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Game of Thrones request for TinkerBellx3


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For TinkerBellx3: I started watching GoT recently… I, too, was thinking, hmmm… GoT sneezes? I hope this suits, look for your request at the end. Episode seven of season 2. British swear warning...lol. Arse. Also slang for guy parts. You no like, you no read.

Jon Snow, Man of the Night’s Watch, awoke, feeling colder than he had ever felt in his life. The wildling captive, Ygritte, lay before him, still bound and where he had left her.

“Did yeh pull a knife on me in the night?” she quipped. Jon’s face turned red and not just with cold. He should have gagged her too. He stood rapidly and straightened his vest over his “knife”.

“Wassamatta? Can’t be the first time y’ve pressed y’r bone into a woman’s arse…”

Jon shivered, he’d had about enough of this. Gods only knew where his brothers were by now. Would they think him dead? or… he shivered again, even worse than dead.

He saw the girl eyeing him again…

“Let’s move.” He said sternly, yanking her to her feet. His avoidance of her assertation, merely fueled her taunting.

“How old are you, boy?” Ygritte’s voice was laced with amazement and acid.

Jon sniffled, his head aching with cold, “I am a man of the Night’s Watch!” he said, more certainly than he felt. He loosed a portion of her bonds so he could ensure that she couldn’t get far from him.

“Yer a boy who’s never been with a girl.” the wildling mused. “Don’t your stones start to hurt if your bone never gets…”

He whipped her around to face him, the dull ache starting in his throat making his voice hoarse, despite the effort he was putting into sounding dangerous.

“Don’t call them that.”

“What?” she countered, “Stones… or Bone?”

Jon turned a lovely shade of mauve, and he replied, feeling flustered, “Neither!... Both… MOVE!”

As they walked, Jon felt fatigue he him like a horse’s hooves to the chest. He had been feeling a bit off for a day or two, but when opportunity presented itself for him to act as a ranger, there’s was no way in the seven hells he could have passed that up. His “prisoner” was still blathering away, meanwhile…

“I heard they get all swollen and bruised if yeh don’t use them. Course, maybe that’s just what the lads say when they want me feeling sorry for them. As if I’d feel sorry for them.”

Jon rolled his eyes, and brought a gloved hand to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose where his headache had settled. No sooner had he done it, he realised his error. His sinuses prickled with indignation at the effrontery. He sniffled again trying to quell the burn.

“Are there no girl crows?” Ygritte asked him, incredulously”

“There are no women of the Night’s Watch, no…” He tried rubbing at his nose, not wanting to appear weak before his captive audience.

“So the lads just do it with each other?”

“No.” said Jon getting irritated.


“Never. We swore an oath.” Jon sniffled again. His nose was starting to drip.

“You have sheep at the wall?” She asked brazenly… “With your hands then…” She stated confidently, knowing she was getting under his skin. “No wonder yer all so miserable.”

Jon tugged at her rope. “Would you please shut up!”

She goaded him, “Would you please shut up!” She saw the distraction in his face,

“Yeh think yer better than me, Crow. I’m a free woman.”

Jon was a bit too preoccupied to answer, He sneezed into his sleeve harshly, “HETTTSSCH! H-Heh-TTTSCCH! HEH-SHISHHHH!!” He shook his head briefly, to clear the last of the tingle. Ygritte stared at him in surprise.

“Your pardon…” Jon mumbled apologetically. “You’re a free woman?” He added some venom into that question.

Now the shoe was on the other foot, now she was pissed. “I might be yer captive, but I’m a free woman!” She challenged proudly.

“If you’re my… (sniff) prisoner, you’re not a free woman! That’s what “prisoner” means!”

“And yeh think yer free?” She searched his face, her captor was shivering and pale. Fever-bright eyes. But too stubborn to keel over yet. She could wait. “Yeh swore a stupid oath, and now yeh can never touch a girl.”

“It was…” another set of sneezes came from nowhere, “HETTTSSCH! TTTSCCH! ISSSHHH!! HEH-SHISHHHH!! It was my choice to say the words! (Sniff)”

She saw her opening, “So, yeh don’t like girls?”

“Of course I like girls!” Jon snapped, his head pounding.

“But yeh chose never to touch them!”

“That’s the price you pay, if you want to be a man of the Night’s Watch!”

“So, instead of getting naked with a girl, yeh’d prefer to invade our lands?”

“Invade your lands!!!” Jon yelled, he’d reached his limit, “Wildlings invade our lands all the time! Some of them tried to kill my little brother, a crippled boy!”

“They’re not yer lands!” She yelled back, “We’ve been ‘ere the whole time! You lot came along, just put up a big wall and said it was yers!”

Jon sniffled miserably, his nose getting raw and sensitive from the icy wind, “My father was Ned Stark! I have the blood of the first men. My ancestors lived here, same as yours!”

Ygritte’s face softened for a moment, the crow’s face was a pitiful sight. He had clearly caught a chill from that night in the open. She’d tried to warn him.

“So why are yeh fighting us?” she asked finally. Jon didn’t have an answer. He felt his breath catch with a throat-rending “AAAATTTSSSH! He swayed for a moment, then recovered his balance. following his captive, not noticing where they were heading.

After walking for a while in silence, Ygritte noticed Jon starting to stumble. She knew these lands. Just as surely as she knew that her people waited over the rise of the next cliff. She wasn’t sure why, but something was different about this crow. He had spared her life, she owed him. If she brought him before Mance this way, he would surely be killed. She thought quickly, and pitched herself over a rock in her path. Jon went flying beside her landing in the snow. Bewildered by his fever, he stared at her. She clutched at her ankle and hissed between her teeth.

“I need to stop a while, there’s a cave nearby out of the wind.”

Jon nodded and slowly stood up letting her gently guide him along a safe path to a dry cave nearly invisible in the snow drifts. She kicked a small pile of bracken into place and told him to light a fire. Soon they had a small fire warming their hands and feet. Jon slumped against the wall nearest the flames and slipped into unconsciousness. Ygritte shook her head in disbelief. If only all the crows were this geen…

The next morning came, Bright and chill, but with less wind. Jon woke to find Ygritte snuggled up next to him near the glowing embers of a fire… When had he built a fire? How did he get into this cave. He winced at the stiffness in his joints and the ever ready tickle in his nasal passages. Ygritte was asleep, and he didn’t want to wake her, somehow. But his body had other ideas.

“HETTTTSCHMMF! ITTTSHMMF! HETSHHHH! ISSSHH!!” He tried to muffle the sounds into his cloak but his unusually sensitive nose was not pleased by the caress of the fur, triggering an unstoppable itch, “Heh… HEH… HETTTSSSCH!!! ATTTSSCHH! KISSSHHHH!!! ATTTCHhah!”

Ygritte woke at the noise, stifling a yawn. Jon blushed, embarrassed at the disturbance he’d caused, but before he could apologize…

“AH-Chhoooo! AHCHOOO!” Ygritte sneezed roughly to one side.

Jon smiled at the irony, and said,




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For TinkerBellx3: I started watching GoT recently… I, too, was thinking, hmmm… GoT sneezes? I hope this suits, look for your request at the end. Episode seven of season 2. British swear warning...lol. Arse. Also slang for guy parts. You no like, you no read.

I love!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking a stab at this! It was awesome!!!! You're the best :)

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