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The Angel They Know (SPN, Cas)


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Hello friends! c:

I feel like this has been done to death, but somehow I wanted a share. This is my first sick!Cas story and I hope you all enjoy it! <3

It's set basically during Season 5, Episode 20, "The Devil You Know" (hence the title haha). So, decide for yourself if you haven't watched it yet. I mean, I tried to make them talk enigmatically so that only those who know the episode would understand and the other half can enjoy a sneezy Cas and not worry about the business with the rings and all that! ;) (What rings, right?)

But don't say I didn't warn ya!

Oh yeah. The story comes in two parts. I wrote it all in one sitting, but I decided to split it because it got long-ish. Second part will be up soon, though, I think. Have fun, y'all! Love you guys!

The Angel They Know - Part 1

So? What did you find out?“, Sam asked, when Dean and Crowley returned from their visit to Niveus Pharmaceuticals.

We found the demon that I told you about“, Crowley answered lightly. „He's in close contact with the horsemen, I'm sure.“

Sam, who still hadn't entirely decided whether or not to trust the demon, gave his brother a look. Dean nodded: „Sounds about right, Sammy. He's the guy we need to get to Pestilence.“

He then casually strolled over to the fridge, grabbed a beer and sat down at the table. Sam took a seat, too. „Alright. So what's the plan? Just... kidnap him?“

More like demonnap“, Dean grinned and Sam rolled his eyes at the bad pun. „But yeah. Basically“, Dean continued in a more serious fashion. „I mean, first we need to clear the way. Guy has a lot of demon guards. We get those out of the way, we get to him and I'm sure we'll also get him to tell us Pestilence's whereabouts.“

How exactly do you plan on getting him to -“

There are ways“, Dean interrupted him in a monotone voice.

Great, Sam thought. My brother, the professional torturer.

Shouldn't be too much of a problem“, Crowley smirked and a wave of repulsion hit Sam. He'd sworn to himself that he'd never trust another demon and now here they were, setting all their hope on Crowley.

Dean, who seemed surprisingly at peace with the whole thing, took another sip of his beer, then set down the bottle and looked around with a frown. Turning to Sam, he asked: „Is Cas around?“

Sam let out a sigh. „Yeah.“


Sam shrugged and looked down at his hands. He wasn't sure how to say it. „He has been...sleeping. Said he was tired.“

Wrinkles appeared on Dean's forehead. „Oh...kay?“

I know!“, Sam exclaimed, while Crowley giggled in the background. Sam ignored him. „I don't know what it is, but I think something's wrong with Cas!“

Oh, ya think?“, Dean said irritably. „What tipped you off? The fact that angels don't ever sleep?“

Sam threw up his hands defensively. „Dean, calm down! I didn't poison him!“

His brother glared at him for a moment, then suddenly slumped down, shoulders hanging. „It's just... we really need him for all this, you know? And it seems as if his angel mojo always decides to magically disappear in moments like this!“

Right then, the door to one of the bedrooms opened and Cas appeared. „Dean, I've told you many times that there is no such thing as an 'angel mojo'“, he said in his deep voice and Dean flashed a wide smile.

Oh, hey Cas!“, he said with false cheerfulness in his voice. „How are you doing?“

Castiel seemed to consider this for a moment. The slightest frown appeared on his forehead and his eyes narrowed almost unnoticably, as he answered: „Good.“

Great!“, Dean replied. „Does that mean you're ready to help us out with Pestilence then, sleepyhead?“

The wrinkles in Castiel's forehead grew deeper. „That's not my name.“

Dean's smile froze. For a minute, it seemed as if he considered explaining the concept of nicknames and humor to his angel friend, then he apparently just let it go.

Right. Sorry about that.“

Sam, who was getting tired of the conversation, said: „We're pretty close to getting him. Crowley brought us to this demon who works for the horsemen and is in direct contact with Pestilence.“

And where can we find said demon?“, Castiel asked in a serious tone.

There is this pharmaceutical company called Niveus“, Dean explained. „He works there. Crowley and I saw him.“

Is he not protected in any way?“, Castiel asked suspiciously.

„Well“, Sam shrugged. „Dean mentioned a bunch of demon guards. But we have everything we need to get them out of the way, I think.“ On one hand, he counted: „The knife, an angel with us, experience as hunters and a raging hatred for demons!“

Crowley made a face at him, and Sam, realizing that they still needed him to find Death, quickly mumbled: „No offense.“

Oh, non taken“, Crowley replied nonchalantly. „I loathe your kind just as much, Sam.“

Just then, Castiel mouth opened with a wide, heartfelt yawn.

Crowley raised one eyebrow and Sam and Dean froze.

Um...Cas?“, Dean asked. „Are you...alright?“

I've never seen him do that before!“, Sam whispered loudly in Dean's direction. Castiel decided to ignore the second Winchesters' alarmed comment and replied: „Truly, Dean, I feel strangely worn-out. Must be the vessel.“

Is it...wearing down?“, Sam asked, even more alarmed, thinking of Lucifer's vessel.

Castiel shook his head. „That's impossible. Jimmy's body is perfectly capable of being my vessel. That hasn't changed.“

Alright“, Crowley interrupted. „I'm sorry to interrupt this adorable display of inter-racial affection, but we have some business to do.“

When he had everyone's attention, he added: „That is, you three do.“

Wait!“ Dean stared at him. „Are you telling me that now that things get hairy, you're out?“

Who says I'm out“, the demon replied with a shrug. „I just won't come to Niveus with you.“ He pretended to shudder. „Way too many demons there that could be the death of me. Now, now, Dean. Don't lash out on me. I brought you to the demon, I will return once you know where Pestilence is.“

No, no, no! You're not leaving“, Dean said in the exact second that Crowley disappeared into thin air.

Oh, sonofabitch!“, Dean yelled, but Sam just sighed.

He's a demon, what do you expect?“

Oh, look who's talking“, Dean said bitterly, but apologized when he saw Sam's hurt look.

I'm just a little on edge because of the whole end of the world business, Sammy.“

Meanwhile, Castiel took a seat, leaned back and started massaging his vessel's temples.

Dean, who noticed, raised his eyebrows: „Headache?“

Castiel glanced across at him and his blue eyes pierced the older Winchester.

Bizarrely, it feels as if a hammer is pouding inside of my skull.“

Sam shot an alarmed look at Dean, who asked: „Really?“

Castiel smiled. „Don't be ridiculous, Dean. That's impossible. How would a hammer-“

Oh, nevermind, Cas!“, Dean interrupted him. „I'm also sure it's impossible. Should we get going?“

Sam nodded. „I got the knife.“

I got Cas“, Dean grinned and shoved the angel towards the exit. Castiel looked a bit confused, but walked towards the Impala that was parked outside.

Right when Dean closed the door behind them, it happened. Castiel's facial expression changed. He blinked once, wrinkled his nose. Then his eyes fluttered and his jaw dropped, as his body was thrown forward with force. Doubling over, the sound of the forceful sneeze escaped Castiel: „Huh'Itch'ooo!!“

Sam and Dean froze. „No way“, Sam muttered and Dean just shook his head in disbelief.

Castiel was still bent over, blinked a few times, then came back up slowly, a look of utter confusion on his face. „Dean? Sam?“, he asked in a husky voice, then cleared his throat. „What just happened?“

The two Winchesters said nothing. For a while, they just stared at Castiel, who was looking at them wide-eyed, apparently completely oblivious to the clear liquid that was running out of his nose.

Um...Cas“, Sam finally said, uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other. „Your...nose...“

Startled, Castiel touched his hand to his nose. His eyes widened when he felt it and he started wiping his face clean quickly.

It's called a sneeze“, Dean then explained with some exasperation, because they didn't really have time for explanations like this. „Happens to humans all the time. Nothing to worry about.“

Unless you're not human“, Sam muttered, but Dean ignored his brother.

Why...?“, the angel started asking, and Dean shrugged it off. „It can happen just from looking into the sun. See?“ He stared directly into the sun for a few seconds, then caught the sneeze in his hands: „Hup-chiew!! There!“

Castiel still looked entirely overwhelmed. „But... it's so... forceful.“

Yeah, well, nobody said that it would be pleasant, right?“, Dean said.

Oh, and Cas?“, Sam chimed in. „It's more polite to cover your mouth, alright?“ He smiled reassuringly at Castiel, who nodded slowly. „Understood.“

Great“, Dean said. „I'm glad Cas got to experience one of the many perks of being a human. Now if we could please get on our way? Horsemen, waiting for us? Got a world to save? Remember?“

Calm down, please, Dean“, Sam said. „I know this is hard, but we have to stay focused.“

I am focused, Sammy.“

Me, too.“

Sam and Dean turned to Castiel. „Um...great“, Sam said with a chuckle. „I'm glad, Cas.“

Dean got into the driver's seat and Sam entered the Impala from the other side. Cas got into the backseat without complaining.

Sam turned to Dean for a serious talk. „Hey Dean.“

Huh?“ The man with the green eyes had his eyes on the road.

I know things seem pretty hopeless at the moment. But... I just wanted to say, we finally have a plan, you know? So... there is hope, right?“

Whatever you say, Sammy.“

Dean? Please tell me that you still have hope?“

Doesn't matter how I feel about it. We got two rings down and two to go and that's all that matters.“

Sam was about to reply, when Castiel's head jerked forward towards Sam's seat.


Sam and Dean exchanged a look. Castiel's eyes darted from one Winchester to the other.

The sun again...?“, he asked quietly.

I don't know, you tell me!“, Dean replied with a quick look over his shoulder. „Were you looking into the sun?“

Cas blinked. „Not...that I can recall.“

Sam turned to look at him and noticed that the angel's nose was tinted red slightly.

Sam?“, Castiel asked. „Is there a second cause for a sneeze besides looking into the sun?“

Oh, there are several.“

For example?“

For example allergies. Or something tickling your nose, like a feather. Or... a cold.“

When Castiel appeared to be at a loss, Sam elaborated: „The common cold. People get it all the time. It's not serious, it just makes you cough and sneeze and it makes your nose run and...“


Man“, Dean said dryly. „You know the name of every single prophet, but when it comes to simple stuff, you got no clue at all, huh?“

Castiel shrugged sadly.

Oh, don't worry“, Dean cheered him up ironically. „I'm sure you'll get there eventually.“

Get where?“


Huh... it's... ha...ppening...ag... huh'Atch'ioo! Again.“

Sam gave his friend in the backseat a sympathetic smile. „God bless you.“

Castiel replied with a happy smile: „God bless you, Sam.“

He looked confused when Sam and Dean started laughing.

No“, Dean explained. „That's what people say to you when you sneeze.“

So...“ Cas looked as if he was desperately trying to grasp the concept. „So he didn't actually mean it?“

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God bless YOU too, Cas- no, I mean Sleepyhead XD

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There're so many priceless lines...

„Great!“, Dean replied. „Does that mean you're ready to help us out with Pestilence then, sleepyhead?“

The wrinkles in Castiel's forehead grew deeper. „That's not my name.“

„Alright“, Crowley interrupted. „I'm sorry to interrupt this adorable display of inter-racial affection, but we have some business to do.“

„It's called a sneeze“, Dean then explained with some exasperation, because they didn't really have time for explanations like this. „Happens to humans all the time. Nothing to worry about.“

„Unless you're not human“, Sam muttered, but Dean ignored his brother.

Can't wait for the last chapter.... literally, can't wait... In a few hours, I'm going to be locked up in a bus for 7 consecutive hours (with wifi Thank the greyhound God!) and after that, 5 days without any computer to log on!

This may be my only distraction (read : salvation) from the old people trying to have a conversation with me :P So, no pressure but ;-)

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Aahhh! This is so good! Oh my god! First of all, I love it when Cas doesn't understand things, especially because he's so powerful and full of knowledge... but he never took the time to learn about human quirks and culture! Really really cute! And now he doesn't understand what's happening to his own body!!! And oh man there's something so hot about Sam and Dean having to talk about sneezing and colds and stuff... and that induced photic sneeze... and that bless you thing... oh my god! Reading this over and over! Can't waaaait for part two.

(And your dialogue is so in character too, especially with Dean so matter-of-fact and straight to the point and Sam so hopeful. Very season five!)

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I feel like this has been done to death, but somehow I wanted a share


Thank you SO much for sharing this QwQ~~ I just love sick Cas so much~~ <33 AND YOU ARE SUCH A DELIGHTFUL WRITER~


The two Winchesters said nothing. For a while, they just stared at Castiel, who was looking at them wide-eyed, apparently completely oblivious to the clear liquid that was running out of his nose.

„Um...Cas“, Sam finally said, uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other. „Your...nose...“

Startled, Castiel touched his hand to his nose. His eyes widened when he felt it and he started wiping his face clean quickly.

„It's called a sneeze“, Dean then explained with some exasperation, because they didn't really have time for explanations like this. „Happens to humans all the time. Nothing to worry about.“

This little exchange made me smile~~ <33 BAH! I love when they have to explain ittttt <3

Can't WAIT for the next part, because this is already starting out lovely~

Wonderful job handling the characters!

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THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!! This is the most beautiful piece of art I have seen in forever... Seriously, your descriptions, spellings, everything!! I can't wait for the next part :)

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God bless YOU too, Cas- no, I mean Sleepyhead XD

Haha...that's a cute nickname for Cas, right? ;) Thanks for your comment!

There're so many priceless lines...

„Great!“, Dean replied. „Does that mean you're ready to help us out with Pestilence then, sleepyhead?“

The wrinkles in Castiel's forehead grew deeper. „That's not my name.“

„Alright“, Crowley interrupted. „I'm sorry to interrupt this adorable display of inter-racial affection, but we have some business to do.“

„It's called a sneeze“, Dean then explained with some exasperation, because they didn't really have time for explanations like this. „Happens to humans all the time. Nothing to worry about.“

„Unless you're not human“, Sam muttered, but Dean ignored his brother.

Can't wait for the last chapter.... literally, can't wait... In a few hours, I'm going to be locked up in a bus for 7 consecutive hours (with wifi Thank the greyhound God!) and after that, 5 days without any computer to log on!

This may be my only distraction (read : salvation) from the old people trying to have a conversation with me tonguesmiley.gif So, no pressure but ;-)

Aww...thank you so much, NorthernLady. I really appreciate people quoting and thereby exactly pointing out what they liked! (: Also, I'm flattered, because your a good writer yourself!

Hm... I'm curious now! What trip are you going on? No internet? Tons of old people...? Interesting! :P Sooo... normally I like to wait a bit for people to notice my story and get excited for the second part, but your heart-warming comment moved me to post the second part now! I hope you can read it on the bus now. (Also, I hope I made it in time. Otherwise...that would be stupid. And you would have to wait five days! :( )

Again, thank you very much! And enjoy the second part, where ever you are! ;)

Aahhh! This is so good! Oh my god! First of all, I love it when Cas doesn't understand things, especially because he's so powerful and full of knowledge... but he never took the time to learn about human quirks and culture! Really really cute! And now he doesn't understand what's happening to his own body!!! And oh man there's something so hot about Sam and Dean having to talk about sneezing and colds and stuff... and that induced photic sneeze... and that bless you thing... oh my god! Reading this over and over! Can't waaaait for part two.

(And your dialogue is so in character too, especially with Dean so matter-of-fact and straight to the point and Sam so hopeful. Very season five!)

Ohh...wow, do I really deserve such a lovely comment? I'm so glad you liked my story so far, especially because I know how well you write Supernatural! (: Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a detailed comment! It totally made my day!

That last part made me especially happy. I love when people think that I wrote my characters authentically. And in this case I think it's funny, because the 5th season is where I'm at right now and when I was in the 2nd and posted a story, people told me it reminded them on the 2nd season (or was it the first...? Not sure). Anway, it seems I always get into the season I'm currently watching enough to convey the same feeling when I write and that makes me very happy! :)

I appreciate your comment so much and hope that you will love the second part! <3

I feel like this has been done to death, but somehow I wanted a share


Thank you SO much for sharing this QwQ~~ I just love sick Cas so much~~ <33 AND YOU ARE SUCH A DELIGHTFUL WRITER~


The two Winchesters said nothing. For a while, they just stared at Castiel, who was looking at them wide-eyed, apparently completely oblivious to the clear liquid that was running out of his nose.

„Um...Cas“, Sam finally said, uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other. „Your...nose...“

Startled, Castiel touched his hand to his nose. His eyes widened when he felt it and he started wiping his face clean quickly.

„It's called a sneeze“, Dean then explained with some exasperation, because they didn't really have time for explanations like this. „Happens to humans all the time. Nothing to worry about.“

This little exchange made me smile~~ <33 BAH! I love when they have to explain ittttt <3

Can't WAIT for the next part, because this is already starting out lovely~

Wonderful job handling the characters!

Awww...Scatter! :wub: Thanks so much for your sweet reply and... me a... delightful writer?? :blush: Wow, thank you! I do try, haha... (: I'm just glad you're not tired of sick!Cas and I give you the second part already! Enjoy! :hug:

THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!! This is the most beautiful piece of art I have seen in forever... Seriously, your descriptions, spellings, everything!! I can't wait for the next part smile.png

Awww...thank you sooo much, Kali! Seriously, that's so nice of you! <3 I hope that you will like the second part just as much! Have fun! You can read it... right now! ;)

The Angel They Know - Part 2

The Winchesters preferred to ignore that last question and discuss their plan again.

Basically, we just have to fight our way through the demon army keeping watch, right?“, Sam asked.

I like how easy you made that sound, Sammy. But yeah.“

And then what?“

Surprise attack and cut off his finger with the ring?“

Sounds legit.“

What do you say, Cas? That sound like a good plan to you?“, Dean turned over his shoulder just in time to see Castiel's frozen pre-sneeze face.

Oh, great, here we go again“, Dean mumbled, just as something set Castiel's nose off.

Huh'itchh!! Hih'tchiuu! Hiuh...itch'iooo!!“

The angel had finally got the hang of covering his face and only dared take his arm away again slowly a few seconds after the last sneeze, only to look into Sam's concerned eyes.

Cas! What's wrong with you?“

I do not know“, Cas replied truthfully.

Dean let out a sigh and spontaneously steered the Impala off the road.

Dean, what are you doing?“

We need to figure this thing out now, Sam! We can't go in with Cas like this!“

Dean, I'm perfectly... huh'atch'iew!“

There, my point. He can barely finish one sentence without sneezing, let alone fight a demon army!“

Sam groaned. „You're right. We need to figure this out.“

Dean leaned back in his seat and stared ahead at the road, while Cas rubbed at his nose nervously in order to avoid another sneeze.

Okay“, Dean started. „Basically, it's a syllogism. No angels sneeze. Cas is an angel. Cas just sneezed. So what does that mean?“

Cas...is not an angel?“, Sam suggested lamely.

Sam, I can assure you-“

I know, Cas! It was joke! Jeez!“


Dean crossed his hands behind his head and asked Cas over his shoulder: „How are you feeling anyway?“

Castiel considered this question, then answered matter-of-factly: „I noticed about 90 minutes ago that my body temperature was elevated for some reason.“

Sam turned around abruptly. „You mean you have a... fever, too??“

I am not familiar with that term.“

Oh come on, Cas! What are you familiar with when it comes to humans?“, Dean exclaimed. When Castiel seemed unimpressed, he proceeded to explain: „A fever is what it's called when your body temperature is elevated.“

„Oh. Well, then, I suppose I have one.“

But why didn't you tell us?“, Sam scolded the angel.

Frankly, I didn't think much of it, Sam. I mean, I noticed these physical changes, but I wasn't sure how to attribute them and it seemed as though our mission was more urgent.“

Let me feel“, Sam said gently and leaned over to his friend in the backseat. He softly placed a hand on his forehead and sucked in his breath. „Wow. You're really warm.“

103.1 degrees Fahrenheit, to be exact.“

Dean and Sam shared another look.

Can you tell exactly what your body temperature is?“

Well, it seemed unnecessary to give you more than one decimal place, but if you want to know more I could...“

„No, that's fine. It's just, Sam didn't need to feel your forehead, you could have told us right away.“

You didn't ask.“

Dean laughed a little. „We will next time, okay?“

Alright. Huh'itch'iiuuu!“

Bless you“, Dean replied automatically.

Don't bless you. Because you didn't sneeze.“ Cas looked from Sam to Dean attentively. „Right?“

The Winchesters couldn't help but chuckle before explaining to their celestial friend that the correct response would be a simple 'Thank you'.

Alright“, Dean said then. „Tell us exactly how you're feeling, Cas. Kay?“

Castiel nodded, glad that for once he knew what was required of him. „My limbs feel heavy and I have trouble thinking clearly. I am experiencing dizziness whenever I move quickly. My head is still pounding. Additionally, my throat feels strangely sore. Also, one side of my nose is blocked and my nose generally itches. Oh, and my body temperature has just now increased to 103.2.“

He didn't sound the least bit whiny. Instead, he seemed content, because he had managed to state all those facts correctly and at least for now he knew exactly what he was talking about, because he knew everything about the vessel.

Thanks for telling us. Good job, champ“, Dean said, the way he had always praised Sam as a kid when he had finally admitted how bad he was truly feeling.

You're we... huh'atch'IoO!“

Bless you“, the brothers said simultaneously.

Thank you!“, Castiel replied, proud to be getting it right this time. Dean nodded absent-mindedly, Sam smiled a little, and something suddenly occured to Castiel: „Could the increase in temperature damage the vessel?“

Well“, Sam leaned over and placed the back of his hand on Castiel's forehead one more time. „Not at this point. But you said it's rising, right? I'm not gonna lie to you, it could be dangerous if it keeps climbing. We should make sure it doesn't.“

How do we do that?“ The man's blue eyes pierced Sam.

Bedrest and fluids?“, Dean suggested lamely and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like: „This is is fucking ridiculous...!“

I'm sorry“, Cas said sincerely. „I don't know what is causing these physical changes in the vessel.“ Suddenly he broke off coughing.

What...?“, he started when he had recovered from the fit.

Remember when you didn't know what coughing was? Well, now you know“, Sam explained sympathetically and Castiel only nodded. Then he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment, because he felt so exhausted.

Sam and Dean leaned closer to each other and started whispering hectically.

We have to get to Niveus! Who knows how long that demon will stay?“

No, Dean, we need to take care of Cas!“

Dammit, Sam, I know that!“

So what do we do?“

I don't know, put him to bed and read him stories?“

Why would you do that?“, Castiel asked tiredly with his eyes still closed. „All the important stories of the world I already know.“

Okay“, Sam said. „We can stop whispering. He can hear us.“

Yeah, great, of course that's one angel power he hasn't lost!“, Dean sounded annoyed.

Dean, he hasn't really lost any of them! He's just... sick at the moment.“

Jesus, Sam! How many more times do we have to go over this? Angels. Don't. Get. Sick.“

Jesus heals...“, Castiel murmured in the backseat, apparently dilirious.

Dean looked at him, not sure whether to laugh or freak out. The look Sam gave him told him that his brother had decided to go for the latter. With concern washing over him, Sam said: „Something tells me that his temperature is still rising. We need to make him better, Dean! Now!“

Alright, sure“, Dean said quietly and turned the Impala around. „I'll stop at the pharmacy and get him tylenol or whatever.“

Sam nodded. „If the vessel gets sick, the vessel can get better by taking medicine, right?“

How the hell should I know?“, Dean yelled. „But it's worth a shot, right?“

Castiel had fallen into a kind of fitful sleep. He kept moving around uncomfortably while whispering Bible quotes. Every once in a while, Sam leaned over to him to put a hand to his alarmingly warm face.

Dean found a pharmacy, stopped the car, told Sam to stay with Cas and ran inside. A few minutes later, he returned with several bottles.

Sam looked up. „What's all that?“

One's tylenol, one's ibuprofen, one Advil and the other two I've never heard of. I got them all so we can see which one works for him.“


They drove back to the hotel quickly with Castiel sniffling and coughing in the backseat.

Suddenly, Dean took one hand off the steering wheel and hit it down on his thigh. „Of course! We're so stupid!“

Sam raised his eyebrows. „Um...what did I miss?“

The lady in the pharmacy asked me if I had the swine flu! You know, all those people around here have been getting sick with it!“

So...? Cas is still an angel and wouldn't catch it... I don't...“

It's not just a regular outbreak, Sam! The swine flu is Pestilence's specialty, remember? He's the master of disease! I'm sure he could bend the rules a little and make an angel sick!“

Sam nodded. „So you think he targeted Cas specifically?“

Yes. To get him out of the way.“

Which would mean...that he knows we're here and coming after him.“

Yes.“ Dean pressed his lips together and Sam only let out a sigh.

Deuteronomy 8:1... Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today...“, Castiel muttered deliriously in the back of the car.

Wow, he's out of it“, Dean stated slightly worried.

Finally, they arrived at the hotel. „Do you want to wake him up?“, Dean asked Sam, who smiled and nodded. „Sure.“

Hebrews 13:2: Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it...“, Castiel mumbled with his eyes closed.

Um...Cas?“, Sam shook him gently. The angel opened his eyes and sniffled. „David?“

Um...no, it's Sam.“

Oh, right.“ Castiel seemed to come to. He looked around, cleared his throat and sniffled wetly, apparently not sure what to say.

How...are you feeling?“, Sam asked hesitantly.

Not...very well.“

Alright. Do you want to...sleep again?“

Yes, please. It was surprisingly refreshing.“

Dean chuckled. „You're getting used to all this human stuff, huh? Make sure you don't turn into one!“

Apparently, Castiel didn't find this quite as amusing as Dean. He simply wiped his nose with his sleeve and got out of the car, granted, with a lot of help from Sam. The angel swayed on his feet, then sneezed again. Afterwards, he looked at Dean helplessly.

What is wrong with me?“

We believe that Pestilence gave you his special Swine Flu.“

Cas looked so scared and lost, Dean leaned forward and ruffled his hair without thinking twice about it. „You'll be alright, big boy. No worries. You just need to take the day off and stay in bed. Sam and I will take care of you.“

Thank you. I... huh'Atch'iioo!!“ Castiel sniffled and rubbed his red nose. „This whole sneezing thing... is rather unpleasant.“

It sure is“, Dean laughed. „Now you know how we feel!“

But I'm sure you'll feel better soon“, Sam said in an awkward attempt to comfort the sick angel. He then gently placed Castiel's arm around his neck and walked him back to the hotel and to one of the bedrooms. Dean followed them with the pills and made Cas take a tylenol for starters. „If it does nothing for you, we'll try everything else systematically. Sooner or later, something will kick in, I'm sure.“

Castiel nodded thankfully and crawled under the blanket. Soon he was back to sleeping fitfully and mumbling Bible verses as well as occasionally babbling in Enochian.

Sam stood up and went to the bathroom in order to get a cold washcloth for Castiel's forehead. „We need to bring down that fever“, he said when Dean looked as if he was going to laugh at him. The grin vanished off his brother's face.

Guess you're right. This is stupid, though.“

They sat in silence for a while, only interrupted by Castiel's incoherent rambling.

Dean?“, Sam asked then.


Something... occured to me.“

Hit me.“

If Cas got sick with this special Swine Flu that Pestilence cast on him... why didn't we? I mean, he could have done the same to us, have all three of us out of the way. Right?“

Yeah, I've been wondering about that, too. And you know what I thought?“


Dean looked out of the window thoughtfully. „What if Pestilence wants us to come to him? What if he wants us to get close?“

But why would he...?“

Revenge? I can recall us ganking two of his best buddies very recently, Sam!“

Oh. Right. Good point.“

1 Samuel...“, Castiel muttered, about to utter another quote.

„It's okay, Cas“, Dean said gently and took the washcloth from Sam, rubbing it over Castiel's cheeks in order to cool him down.

Sam looked down at Cas with a sad smile, then turned back to Dean. „ But... if Pestilence wants us to come, then wouldn't it be stupid to go?“

Sort of. But it's exactly the kind of stuff we do, Sammy“, Dean smiled. „Besides, we have to go. We need that ring and we know that there's no other way.“

The younger Winchester took a deep breath. „Okay. Then let's do it.“

We will“, Dean agreed. „But for now, we have a sick angel to take care of.“

Sam smiled at Dean and they shared a look. Then, as Castiel coughed onto the pillow, Sam said: „Then let's do that.“


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That was an amazing finish to an amazing fic! The Pestilence episode is one of my favorites. Gaah, Cas, I know he speaks great things and music to heaven above, but Sam isn't David. I found that funny. You're talented.

Edited by Awko the taco
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Thanks a lot, Akwo! :) I appreciate that!

As for everyone else...what happened to those who wanted a second part so badly? Did you...just not like it? Sorry, I'm just really confused... This is making me feel kind of insecure... :(

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Oh, hi again~! I ended up reading the second part, and loving it, but had forgotten to leave a post >w<''

Thank you very much for sharing and finishing it~! <33 It ended really adorably x33.

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Don't feel insecure it was well done. :)

Loved the boys figuring out how to treat a sick angel.

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