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A Jeca Sick Fic (Pitch Perfect...I couldn't think of a title sorry!)


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Hey guys! So since I haven't seen many Pitch Perfect fics around here I thought I'd try my hand at one! Here's chapter 1! Chapter 2 will probably be the final chapter and it'll be posted tomorrow (hopefully!)


Chapter 1

The blaring ringing of Beca’s alarm clock rang throughout her empty dorm room. Her classes today didn’t start until 10, but her roommate, Kimmy Jin’s, classes had started at 8, so she was already gone. It had been two weeks since they won Nationals, but they still had Bella rehearsals so that they would be prepared for next year when Aubrey and Chloe were gone.

It was a warm spring day at Barden University in Atlanta, Georgia, but Beca was freezing. She just wanted to curl back up under her covers and go back to sleep, but she knew she had class and rehearsal today. Plus, she was really looking forward to her date with Jesse later tonight. She groaned and pulled herself out of bed and got ready for the day.

Her head was pounding. She popped a couple of aspirin in her mouth before grabbing her keys and leaving.

She didn’t make it far before, Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Her head pitched forward sharply and she pinched her nose in a desperate effort to quell the sneezing. She groaned and hurried on to class.

She really should've stayed home. Her head was pounding and she could feel herself slowly falling asleep at her desk as her freshman Biology teacher droned on about DNA replication. She must of fallen asleep however, because when she woke up coughing the classroom was empty. Crap, she thought as she glanced down at her clock. It was fifteen minutes till her next class, which was all the way across campus.

She ran. She made it in the nick of time, coughing, but hey, she made it. She quietly took her seat and listened to her English professor. Thankfully, it was the last class of the day and she was able to go back to her dorm for a bit before Bella rehearsals. She was in the elevator, alone, when Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! She sneezed rapidly into her cupped hands. “Gross” She croaked out as she wiped her hands on her jeans.

She made it to her dorm, changed pants, and spent about 20 minutes debating with herself as she watched tv on whether she should go get herself some medicine. She rarely got sick, but when she did, it was rough. As another shiver ran down her spine, she made up her mind that she would stop at the drugstore to get some medicine before her date with Jesse. She didn’t want to gross him out, after all.

She decided to leave early for rehearsals, due to the fact that her head was still pounding and she wasn’t up for running again. Shockingly, she was the first one there. She even beat Aubrey and Chloe. She sighed, ran her fingers through her hair as she went to sit on the bleachers. She plugged in the headphones to her ipod and lied back the bleachers.

She woke up with Chloe shaking her shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Chloe asked in concern.

“Yeah, I’m fine. We ready to start?” Beca stood up and cleared her throat to help the tickle in her throat vanish.

Beca and Fat Amy were in going to be running the group next year so Aubrey and Chloe sat back and let Beca and Fat Amy run the warm up exercises. As Beca led them through a scale, her voice cracked and made a horrible bird-like noise. She abruptly cut off and started coughing into her elbow.

Everyone was staring at her when she finished coughing. “Sorry.” She croaked. “I’m going to go get some water. Fat Amy, can you finish the rest of the exercises?”

“Yeah, sure. Take your time.” Fat Amy shooed Beca off before continuing to lead them in voice drills.

Chloe and Aubrey shared a concerned glance and followed Beca out to the water fountain.

Eh'tshshshsh!! Eh'tshshshsh!! Aubrey and Chloe heard Beca’s sneezes echo throughout the deserted hallway.

“Bless you!” Both Aubrey and Chloe called as they walked towards her. They turned the corner to find her sitting slumped against the wall sniffling softly.

“Hey, you okay?” Aubrey asked as she gave her a hand up.

“Yeah, I’b fide. I just needed a drink of water.” Beca replied as she started walking back towards the practice room. Although, her body betrayed her and caused her to cough harshly into the crook of her elbow.

Chloe reached over and placed a hand on Beca’s forehead. “You’re burning up. You need to go home and rest. We can manage practice without you for a few days.” Chloe smiled and helped Aubrey lead Beca back into the practice room.

Beca solemnly grabbed her bag, waved goodbye, and walked out the doors.

End of Chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed it! smile.png

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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The only thing is.. I really this female sneeze fic isn't appealing to me. It just dosnt spark my interest for female sneezing.. Since I like male sneeze more.. Don't get me wrong, it's well written but maybe get Jesee(I don't know how to spell his name) sick too please :) all in all it's very well described :) and the concern from the other girls is adorable :3

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The only thing is.. I really this female sneeze fic isn't appealing to me. It just dosnt spark my interest for female sneezing.. Since I like male sneeze more.. Don't get me wrong, it's well written but maybe get Jesee(I don't know how to spell his name) sick too please smile.png all in all it's very well described smile.png and the concern from the other girls is adorable :3

*Jesse :)

Yeah, this fic seems awesome so far! I second that. Contagionnnnnn :P

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Thanks for the feedback! Just a heads up, there will be contagion but it won't be until the 3rd chapter. Here's chapter 2!

Chapter 2

She shivered as the cool, late afternoon, spring air hit her, and she pulled her leather jacket tighter around her. Eh'tshshshsh!! She sneezed wetly and covered her mouth and nose, desperately looking for a tissue. Seeing as she was in the middle of campus with no tissue box in sight, she wiped her hands on her jeans and then pulled the hand sanitizer out from her bag to disinfect her hands.

The drugstore wasn’t much farther, so she went and purchased some Dayquil and Nyquil and a box of tissues. She still had about two hours till she had to meet Jesse, so she popped a dose of the Dayquil in her mouth, and headed back to her dorm to get some homework done.

The medicine had started working after about an hour so she was glad that she didn’t sound so stuffy when it was time for her to leave. She grabbed her purse, placed a dose of Dayquil and Nyquil in it, along with some tissues.

Jesse was waiting right outside the building and could instantly tell that something was wrong with Beca. Her cheeks were pale and were flushed bright red, along with the tip of her nose that reminded him of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. “Hey, you feeling okay?”

Beca frowned, “Yeah, I’m fine, let’s go.”

Jesse shrugged and grabbed her hand. They walked a few blocks until they got to the Olive Garden that was right off campus.

Beca’s nose was tickling like mad. She could feel it flaring up as Jesse babbled about Treble rehearsal. She pinched her nose, Eh’ngtch! She stifled to the best of her ability.

“Bless you!” Jesse told her before he continued on about what had happened in rehearsals that day.

Once they sat down and it came time to order, Beca realized she really wasn’t that hungry so she just ordered a glass of sweet tea and some pasta fagioli soup. Jesse watched her carefully. She usually ordered a meal like fettucini alfredo or something. He offered to share his meal, but she declined.

She was trying to stay as quiet as possible because she could feel the medicine wearing off. She felt the need to sneeze and cough, but really didn’t want to ruin Jesse’s night out. She knew she couldn’t hold it back much longer and she tried to give a small cough into her elbow. However, that small cough soon grew into a throat tearing coughing fit.

Jesse hopped up from his seat and patted her back. “You sure you’re alright?” He asked as he handed her her tea.

She blushed and took a long sip of her drink before answering, “I’b fide really.”

He smiled at how unconvincing she sounded. “Mhm, and I’m the President of the United States. Come on, let’s just skip the concert we were going to go see and head back to my dorm. We can watch the Breakfast Club?”

Beca smiled apologetically. “Thadks. I’b sorry I ruined your night. Let be just go to the restroomb. I’ll be right back.”

He nodded and she went to the bathroom. Once she got in there she quickly ripped open a pack of the medicine and popped it in her mouth. Then she blew her nose and washed her hands. To her surprise Jesse was already waiting on her.

“You ready?” He asked.

She nodded and then saw that he was holding a bag in his hand. “What’s in the bag?” She asked in a hoarse whisper.

“Soup, bread sticks, and sweet tea. All the necessities.”

She smiled and gave him a quick hug to show her thanks.

When they got back to the dorm Jesse dug around in his drawers and then threw the smallest pair of sweatpants and t shirt that he had at her.

“What are these for?”

“For you. You’re not going to be comfortable in what you’re wearing.”

“Jesse, your clothes are like a thousand times too big for me.” She joked.

“Are you saying I’m fat?” He asked in mock surprise.

“Oh, definitely.” She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going into the bathroom to change clothes.

She came out and got settled on his bed, covering herself up tightly with the blankets.

Knowing that Beca wouldn’t let him feel her forehead, he thought of a way to discretely tell if she had a fever. He jumped in bed beside her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“Jesus, Beca, you’re burning up.” Jesse said as he clambered out of the bed.

“I’b fide, really it’s just a cold.” She tried to tell him. He browsed through countless drawers and cabinets. “What are you looking for?”

“The thermometer. I know Benji has one somewhere in here. “

Beca blushed again. “Really I’b fide. No need to take my temperature.” She had always hated getting her temperature taken. Especially when she was sneezing and coughing a lot.

“Found it!” He exclaimed. He put a clean plastic slip on it and then brought it over to her. “Okay, open up.”

“Ughh! I’b fide, just let-” He popped the thermometer under her tongue as she was speaking.

“Close your mouth, and keep it there!” He ordered.

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