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SVU fic revisited and lengthened


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So, I would still be okay with it if someone finished this for me, or wrote me one, haha, but whilst I'm waiting, I figured I should help myself...

Also, it is my very first time attempting to spell sneezes, so as you might imagine, I'm very, very nervous about it....so, until I get feedback, I'll be hiding under a giant rock, nervously picking at the skin around my fingernails!

Without further ado...my untitled fic

(For those of you who have watched the show, here is a bit of disclaimer for what might change in later parts...)A./N. This is slightly AU, Olivia is not with Cassidy anymore (because I don’t like him ;)), she is still temporarily in charge of SVU but it is in between her capture by William Lewis and his escape. Nick is divorced from Maria. He has also already shot that boy so is still a bit gun-shy. Amanda is still knee-deep in her gambling issues, but still hiding it from her team. And Finn is his usual adorable self. :)

An unexpected, yet pleasant surprise from his ex-wife, Maria, had brought their daughter Zara to his house for a week. The reason he chose not to dwell on; she would be spending that week with another man. A political hopeful, and an arrogant one, at that. But, weren’t they all?

After a night getting in touch with his feminine side and braiding Barbie doll’s hair, he put Zara to bed early because she complained of a sore throat. And his daddy radar was on full alert the next morning when he dropped her off at his mother’s house and she wasn’t her usual happy self when in the company of her grandmother. Turns out being a part-time dad did not dampen those instincts, because his mother called him with the unfortunate news about an hour before he went home. “Zara’s come down with something, honey,” she told him.

A part of him thought to curse Maria, but he didn’t voice it, because he knew his mother wouldn’t be pleased to hear that. Yeah, it wasn’t necessarily her fault, but he just knew she’d blame him if she returned to find their daughter still sick. “Do you think I should stay home with her tomorrow?” he asked, phone between his ear and shoulder, as he multitasked between his mom and the last report of the night.

“I can handle a sick baby, el cariño,” she said in that tone of hers that he knew so well. “I handled you just fine, didn’t I?”

“Of course, mama,” he replied. “I guess you shouldn’t keep her up until I get home then,” he continued, a tad sadly.

“Nonsense,” his mother replied, “What does an eight year old have to do on her vacation if not sleep in? She’ll be up when you get home, Nicky.”


The next morning, it was just one of those days; he was late. Zara did not want to get up, brush her teeth, comb her hair, or any of the small tasks he had required of her before he took her to his mom’s.

“Morning, Amaro,” Sergeant Olivia Benson said as Nick strolled in, and for the first time, he was late. And slightly tongue in cheek, she added, “Did Zara keep you up last night?” She had known his daughter had come to stay the week, and her handsome partner looked absolutely exhausted.

A small smile crinkled the corners of his dark brown eyes. But it was a sad smile. “Actually yeah, she did.”

Olivia’s face quickly registered concern, and she put a hand on his arm lightly. Ever since she had been given temporary command of the SVU unit she had treated him far more like a child than a partner. Or maybe it was because of the ‘incident’, what he had come to call the shooting of a teenage boy. Compartmentalization was a tactic he had to learn, he supposed, even if at times, it sounded so callous.

“Is everything alright?” she asked.

“Sure,” he replied, breaking out of his reverie. “Just a cold. She’ll be fine.” He, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been sick, but when he woke up with a sore throat himself, he figured he was in trouble. However, he certainly wasn’t going to voice it to the woman who was suddenly showing a lot more concern for him than usual. He already had one suffocating mother, God bless her, but he didn’t need two. Maria had never been like that, and he had always been fine with that.

“Good,” she said and smiled. “If there’s anything you, or Zara, needs, let me know.” Another squeeze to the arm, and then switching gears to work, she said, “We had a call come in just a minute or two before you walked in. Rollins and Finn went to check it out.”

Nick always thought it was a shame that Olivia had never found the right person to have children with. She would have made a good mom. But ignoring the surge of anger he felt at all men who happened to not be right for her – namely Cassidy – he replied, “Oh yeah? What about?”

“A girl’s parents called reporting that their daughter had been raped. We’ll head to the hospital when you’re ready.”

Nick might have had the good grace to blush at her calling him out at being late, but instead, he met her eyes for a second, judging his boss’s reaction to what would be before them. She knew exactly what he was thinking, and said, quietly, “I’ll be fine, Nick. Really.”

The drive to the hospital was nearly silent. Maybe because of all the personal stuff they had been through in the past few months, it made talking hard, or maybe it was a companionable silence. And yet, it was somehow still awkward. Nick cleared his throat, and for a moment she thought he might say something, until she realized he’d been doing that a lot. And sniffling too, come to think of it. Hmm…

The doctor met them outside the room, motioning to the couple hugging each other at the far end of the hallway. Her parents. “They are pretty shaken up, naturally. But they insisted that you talk to their daughter.”

“How old is she?” Olivia asked, because she couldn’t help herself.

“Fourteen,” the doctor replied before leaving.

Turning to Olivia, Nick said, “I’ll take the parents,” and motioning to the hospital room, he said, “She’ll probably feel more comfortable without me present.”

Olivia nodded her agreement and entered the room to face what would always be difficult, but recently was even worse. As they always were, she was a beautiful, scared little girl, whose eyes were too big for her face. A single tear leaked out from her liquid blue eyes as she said to Olivia, “My mom says I need to tell you everything. But I can hardly remember anything.”

“That’s okay, sweetheart. Why don’t we start with names? My name is Olivia.”

Walking away from the Moores, Olivia asked what Nick’s impression of the parents was. “Uh, they seem to be those helicopter parents, with the idea that their daughter never does anything wrong and –,” he broke off suddenly, caught completely off-guard and turned away from Olivia to sneeze, at least partly against his arm. Hurrshooo!

“Bless you,” Olivia said, with obvious concern. She couldn’t remember ever hearing Nick sneeze. He always appeared to be one of those insanely healthy people.

Sniffling, he said, “Excuse me. Thanks.” Then, after a pause, as if he might sneeze again, he sniffled and asked, “What was I saying?”

“Helicopter parents, daughter does nothing wrong,” Olivia supplied succinctly.

“Oh, right. They say their daughter went to a friend’s house for a study session last night and stayed over. Mrs. Moore says that she went to her daughter’s room at eight this morning to put away some laundry and wasn’t expecting her daughter home yet. She says she just knew.” He paused, placed a hand over his tie and turned away from his partner once again. Hurrshoo! He kept himself turned, awaiting another. Huh-Echshoo!

“Bless you!” Olivia said, having him figured out by now.

“Thank you,” Nick supplied, sniffling. And after clearing his throat, he continued, “They insist that we look into her friends. I have three names. Bad influences, supposedly.”

“So, you don’t believe them?” Olivia asked him. She made a mental note to ask him how he was feeling, but had to put it on the back burner for now.

“I don’t know,” he said. “They were just very willing to blame everything on these other girls.” He shrugged, as if saying it was his first impression and she should take it or leave it. “What about the girl?”

They were nearly to the car now, as Olivia spoke of the victim in a distant tone that Nick knew she needed to. “Her name is Ella. Goes to a private school, admits to going to a party and drinking. Doesn't remember much else, not even how she got home, but when she woke the next day in pain, her mother noticed and took her straight to the hospital.”

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I'm LOVING this! Amaro is my absolute favourite. Also, you're an excellent writer, this is just yummy. I'm on tenterhooks for a second part, please keep going :)

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I'm LOVING this! Amaro is my absolute favourite. Also, you're an excellent writer, this is just yummy. I'm on tenterhooks for a second part, please keep going

Aww, thank you so much!! He's my absolute favorite, too! I'll try to get the second part up as soon as possible. Thanks for reading, you totally made my night!! :D

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Thanks Jezebel!! I'm at a dry spell, but SVU is on tonight so I know that'll get the juices flowing! Thanks for reading! :D

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Okay, here's part 2.

Another Author's Note: I apologize if any of the procedural stuff is incorrect, and also for the strong subject material, but such is the nature of the show. If anyone has any advice on how to improve this, fetish wise or in general, fee free to drop me a line!

And here it is...

When they arrived back at the precinct, Amanda and Finn were already there waiting for them. Finn didn’t mess around as he said, “We confiscated her computer, some pics of her and her friends and had the clothes she was wearing sent to the crime lab.” If he was trying to do most of the work to save his boss from it, he didn’t make it obvious.

“Thanks, Finn,” Olivia said, quietly. And then turning to the young blonde detective, she asked, “Any progress on the computer?”

“Sure,” Amanda replied with an easy shrug. “Teenagers usually aren’t known for being security-conscious. Her Facebook page is loaded with pictures from several parties, not just the one time-stamped as last night.”

Nick took out his small, black notebook and opened it to the page that had the list of the three ‘bad influences’. “Any of these girls in any of the pictures?”

“Hmm, let me see,” she said, reading off the names and scrolling through some of the tags.

Nick took a moment to look at the pictures, as always startled to see what young kids – especially girls – did when their parents were not watching. He was pretty positive that by the time Zara was thirteen and had the urge to be rebellious he’d have gray hair within the week.

“None of these girls look old enough to have an account,” he said, focusing nearly explicitly on the girl standing next to Ella in more than one picture – a green eyed girl with dark curly hair and a child’s smile. He was almost positive she was not thirteen.

Amanda gave him a ‘are you really that clueless’ look and replied, “It’s a matter of simple subtraction, Amaro. Want to be thirteen? Subtract a few years from the year you were actually born, and, well, there you go.”

Finn caught Amaro’s eyes and rose his own, wondering silently if the two rookie detectives were squabbling again. Nick just shrugged and sniffled. He didn’t have the energy to worry about Amanda and her attitude today. Something was definitely off with her, but the last time he had shown his concern, she’d gone straight for his throat in a self-preservation-style strike. And he had yet to forgive her for bringing up his issues to get off the subject of her own.

Olivia would have none of it, attitudes weren’t welcome, and she said, “So, these girls seem to be at all of the parties Ella frequented, but that doesn’t mean much. They probably attend the same school. But let’s check that out.”

Each one – Finn, Rollins and Amaro – were given a separate girl’s name and went about locating their school records as Olivia shut herself into what used to be Cragen’s office and tried to focus on her new boss duties, which oftentimes was mere politics, crossing t’s and dotting i’s. Just before she was ready to reconvene with her team, a knock sounded on her door.

“Sarge?” It was Amanda.

“Come in,” Olivia said.

The blonde walked in, and her face was a mask of worry. “Those girls all went to the same school as Ella Moore. We’ve just received a call that two of them are also in the hospital, for alleged rape as well.”

Olivia furrowed her brows, because there was something off about this case. But she was never one to do less than what a victim required of her. “Same hospital?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Amanda replied.

“The parents are at the hospital?”

“Far as I know,” she replied with a shrug.

“You and Finn go to the hospital,” she said, “And Amaro and I will check out the house of the third girl.”

They all caught up with names and places before they separated. Ella Moore was now released from the hospital and resting at home. Two of the ‘bad influences’, Katie Wickerson and Charlotte Nester, were in the hospital, and the third ‘bad influence’, Anne Tinajero, was the one who had held the ‘study session turned party’.

Not everyone who went to a private school was wealthy and from the looks of Tinajero’s neighborhood, she had gotten in on scholarship. The perfect person then, to host a study session. “Were the other two girls, Wickerson and Nester, wealthy – neighborhood wise, at least?” Olivia was driving to the scene.

Nick coughed slightly to clear his throat, and said, “They live in the same neighborhood as Moore, so my guess is yes.” His voice normally had a slight rasp to it, but now it was catching on itself. It sounded painful.

“I wonder why the Moores would find all three of these girls bad influences and yet, allow Ella to come to this neighborhood to study?” Olivia was voicing one of the concerns she had with the case, in general.

“They might be trying to pass the blame,” Nick said, “They weren’t being responsible for their child, and so, when she got hurt, they had a reason.”

“Maybe so,” Olivia said.

Huh-Eckshoo! Nick had barely cupped his hands over his mouth and nose in time. He left them there a moment longer, unsure if there would be any more. Satisfied that there weren’t, he excused himself.

“Bless you,” Olivia said, before bouncing back into the case. “But one might wonder why they didn’t just choose Tinajero as the bad influence. Ella had gone to her house, and it is in a different neighborhood.”

“Covering all their bay-” his voice faltered and he covered his mouth and nose again. Huh-Echshoo! Hurrshoo! And an unexpected third one followed. Het-shooo!

He sniffled, “Ugh. Excuse me.” He didn’t remember the point he was trying to make.

“Jeez, bless you!” Olivia replied, and now she figured was the right time to inquire about his health. “How are you feeling?”

He wasn’t surprised she had him figured out, she was a detective after all – really, he wasn’t – but he wasn’t all that thrilled to talk about it. “I’ll be fine,” he said.

“Nick,” she said, sounding serious and a tad exasperated. And then, she pulled that line. “I’m not just your partner now, I’m your boss, too.”

He sighed, which turned into a cough, and he said, “Not that great.”

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