped up as she jerked awake, looking around groggily. "You okay?"

She opened the door, and rubbed her left eye with the heel of her hand.

"Tired." She mumbled, yawning.

"How long have I been out here?"

"Nearly twenty minutes."

"Sorry." She sighed.

"It's fine.” He said softly, putting his hand on her shoulder, and then he went to feel her forehead. She still seemed a bit warm, but not enough to worry Louis. “Go change and then come back down. I want to take your temperature."

She sighed, trudging upstairs. She sniffled miserably and changed into the sweats and sweatshirt she reserved specifically for sick days. She grabbed her blanket and walked downstairs slowly.

“Hey!” Louis grinned. “Go lie down, I’ll be right there.”

She nodded, and then sniffled. Congestion was setting in, fast.

Heh...heh...hetschck!” She sneezed. “Hetchoo! Heh-kshh! Ah....ackstch!”

“Bless you.” Louis frowned, walking over to her and handing her a box of tissues. She pinched her nose, and leaned forward, sneezing silently three times. She plucked a tissue out of the tissue box, and blew her nose. He stuck the thermometer in her ear.

“thirty seven point eight.” He said, looking at the numbers, and then at her. She sneezed twice again, and then sniffled. “Not bad at all.” He said. looking at her.

“Did you feel ill at all yesterday?”

Hetchoo!” She sneezed, and then looked at him. “By head add throadt hurdt, bud thadt was aboudt idt.”

He handed her two DayQuil tablets, and a bottle of water. “Take this. I’ll re-heat the soup and tea for you.”

“Thaydk you, daddy.” She sniffled.

He put his hand on top of her hand and then walked into the kitchen.

Louis’ cell-phone rang, and he fished it out of his pocket. “Hello, my love.” He grinned, balancing the phone between his ear and shoulder as he stirred the soup in the pot on the stove.

“Hey.” Melody said. “How are things there?”

“Well...Tori’s ill.”

“Is she okay? What’s wrong?” She asked anxiously.

“She had a headache and sore throat when I was driving her to school, and then I took her home because she seemed warm. Now she’s on the couch with her blanket.”

“Is it just a headache and sore throat?”

“No, she’s really congested and keeps sneezing.” He sighed. As if on cue, he heard her sneeze about seven times in a row before sniffling.

“Does she have a fever?”

“It’s low-grade. Only about thirty seven point eight.”

“That’s good.” She sighed. “Do you need me to come home?”

“Mel, relax.” He said softly, pouring the now-steaming soup into the bowl.

“But she’s ill-”

“-And you’re forgetting that I have younger sisters who were always coming down with colds and flus and such, and a mum who’s a nurse. We’ll be absolutely fine, love.”

“Alright.” She sighed. “Call me if anything changes.”

“I will.”


HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this was the product of my procrastination, because I have finals this week KILL ME NOW


Let me know what you think! Thanks :)

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