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Caring For Your Government - BBC!Sherlock (Mystrade)


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This is the last part. But I'm kind of tempted to just write endless sniffly Mystrade stories until the world burns. I'd never read any Mystrade before this forum. This is all your fault. Well, I hope the ending is not disappointing!


Though Mycroft had fallen asleep at 4pm, he slept straight through the night and much of the following morning. When he finally did awake, he found Gregory nestled next to him with a book on his chest and his hair sticking up at all sorts of odd angles. Mycroft was pleased to note that, while he didn't feel any better, he also didn't feel any worse. Meaning, hopefully, that he'd start to improve from here on out.

He left Gregory dozing while he relieved himself and splashed some cool water on his face with a soft sigh. The fever had gone down somewhat, if nothing else. That had to be worth something. His sinuses were still prickly and he felt like the tiniest rush of air up his nose could trigger a fit. Best look for the positives though.

When he opened the bathroom door again, he found Gregory with one hand poised above the door handle, having obviously been about to open it. The baggy grey t-shirt he'd slept in was rumpled and hanging down around his boxers unevenly. His other hand was rubbing tiredly at his eyes.

"Morning, love," he yawned. His voice was raspy with sleep. "Sleep well?"

Mycroft nodded once and watched his husband closely. Gregory chuckled.

"Are you done?" He asked, nodding past Mycroft to the bathroom. Mycroft stepped aside with a flustered apology.

He didn't move from outside the door for a good ten seconds before he regained himself and padded into the kitchen to pour two glasses of water. He had to stop to catch a sneeze in his cupped hands.


He grimaced and quickly washed his hands in the kitchen sink. He spent a moment searching for the tissues before he remembered they'd taken them to the bedroom. This cold really was making him slow.


Mycroft's head snapped up in time to see Gregory emerging with a thoroughly spent tissue clutched tight in his hand. Oh. His heart clenched. This was his fault. Gregory smiled over at him sheepishly, clearly aware that he'd been found out.

"I feel bloody awful," he chuckled before Mycroft could ask. Gregory sniffed heavily and deposited the tissue in the bin in favour of a dry piece of kitchen roll. He blew his nose roughly. Mycroft tried not to think about how quickly that would rub his nose raw. "Before you apologise, it's not your fault. People get sick. It happens."

Mycroft started to protest but Gregory bridged the distance between them and cut him off with a kiss.

"Nothing to lose now that we're both sniffling," he shrugged, the smile soon falling from his face when he had to turn away to sneeze.

"hhurAHHSHooo! hhhurruUSHUHhh! hh'HARUHHSHHOO!"

"Goodness, Gregory, bless you!" Mycroft frowned, testing Gregory's forehead and finding the expected fever. Mild.

"Thanks, love," Gregory tucked the makeshift tissue into his sleeve and stuck some bread in the toaster. "Breakfast?"

Mycroft hesitated. "I'm fine, thank you, my dear," he said which turned out to be the wrong course of action. Gregory looked very much like someone had just punched him in the gut. He frowned.

"Please?" He asked gently, clearly trying to find the right balance between being concerned and condescending. And, much to Mycroft's dismay, succeeding. "Just one slice of toast and I'll get off your case."

Really, he shouldn't have to be bribed. This was ridiculous. Mycroft knew this.

"By all means, remain on my "case" even after I've eaten," he sighed. "I think I need someone."

Gregory smiled to himself. "I know you do."

Once toast had been successfully made (and the kitchen remaining intact), they retreated to the bedroom again with a fresh hot water bottle, medicine, and some extra blankets from the cupboard. They only realised after they'd eaten the toast that liquids would probably have been a good idea so got up again to make tea. Once settled properly back in bed, Gregory twisted the cap off the medicine bottle and poured some onto the little plastic spoon which came with it.

"Open up," he grinned. Mycroft's expression turned to one of disbelief. "Come on. I'll even make aeroplane noises if you really want."

Mycroft simply raised an eyebrow. Gregory stifled a laugh. This really was a little bit ridiculous, he had to admit. When his nose twitched, he tried another route of persuasion.

"Quick, before I sneeze and spill it everywhere."

That seemed to do it. Mycroft opened his mouth and let Gregory tuck the spoon in neatly. He wrinkled his nose at the taste. Why wasn't there such a thing as medicine which tasted pleasant?

Gregory pulled the kitchen paper out of his sleeve and held it up to his face.

"hhHURRUSHHH! hhuh'rrruhsHHHOOO!"

"God bless you, my dear," Mycroft murmured, opening his arms for Gregory to fall into which he did happily. Mycroft always knew instinctively what he needed. And, right now, he definitely needed a cuddle.

"This should really be the other way rou’d," Gregory sniffled against Mycroft's chest.

"How so?"

"You're sicker thad be."

Mycroft chuckled. "It is not a question of who is the sicker of the two of us, my dear. It is more a question of who feels most in need of comfort. At the moment, that would be you."

Gregory hummed softly.

The next few hours were spent in this position while they drifted in and out of sleep. Gregory had very few memories of his waking hours save for once when Mycroft did his best to stifle a sneeze so as not to wake him but the shaking of his body did so anyway. He remembered Mycroft tucking a hand into his hair after that while he fell asleep again.

When Gregory finally awoke properly, Mycroft was snoring. Just quietly but he was still snoring. And it was the cutest thing in the entire world. Gregory might have aww'ed out loud had he not been overcome by a coughing fit which, miraculously, did not wake Mycroft. Gregory reached over to the bedside table and sent Anthea a quick test to let her know they were both down with it but that Mycroft was alright. She promptly promised to bring round some things to make them more comfortable and insisted there was no need to update her. Rest and get better, were her words. Gregory was oddly touched.

Mycroft’s hitching breath from behind him sent him reaching for a tissue to give him. Their supply was getting dangerously low. Gregory almost giggled at the look of disdain which would no doubt grace Mycroft’s face if he had to resort to kitchen roll. He wasn’t used to it. Well, Gregory knew what he signed up for and he hasn’t yet been scared off.

“Hh’nnnnnghshh! Hh’nnngTISHH! Heh’nnNNGTSHHooo! ISHHhooo! ISHHhooo!”

“God bless you, lovey,” Gregory pressed a soft kiss to Mycroft’s forehead, lingering perhaps a little longer than was necessary. Mycroft flashed him a quick smile and blew his nose half-heartedly. “Tired?”

Mycroft nodded, frowning when the movement aggravated the pain in his sinuses. “Though I highly doubt I could sleep with this congestion.”

“Why don’t we play a game?” Gregory suggested. Mycroft raised an eyebrow in interest so he went on. “I’ll start. I spy with my little eye…”


By two in the morning, they were both well and truly sneezed out. Gregory couldn’t coax another out if his life depended on it which was both infuriating and embarrassing. It was especially irritating when his breath would come in short gasps and he’d sit up – and, consequently, Mycroft would follow and rub his back gently – and his eyes would water and then nothing would come of it. He was left with the same itch and no way to relieve it. And that was definitely the worst feeling in the world.

This had happened no less than seven times when he decided it really wasn’t worth it and that there was not a chance in hell an itchy nose would keep him from sleeping. So, he settled down with his head on Mycroft’s chest again, rubbing at his pink nose, and let their breathing synchronise. He sighed sleepily.


“Hm?” Mycroft shifted slightly. His eyes were drooping. Gregory sighed again.

“You’ll always be perfect to me,” he said. He lifted a hand to paw at his nose but, again, the tickle came to nothing. He was too sleepy to care. When Mycroft spoke again, it was clear he was smiling.

“And you to me, Gregory,” he murmured. “And you to me.”

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Aww such a sweet ending!! I'm so sad this story is over, but I definitely enjoyed it while it lasted :)

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. wub.png

This was so lovely and perfect and so well written.

I do not think you would get any complaints if you were to write more Mystrade. :)

(I think I like writing them more than John and Sherlock now.)

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"By all means, remain on my "case" even after I've eaten," he sighed. "I think I need someone."

Gregory smiled to himself. "I know you do."

Awww. This was just too much feels!

"Open up," he grinned. Mycroft's expression turned to one of disbelief. "Come on. I'll even make aeroplane noises if you really want."

Mycroft simply raised an eyebrow.

I can totally picture this! LOL!

This whole story was just amazing! I loved it So Much! Thank you!!!!

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I honestly cannot express how much I've loved this story. The domesticity was GORGEOUS. I adore these two so much. They truly belong together. :wub:

Edited by Spoo
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Aww such a sweet ending!! I'm so sad this story is over, but I definitely enjoyed it while it lasted smile.png

I'm glad you liked it! :)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. wub.png

This was so lovely and perfect and so well written.

I do not think you would get any complaints if you were to write more Mystrade. smile.png

(I think I like writing them more than John and Sherlock now.)

Thank you! :D

(I think I do too.)

This whole story was just amazing! I loved it So Much! Thank you!!!!

No, thank you omg. c:

I honestly cannot express how much I've loved this story. The domesticity was GORGEOUS. I adore these two so much. They truly belong together. wub.png

:blush: Thank you wow. Awh, they make my heart do all the fluttery things.

Aaawwwww such a sweet fluffy perfect ending and ya for sneeze Greg too

I always have time for a sniffly Lestrade ;)

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wubsmiley.gif Aww! Such a great way to end this incredible story!

:blush: thank you!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, poor Mycroft! Glad he has Greg to sort him out. He really does need someone on his case. Brilliant ending!

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