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James Bond's terrible day


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(So that people know, this is James Bond played by Sean Connery. This takes place after Goldfinger)

James was very tired. He hadn't had a day off in at least two years, maybe even more. But he didn't have a normal job, so "days off" never actually happened. He had just returned from America after thwarting Auric Goldfinger's plan to steal all the gold in Fort Knox. And Bond was tired. But he had to report to his boss M. Miss Moneypenny was at her desk, as always, and flashed him a beautiful smile, and turned back to her paperwork. Bond tried to smile back but he was too tired to give her a proper smile. He had circles under his eyes, his nose was tinged red, and there was a handkerchief in his top breast pocket. He reached up to his head and rubbed his temple. Moneypenny looked up from her work and looked at Bond and was very concerned. She realized had never seen Bond tired before. Bond grabbed the handkerchief in his pocket and blew his nose, softly.

He coughed, and cleared his throat and said to Moneypenny, "Is he busy?" His voice sounded harsh and a little hoarse. Miss Moneypenny was taken aback by a minute, but smiled at him and said "Yes, but he will always make time for you James" she purred. James managed to wink at her. "So, what did you bring me this time?" Moneypenny asked him. "Oh, Moneypenny. Nothing I could bring you would be more beautiful than you." He said, coyly. "Flattery will get you nowhere James, but keep trying!" She responded. James tried to laugh but it turned into a small coughing fit. Moneypenny looked even more concerned and got up and went to give him a hug. He lightly grabbed her shoulders, smiled at her, and gently shrugged her off. He would have loved to kiss her at that moment, or even just let her hug him but he knew that he was getting sick and didn't want to get her sick as well.

"Come!" a male voice seemed to shout over the intercom. A buzz was heard and the red door that led into M's office opened slightly. James tossed his hat on the hatstand, but for the first time he missed. James sighed and hung his head. He walked off into M's office. James didn't see Moneypenny's mouth wide open and she was surprised. She knew that there was something wrong.

After he got into to the office and shut the sound proof door, James grabbed his handkerchief out of his pocket and held it out in front of his face, waiting for the sneeze that he had tried to prevent when Miss Moneypenny was around. "ahh...AHHKKERCHHAAA! HISSHOOO!" He sneezed loudly into his handkerchief. "Well, bless you James." M said. "Thandks." James said, and blew his nose loudly. "What's wrong with you old boy?" M asked. "I think I caught a cold on this last mission. I have a headache, I've been sneezing, and I just don't feel well." James finished and sighed. "You sound terrible James. Look, I was going to brief rundown on Operation Thunderball, but you should go home and rest." M said. James nodded and said goodbye to M. James turned to leave and stopped in his tracks. His breath started to hitch and he tried to grab for his handkerchief but was too late. "AHHKKERCHHOO! eh..EHIISHOOOO!!" He sneezed loudly and manged to cover his mouth with his coat sleeve. M shook his head at James and hoped that he really would go home and try and sleep.

James grabbed his hat from the hatstand and sniffled a few times. Moneypenny stood up and and said to James, "What's wrong James? Are you okay?" James shook his head and grabbed for his handkerchief. "EHHISHHOO! AATTCHOOOO!!" He sneezed forcefully into the handkerchief. Moneypenny sighed and walked closer to him and put her hand on his forehead. Normally, he would never let someone do that to him but he was feeling so sick and wanted some comfort very badly. "You are really warm, James! You must have a fever!" Moneypenny exclaimed, with a lot of worry in her voice. "Why don't you come back to my place and make sure?" James asked sincerely. Moneypenny was surprised at his forwardness but she really did want to see how James Bond lived. "Sure, James." She said and went to grab her bag. "M, I'm going home early today." Moneypenny said into the intercom. "Yes, yes. Take care of Double O Seven for us!" M said knowingly. James and Moneypenny walked out of the office arm in arm. "ehh...ehh...EHHISSSHOOO!! EHHKKERCHHOO!" James sneezed into his hands and wiped them off on his handkerchief. "You poor baby." Moneypenny said. They got into James' car and drove off.

*tbc maybe*

Hope you all enjoyed this!!

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My favorite James Bond :D

"You are really warm, James! You must have a fever!" Moneypenny exclaimed, with a lot of worry in her voice. "Why don't you come back to my place and make sure?" James asked sincerely. Moneypenny was surprised at his forwardness but she really did want to see how James Bond lived. "Sure, James."

That was really sweet! Moneypenny looks like she's gonna have her hands full with a sick and still flirty as hell double-0-seven ;-) I really hope you give us some more chapters ;)

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Ooh, this is wonderful!! a sneezy James Bond <3 drool.gif Lovely! please do continue!!

Yay!! So glad you liked it!!

My favorite James Bond biggrin.png

"You are really warm, James! You must have a fever!" Moneypenny exclaimed, with a lot of worry in her voice. "Why don't you come back to my place and make sure?" James asked sincerely. Moneypenny was surprised at his forwardness but she really did want to see how James Bond lived. "Sure, James."

That was really sweet! Moneypenny looks like she's gonna have her hands full with a sick and still flirty as hell double-0-seven ;-) I really hope you give us some more chapters wink.png

Thanks so much!!

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Part II

They arrived at Bond's mansion at 3:15 in the afternoon. It was a sunny day, rare for England this time of year. James had one butler and three housekeepers who took care of his home. He also had two groundsmen to take care of the bushes and topiary's that were around the mansion. It was a beautiful home that James loved very much but right now he only cared about one room, his bedroom. Miss Moneypenny was amazed at how large his home was. She had never seen it before and, to her knowledge, neither had anyone else. As they were walking up the steps to the front door Moneypenny put her arm around James' waist, partly to steady him and partly as a gesture of comfort. James didn't mind this and admitted to himself that he really did enjoy the attention that she was giving him. They made it into the house and the butler, Wadsworth, led them to James' room. As they were walking, Wadsworth asked "Mr. Bond, is there anything I can get for you. And who is this young lady?"

"Forgive me for no..not introducing her. This is M..Miss Eve Moneypenny. ehh...EHHIISHHOOO!! HIISHHOOO!" James sneezed loudly into the crook of his elbow.

"I'm everyone's receptionist at MI-5" Moneypenny told Wadsworth. "As you can see, poor James is sick. It's probably just a cold. I think I will stay here for the night and take care of him." Moneypenny said, smiling to herself.

"As you'd like miss. My name is Wadsworth. If you need anything please let me know. For now I will procure medication for Mr. Bond as well as some sleeping clothes for you miss." He nodded at Eve and James and walked off.

Eve led James to his bed and he fell into bed and sighed. Eve shook her head and sat down on the bed beside him. "Do you need anything?" she asked. "No I don't thidnk so. But I would lidke to put on somethindg more comfortabdle. Do you mind?" James asked her. She could hear the stuffiness in his voice and felt even worse for him. But, she was also strangely even more attracted to him because of the state he was in. She nodded at James and got up and walked over to a corner of his bedroom and turned her back to him. She really wanted to sneak a peak at him while he was changing but she managed to not look at him and waited until he was dressed and back in bed before she turned around. James looked even more tired if it was possible, and his nose was red from rubbing it.

"Eve, thandks for staying here with me." James said to Eve once she came back over and sat down on the king size bed beside him. "Thids is a big house and I've had it for a long time but when I'm sick it's nice to have someone here with me. Especially one who is as attractive as you are, Moneypenny." Eve blushed at this statement, James had never been so candid with her before. She smiled at him and held his hand for a few moments. Eve was gently rubbing his head when Wadsworth walked in with three boxes of tissues, medicine and water, and purple silk pajamas for Eve. He placed the pajamas on the chest of drawers, and placed the tissues and medicine beside James' bed and left. No sooner had he put them down, James was scrambling for the tissues trying to open them. His nostrils were flaring and he was on the verge of sneezing. He managed to grab the tissue in time but his sneeze was stuck. James was holding the tissue out in front of him waiting for the sneeze to come, but it was being very stubborn. "It's studk!" James whined. "Hold on, let me help." Eve said. She reached up and started to rub the tip of his nose back and forth. "eh..EHHISHHOO!! HIISHOOO!! AHHIISHHOOO!!" James sneezed forcefully into the tissue. "Thandks." James said and leaned back on to his pillows. "You're very welcome, James. It seemed like you really needed that sneeze." She said and smiled at him. He smiled back, squeezed her hand and took his medication. "I'm very tired, I think I'm going to sleep for a bit. Why don't you lay down and take a nap too?" James asked her. Her heart rate sped up and she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach. James Bond was asking her to take a nap with him. Sure, it was probably because he didn't want her to feel awkward while he was asleep, but that didn't matter because she was taking care of him. She nodded and laid down beside him. They snuggled under the blankets and Eve was very happy.

"HHUUCHOOOO!" James sneezed onto Eve's arm accidentally. "I'm so sorry! That one creeped up on me." James apologized. Eve wiped off her arm with the blanket, "It's okay. Don't worry about it James. You're sick, I forgive you." James smiled at her and leaned back onto her arm and fell asleep on her. Miss Moneypenny sighed and smiled at the sleeping agent and closed her eyes and fell asleep too.

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Moneypenny) this is how I found out Miss Moneypenny might actually have a real first name, I got tired of calling her Moneypenny in the narrative. I hope this is okay! More to come soon!

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