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Allergic Dean Teenchesters Fic (sorry don't have a title) SPN


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Ok... here's a fill for tarotgal's prompt meme, but I don't have a livejournal or anything so I'll just post it here. Just a warning, the ending is super lame and kind of unfinished but I hope you'll forgive me!

"John won't let Sam have a dog. That's been pretty well drummed into Sam by now. But John technically never said anything about not having a cat. So what if Sam picks up a stray and hides it in his dufflebag in the back seat? It will be quiet... but Dean won't be quiet for long."

Sam raised his hood, and stepped back out into the dreary night. The weather was terrible – it was pouring rain, but they needed food at the hotel room, and Sam had lost rock paper scissors with Dean. Suddenly, he heard crash coming from an alley. He startled and turned, ready to fight. He sighed when he realized it was just a garbage can that had fallen. He was about to walk away when he heard a pathetic “mew” coming from the darkness. He walked slowly into the alley in search of the animal. A tiny grey kitten gingerly stepped out of the garbage can, dirty and wet. Sam's heart twisted in his chest, and he bent down to pick up the little creature. It purred and snuggled in the crook of his arm. Sam smiled. His dad had always said no when he asked for a dog, but he hadn't said anything about cats... and besides, what kind of heartless monster left a kitten out in the rain? Just to be safe, when Sam arrived at the motel room, he tucked the kitten into his jacket and out of sight.

“Just what the hell took you so long?” John asked acusedly. Then he added. “Pack your things. There's been a slight change of plan and we're leaving tonight.”

Sam nodded. When no one was looking, he tucked the kitten into his duffel bag. “It's just for one night.” he whispered.

“What did you say?” Dean grunted.

“Oh. Uh, nothing.”

“Good. Now hurry up and get in the car. Dad's waiting.”

Sam nodded and gave the kitten one last pet before partially closing the zipper. He clambered into the backseat.

“Why do I always have to sit back here?”

“'Cause I'm older. God Sammy, how many times do we need to go over this?”

Sam huffed, but didn't complain further. After about 15 minutes on the road, Dean began to sniffle. John grunted.

“You getting sick?”

Dean shook his head, briefly swiping under his nose.

“Good. We need all hands on deck for this hunt.”

Dean nodded, but couldn't keep his breath from becoming uneven. He raised his hands to his face, eyelashes fluttering.

“HanGxXtT!” he muffled the sneeze into his jacket. Sam raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He knew his brother didn't like to be called out on things like this. Not 5 minutes later, Dean's lungs filled again. “Hahh... hAnGgT! HanGxXnT!” He winced on the exhale and looked nervously at his dad. He didn't know what was making him so itchy all of a sudden, but he sure as hell didn't want his dad to know about it. He drove a fist into his eyes and vowed not to sneeze again. The vow was short lived however. The itch in Dean's sinuses was insistent and demanded attention. “HanGXxT! GnXxT! Haaah...” Dean hesitated, it was stuck. “ahaaahhh... Hat-CHiEWwW! Ugh. God.”

Over the next few hours, Dean's sneezing grew in both frequency and desperation. Soon he was doubled over in frequent fits. Some so bad, he couldn't get a breath in between the explosions. Sam looked at his brother concernedly from the backseat, as the taller boy was curled over in a fit, looking like all the world like he was never going to stop. “Ahhh.... Atch! AtcHiEwW! HaShIewW! AshEw! Ash!ash!ash!ash! AtChIEWW!” He gasped for air after that last one, groaning.

“Can you stop that?” John asked gruffly. “It's starting to get annoying.”

Dean nodded and scrubbed at his nose before shaking his head frantically and launching into another fit. “HasHiEwW! Hat-ChiIEW! AshCHiEW! Haahh... AtcHIEW! ASHIEWW!”

“Well what the hell Dean! If you're not sick then shut the hell up! I'm trying to drive here! Sam! Do something about your brother! God!”

“I think it's allergies...” Sam trailed off.

“What?” John asked, incredulous. “Dean doesn't have allergies.”

“Well how do you explain that?” Sam said, gesturing to the older boy convulsing in his seat.

John sighed, expaseratedly.

“Fuck. Well what's causing it then?”

Sam's face fell when he realized... Damnit was he ever stupid.

“I uh, I have a kitten in here.” He said lamely, pulling it out of his duffel. “I'm sorry Dean, I really, am. I wouldn't have taken it if I knew..” he trailed off. Dean, however, didn't acknowledge anything his younger brother had said. The increased exposure was taking a toll on his respiratory system, and he took off, pressing sneeze after desperate sneeze into his shoulder. John fell silent, for a moment, the only sound was the allergic soundtrack, courtesy of Dean Winchester. Sam waited nervously for his dad's answer.

“You brought a cat in here?” Sam nodded, chewing the inside of his cheek.

John pulled over.

“Cat. Out. Now.” Sam was about to protest, but then took one look at his miserable brother and nodded. “Fine.” He set the kitten on the side of the road. “I'm so sorry little guy. I wanted you, but you don't really agree with Dean. I hope someone nice picks you up.”



Again, sorry for the terrible ending, but I hope you enjoyed part of it at least anyway!

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Awh I simply cannot get enough of the tons of spn fics in the last days ! :) quite some good ones :) . Ohhh sneezy allergic to kitties Dean never fails to make me melt ;w:. *melts into a puddle of glitter *

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Just wonderful. Well done. :) I actually love the way you wrote John, very in character, Dean and Sam too. Thanks for writing this.

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