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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Space Motes


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Ok, remember my Jet Set Radio fanfic--and how I said I was so surprised to see nobody had ever written anything about it? Well, how about this: no matter how hard I look, I can't find a sneezefic of Metroid! How could you not make a fanfiction of the super-ultra-sexy Zero Suit Samus sneezing? It just cannot happen on the Internet! Well, as Toni Morrison says, "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

So...without further ado, here is my newest sneezefic: Space Motes!

Harsh conditions.

Low oxygen.

Air that has been marked off as "not breathable" for humans.

Just take deep, slow breaths,
the space soldier told herself.
I'll be out of here in no time.
Though these words of optimism did little to bring Samus' hopes up, she found them enough to push her through the next few corridors.

A few bullets were shot, a few bombs were unleashed--but she still had a long way to go.
I've spent days wandering around this place,
she sighed.
I sometimes wish I were given some kind of map before coming on these missions!
Such was a heavy burden to bear when it came to her job as an astro-warrior.

Samus grunted as she lifted herself up on the next platform. The little grunt alone seemed to suck a lot of oxygen out of her already-low tanks. Before she could say "oops," the sound of beeping resonated in her ears.

Alarmed, Samus opened up the GUI display her helmet gave her--only to be swept with great elation.

Source of oxygen(O2) located nearby. Proceed to area.

The enthusiastic soldier took no time to hesitate. Her nose held high and her lips broadening in a smile, Samus proceeded to the next room--where new life awaited. The door opened in front of her, then shut behind her with a snap--one she found most heavenly and assuring.
she thought,
I get to take this suit off.

And sure enough, Samus did just that. First off went her ponytail, then her torso, and her leg armor--which seemed to fold up and condense into a hypercube.
How convenient I have it
, she thought with a smirk.
I can see my smartwatch now!

The thought in mind, the recently-unarmored heroine looked down at the wristwatch.
Oxygen levels certainly are breathable but--something seems off.

As those words went off in her head, a tiny, inaudible
sounded from the door, indicating it was locked.

"Weird," she said out loud. "Actually--it does smell kinda weird in here." The smell of--of something malodorous overwhelmed her nostrils, making her take a big whiff. "Seems fine, but--but...."

And with that, the soldier's nose started to twitch and her breath started to hitch and her eyes started to close. "Ah...ahhhh...ah-CHUH!" sneezed Samus. "Oh--bless me!" She sniffled, the back of her nose still a little ticklish. Within seconds, her eyes fluttered and her lungs took in some air as she prepared herself for another powerful sneeze. Using her hand, she managed to cover her second sneeze. "Ah-CHMPHH!" Sniffling once more, Samus rubbed her nose with her index finger.

Once again she looked down at the wristwatch, her finger still rubbing the underside of her nose.
Let's see. Back at home, seventy percent of air was oxygen--and that's the same case here. But the other percent is something else--something that isn't nitrogen! What could it be?
In her train of thought, Samus pulled her finger down from below her nose and examined her watch.
Maybe if I could pull out the volume scanner, I could--

The soldier was cut off by an itch in her nose. The itch quickly became a tickle--and within seconds, her nostrils started flaring and her breath hitched once more. It was as if somebody had come up to her and started tickling the tip of her nose with a feather.

Oh jeez,
thought Samus. It had been maybe five seconds and she hadn't sneezed--yet the tickle remained ever-present in her nose. The edges of her nostrils felt like they had something brushing them with tiny toothbrushes.

Oh, come on!
She sniffed, hoping to get the particles to irritate her nose a little more.
Just sneeze already.
Thankfully for her, that one big sniff did the trick--pulling a sneeze right in. Within a second, Samus felt a strong tingle rise in her nose--which she let go in a big "KAAAAH--CHOOO!" It was after doing so when she inhaled and sneezed again, then again!

Oh, man,
thought Samus.
Is somebody thinking about me?
Just as the thought slipped her mind, her watch started beeping. Such a beep startled the soldier, making her jump a few feet into the air.
What's going on?
she asked herself.

Air scan has been completed.
" With that, a display appeared on Samus' watch--the likes of which read, "
63% Oxygen, 20% Diphenylchlorarsine, 17% Other.

"Diphenylchlorarsine?!" thought Samus out loud. "That's a gas historians told us about! It--it was used in war as a--"

But just as those words left her mouth, Samus felt another tickle rise. As a result, her nose started twitching and her nostrils flaring. In just another second, she sneezed, "Aahh-TISHOO!!"

She sniffled. "Sneezing gas." It made her wish she had never taken off her suit. Being without it, her nose exposed to the irritating air, left her defenseless.

But like any super soldier, Samus would not give up. No matter how sneezy this gas planned on making her, she knew there was a way out.

Let's just hope I can get out before my nose blows off!
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