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"A Royal Prat and His Manservant" - MERLIN (Merlin, Arthur)


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AN - Okay, so this is a fic for my friend Awko the taco, featuring sneezy Merlin and eventually Arthur, who's probably going to be a little awkward towards Merlin's cold :) Hope everyone enjoys!

Title: "A Royal Prat and His Manservant"

Fandom: Merlin (BBC)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Merlin, nor any plots or subplots.

Warning: None? I don't think so anyway...

Description: Merlin always gets embarrassed when he's sick and Arthur always makes it awkward. Merlin's not so good at keeping his misery to himself, though.

Notes: This'll be a multi-chapter, probably three, I'm thinking. If there's anything specific you guys want to happen in the chapters, I'm pretty open to ideas! Lemme know what you think! :)


"Merlin, do you want to be late this morning?" Gaius inquired, frustrated. He was standing in the doorway of Merlin's chambers, staring at the lump beneath the sheets that he presumed was his apprentice. "Merlin."

With a groan, the lump moved. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Gaius figured this was as good of a response as he was going to get and left him be. As soon as Merlin heard the physician leave, he poked his head out of the covers and rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist.

He'd begun feeling poorly the day before. Nothing serious, just a sore throat and mild congestion. This morning however, his nose itched insistently and he kept getting the feeling that he was going to sneeze. Additionally, Merlin could feel a headache coming on. It was going to be a long day.

The young wizard swung his legs out of bed and stood up dizzily. A beam of light hit him right in the eyes and his nose gave a tiny twitch. "Hehh'SHUHHH!" Merlin dressed, draping his scarf around his neck and slipping on his boots. He said goodbye to Gaius and left, a lingering itch deep in his sinus.


"Bordig, Sire!" Merlin said congestedly, pulling back the curtains to reveal a stream of sunlight. Arthur moaned while his manservant tried to muffle his sneeze. "Hahh'GNNNKT!"

Upon hearing the strange sound, Arthur sat up in his bed. "Merlin," he said slowly, "was that a--"


"... sneeze." Arthur finished lamely. "You're not sick, are you?"

Merlin blushed at the suspicon in Arthur's voice. "Doe, Sire. Jusd allergies, I thingk."

"You think or you know?"

"I kdow."

Arthur squinted at him. "You what?"

"Deverbind, I'b fide. Here's your breagfast." Merlin gestured to a silver platter covered with sausages, a pastry and some oats. He turned to leave and begin his other chores for the day, but the prince stopped him.

"Oh, and Merlin?"


Arthur chewed meaningfully and swallowed before continuing. "I'll need you for practise today."

Merlin mentally cringed. In other words, he'd be used as a target for every knight in Camelot. Fantastic.


"C'mon, Merlin!" Sir Percival was taunting. "Surely you can put up a better fight than this!"

The knight was jabbing at the servant with a sword and Merlin was just barely dodging his blows every time. While the other knights were clad in armour, helmets and wielded swords and shields, the young warlock was expected to hold his own with a small table top as protection and an ancient broom as a weapon. Finally, the tip of the sword made contact with wood and Merlin stumbled back on his backside, landing hard in the grass.

Percival's sword was held just under Merlin's chin. This is a very bad time to sneeze, Merlin thought to himself as his nostrils flared and his eyes shut. Luckily, the knight recognised the familiar signs and stepped back, withdrawing his sword.


"Bless you." Elyan offered.

Merlin stood up again, rubbing his nose.

"Alright," Arthur ordered, "Leon, you're next. Let's have at it."

The curly-haired fellow stepped up and allowed Merlin to readjust his "shield". Holding the broom out in a somewhat defensive position, Merlin nodded. With this affirmation, Leon lunged and the fight was on.

As the mock-duel progressed, the young man began to feel light-headed well as sneezy. Mid-fight, his eyelashes fluttered and his eyes squeezed shut. "Ehh'CHHHUHH!" This one moment of weakness ultimately cost him his weapon as he reopened his eyes in time to see Leon slice brutally through the hand of his broom. The top half fell to the ground in defeat.

Merlin felt like he was swimming in heat. He tried desperately to focus on his opponent but Leon was fading in and out of his vision.

The kind-hearted man stopped. "Arthur, he doesn't look so good."

Arthur brushed him off. "He's fine. Leon, keep going."

Merlin blinked, in a daze somewhere far away.

"No, Sire, I really don't think--"

As soon as the words left Leon's lips, Merlin was swaying on his feet. He collapsed onto the ground, his shield clattering on top of him.

"Merlin!" Arthur called out, alarmed. His macho, "I don't care about my servants" act was over. "Merlin." He brushed the unconscious man's hair out of his face. The knights all crowded around him.

"Will he be alright?" Gwaine asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

Merlin groaned and opened his eyes, much to Arthur's relief. "Merlin?"

The young wizard struggled to speak. "I... I... ihhh... ISHHOOO!" He tried to turn away from his friend but ended up sneezing on him.

Percival bit his lip to keep from laughing and Leon was hiding a smile behind his hand.

"Bless you, Merlin." Elyan told him, breaking the silence.

"S-sorry, Sire. I was feelig a bid overheated.

Arthur nodded. "Okay, practise is over. Good job, men." He dismissed them, then turned to Merlin and helped him up. "Let's go get some water."

"Heh'CHHSSS!" Merlin sneezed weakly, off to the side.

Arthur cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly. "Uh... bless you."

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Ooh, PERFECT! :clapping: This is BEAUTIFUL. :heart: Poor, fetishy concerned Arthur and poor, sneezy, sick Merlin.

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*scrambling to pick myself up off the floor*

Ohhh I like this very much! I'm so scared to finish Merlin but I might have to go watch a few more episodes just so I can daydream about Merlin being like this! <3

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Ooh, PERFECT! clap.gif This is BEAUTIFUL. heart.gif Poor, fetishy concerned Arthur and poor, sneezy, sick Merlin.

Ooh, love this so far!


I love you. And this fic. And Merlin. And Arthur. And your writing.


AHH SO GOOD! love me some merlin.

*scrambling to pick myself up off the floor*

Ohhh I like this very much! I'm so scared to finish Merlin but I might have to go watch a few more episodes just so I can daydream about Merlin being like this! <3

SO many positive reviews! I'm honoured :laughingsmiley: I guess I'll have to do an update soon :P

Awko the taco - I'm so glad you like it so far :3 Ahhh I just love Merlin and Arthur so much! And I just had to add the knights of Camelot in there ;)

Kshu - Thanks :) I'm thrilled!

BringVerityTheHorizon - Aww really? Psshh, thanks! That's so nice of you to say :D

sadie22233 - Me too! Merlin and Arthur :drool:

MadWonder13 - Wow, really? Omg, you have to finish it! It's my #1 favourite show, even though it's off air! You'll love it... so many great episodes, especially in series four and five! ;)

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AN - Second chapter, here we go! Since it was requested that Arthur have the fetish, it kind of evolved into a light Merthur fic and I'm sort of terrified I'm going to get backlash because of this... so, I'll try to keep it fluffy (obviously no 18+) but just a warning, it is a little M/M because it's implied a bit? Okay, sorry, I'll just get on with it~


Merlin awoke to the feeling of a cool cloth on his forehead. He blinked, once, twice, until Arthur slowly came into focus. The prince was staring at him, a trace of worry in his eyes.


"Arthur..." Merlin mumbled, groggy. "Arthur!" He exclaimed, sitting up quickly and scrambling back into the bed's headboard. "Ah!" His hand rubbed the back of his head, where there was sure to be a bump give or take a few minutes. He continued trying to rub the pain away. "Erm, sorry, ab I id your bed?"

Arthur nodded. "Yeah. You fainted earlier."

Merlin groaned. This was not the very incident, either. "Did you tell Gaius?"

"No..." The prince suddenly looked panicked. "Should I?"

The young wizard shook his head. "Doe, don'd. I don'd wadt hib to worry aboud me. You should'dt either. I'b fihhh... iihhH! IXSHHUHH! Fide."

"Bless you." he murmured. "Why didn't you just tell me you were sick?"

Merlin flushed, although it could've just been the fever. "I kdew you had work to do ad I cad stdill do id, you kdow. Dothig's changed." He gave a liquid sniffle and fought not to wipe his nose on his sleeve. "Sddff!" He swung his scrawny legs over the side of the bed and prepared to stand up. "Really, Arthur, I cad do by job. Id's doe big deal. Heh'SHUHHH! EKKSHHH!"

Arthur stood up and crossed his arms. "No, Merlin. Honestly, my chambers could use some work, but so could you. I mean, you can't even talk properly! Maybe I should send for Gai--"

"Doe, please!" Merlin begged. "I don'd wadt hib to kdow I'b sigk."


"Because I, ub, well, I wadted to go for a walgk bud id was rainig ad Gauis warned be I'd get sigk bud I wedt adyway ad I would'dt wadt hib to rub it id."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "For Chrissake, blow your nose! Trying to understand you is annoying me to no end." Apparently, the sympathetic side of Arthur had departed and Disgusted Arthur had taken his place.

"Sorry," Merlin mumbled, "I dod't hab a... ahhh... AHSHHHHT!"

"Here." An embroidered handkerchief was tossed his way.

"Do you really wadt be sd-sduhhh... sdeezig id this? Id looks ibportad."

Arthur snatched the piece of cloth away from his servant and held it up to his face. "Blow."

"Bud Arthur, I--"


So he did, blushing all the while. After he was done and Arthur had ordered him to climb back in bed, only then did Merlin dare to ask his question.

"Why'd you do that?"

Arthur sat on the edge of the bed and shrugged. "Do what?"

"You know." Merlin gestured to his pink nose.

"Oh. That."

Merlin shivered, pulling the blankets up to his chin. "Yes, th-that."

"Are you cold?" The blonde inquired abruptly, changing the subject. Merlin let him; he was obviously uncomfortable with the previous topic.

"A lihhh.. lihhHH! Ihh'SHHHOOO! A little."

To Merlin's shock, Arthur crawled underneath the sheets as well, joining his servant.

"I'b s-sorry, did you wadt be to gehhh... ETSHHHHH! Ged out?" Merlin asked, ready to retreat from the warmth that was Arthur's bed.

"No..." Arthur whispered. "I'm just tired."

Merlin gulped as he felt Arthur's leg accidentally brush up against his own. "Heh'SHHHUUUHHH! IGGXXTT!"

"You should try to get some rest."

"I'll try."

"I'll wake you in a few hours so you can get back home."

The warlock nodded. "Thag you." Only minutes later, Merlin was just about to drift off to sleep when he felt a tickle deep in his nose. "Ehhh... eh'SHUUHHHhh..." He turned his head and sneezed sleepily into the pillow.

"Bless you." Arthur seemed to mutter in his sleep. One of his arms reached out, as if it had a mind of its own, and attached itself to Merlin, in an awkward kind of hug.


"Mmm..." Arthur moaned subconsciously.

With a sudden realization, Merlin thought he'd discovered the reason for Arthur's actions toward his well being. He enjoyed it. And that was just fine with Merlin.

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Ooh, and he almost got away with it too!

Relax, we LOOVE slash here. :heart:

As always, your writing is wonderful.

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That Stewie gif that Awkwo has is an accurate description of what I look like right now. Oh GOD YES! This- THIS! SO WONDERFUL! I can't even- *re-reads a million times*

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:drool: <-- my face right now

Jeez, I ran out of good Merlin fics like a week after I finished the show last summer. You have no idea how happy I am to see a well written one again.

But anyway, this is really, really good. Like I said earlier, it's really well written and the sneeze spellings are wonderful. I absolutely love them.:heart: And I agree with Awko: slash, especially Merthur, is completely fine. And with fetish!Arthur, it even makes more sense. :)

I can't wait to read more! :D

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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That Stewie gif that Awkwo has is an accurate description of what I look like right now. Oh GOD YES! This- THIS! SO WONDERFUL! I can't even- *re-reads a million times*

Well then. Let's have a Stewie fanboy party! Cause, that's what I did :D

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never apologize for merthur-ness! gah this is so good - i love your writing style

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So cute planning on adding some more?

I wasn't planning on it, but who knows! Maybe :P

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  • 1 year later...


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ahhhhh, fuck. Okay, so I sort of dropped out of Merlin a while ago but that doesn't mean I'm not going to allow myself to read and enjoy this and oh my god, did I enjoy this, pal. I mean, I'm hoping there'll be an update (though omg please don't feel obligated good bean) but I just love this. honestly, i'm loving the awkward sneeze cuddling, like, um yes please? on the low-key some of the cutest stuff I've read on here. really, I was actually not expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. 

On 5/5/2014 at 0:30 AM, beatlelover22 said:

The knight was jabbing at the servant with a sword and Merlin was just barely dodging his blows every time. While the other knights were clad in armour, helmets and wielded swords and shields, the young warlock was expected to hold his own with a small table top as protection and an ancient broom as a weapon. Finally, the tip of the sword made contact with wood and Merlin stumbled back on his backside, landing hard in the grass.

Percival's sword was held just under Merlin's chin. This is a very bad time to sneeze, Merlin thought to himself as his nostrils flared and his eyes shut. Luckily, the knight recognised the familiar signs and stepped back, withdrawing his sword.

I just... can't? I think that the way you've narrated this story (especially this little bit) is so charismatic and likable and just over all fun. Your descriptions are also really crisp, they're not excessive to the point where they distract me and not vague, so they don't annoy me. yes bab on point. 

On 5/5/2014 at 6:13 PM, beatlelover22 said:

Merlin awoke to the feeling of a cool cloth on his forehead. He blinked, once, twice, until Arthur slowly came into focus. The prince was staring at him, a trace of worry in his eyes.

arthur you silly frick. Joking aside, I thought this was a great opening sentence for the second chapter. Really cute! 

But uh... yeah! All 'round pretty good stuff! (:  

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Awwww, this is really sweet! I've actually never seen Merlin (it's on my list!) but the increasing fics on here night soon change that! This is adorable though :-)

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