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"Right On" - TEN INCH HERO (Priestly, Tish)


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AN - Hello guys! Okay, so I'm very anxious to post this because... I honestly can't tell if it's good enough to post. Eeek... anyway, this is supposed to be a request for the lovely Alexys52. Hope you like it although I don't know if this is sufficient!

Title: "Right On"

Fandom: Ten Inch Hero

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Ten Inch Hero, nor any plots or subplots.

Warning: None? I don't think so anyway...

Description: Priestly never gets sick because he's invincible; isn't that obvious? His neon mohawk and sarcastic, controversial t-shirts have seemed to protect him from every kind of germ for years now. But when he finally does fall ill, who will be there to pick him up?

Notes: This'll probably be a multi-chapter (I'm thinking two) but I don't know at this point. Anything could happen, right? And sorry in advance, I feel like this might be a little on the shorter side... lemme know what you think!

When Priestly came into Beach City Grill a little over two hours late, nobody was really that surprised. After all, he was never on time. Ever. However, today, some things were off. His usually bright mohawk seemed to be so dishevelled, it was doubtful that it could even be called a mohawk any more. There were dark circles under his eyes and he was wearing a shirt that read "I Only Take Candy from Strangers"; the same, exact t-shirt he'd worn the previous day.

"No deed to worry, I'b here." he said as the bell over the door announced his arrival. Tucker paused wiping down the counter to get a good look at him.

"Two hours and twelve minutes late? That's a new one. Even for you, Priestly."

The young man shrugged as he approached the bar. "Whad cad I say? By alarb clog didn'd go off."

Jen tried to give him a smile. "Do you even have an alarm clock?"

"Yes. Yes I do. HuhhhSHUHhhhh!" The young man let out a ferocious sneeze, causing Tish to jump and ruin the hand-written order she was scribbling out.

"Sorry," she apologised to the customer, "would you mind repeating that?"

"Wash your hands!" Piper called out helpfully and Priestly rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'b goig."

He turned on the faucet and ran his hands under the water. It felt soothingly cool on his skin and he sighed in relief. For some reason, he was sweating and desperate for a means of cooling down.

"Think I could squeeze in here? The mustard bottle exploded on me." Tish said, thrusting her hands under the water. "Thanks!" And within an instant, she was gone.

"Alright, Priestly, I need a BLT, minus the mayo and with extra tomato." Piper called out into the kitchen, smiling at the woman ordering. "It'll be right out, ma'am."

Shit. Where do we keep the bacon again? Priestly closed his eyes, thinking hard. Right! The freezer! He dug out a pack of the stuff and lingered for a second longer, embracing the cold air the freezer was emitting. It felt so damn good, but he had to get back to work.

"Need some help?" Tish offered. "My hands are free for the moment."

Priestly nodded, ripping open the package and placing a few strips of bacon into a pan. "Sure. Fide by be." He turned away from her to face the sizzling meat.A BLT needs bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo... wait, no mayo! Didn't Piper say the customer wanted extra of something? Extra what?! Extra bacon, extra lettuce, extra--

"Hey," she interjected his thoughts, placing a hand on his shoulder, "are you okay?"

He nodded. "I'b fiiihhh... f-fine." he managed, breath catching. "Why?"

"You just sound..."

"Whad?" Priestly snapped without meaning to. Why was it so goddamn hot in here?!

"Never mind." Tish said breezily, slicing two pieces of bread and lightly toasting them. "Extra tomato and no--"

"Hetschh... ESSSCHH! Heh'gnntt!" The last sneeze Priestly attempted to stifle by pressing his itching nose into his shoulder.

"Bless you!" Jen exclaimed.

"Try not to sneeze all over the food, will you?" Tish retorted, earning a curious stare from Piper.


Ten minutes later, the bacon had browned nicely and Tish was arranging it into a very nice-looking sandwich. Piper bagged and handed it to the woman who'd ordered. "Here you go! Enjoy!" The bell rang as she departed and Priestly winced at the sound. His head was pounding.

As he leaned up against the counter top, his nose twitched, desperate to sneeze. "Hahh... hahH! ASSHHhh..." He pitched forward into the crook of his elbow, head bobbing as he reeling back for another. "ESSSHHhuhh!"

"Bless you!" Piper and Jen chorused, then laughed. "Jinx!"

Tucker frowned slightly. "Are you okay Priestly? You kind of sound like you're coming down with something."

"I'b dot." He argued, immediately regretting it as his throat betrayed him and he started up into a coughing fit. "I'll be... righd backg..." he wheezed, coughing all the way to the restroom.

"Poor kid," Tucker muttered, "I can't imagine why he'd come in today. He's as sick as a dog."

"You should make him go home." Jen advised, tucking some money away into the cash register.

Tucker shook his head. "You know he won't listen to me." Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and glanced at Tish. "But he'll listen to you."

Tish began to back away from the group. "Oh no... not me. I'm not going to be taking care of him."

"C'mon, no one said you had to do that. Just give him a ride home or something. Please?" Tucker asked. "Do it for Elvis."

The young woman twirled her auburn hair around her finger. "Hmm... for Elvis?"

"For Elvis' sake!" Piper fake-begged, her hands folded in a prayer.

"Okay." Tish agreed. "But only for Elvis."


Priestly stumbled out of the bathroom, his nose red and chapped, yet still tickling. "Ahh.... HAHHh! Kk'ggggnttt!" His fingers pinched his nose at the last second, resulting in a stifled sneeze that makes his ears pop. "Goddam--" The curse evaporated off his lips when Tish grabbed his wrist and tugged him away. "We're getting out of this place. C'mon."

A stupid smile etched itself onto the young man's face as the two burst out of the sandwich shop's door. "Where are we goig?"

"Your apartment. Get in." She opened the driver's side door of her car and climbed in, gesturing for Priestly to do the same.

"Ahh... are w-we goig to hab fun ad by house?" he inquired innocently. Tish gave him a look.

"Uh, no. You're sick. We're going to your apartment so I can see that you go to bed. Then, I'm leaving."

"I'b dot sick."

"Yes, you are."

"How do you kdow?"

Tish scoffed. "What? You mean besides the fact you can't stop sneezing and you wore that shirt yesterday?'

"Bud I was thinkig we c-could--"

Hearing the hitch in his breath, Tish snatched a couple tissues out of the compartment between their seats and thrust them into Priestly's lap. The man buried his face into them and let out a volley of irritated sneezes. "HatTSHHH! Ehh... hehH! ESHHHAhhh! Huhh... Hiiihh... Ugh." He groaned and wiped his nose miserably. "Stugk."

"You should've stayed home today" is all Tish responded with. The rest of the drive is mostly Priestly sneezing and Tish pursing her lips. They're both relieved when she makes the turn into Priestly's apartment complex.

Edited by beatlelover22
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Oh my god dude this is AWESOME. It's perfect! I could hear their voices SO WELL in all of the dialogue, and the pacing was really nice and oh my god all the cute congested speak not to mention that I love the trope of someone going into work really obviously sick and then being sent home! The best! I'm stoked for part two so much. You don't even know.

Also, oh man, your spellings? And the way he politely covers every sneeze? And the stifles? And? And? YEAH I'M SO HOOKED. You rock.

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....I can't even....begin to describe... the Awesome that is this!!! I have had a really hard couple of days and seeing this right now has made me ridiculously happy! Beatlelover22 you rock to the n-th degree, thank you soo much for this! So excited for part 2!!!

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Oh my god dude this is AWESOME. It's perfect! I could hear their voices SO WELL in all of the dialogue, and the pacing was really nice and oh my god all the cute congested speak not to mention that I love the trope of someone going into work really obviously sick and then being sent home! The best! I'm stoked for part two so much. You don't even know.

Also, oh man, your spellings? And the way he politely covers every sneeze? And the stifles? And? And? YEAH I'M SO HOOKED. You rock.

Seriously? You made my DAY just by saying that! I just love stifles and you like my spellings?? Get out, this is great! :D I'll be writing a new chapter hopefully tonight! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my little fic hehe!

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....I can't even....begin to describe... the Awesome that is this!!! I have had a really hard couple of days and seeing this right now has made me ridiculously happy! Beatlelover22 you rock to the n-th degree, thank you soo much for this! So excited for part 2!!!

I'm sorry you've had a rough couple of days! Heck, if this made you happy, I'll start the next chapter right now! :) Thanks for commenting and I'm so relieved you like it! I was nervous I'd ruin it by writing but it looks like it turned out okay. We need more sneezy!Priestly fics!

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AN - Next chapter! Glad everyone's liked it so far! I think I'm going to end it here, though, unfortunately. And it's kind of short... Hope everyone enjoys!

Priestly jammed his keys into the lock and jiggled them around, finally unlocking the door.

Tish nodded in approval. "So this is the famous apartment of yours?"

It was small, the say the least. There was a green plaid couch and an open bag of Cheesy Poofs resting on the top of a crappy television which he'd had since the early 90s. A few scattered magazines and some boxers and lone socks littered the floor. The tattered carpet had a few soda stains but other than that, was fairly clean.

"I dod't kdow if I'd call id famous bud yes. This is id. Cobe od id." He gestured to the couch and they both sat down, too close for comfort. As soon as Priestly's nose noticed how close the two were sitting in proximity of each other, it began to tickle incessantly. "Ehh... hehh... excuse m-me." He gasped, quickly turning away from her. "Heh'nGSHTT!"

"Bless you." Tish offered.

"Feel free to leabe me alode to die."

Tish laughed and Priestly's stomach tightened. He loved to hear her laugh and God, to see her smile...

"I'm not going to lie, I was considering it but that was before I remembered what babies men are when they get sick."

"I'b dot a baby."

"Please," Tish scoffed, "don't make me laugh. Now, first things first. You have any meds?"

"I-- Heh'ESsshhh! Sorry. I did't bean to sdeeze od you, if I did. Bud yes, I do hab meds, id the cabidet above the singk."

"Let's see if I can find you some decongestants..." she muttered to herself as she got up to dig through the shelves.

Meanwhile, Priestly had closed his eyes and was breathing through his mouth. He cracked one eye open and flicked on the T.V., channel surfing. "Hey, look! Days of Our Lives is od. Tish, did you ever w-wahh.... watch thad?"

"Yep." she replied, returning with a small dosage of cold medicine. "It was one of my favourite soaps."

"Bide too!" Priestly admitted without shame. "Whad was thad idtro? Sobethig about ad hourglass?"

Tish rolled her eyes and smiled. "Like sands through the hourglass, so..."

"... are the days of our lives." he finished, gulping down the purple liquid she had previously handed him.

"God, it was so corny. How did I ever like that shit?"

"Ah, id was suspedseful. S-sobewhad." He shivered and tried to disguise it by shifting his position on the sofa but to no avail.

"You cold?"

"Dot really."

"You are such a bad liar." the young woman accused, nudging him gently in the ribs. "You're gonna make me take your temperature, right?"


"Yes. Stick out your tongue."

Priestly was honestly too exhausted to care and truth be told, he did have chills. They were the type of chills that seemed to rack his body and gave him copious amounts of goosebumps. Obediently, he stuck his tongue out at her. She slid the tip of the thermometer under his tongue and they waited. Tish watched him carefully. He just couldn't sit still! His nostrils were flaring, eyes watering... wait.

"Do you have to sneeze?"

He nodded helplessly and gave her a look that said, "Yeah and I'm sorry."

"Um... okay." Without warning, she carefully pinched the young man's warm nose, effectively stopping the sneeze for the time being. "Sorry about this."

The thermometer's beeping sounded like the bell that dismissed class in high school. As soon as she had rememoved the thermometer, Priestly's nose crinkled and he ducked into his elbow. "Hehh'eSHHHH! N'ggGTTTT! Hahh! HAH! Hah'ESSSHhhuhh!"

"Jesus, bless you. It's about 101.2. That's pretty high, Priestly."

"Why thag you." He joked, but he felt like he was about to pass out.

"Let's go to bed." Tish suggested. "You'll be more comfortable there."

The sick man was too tired to even joke about them going to bed together. Instead, he allowed her to help him to his feet and the two trooped into his small bedroom.


Tish pulled back the blankets and let Priestly crawl in. She tucked the covers up to his chin, but he tried to push them back down.

"I'b hod. I dod't wadt the blankets." He told her thickly as a bead of sweat made a trail down his cheek. "I jusd want a... ahhh... Ahh'SHHHHTT!"

"Here, wait just a second." Tish returned with a box of tissues from the bathroom and a cool, damp rag. She placed the latter on his forehead and he sighed in relief. "Thags."

"Are you tired?" She studied his eyelashes and how goddamn long they were. She placed her fingers on his heated cheek.

"Thad feels good."

"You should sleep."

"Your hand is cold."

"Go to sleep."

"But you hab to take oud by earrings." He mumbled. "I cad't sleeb with theb od."

Tish nodded. This made sense. "Okay. Um, turn your head to the right." He did so and she gently removed a silver hoop from his cartilage and one from his earlobe. "Alright, turn the other way." Her fingers worked busily to take out the other two earrings, this time both on his earlobe. "You're good."

"Dow. You forgod the ode od by dose." Priestly muttered, barely awake. She allowed herself to grin a little. There was no way he was ever going to remember this.

"Okay, hold still."

Her thin fingers traced the bridge of his nose down to his nostril and touched the chapped skin there. As soon as her fingers touched the metal and moved it the slightest bit, Priestly's freckled nose twitched and he let out an involuntary gasp. "Tihhh... T-tickles."

She stopped immediately. "Priestly, I can't get your nose ring out without touching your nose. It can't be done."

"Bud I dod't wadt to sleeb with id!"

"Fine!" She quickly removed the thing and nearly leapt off the bed to get out of his way.

"Huhh... USHHHahhh! Heh'KEEEReshhhh! EsSSHHHT!" He was too sleepy to hold them in and instead sneezed openly, knowing that Tish had already moved anyway. "Hahh... hahhH! HahH'ASCHSSSSSHHHH!" He sniffled a couple of times and began to snore.

Before she could stop herself, Tish climbed into bed with him and felt his forehead. Still too hot. She pulled back some of the covers and laid there with him, watching the steady rise and fall of his chest. Tish traced the tattoo on his neck until it disappeared behind his T-shirt. "Priestly..." she murmured, knowing he couldn't hear her. "Get better soon." She found his hand, resting on his chest, and intertwined her fingers in his.

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We need more sneezy!Priestly fics!

We so very much do! Love the new chapter! Especially the last bit. Soo cute!! More?w00t.gif

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For reeeeaaal this was SO HOT. The alternating between stifles and really strong, powerful sneezes, and that part where she pinches his nose? And the way she noticed that he had to sneeze while the thermometer was in his mouth!! And how they just rocked right out of him after she took the thermometer out and yeah basically that entire scene, dude, I couldn't believe it. So good. And the Days of Our Lives reference! AND THE NOSE RING PART. Dude! How do you do it? You're amazing. This was seriously amazing. I'm so happy that you decided to do it.

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For reeeeaaal this was SO HOT. The alternating between stifles and really strong, powerful sneezes, and that part where she pinches his nose? And the way she noticed that he had to sneeze while the thermometer was in his mouth!! And how they just rocked right out of him after she took the thermometer out and yeah basically that entire scene, dude, I couldn't believe it. So good. And the Days of Our Lives reference! AND THE NOSE RING PART. Dude! How do you do it? You're amazing. This was seriously amazing. I'm so happy that you decided to do it.

YOU ARE SO KIND LIKE OMFG. Thanks so much!! Man, this is what inspires me to actually write things hehe! :) I'm SO GLAD you enjoyed it! Thank you so much! <3 And also thanks to Alexys52 and Fae for their kind words~ :D

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YOU ARE SO KIND LIKE OMFG. Thanks so much!! Man, this is what inspires me to actually write things hehe! smile.png I'm SO GLAD you enjoyed it! Thank you so much! <3 And also thanks to Alexys52 and Fae for their kind words~ biggrin.png

Yo omg dude I'm not even I'm just tellin it like it is but at the same time freaking stoked because this means that you might write more stuff which is way exciting for me SOOOOoooo....

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Never seen this movie before but Jensen Ackles is definitely one of my fave actors so seeing him in any sick role is awesome! Please do continue!

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