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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"The Longest Hour" - (Criminal Minds - Reid) - [4 Parts]


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Disclaimer: I don’t own Criminal Minds, sadly.

A/N: It takes a little while for the “sneezing sickness” to come in and play a part in this story. Plus there's a little vomit warning for the end of this part, just so you know. But I hope you like this story so far!


The man gripped his hair viciously, tugging on the ends. Sitting on the floor in the corner he isolated himself from the rest of the room; almost anything and everything was scattered across the floor. His face was red and damp with fresh tears; dripping down to lap. The man curled in on himself, bringing his knees to his chest, hugging them tightly. He clamped his hands over his ears, the screaming getting louder and louder.

“Stop, please,” He begged, “Please,” He sobbed loudly.

“You did this!” The voice growled back.

“Stop, please,”

“You were always worth nothing.” The man could almost see the venom dripping from the figures mouth.

“Go away,” He whispered, too exhausted to fight anymore.


Spencer woke up huddled in a corner. His head throbbed harshly; like a bomb ticking, waiting to explode. Looking around his apartment he noticed that it was a wreck. There were books and glass covering the floor. Rubbing his hands over his face he mumbled, “What happened?” quietly to himself. Standing up shakily, Reid glanced at his clock, noticing he was late for work. “Shit!”

Arriving at work, he rushed into the conference room, apologizing quickly as he sat down. Averting his attention towards the board in front of him, he felt Hotch’s pensive gaze on him, almost as if he was staring deep into his soul. Moments later, Hotch also looked at the board as Garcia started to rattle off facts about the case. But Spencer couldn’t hear anything that she was saying, the voices screaming at him once again as a picture of a girl laying dead on the floor popped up on the screen. Spencer ran a hand through his hair, fidgeting in his seat slightly. Taking deep breaths, he tried to calm himself, but nothing was helping.

Reid could feel the bile rushing up his throat. Moments later, he mumbled, “Excuse me,” and rushed off to the bathroom, retching violently into the garbage can, unable to make it to the stall. Spencer sank to the floor, tears springing into his eyes and dripping down slowly. Suddenly the bathroom door opened, revealing his concerned looking unit chief. Aaron walked towards Reid and crouched down next to him.

“Are you alright, Reid?” he asked.

“Yeah… I’ll be fine,” Spencer spoke quietly.

“Has anything been bothering you lately?”

“No,” Spencer lied.

“You’ve seemed off lately. Today you came into work late, unexpectedly rushed out of the room during the briefing, and I’m assuming that you got sick.” Hotch said.

Reid wasn’t paying attention; he placed his hands over his ears. “Stop,” He begged.

“What, Reid?” Aaron asked.

“Please, I’m begging you,”

“Reid, what’s the matter?” Concern washed over Hotch’s calm exterior.

“They won’t stop.” Reid murmured.


“I don’t know who they are.”

“What are you talking about, Spencer?”

“They keep screaming at me.” Reid mumbled.

Hotch reached forward and placed his hand on the younger man’s forehead. He sighed when it was warm. “Spencer, you’re burning up.” He informed.


Edited by Sophie83540
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Ah, shucks, Sophie, I just love the idea of a concerned Aaron Hotchner (I'm weirdly into his hands, hahah *blush*blushsmiley.gifbag.gif ). Thanks for sharing this story and I will be anxiously awaiting updates! :)

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Part 2

Thank you for all the nice comments! This part is a bit shorter because I have a huge test coming up this week and I wanted to get a part up before it. Therefore there may not be another chapter for a couple days. I hope you like this part!

Aaron was concerned about his young agent, curled up in a ball on the floor. “Spencer, do you feel like you’re going to get sick again?” Reid shook his head slightly. “Come to my office with me.”

They made their way to Hotch’s office, when he asked, “I want you to stay back on this case.”

“I’ll be fine,” Spencer said quietly.

“I want you to go home.” Hotch repeated.

“No,” Spencer whispered.

“Reid, I want you to go home.”

“I can’t go home,” Reid said quietly.

“Why?” Hotch asked.

“They’ll come back.”

“Spencer, please go home.”

“I… Huh’psh’iew! Huh’psh’iew!!” Reid sneezed quietly into cupped hands.

“Bless you, Reid.” Aaron said sympathetically.

“Thanks,” He whispered while rubbing his nose.

"Are you getting sick?”

“No, I’m fine,” Spencer lied even though he didn’t feel well.

Hotch sighed. This wasn’t going to be easy.


Edited by Sophie83540
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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 3

A/N: I’m sorry it’s been a long wait, I’ve been caught up with school and regular fanfiction. But I’m back! I hope you like this part!

Spencer brought his hand up to his mouth, coughing quietly. The tickle moved from his throat to his sinuses in a few seconds. Reid clamped his hand over his nose, hitching breaths consuming his lungs before he snapped forward with two quiet sneezes.

“Huh’psh’iew!! Huh’pssh’iew!!”

Hotch eyed his young agent, a surge of sympathy rushing over him, “Bless you, Spencer,”

“Thanks,” Reid whispered, sniffling.

“Go home, Reid.” Aaron ordered gently.

“No. I’m fine.” Spencer objected.

“Spencer, you’re sick and distraught.” Hotch said.

“For the last time, I’m fine!” Reid raised his voice, his voice cracking. He coughed slightly afterward.

“Reid, I saying this for your health and well-being,” There wasn’t anger in Hotch’s voice, instead there was care.

“I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life. I am not a child, I am a grown adult.” There was a bitterness in Reid’s voice, something uncharacteristic for Reid. He almost never got mad, only a few times, but nothing like this.

“Spencer, I’m just trying to help you.” Aaron spoke calmly.

“I don’t need any fucking help!” Reid yelled, storming out of the room.

Hotch’s mouth fell open in shock. Reid had never swore at him before, or gotten that angry with him. Hotch decided to leave Spencer alone for a while to let him cool down.


An hour later, Hotch went on a hunt to find Reid, instead, he found Rossi. “Have you seen Reid?” Hotch asked.

“Yeah, the last time I saw him he went into the conference room.” Rossi informed.

“Thanks Dave,” Aaron said then walked off towards the conference room. The door was closed. Hotch opened it slowly, not knowing what to expect. The room was dimly lit, casting shadows of objects on the walls. But soon enough, Hotch found Spencer, he was sleeping… on the floor. Reid was curled up in a ball on the floor in the corner, using his hands as a pillow. He looked like a young child as he slept. There was a certain vulnerability that showed when he slept. This was something that he never showed the rest of the team. Hotch felt like he was looking at his son, Jack. He didn’t want to disturb the younger man while he slept. He closed the door again as he walked out. All that was left for him to do was sit in his office, working on paperwork.


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Part 3

A/N: I’m sorry it’s been a long wait, I’ve been caught up with school and regular fanfiction. But I’m back! I hope you like this part!

Spencer brought his hand up to his mouth, coughing quietly. The tickle moved from his throat to his sinuses in a few seconds. Reid clamped his hand over his nose, hitching breaths consuming his lungs before he snapped forward with two quiet sneezes.

“Huh’psh’iew!! Huh’pssh’iew!!”

Hotch eyed his young agent, a surge of sympathy rushing over him, “Bless you, Spencer,”

“Thanks,” Reid whispered, sniffling.

“Go home, Reid.” Aaron ordered gently.

“No. I’m fine.” Spencer objected.

“Spencer, you’re sick and distraught.” Hotch said.

“For the last time, I’m fine!” Reid raised his voice, his voice cracking. He coughed slightly afterward.

“Reid, I saying this for your health and well-being,” There wasn’t anger in Hotch’s voice, instead there was care.

“I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life. I am not a child, I am a grown adult.” There was a bitterness in Reid’s voice, something uncharacteristic for Reid. He almost never got mad, only a few times, but nothing like this.

“Spencer, I’m just trying to help you.” Aaron spoke calmly.

“I don’t need any fucking help!” Reid yelled, storming out of the room.

Hotch’s mouth fell open in shock. Reid had never swore at him before, or gotten that angry with him. Hotch decided to leave Spencer alone for a while to let him cool down.


An hour later, Hotch went on a hunt to find Reid, instead, he found Rossi. “Have you seen Reid?” Hotch asked.

“Yeah, the last time I saw him he went into the conference room.” Rossi informed.

“Thanks Dave,” Aaron said then walked off towards the conference room. The door was closed. Hotch opened it slowly, not knowing what to expect. The room was dimly lit, casting shadows of objects on the walls. But soon enough, Hotch found Spencer, he was sleeping… on the floor. Reid was curled up in a ball on the floor in the corner, using his hands as a pillow. He looked like a young child as he slept. There was a certain vulnerability that showed when he slept. This was something that he never showed the rest of the team.

Hotch felt like he was looking at his son, Jack. He didn’t want to disturb the younger man while he slept. He closed the door again as he walked out. All that was left for him to do was sit in his office, working on paperwork.


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Sorry, I posted twice on accident. Please read the second post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm extremely sorry for the very long wait!! I've been very bust lately with tons of other fanfiction that's been up my ass lately. But.... I hope you like this (extremely) delayed part.

Part 4

The loud gunshot echoed through the building. Spencer sank to the floor, staring at the dead body of Maeve on the floor, the large dark red puddle of blood surrounding her head. He didn’t even think twice about not crying, he just let the sobs come as they did. It didn’t matter who saw him crying, he didn’t care. All he could think was that someone had taken away his sweet Maeve.

Spencer jerked awake, his dream flashing in front of his eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to be released. After a few seconds though, the tears won. They ran down his face quickly, dripping to the floor.


“Ugh, where did I put those files?” Garcia mumbled to herself. The last lace she had seen the files she needed was in the conference room. When she reached the conference room, the door was closed. Opening the door, she found the room dimly lit. The next thing that caught her attention was something that sounded like soft sobs, the quiet gasp and release. Turning on the light, she found Spencer curled up in the corner. His knees were pulled up to his chest and he had his head in his hands, crying softly. Crouching down next to him, she asked, “What’s wrong, honey?”

"Nothing, I'm fine." Reid mumbled, congestion seeping into his voice.

“No, you’re not,”

"Leave me alone," He murmured.

“Spencer, I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.”

After a long moment of silence, Reid moaned, "I don't feel good,"

“Aww, honey, I’m sorry. Does Hotch know about this?” Garcia asked.

Spencer nodded slightly, “Kind of, but not exactly.”

“I think you should go talk to him.” Penelope suggested, gesturing not towards Reid being sick, but towards him crying.

“Yeah, I know…” Spencer trailed off.


Spencer walked up to Hotch’s office door, knocking quietly. Entering slowly once he heard his boss tell him to come in. Reid closed the door behind him, standing by it, unsure of what to do next.

“You know you can sit down Reid.” Hotch spoke up.

“Yeah…” Spencer suddenly felt very awkward, like he didn’t know what to say to his boss.

“I didn’t mean to make you angry.” Aaron apologized.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you.” Spencer apologized also, for his unexceptable behavior towards his unit chief.

“I deserved it.”

Spencer took in a deep breath, mumbling a few words, “You can fire me if you want.”


“The way I acted was unexceptable and I was out of hand.” Reid explained.

“Spencer, I’m not going to fire you. There’s no need for that. I angered you and I deserved to get yelled at.” Hotch assured.

“I didn’t mean to be rude. You were trying to help me and I pushed you away.”

“Spencer, it’s fine. You didn’t mean to.”

Reid stared down at his hands in his lap. There was still guilt running through his body. He could just see the flashback of him yelling at his boss rushing through his mind. He was tore out of his thoughts though when he felt a nagging itch in his sinuses. Spencer rubbed his nose, attempting to get rid of the itch.

Though this only made the itch stronger. His breath hitched quietly, his jaw slack. Reid cupped his hands around his nose and mouth, quickly snapping forward with two sneezes. “Huh’psh’iew!! Huh’psh’iew!!!”

“Bless you,” Hotch said.

“Thanks,” Reid replied quietly.

“Spencer, I want you to take the rest of the day off.”


“Go home and get some rest.”

“Fine,” Reid sighed.


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  • 3 years later...

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