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Breach of Contract (F/F Glee-- another Faberry starring Rachel!) Updated 6/3


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Hey guys! I got a new story idea from this week's ep of Glee (which, for the record, I am not particularly enjoying anymore...if only my headcanon was real canon! But I just can't bear not to watch either, cuz I'm so attached to the characters. Such torture, I know). The premise is that Rachel, who is enjoying her first leading role on Broadway, has to take her first sick day but really doesn't want to. (No, Rachel doesn't actually get sick on the show, so don't get all excited and go off to watch it--she just pretends to be sick so she can skip town for a TV audition in LA). Quinn is still a full-time college student (Rachel dropped out of school when she got the part). That's all you need to know! Enjoy, my dearies smile.png

PS-- there's a new tag on the drop-down list that just sez SwH. WTF is that??


Breach of Contract

Part 1


Quinn was surprised to find her girlfriend passed out on the couch when she came home from her afternoon classes; but in truth, she was glad to see her overachieving little starlet give herself permission for some down time. Rachel had never been the “chill out and see where life takes you” type—she was the type-A, make the plan, be the plan, give 100% all the time type. Always had been. But since the opening of her first Broadway show two months ago, she'd been even more manically focused than usual, and that was really saying something. She still made time for her blonde angel, of course; but the time they spent together lately had become rigorously scheduled, so that Quinn knew, for example, that she was supposed to meet Rachel at Kurt and Blaine's place in fifteen minutes to help them plan their outfits for some big showcase an old socialite from NYADA was throwing in their honor. That obviously wasn't happening now, as Quinn tiptoed into the apartment and hung her coat in the hall closet, slipping over to the couch to sit beside her sleeping baby and cuddle her a little.

Rachel really did look exhausted, poor thing...there were faint shadows forming under her eyes, and her usually golden olive skin was looking a little wan and pale. Quinn reached out and sifted her fingers lightly through her girlfriend's dark hair, leaning in and planting a few whisper-light kisses on her forehead.

“Ughhh...no Quinn, I'm late,” the little starlet mumbled in her sleep. “Can't be late, gonna get in trouble...” Rachel didn't normally talk in her sleep, and it would have been adorable if she didn't look so stressed out, her eyebrows crinkled up in a worried frown. How stressed out did a person have to be to still be anxious while they're asleep?

“You're not late for anything, boo,” the blonde girl murmured, hoping her soothing voice and gentle touch would help give her girlfriend some better dreams. “You're fine, everything's fine baby girl...shh, just sleep...” She continued to lightly stroke her little starlet's dark hair; but after a minute of soft whimpering and twitching, Rachel gave a terrified sob and opened her eyes, dark and glassy and sleep-dazed and full of tears.

“No, please don't, please don't fire me!” The sleepy girl sobbed, staring around wild-eyed and unseeing for a moment before Quinn grabbed her face with both hands, and forced her to make eye contact. “Oh...Jesus, Quinn...it was just a dream, fuck...” Rachel sighed deeply and rubbed her eyes, wiping away the tears that blurred her vision.

“Honey, are you okay?” Quinn cooed, one elegant eyebrow arching in concern as she cuddled up closer to her trembling baby and ran a hand more deeply through her long hair, settling with her thumb at the back of Rachel's neck, stroking gentle circles. That always calmed her down when she was upset.

“Yeah, it was just a stupid dream,” the dark-haired girl sighed, going limp in Quinn's arms and burying her face against her girlfriend's cool throat. “Make it go away, Quinnie?”

“Aww, starfish,” The blonde girl hummed, wrapping her arms a little tighter around her girlfriend's warm body and hugging her protectively. “It was just a dream, baby, just a stupid bad dream...I got you now, and your show's a hit, and no one's firing you. Everything's perfect. Everything's fine.”

“Everything's not fine,” Rachel whispered miserably, sniffling back fresh tears as she pulled away slightly and looked up into Quinn's warm hazel eyes. Now that she was awake and sitting up, the dark shadows under Rachel's eyes were even more noticeable; and her eyes and nose were slightly pink from crying. Quinn reached out automatically and wiped a streak of tears from her little starlet's cheek. Rachel smiled faintly at the affectionate gesture; then she turned her head and coughed sharply into her elbow, with a faint rattling sound that Quinn did not like one bit.

“I think I'm...coming down with something,” the dark-haired girl admitted, her face flushing pink with shame, as if it were some kind of character flaw to inhale a virus. “They're so going to fire me!” She shook her head helplessly and began to cry again, burying her face in her hands.

“Rachel, honey, they're not going to fire you,” Quinn sighed, rubbing her girlfriend's back with one hand and reaching for the box of kleenex on the coffee table with the other. “You're the star, you're the toast of Broadway, even the New York Times said so. They can't fire you for getting sick, you know that. This is why you have an understudy, remember? It's okay to take one sick day, my poor little starfish. It's okay, shh, I'll take care of you...”

“It's not okay! I cand't take a sick day!” Rachel moaned, snatching a tissue from the box Quinn offered and wiping it under her nose with a stuffy sniffle. “Don't you remember what Sydney said to me, the one time I asked him for a day off? He s-said...*snfl*...he said only if my head got chopped off, or if there w-was a...a...*snfl*...an alien inv-vasion in midtown Manhattan...*snfl*...” Rachel kept talking even as her breath hitched, and her eyes began to flutter; so Quinn wasn't surprised when her eyes snapped shut, and she cupped the tissue snugly to her nose, eyebrows knit together helplessly. “Hhuh-hhtshhiew!! ...*Snfl*...ughh, God dambit.”

“Bless you, poor baby,” Quinn cooed, offering her sniffly girlfriend another tissue after she emptied her runny nose into the first.

“He's going to fire me, Quinn,” Rachel whispered, the terror in her voice palpable as she looked up at her girlfriend miserably, lightly rubbing her nose back and forth in the tissue.

“Not gonna happen,” the blonde girl shook her head, her fingers grazing slowly up and down Rachel's back through her sleep-rumpled shirt. “That time when he told you, 'only if your head gets chopped off...' he just meant he didn't want you using your sick days as vacation days, Rach. We were talking about skipping the show that night for Kurt and Blaine's winter showcase at NYADA, remember? That's what Sydney was saying no to. He can't refuse to give you a sick day, that's right in your contract. That's why stars have understudies. Please calm down, hmm baby? It's gonna be fine, you'll see...” Quinn smiled, and Rachel nodded, trying to rally; but then she burst into tears again, and Quinn pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back and murmuring gentle words of reassurance.

“I'm gonna make you a nice hot cup of tea, okay sweet girl?” Quinn cooed, smiling gently at her girlfriend's uncharacteristically disheveled appearance, woozy and crying and flush-faced, and coming down with a cold. It wasn't something that happened often. “Then we'll call Sydney and tell him you're too sick to come in tonight, and you'll see everything will be just fine, my sweet little starfish.”

“I don't need you to help me call my boss,” Rachel grumbled, a little more of her usual stubbornness and independence flaring up as she got herself under control and blinked away her tears. “I cand...*snfl*...I can do it myself.”

“Okay,” Quinn agreed gently, smiling as she got up and gave her girlfriend one more kiss on her warm forehead—feverishly warm, if Quinn wasn't much mistaken. “I'm gonna go make you some tea, and find the thermometer and some cold meds. I'll be back in a few minutes, 'kay? And you can call Sydney.”

“Okay,” Rachel sighed, rubbing her nose again in the crumpled tissue. “Thandks, Quinnie-boo. Sorry I'm having a diva moment.”

“It's okay, starfish,” Quinn smiled indulgently, leaning in and dropping a soft kiss on the slightly pink tip of her girlfriend's stuffy nose. “You probably just forgot how good it feels to have an awesome and adoring girlfriend take care of you when you're not feeling good...but I'm gonna help you remember, okay?”

“'Kay,” Rachel nodded almost shyly as the smile spread across her face. Then the little crinkle re-appeared between her eyebrows, and she made a soft, helpless sound in the back of her throat as she cupped the crumpled tissue to her nose with both hands. “Aah'IIISHEW!! *Snfl*...” She shivered from head to toe as another breathless, stuffed-up sneeze tumbled out of her runny nose, leaving a deep itch in the center of her chest that made her cough even more intensely.

“God bless you, baby,” Quinn hummed soothingly, rubbing her girlfriend's trembling back until she stopped coughing, then leaving her with a final kiss to go make tea in the kitchen. One slice of lemon, one spoonful of local raw honey, just how her little starlet liked it...and while the water was boiling, the blonde girl scurried down the hall to get the thermometer and a bottle of daytime cold medicine from the bathroom closet, along with the natural zinc and elderberry supplements that Rachel always made her take when she had a cold. Quinn usually complained about the bitter taste, but they did seem to help her get better faster, so she only complained halfheartedly.

“Okay, got your goodies,” the blonde girl smiled gently when she came back into the living room carrying a breakfast tray. “Did you talk to Sydney?”

“Ndoe,” Rachel sighed miserably, just staring at the phone with tears in her eyes, and sniffling back a thin trail of snot from her damp pink nose. Quinn felt a pang in her chest, like someone just punched her right in the heart.

“Aww, honey...” Quinn shook her head sympathetically, sitting down beside her girlfriend and laying the tray down on the coffee table. “Come here, I'm taking your temp. You're coming apart at the seams, this isn't you baby. I know you've got a fever.”

“'Kay,” Rachel sniffled submissively, wiping a fresh stream of tears from her eyes and opening her mouth obediently when Quinn held the digital thermometer out for her. Quinn didn't even need the thermometer to tell her Rachel had a temp at this point; the dark-haired girl rarely got sick, and when she did, she usually argued relentlessly that she wasn't sick for at least a full 24 hours before she'd give in and let Quinn baby her like this. Just the fact that she was being so submissive was as good as an official medical consult as far as the blonde girl was concerned.

“101.2,” Quinn sighed, examining the digital readout when it beeped. “Now we have to call Sydney, you aren't going in tonight babe. Want me to call him, hmm? I can always just say you're asleep.”

“Ndoe, I'll call,” Rachel sighed, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and blowing her nose vigorously, rubbing her damp nostrils in little circles through the tissue. “Just...sit with me while I call?” The dark-haired girl looked sheepish when she made this request, her voice much softer than normal; but Quinn just smiled, leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Of course, baby. I'm right here.” Nodding, Rachel finally picked up her phone and hit her producer's number on the speed-dial. Quinn rested one hand gently on Rachel's knee, quietly reassuring her without words.

“Sydney? Yeah, it's me...well, not so great, actually, that's why I'mb—ndoe, mby head didn't get chopped off...I'mb just...” Quinn felt the sickly shiver run through her girlfriend's body a second before she pinched the tissue to her pale pink nose, eyes scrunching up tight with a soft, hitching breath. “Uhh'TSHHEW!!! ...*Snfl*...uhh, doe, that wased't a...a fake sndeeze,” Rachel sniffled miserably into the phone, wiping her nose roughly in the tissue as she was obviously afraid to blow it now, while her producer was listening. “I'mb sigck. I'mb sorry, Sydney, I cad't c-combe id t-tondight...*snfl*...uhh'chiiihew!!” The feverish girl sneezed again, shivering and woozy, and gave another rattling cough.

Quinn, sitting silently beside her girlfriend, felt a stab of righteous indignation in the pit of her stomach for what a hard time her producer was giving her. The blonde girl had half a mind to grab the phone out of her girlfriend's hand and give that fat old misogynist a piece of her mind; but somehow she restrained herself.

“Uhh, thadk you,” Rachel sighed, blinking and wiping her nose in the crumpled tissue with another soft sniffle. “I doe, I doe I told you I ndever get sigck...I usually...*snfl*...usually dond't...” There was another long pause as Rachel patiently listened to whatever her boss was saying on the other end, but her expression looked miserable and defeated after a moment. That wasn't an encouraging sign. “Okay, I...yes...I will, I'll go right...*snfl!*...right ndow. Yes. I...hhuh...I doe,” Rachel nodded, pinching her nose tight through the tissue as she tried to ward off another itchy, congested sneeze. “Yes, I'll...*snfl*...I'll call you r-right after. Uh-huh. Bye.” As soon as she hung up the phone, she dropped it in her lap and cupped both hands firmly to the tissue pinched to her runny nose, head tilting back as her eyes scrunched up, and that adorable, telltale crinkle reappeared between her eyebrows.

“Hhhuh...hhh...hhheh'TSHHEW!!! ...*Snfl*...” Rachel sneezed desperately into the soggy tissue, doubling over on the couch with her dark hair bobbing forward in front of her.

“God bless you, baby!” Quinn exclaimed, anxious and protective as she leaned forward and rubbed her girlfriend's back while she coughed. When she'd sat up again and taken a few sips of tea, the blonde girl ask worriedly, “Honey? What was that whole 'I'll go right now' business about? He's not making you come in tonight? I mean, he can't.

“Doe, he's...” Rachel paused and blew her nose. “Uhhh,” she sighed, giving her nose one final wipe in the damp, wadded tissue before dropping it in her lap. “He's ndot making me come in tonight. But I h-have to...*snf!*...have to go get checked out by his personal ENT. You doe, so they can make sure I get b-better as fast as...as possible...” She closed her eyes and coughed again, and Quinn handed her back the steaming mug of tea, helping her take a few sips. “Uhh. Thadks, baby,” the dark-haired girl smiled wanly. “Andyway, I'd better...*snf*...better go ndow. This guy's office is all the way up on 112th, on the Upper West Side.”

“Rachel, no!” Quinn exclaimed angrily, even as the feverish girl was already standing up and dragging her feet across the apartment to get her coat. “This is crazy, you don't need to go to some fancy doctor clear across town to tell you that you have a nasty cold and that you need plenty of rest and fluids. I can tell you that right now. Why should you have to drag your ass all the way uptown and wear yourself out even more? It's almost an hour each way, and that's just the commute. You need rest, baby.”

“I signed a freakindg contract, Quinn,” Rachel sighed, pulling on her coat and fumbling with the zipper for a moment before Quinn gave in and helped her. “Normal people treat colds with rest and fluids...but stage performers get B12 drips and steroids shot down our throats and up our noses. They're giving me one sick day, but I...*cough!*...I gotta be okay again for tomorrow night. 'Kay? I have to do what they say, I cand't just tell themb all to fuck off. They could...*snfl*...they could sue mbe for breach of contract.”

“It's not okay,” Quinn shook her head, grumbling almost inaudibly to herself. She just wanted to put her baby girl to bed, and cuddle her and feed her hot soup and cold sorbet until she felt better. She did not want her sick girl wearing herself out with an unnecessary trip to some hotshot doctor's office that would eat up all the time she was supposed to have for resting.

“I have to go, baby,” Rachel sighed, rubbing her forehead in weary resignation. Her nose was running gently again, and she raised a hand, half-covered by the end of her coat sleeve, as her damp nostrils opened wide in fresh irritation. “Hht'chshhxt!! *Snfl*...” Rachel rubbed the bottom of her nose through the end of her cuff, sniffling woozily. Her eyes looked so glassy, like she was still half-asleep.

“Bless you,” Quinn sighed, handing Rachel the box of tissues from the coffee table and then pulling on her own coat. “Come on, starfish, if we're doing this then I'm coming with you. And we're taking a cab, not the subway. We can afford a few cab rides now that you're a hotshot Broadway star. Maybe you can take a little nap on my shoulder, hmm?”

“'Kay,” Rachel agreed, smiling gratefully as she followed her girlfriend out the door.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Cute!!! Even though I don't ship them, I love this fic!! I was really hoping that she would really get sick right before show in last night's episode or that she was really sick from the start or something. I totally understand what you mean about not liking the show that much. Ever since they went to New York, the show hasn't been as good, but I can't stop watching because I'm too attached haha. Just like how Pretty Little Liars is starting to bore me but I keep watching because I want to find out who the real A is! I have a feeling it's not going to be like the books (I didn't read all the books, but I've seen spoilers on the webs)

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I watched the episode and I was wondering if it would spark an idea in your amazingly creative brain! I love this! I'd love to see it continued too :D

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omg all of your stories are so good! i literally just joined this forum because of your stories. ive been reading them for so long and theyre so amazingbiggrinsmiley.gif please continue thiiis one its awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this! Emotional hurt/comfort and crying in sickfics is my kryptonite. As always , your stories are hella cute (and pretty hot) and I can't wait for more ♥

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hey gang! thanks for the feedback on part 1, sorry I made you wait a while for an update. here it is...hope you enjoy! smile.png

ps, Seniorstatus14--I am totally with you on PLLs too. I actually stopped watching last season, but I'll probably catch up eventually...because I DO think the ultimate answer (who is the real A) will be the same as the books! (There have been some subtle hints from the very beginning...) I guess we'll both see wink.png

and Faberrysneezes-- I love that we are so in sync, you had the idea that I would have an idea for a story at the same time I was actually having it! you rock my socks.



Breach of Contract

Part 2


Rachel did fall asleep in the back of the cab, and Quinn had to shake her gently awake when they reached the doctor's office. “Starfish...wake up, we're here,” the blonde girl murmured, scratching her nails lightly over her girlfriend's leg. Rachel whined softly, but opened her eyes, yawning as she sat up.

“Uhh...I forgot I was in a cab,” the sleepy starlet mumbled, rubbing her eyes absently on the back of her knuckles.

“Poor little boo, you really need to lie down and get a real nap,” Quinn sighed, shooing her sluggish girlfriend patiently out of the car and following after her, one arm wrapping automatically around the shorter girl's shoulders to hold her steady. “Just hang on a little longer, and we'll get you home and snuggled up in bed properly, hmm baby?”

“Mm-hmm,” Rachel agreed passively, letting her girlfriend lead her into the very posh-looking building where her producer's fancy Broadway doctor had his practice. They were waiting for the elevator when the dark-haired little starlet began to shiver and sniffle; and before Quinn had time to pull a tissue from her purse, Rachel's hands were raising tentatively in front of her mouth, an expectant expression clouding her face as her eyes slid shut.

“Hhuh...uhh'IIISHHEW!! Iiihh—iiihshhxt!!! *Snfl.*” The blonde girl put one hand protectively on her girlfriend's back as the little starlet doubled over and sneezed intensely into her hands, sniffling and coughing as she straightened up woozily.

“Bless you, honey,” Quinn sighed sympathetically, handing her a fresh tissue. Rachel took it with a soft, cranky grumble, wiping her nose with a stuffy sniffle.

“Ughh, I wadt to go hombe,” she whined; but she trudged dutifully into the elevator when it dinged and opened to receive them.

We can go home, screw this, Quinn wanted to say; but she knew that wasn't really an option if Rachel wanted to stay within the bounds of her Broadway contract. “We'll be out of here soon, Rach, I promise,” the blonde girl sighed dutifully, wrapping her arm a little tighter around her girlfriend's shoulder and dropping a soft kiss on her cheek.

“I feel a little better whed you kiss mbe,” the sleepy girl grinned, a little of her usual sparkle re-appearing in her eyes as she glanced at Quinn sideways.

“Oh yeah?” The blonde girl smirked mischievously back at her girlfriend, taking her face gently in both hands and kissing her forehead, her cheeks, both eyelids, and then going for her lips when Rachel whined miserably and jerked back.

“Ndot od the lips! You'll catch mby stupid germbs,” The dark-haired girl grumbled, taking a step back and rubbing her runny nose on the back of her wrist with a sharp sniffle.

“Yeah, I thought about that,” Quinn nodded, still smiling sweetly as she brushed a lock of dark hair back from her girlfriend's face. “Then I weighed the misery of catching your cold against the misery of not getting to kiss you...and it wasn't much of a contest.” Rachel's cheeks flushed pleasurably, and Quinn cupped a hand to her face, drawing her in for another gentle, but very thorough kiss on the lips.

The elevator dinged just as they were pulling apart, and they both stepped off smiling; that is, up until the dark-haired girl broke into a congested coughing fit. Quinn hugged her and rubbed her back, and gently prodded her down the hall to the fancy doctor's office. Luckily, whatever arrangement Rachel's producer had with the doctor's office was a big enough deal that they didn't have to wait their turn like everyone else; Quinn gave Rachel's name to the receptionist, and they were ushered straight back to an exam room without so much as taking a seat in the waiting room.

Once inside the exam room, however, they did have to wait a while for the doctor to appear; and Rachel laid her head against Quinn's shoulder again, her occasional sniffles and nose-rubs the only signs she gave of still being awake. When the doctor finally did arrive, Rachel was limp and snoring softly on her girlfriend's shoulder; and Quinn had to nudge her gently awake again.

“Honey? The doctor's here,” the blonde girl murmured, pushing a long lock of dark hair back from her sleeping angel's face and scratching her scalp lightly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. The cranky little starlet made another pitiful, oh no, don't wake me up sound in the back of her throat.

“Uhh...*snfl*...I just wadt to go to sleep,” the feverish girl whined miserably when she opened her dark eyes, looking up at Quinn with a thin trickle of watery snot trailing from her cold-stuffed nose. The blonde girl got that punched-in-the-heart feeling again as she reached for a fresh tissue from her purse.

“I know, baby,” she sighed softly, pushing the tissue into Rachel's hands as she sniffled and scrunched up her pink nose. “Here, blow your nose, you'll feel better.” Rachel took the offered tissue, but instead of blowing into it, she cupped it gently around her nose with both hands, lightly squeezing the pink underside of her nostrils a few times as her dark eyes slid shut again, and her breath caught shallowly in her chest.

“Hhh—hh—hhhehchhiew!! *Snfl*...” Rachel's puffy eyes opened blearily after she sneezed, blinking woozily as she gave the bottom of her nose a few gentle, forward tugs through the crumpled tissue, pinching the inner rims of her pink nostrils as she sniffled.

“Bless you,” Quinn and the doctor both said in unison. The blonde girl rested a hand on her girlfriend's fever-warmed back.

“Th-thadks...*snfl*...aah'chhhshxt!!!” Rachel gave another stuffy sneeze, eyes shut tight, pink nostrils squished desperately against the damp tissue. Then she broke into a rattling, congested cough. “Ughh,” she sighed when she could breathe again, Quinn still gently rubbing circles over her back. “I'mb sorry.”

“No need for apologies, I think I see what the problem is here,” the greying doctor waved his hand genially, giving them both a surprisingly kind smile. “Broadway and excess phlegm don't mix, eh? I'm Dr. Flaxman, nice to meet you Rachel. Mind if I take a quick look?” He gestured to the damp, wadded tissue the woozy girl was still holding.

Rachel looked rather embarrassed, but then with a shrug she said, “I'mb glad I dod't have your job,” and handed it over. Quinn gave her a sympathetic little half-smile.

“Well the good news is that I don't see any signs of infection here, but I'm still going to send this to the lab just to be sure,” the doctor said brusquely, closing the soggy tissue inside a specimen cup and scribbling briefly on the side. “I think we're just dealing with a garden variety respiratory virus here, albeit a nasty one. But with a million dollar pair of lungs like yours we want to be extra-sure, right? I'm just going to have a quick listen, if that's all right.” He held up his stethoscope, and Rachel just shrugged sleepily, slightly mollified by his compliment to her 'million dollar' lungs.

“Sure. Kndock yourself out. *Snfl.*”

Quinn noticed that the doctor warmed the end of the stethoscope with his breath before slipping it under Rachel's shirt, which made it harder to be annoyed with him; but only a little. He listened to her lungs, moving the end of the stethoscope up and down on her chest, then her back; when he asked her to take a deep breath, she coughed jaggedly, hands clamped over her mouth as a few pained tears slid down her fever-flushed face.

“Where does it hurt when you cough, Rachel? Is it in your throat, or your chest?” The doctor frowned, still listening to her wheezy breath through the stethoscope pressed against her back.

“Here,” Rachel mumbled wheezily, rubbing a hand across the center of her chest. “It feels like sombeode's rubbidg the idside of mby chest with sandpaper. *Snf.*

“Well that can't be pleasant,” the doctor tutted absently, finally removing the stethoscope and pulling out a small light, looking down her throat, then in her ears and nose; then he took her temperature quickly in her ear. He made a few more hmm sounds, then scribbled a few more notes on her chart.

“All right kids, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to run some labs to make sure, but I'm pretty confident that what you're dealing with here is a virus, Rachel. I'm going to give you a shot of B12 and a script for some steroids and an extra-strength cough syrup, that should take the edge off. Then in three days, you'll come back in for a check-in, and if all goes well, I'll give you the green light to get back up on stage where you belong. Sound like a plan?”

“Three days?” Rachel croaked despondently, her big brown eyes filling instantly with tears as she looked anxiously from the doctor back to her girlfriend. “I cad't mbiss three days! They'll fire mbe, mby career w-will be over...p-please, cad't you just...*snfl*...j-just give mbe a bigger shot or sobethidg? I have to be back od s-stage tomborrow, please...” Tears streamed down her fever-flushed cheeks, and the doctor just passed her a large box of tissues from his desk with a small smile that said this wasn't the first time he'd had a Broadway star go into hysterics in his office.

“Rachel, they're not going to fire you, I promise,” he chuckled, squeezing her shoulder. “I've been working with Sydney for over 20 years, and when it comes to his stars' health he follows my orders. And I'm ordering you to take three days of bed rest, understand? That's what your body needs right now. The B12 and the steroids will shorten the process, but it's not a hundred percent. You're a precious commodity now, young lady, and your producers want you up on that stage for years, not weeks. They have their eyes on the big picture, believe me.” He gave her a reassuring nod, and Quinn, who had been openly hostile up till this point, smiled hugely at him.

“You hear that, hmm starfish? We're gonna take you home and cuddle you up 'till you feel better,” Quinn hummed, wiping a few hot tears from her girlfriend's flushed cheek with her thumb. “You don't have to worry anymore, nobody's firing you baby. I told you, we all just want you to feel better, 'kay?” The blonde girl leaned in and planted a soft kiss right between her girlfriend's eyes; and Rachel dissolved in tears again, so relieved to hear her job was not in danger that all the pent-up tension rushed out of her at once, in a flood of exhausted emotion.

“I'mb sorry, I'mb s-sorry,” the little starlet sniffled, burying her face against Quinn's cool throat as she sobbed and coughed miserably.

“Shh, it's all right love...it's all right,” Quinn cooed, both arms wrapped protectively around her trembling baby. “Just breathe, Rach...I'm right here, okay baby? I'm right here. I know how stressed out you are, but you can let it all go now...doctor's orders.” The blonde girl smiled tentatively up at the greying doctor, feeling somewhat sheepish about all the hostile looks she'd given him since he walked into the office; but he just smiled and gave her a little wink. Rachel sniffled, and raised her head from Quinn's shoulder, rubbing her red eyes.

“Is that a little better now, hmm baby?” The blonde girl asked gently, tucking a lock of dark hair back behind Rachel's ear.

“Uh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” the woozy starlet nodded, pinching the damp pink underside of her nose between her thumb and forefinger as she raised her head. “Hhh...hhuh...aah'iiishOOoo!!!” She sneezed desperately into her cupped hand, pink nostrils pressed up firmly against the inside of her palm.

“God bless you,” the old doctor smiled gently, handing her a fresh tissue.

“Thadks,” Rachel sniffled softly, wiping her runny nose once before closing her eyes for a deep, congested blow.

“Ready for that vitamin shot now?” Dr. Flaxman asked lightly, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened (and maybe it hadn't—maybe emotional Broadway stars bursting into tears in his office was a perfectly normal occurrence after all). Rachel just nodded, leaning her head wearily back against Quinn's shoulder while the doctor pulled up her sleeve and swabbed her upper arm with alcohol.

“You can pick up her scripts at your neighborhood pharmacy—my assistant will call them in,” the doctor addressed himself to Quinn as he deftly shot the potent liquid vitamins into Rachel's arm. “The rest is just common sense—lots of liquids, rest, Tylenol for the fever, a humidifier if you have one.”

“We do,” Quinn nodded, finally smiling a little as she realized she was going to get to take her poor baby home now. “Thank you, doctor.”

“Yes...th-thadk you,” Rachel echoed absently, pushing her runny nose into a fresh tissue as the tickle welled up in the back of her head again, making her eyes slide shut as her pink nostrils quivered wide open in fresh irritation. “Aahh...*snfl*...” She gave her nose a little sideways jiggle and a squeeze through the tissue; it felt good, but it didn't quell the tickle deep in the back of her itchy, cold-stuffed head. “Aaht'chhew!! Aah-aahtchhiew!!! *Cough*cough,* *snfl*...'CHHISHX!!!” She shivered and snapped forward helplessly on the exam table, once, twice, three times, damp tissues pressed snugly to her watery pink nostrils.

“God bless you. And you're very welcome,” the doctor smiled, patting Rachel on the back as she blew her nose for the umpteenth time. “Why don't you keep that box for the ride home, eh? I think you're going to need it. And next time I see you, no more sniffles and sneezes, right? Doctor's orders.” He gave her a wink to show that he was only joking, and not actually ordering her to stop sneezing; but she was so bleary she didn't even notice, and just nodded sleepily.

“'Kay,” she yawned, jiggling her runny nose lightly through the crumpled tissue with another itchy sniffle. “Baby, cad we...*snfl*...cad we go hombe dow?”

“Yeah,” Quinn nodded, hopping down from her spot beside her girlfriend on the exam table and holding out her arms for Rachel to follow. “Let's go home, starfish.” Rachel nodded, smiling sleepily behind the tissue still pinched to her runny nose, and stumbled off the exam table, taking her girlfriend's outstretched hand and allowing herself to be led blindly from the exam room.

“Chhxshew!! Aaah'ehshhu!!!” The sleepy girl stumbled forward with two more desperately itchy sneezes, blowing snot from both nostrils into the damp tissue squishing her pink nose. She coughed weakly, then gave another woozy, liquid sniffle as she wiped her nose in the crumpled tissue. “Uhh...I'mb so gross,” she whined miserably, shoving the used-up tissue in her pocket and drawing a fresh one from the box under her arm as Quinn led her patiently to the elevator and pressed the call button.

“I still think you're pretty cute,” the blonde girl grinned, wiggling her eyebrows as she wrapped both arms around her girlfriend's neck, and kissed her full on the lips, ignoring the dribble of watery snot that smeared across her upper lip as she did so.

“Ughh, I'mb sorry,” Rachel whined when they parted, wiping under Quinn's nose with a fresh tissue even as the blonde girl kept smiling at her.

“I'm not,” Quinn shook her head, returning the favor and drawing another tissue from the box to pinch the glistening pink underside of her girlfriend's runny nose. “I'm just gonna keep kissing you 'till you feel better, baby boo...how does that sound?” Rachel just sniffled behind the tissue, blinking blearily, and Quinn could feel her nostrils tremble ominously through the thin layer of cotton. She pinched a little harder, cupping the rims of her girlfriend's damp pink nostrils through the crumpled tissue as they opened wide, wet and dripping and itching uncontrollably.

“Uhh'chhhew!!! Hhuh—hhuhchOOoo!!! *Snfl,*” Rachel sneezed desperately into the tissue her girlfriend held snugly to her pink nose, holding Quinn's hip with one hand to steady herself as she pitched forward helplessly.

“Bless you, sweet baby,” The blonde girl cooed, gently but firmly wiping away the trickle of watery snot that issued from her girlfriend's stuffy nose after her sickly sneezes. Rachel sniffled dazedly. “Now, blow,” Quinn urged gently, holding the damp tissue firmly to her sniffling starlet's nose. Rachel submissively closed her eyes and blew her nose weakly into the tissue her girlfriend held for her, not even bothering to argue or resist Quinn's coddling.

“Thag you,” the dark-haired girl sighed, yawning softly as she took the tissue from Quinn's hand and gave her itchy, stuffy wet nose another sniffle-and-swipe. Quinn frowned, anxious that her girlfriend was feeling so lousy that she wasn't even embarrassed anymore, and glad they were finally headed home. The elevator opened with a ding, and the blonde girl gently wrapped an arm around her little starlet's shoulders, kissed her warm cheek, and pulled her inside.

“C'mon honey, we're going home now.”

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Dude.... I think I have died. This is totally my new favorite fic. I'm pretty sure I say that everytime I read a new fic though.... WHATEVER Its still perfection! Please keep it going!!!

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hey guys, here's an update, thx for reading as always! and mayay55, welcome aboard! it's a hell of a compliment to know you've joined the board specifically because of my fics :) I shall endeavor to keep your interest with new fics 4-eva!




Breach of Contract

Part 3


“Here we are, home sweet home,” Quinn sighed in relief, panting slightly from the effort of dragging her half-asleep girlfriend up three flights of stairs to their loft, and then pulling open the heavy rolling door with one arm still holding the groggy girl up.

“Yay. Home,” Rachel yawned into Quinn's hair, wrapping both arms around the blonde girl's throat and kissing her sleepily. “Thadk you, Quinnie.” Then she let go of her girlfriend and shuffled the few steps across the open loft to the couch, flopping down on her stomach with a sigh of contentment.

“Aww, honey. Don't you want me to tuck you into our big cozy bed? It's so close,” the blonde girl cooed, dropping her purse and kicking off her shoes by the door before crossing to the couch and sitting beside her quietly sniffling baby.

“Uhh, doe. Too far,” the sleepy girl yawned again, rubbing her glassy eyes on the back of her knuckles. Even half asleep and flushed with fever, she did still notice the stiff way Quinn sat down on the edge of the couch, the way she winced and bit her lip, one hand going automatically to the small of her back. Even though it had been a year since the car accident that nearly killed her, she still had backaches sometimes; especially when she was pushing herself too hard or did any kind of heavy lifting. Rachel thought of how much she'd leaned on her blonde angel on the way up those three flights of stairs, and felt a slight pang.

“You don't have to sleep on the couch, Rach,” Quinn persisted, her fingers playing absently through her girlfriend's long, shiny dark hair. “We're finally home now, I want you to feel comfy so you can really rest. No more producers or doctors or injections, hmm starfish? Just you and me and all the tea you can drink.”

“Mm...I...*snf*...I doe...but I just wadt to lie here,” Rachel insisted stubbornly, pulling one of the throw pillows under her head and cuddling up to it with another sleepy little sigh. “It is comfy here...super-comfy couch...*snfl*...” Eyes closed, she reached up and rubbed two fingers absently under her nose, still sniffling; Quinn sighed affectionately, and reached for the tissues on the coffee table.

“Th-thadks,” Rachel hitched softly, accepting the offering and pinching it lightly to her leaky nose.

“Welcome,” Quinn smiled gently, kneeling down by her girlfriend's feet and pulling off her shoes. Rachel sniffled wetly and blew her nose, lightly jiggling her pink nostrils through the tissue.

“Uhh...*snfl*...hhuhhh...uhh'tchxshh!!! *Snfl.*” The poor girl shivered visibly as she sneezed into the crumpled tissue, pushing her damp, ticklish nose into the soft cotton folds with another itchy sniffle.

“Bless you baby,” Quinn hummed, rising from the couch and picking up the soft old quilt that was folded neatly over the arm, and settling it over her fever-chilled girlfriend.

“Uhh, thadks,” Rachel sniffled again, still squishing her pink nostrils against the damp tissue as her eyes opened a crack, and then closed again. “Aah...ehhhsheww!!! *Snfl.*” She gave another helpless, sick sneeze into the tissue cupping her wet nose, as Quinn tucked the quilt more snugly around her girlfriend's limp body.

“Bless you,” the blonde girl sighed again, her voice soft and sympathetic as Rachel broke into a fresh fit of coughing. Quinn rubbed her back patiently, smoothing her little starlet's tousled hair back and humming softly to her. Then she reached for the tissues on the coffee table again, plunking the whole box down next to Rachel right on the couch. The way she was curled up under the blanket, half on her stomach and half on her side, she wouldn't be able to reach her arm out very far, anyway.

“Thadks, baby,” Rachel croaked softly, her voice a bit raspy now. “Will you...*snf*...will you do mbe a favor?”

“Of course, starfish. Anything.” Quinn smiled and stroked her baby's hair.

“Go get ad ice pack fromb the freezer...ahd sombe...*snfl*...sombe Advil?”

“Sure, babe. Hold on, I'll be right back.” The blonde girl grinned crookedly and leaned down to kiss her sleepy girl on the cheek, trying not to wince at the tightness in her back when she moved. She was going to be sore tonight, no question about it, but she didn't want Rachel to worry about her on top of everything else.

“Okay, here you go baby boo,” Quinn hummed, returning to the couch with the ice pack, a bottle of Advil, and a glass of water with a bendy-straw to wash it down. “Do you think you can sit up a little to take this?” Still lying on her stomach, the dark-haired girl looked up at her blonde counterpart with a woozy, but slightly devilish grin.

“It's ndot for mbe,” Rachel explained with another congested cough. “It's...*snfl*...it's for you. For your back. I doe it...it hurts,” The sleepy girl yawned, rubbing absently at her dark eyes.

“Aww, honey,” Quinn sighed, a smile tugging on the corner of her mouth even as she tried to look stern. “You don't have to worry about me right now, I'm fine. We're taking care of you today.”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel raised one eyebrow knowingly. Quinn giggled, and then winced in pain as a tight bolt of muscle pain traveled down her spine, settling into a dull ache in her lower back.

“Okay...it hurts,” The blonde girl admitted, too tired from their afternoon of medical adventures to put up much of a resistance. “I just didn't want you to worry over nothing when you're already feeling so awful, baby. I'll be fine, it'll pass.”

“I...*snfl*...I doe,” Rachel agreed with a yawn, drawing a fresh tissue from the box beside her head and wiping her runny nose, too tired to bother blowing it again. “Because you're goihg to take your Advil ahd ice your back like you're supposed to.” She closed her eyes and pressed the tissue hard against her pink nose. “Aahhh...ehhhtshOOoo!!! *Snf, snfl.*”

“I thought I was the one who was gonna take care of you today,” Quinn teased gently, rubbing Rachel's back through the quilt while the little starlet grumbled and pinched the tissue harder to her runny nose, blowing sleepily and rubbing the pink rims of her nostrils.

“You...*snfl*...you are,” the dark-haired girl sighed, reaching out and resting a hand on her girlfriend's leg beside her. “You're taking...super-good care of me...just hafta take care of you, too. Take the stupid Advil, Quinn.”

“Yes, dear,” the blonde girl murmured, leaning down and kissing Rachel's warm temple before cracking open the Advil bottle, and swallowing a couple of the small round pills with a gulp of water. “Now you do me a favor, and drink some of this water too, okay starfish? You need plenty of fluids till your fever breaks.”

“Uhhh...'kay,” Rachel agreed with a sigh, rolling limply onto her back so she could sit up a bit and take the water from Quinn's hand. She gulped it down quickly—she was thirsty, after all—and then sneezed dazedly into her lap, a trickle of thin, watery snot teasing her pink nose as it slid slowly down her lip.

“God bless you,” Quinn cooed, taking the empty glass from her girlfriend's hand and replacing it with a tissue as Rachel sniffled softly. The dark-haired girl didn't have time to say thank you as she drew the fresh tissue to her runny nose, pinching her wet nostrils in the fabric as her lower lip quivered helplessly, breath hitching softly in her chest.

“Iiiishhx!! Iiiishhew!!! *Snfl*...aah'iiisheww!!!” Three more itchy, stuffy sneezes tumbled from her pink nose, mashed snugly into the crumpled tissue. The more her nose tickled, the better it felt to have a soft, clean tissue to sneeze into, and she pulled two more from the box as she sniffled woozily, wiping under her wet nostrils one last time with the soggy tissue she still held.

“Bless you, poor baby,” the blonde girl sighed, stroking her girlfriend's clammy forehead while she blew her nose again. “You've already had three different kinds of meds, and you still sound terrible. Maybe some hot rosehip tea would help, hmm? Want me to make you a cup?”

“Later,” Rachel croaked sleepily, settling back down against the couch with one hand still lightly rubbing her pink nose through the crumpled tissue. “Just...gonna sleep now...cuddle me till I fall asleep, Quinnie?” She tugged on the blonde girl's sleeve, and Quinn smiled, looking pretty exhausted herself, and curled up with her head on Rachel's shoulder, lightly rubbing her girlfriend's stomach under the quilt. Rachel smiled sleepily, and grabbed the ice pack from the coffee table beside her, lying it across Quinn's lower back without comment.

“You are...so damn sneaky,” the blonde girl giggled weakly, snuggling up to her girlfriend's warm body with a soft yawn of her own.

“You love it,” Rachel sighed, rubbing her nose on the back of her hand with one last sleepy sniffle.

“Mmm,” Quinn agreed faintly, burrowing into Rachel's shoulder and giving her a gentle love-bite through her shirt. She knew her girlfriend loved that.

“Quinn?” The little starlet murmured, fumbling a fresh tissue from the box by her head and rubbing her nose sleepily up and down in the soft cotton.

“Uh...uh-huh?” The blonde girl yawned, wrapping an arm possessively around her girlfriend's hip as a wave of exhaustion rolled heavily over her limp body.

“I...*snfl*...I l-love you...ehhshhxt!! *Snfl.*” Rachel pushed the tissue firmly up to her pink nose as she sneezed weakly, intent on shielding her girlfriend from her germs as much as possible. Quinn leaned up on one elbow, smiling sleepily, and kissed the pink tip of her girlfriend's stuffed-up nose.

“Bless you, baby,” she hummed, waiting patiently for Rachel to rub her nose once more; then she leaned in and kissed her again, on the lips. “I love you too.”

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First the Greys finale, then this! I can't handle all of the feels! I love it! I'm hoping Quinn catches some of Rachel's germs :) Great update! Thanks!

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Yess, I love it! Seeing Rachel all vulnerable and helpless like this is my favourite thing, and goddamn I love your sneeze spellings. Can't wait for more ♥

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello dear readers! sorry it's been a while since I updated. hope it was worth the wait! wink.png




Breach of Contract

Part 4


Quinn woke up with a headache. Not the worst headache in the world, but enough to make her groan absentmindedly as she opened her eyes, squinting and rubbing the bridge of her nose to relieve some of the pressure. Then her drowsy eyes fell on Rachel, still fast asleep beside her on the couch, and all awareness of her own discomfort suddenly vanished.

“Poor baby boo,” the blonde girl murmured softly, resting her head sleepily on her arm while she reached out and stroked a few sleep-mussed locks of dark hair back from her girlfriend's face. Rachel still felt quite warm; but definitely no worse than the last time Quinn checked. Her soft, even breathing was a little wheezy, and Quinn hated to hear the faint rattling in her little starlet's chest with every inhalation. And even though her stuffed pink nose wasn't actively running, the underside of her nostrils still glistened faintly with snot. The girl was a mess...but she was still the most beautiful thing the blonde girl had ever, ever seen.

With a sigh of resignation, Quinn slipped drowsily out from under the blankets, thinking vaguely of all the herbal remedies she knew her girlfriend would want when she woke, and perhaps ordering some takeout for dinner. But when she sat up and climbed out from under the covers, giving up the cozy warmth of both the blanket and her girlfriend's feverish body heat, a chill shot up Quinn's spine and made her teeth chatter slightly as her eyes narrowed, and one hand hovered absently an inch in front of her face.

“Hhh...hhiiih...hheh'ishhht!! *Snfl*...uhh'chxhh!!!” The blonde girl pinched the bottom of her nose when she sneezed, feeling the sudden slippery wetness of snot on her fingertips, along with a twinge in the back of her throat to match the one in her pounding head. Damn.

She groped for a tissue from the box beside them on the coffee table, sniffling softly as she wiped the underside of her still-itchy nose. She wanted to blow, but she was afraid of waking Rachel. Just get up and go make some tea, she ordered herself groggily. You can blow your nose in the kitchen. But before she could so much as move from the couch, another chilly shiver traveled from her bare feet, all the way up to the back of her wet nose; and her nostrils opened wide again inside the damp tissue.

“Uhhh...” Her pale eyebrows knit together helplessly as she mashed the tissue a little harder against her itching nose. “Hhtiiishew!!! *Snfl*...” Though Quinn tried to stifle her breathlessly itchy sneeze, she still shuddered and bent forward as she sneezed into the crumpled tissue, causing the sleeping starlet to stir and sigh beside her.

“Hey...” Rachel yawned blearily as her eyes cracked open, blinking hazily up at her girlfriend, who hastily dropped the tissue to her lap. “Did you just sneeze?”

“Nuh-uh. You were dreaming,” Quinn gave a small, self-deprecating smile, and Rachel smiled back, reaching out from under the blankets and sleepily stroking the blonde girl's knee.

“Oh really?”

“Mm-hmm,” Quinn nodded, her smile widening as she leaned down and kissed her sleepy girl on the lips. “So how are you feeling, starfish? Did you have a good nap?”

“Uh-huh,” Rachel sighed, rubbing her eyes with another huge yawn. “I'mb...*snfl*...I'mb okay.” She wiped her nose on the back of her wrist, too sleepy to bother sitting up and reaching for a tissue; so Quinn grabbed one for her, pressing it into her hand with another sweet smile.

“Yeah, you sound really okay,” The blonde girl teased gently, trying to ignore the growing pounding in her head, and the slight, swollen itch where the back of her nose met the back of her throat. “D'you want some tea, hmm baby? The ayurvedic one, with honey and lemon?”

“Yes, please,” The little starlet smiled back weakly. “And I think you should have sombe, too.” Before Quinn could argue, Rachel closed her eyes and cupped the fresh tissue snugly to her pink nose, eyes closing in sync with the hitch in her chest. “Aaaheshhiew!!! *Snfl*...aah'tchhOOoo!!” She couldn't help the desperate sniffle between sneezes, though it did absolutely nothing to quell the itch that flooded her cold-stuffed pink nostrils.

“Bless you honey,” the blonde girl cooed, leaning down and kissing her girlfriend lightly between the eyes as the dark-haired girl wiped her nose again. “Tea for your sniffles, coming right up.” Rachel grumbled behind her tissue, but didn't protest. Quinn smiled sleepily, gave her a little wink, and got up sluggishly from the couch, shuffling over to the kitchen to put on some hot water. She did, in fact, have every intention of making two cups of tea; the little twinge she'd felt in the back of her throat when she sneezed was still there, and her sinuses were pounding dully with heaviness and pressure. But she didn't see any need for Rachel to know this, as it would only serve to make her feel guilty and stress her out more, slowing down her own recovery time.

Quinn would just drink the tea and pop some cold pills when Rachel wasn't looking, and then they'd both be getting better while lazing around the apartment together, ostensibly just taking care of Rachel's illness. It seemed pretty foolproof.

Feeling extremely self-satisfied, Quinn stumbled around the kitchen preparing tea, plugging in the kettle and pulling out mugs and teabags and honey, along with all the natural immune-boosters she knew Rachel liked. She was in the midst of pouring the steaming water into two mugs when the itchy, raw twinge in the back of her head sparked again, traveling down her throat and up her nose at the same time. Without meaning to, she stopped pouring, holding the kettle motionless in one hand as her other hand rose absently to her face, holding the side of her arm against the juncture of her quivering nostrils and her upper lip.

“Hheheshhew!!!” Quinn rubbed her sleeve lightly against her nostrils as she sneezed, then gave a wet, pathetic sniffle, pushing her runny nose a little harder against the back of her wrist as her eyes briefly opened, then quickly closed again. “Hheh...hhh...hheh'chhhx!! *Snfl.*” She sneezed again, sniffled, and finally lowered her arm to pull a crumpled tissue from her pocket, settling the kettle down to blow her itchy, leaking nose with both hands. It was a bit of a surprise to hear—and feel—how much snot was gurgling around inside her head as she blew her runny nose into the tissue; at least it explained her sinus headache.

“Bless you,” said a soft, croaky voice from the doorway; and Quinn turned to find her girlfriend leaning against the kitchen doorframe with a sympathetic half-grin on her fever-flushed face.

“Thanks,” the blonde girl sighed, returning her girlfriend's wry half-smile, too exhausted to attempt any more denial. “I thindk I need a hot shower. My sinuses are killing me.”

“Awww, poor baby,” Rachel sighed, shuffling the few feet across the kitchen so she could wrap her arms around her blonde angel, dropping her head limply against the taller girl's shoulder. “I'mb sorry. *Snfl.*

“It's not your fault, Rach,” Quinn murmured, holding her feverish girl tight and running a hand through long dark hair. “We can't help sharing our germs...and I probably got them before you even knew you had them, anyway. Don't feel guilty, okay starfish?”

“Oh...*snfl*...okay,” Rachel agreed miserably, wiping her nose absently on a wadded tissue without raising her head from Quinn's shoulder.

“Why are you even up, huh babe? I told you I was gonna...*cough, cough!*...gonna bring you the tea,” Quinn wheezed softly, clamping one hand over her mouth to shield her girlfriend from her cough, though it was clear at this point that they were both sharing the same germs, anyway.

“Just...mbaking sure you were getting tea for both of us,” Rachel smiled weakly, finally raising her head and smoothing back her girlfriend's blonde hair to feel her face. “And I...*snfl*...I wadt you to take some of my herbal supplements, too.”

“I will if you will,” Quinn agreed, far more easily than she normally would have.

“'Kay,” Rachel nodded, smiling up sleepily at her girlfriend for a moment before her eyes welled up, and she nestled the soggy tissue in her hand back against the snot-slicked underside of her nostrils. “Uhh'chhhew!! Hhuh'ehhshew!!! *Snfl,*” The exhausted, feverish girl sneezed and sniffled into the damp remains of her tissue, coughing and swaying woozily until Quinn clamped her hands around her girlfriend's shoulders to steady her.

“Bless you starfish,” the blonde girl cooed, rubbing Rachel's back until the coughing fit passed. “Come on honey, let's get you back on the couch, 'kay? Then I'll bring you the tea and all your herbal stuff, and we can watch some dumb TV.” The feverish dark-haired girl opened her eyes again, blinking over Quinn's shoulder to make sure she had two tea cups set out, not just one.

“Okay,” Rachel sighed, wiping her wet nose on the back of her wrist with another stuffy sniffle. She allowed her girlfriend to steer her forcefully back to the couch, where she flopped down bonelessly on the cushions and gratefully blew her nose into a fresh bundle of tissues. While Quinn went back to the kitchen to fetch all their goodies, Rachel grabbed the TV remote and flipped mindlessly through the channels, searching for something appropriately mindless and amusing, finally settling on a weird animated kids' movie about a time-traveling turkey. A minute later, Quinn was back, carrying a tray with two cups of tea, and several bottles of vitamins and herbal supplements.

“Okay, here we go,” the blonde girl sighed; but before she had a chance to lean down and deposit her tray on the coffee table, her delicate little nose trembled with fresh itchiness, a thin trickle of clear, glistening snot leaking ever so slightly from one nostril. Her eyes closed as her breath wheezed in softly, hands tightening involuntarily around the tea tray as she stood there helplessly.

“HhehAASHHEW!!!” Quinn shivered as she sneezed desperately into the air in front of her, unable to cover her face as she stood there holding the tea tray. The little trickle of snot that had slipped from her stuffy nose a moment ago was dribbling further down her lip now, and she sniffled sharply, sucking it part way back up towards her nose as she hastily set the tray down and snatched a tissue. “Uhhh...uhht'chshhhx!! *Snfl,*” Quinn doubled over and sneezed gratefully into the tissue, runny nose pressed snugly into the soft cotton as it blew snot from both nostrils, itching and tickling intensely.

“Bless you, angelfish,” Rachel croaked sympathetically, holding the blankets open invitingly with a wry little grin. “Come cuddle.”

“Uhh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Quinn agreed stuffily, wiping her nose in a fresh tissue as she crawled onto the couch and cuddled up to her girlfriend's warm body under the blankets. “Hhh...hhiiih...hhehiiiishhoo!!! *Snfl*...” Quinn sneezed again, curled up against Rachel's chest with the crumpled tissue pinched around her wet nostrils. Her runny nose still tickled so much, even after three sneezes; she squeezed her nostrils lightly through the damp tissue, massaging the snot-slicked underside of her nose in little circles as she pressed her forehead against Rachel's chest with a little whine.

“Aww, honey,” the dark-haired girl cooed, threading her fingers absently through her girlfriend's long hair. “I...*snf*...I doe exactly how you feel.” Quinn giggled weakly against Rachel's chest; then with a soft, hitching sigh, she raised her head, and leaned in to kiss the little starlet lightly on the lips.

“Thadk you,” the blonde girl sighed with a weak smile, raising the crumpled tissue in her hand to wipe her nose once more. “Come on baby, let's...*snfl*...let's take some vitamins.”

“'Kay,” Rachel agreed; but she was reaching, not for the vitamins, but for a fresh tissue, which she pinched lightly to her girlfriend's runny nose, now growing slightly pink and still gently leaking watery snot. “Blow,” she commanded simply; and it was a mark of how exhausted and defeated Quinn felt that she didn't argue, or pull away, but simply closed her eyes and obeyed, blowing weakly into the tissue being gently held to her wet nose. “Better?” Rachel asked sweetly, wiping Quinn's nose in the now-soggy tissue as she pulled it away.

“Yeah,” Quinn agreed sheepishly, a faint blush warming her cheeks. Rachel leaned in and kissed the end of her girlfriend's stuffy nose, just as Quinn had been doing to her all day long. The smiled shyly at each other, and settled into the couch to feed each other tea and watch cartoons.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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Perfect! Loving this!! I'd love to see it continued! I'd love to see what happens when Rachel has to get back on stage :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

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