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Love Like War~ (All Time Low fic. JackxAlex.Jalex fluff)


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I really havn't a clue where I am taking this but here goes it.

I am writting an All Time Low(band) fic c:

allergic Alex then a sick Jack to top it off~

A little bit of everything to please everyone.

So hope you guys enjoy :)


It was a sunny day, the band was outside chilling under a tree at the park.

Alex was playing his acoustic while they all made up humourous songs that made no sense but made each one of the band members burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

They were having a blast.. up until...

Alex sudenly stopped plucking his guitar then sneezed a double "Ishoo Ishoo" towards his left where the one with the "boner" shirt was sitting then the skunk haired mate said "Ew Alex, keep your germs away from me. Bless you". Zack and Rian chuckled then chimed in with a "bless you" . Alex had a delicate blush decorating his cheeks then he wiped his nose sheepishly on his wrist.

Zack tossed a tissue packet at Alex's head then Alex took one out of the packet and blew his nose loudly.

Jack said "Man you're loud Gaskarth." he teased the one he secretly had a crush on. The one with the best eyebrow game said "Quit it Barakat." and blushed then tossed his tissue at Jack playfully. Jack punched Alex's arm playfully then whispered "You're gross babe". Alex said "No, you" . Zack and Rian chuckled at how childish the frontman and the guitarist were being. They continued joking around until it started raining.

By the time the four young men had sprinted to the tour bus and got enveloped by the warmth inside, they were all soaking wet.

Zack and Rian went to get towels then chucked two maroon ones at the frontman and the guitarist.

The bassist and the drummer were all dry in no time but Jack had dried himself to late and he was constantly sniffling by dinner time.

The band ordered chinese takout that got delivered to their bus in no time.

Zack and Rian sat at the counter eating while Jack and Alex cuddled up on the couch eating the food while watching Home Alone.

All of a sudden Jack sneezed "ASHOO ASHOOO" spraying Alex's neck.

Alex said "Bless, who's gross now?. you okay buddy?" he pet the other male's hair gently.

Jack sniffled and said "Thankgs and I think I caughd a col'd" he said congestedly.

Alex then gave him a packet of tissues and asked Rian if they had any drugs(cold medicine) and Rian gave him some.

Alex tried to put some medicine into Jack but the guitarist complained and said "d'no but id's gross" he whined like a child.

The vocalist said "If you take your medicine you get cuddles?" said he on a convincing tone.

Jack gave in and took the medicine then chased it down with water.

They cuddled til Jack fell asleep.

Alex played with Jack's hair while he slept then he saw Jack's nostrils twitch and he knew an explosion would come.. Jack sneezed ON Alex "ASHOO ASHOO ASHOO" he sniffled and had snot running down his face.

Alex wiped the sick man's nose with a tissue gently then thru it in the rubbish.

Alex fell asleep himself...


Notes : Where do I take this? Feedback would be greatly appreaciated ! :D

option A : Alex gets sick from being sneezed on (contagion )

option B : Jack gets a stomach flu (vomiting) added ontop of his headcold.

you guys decide ! :D

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awww! so cute! really awesome writing! (don't know why i'm surprised!) Please continue! contagion would be adorable

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awww! so cute! really awesome writing! (don't know why i'm surprised!) Please continue! contagion would be adorable

Thank you ! I feel honoured you commented since I am IN LOVE with your magnus bane fic and I LOVED your Rise Of The Guardians bunny one.

Thanks :D

and I might write another part either today or tommrow, i'm not sure yet.

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awww! so cute! really awesome writing! (don't know why i'm surprised!) Please continue! contagion would be adorable

Thank you ! I feel honoured you commented since I am IN LOVE with your magnus bane fic and I LOVED your Rise Of The Guardians bunny one.

Thanks biggrin.png

and I might write another part either today or tommrow, i'm not sure yet.

Aww!! your the sweetest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i ask you a question?

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awww! so cute! really awesome writing! (don't know why i'm surprised!) Please continue! contagion would be adorable

Thank you ! I feel honoured you commented since I am IN LOVE with your magnus bane fic and I LOVED your Rise Of The Guardians bunny one.

Thanks biggrin.png

and I might write another part either today or tommrow, i'm not sure yet.

Aww!! your the sweetest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can i ask you a question?

. Sure ask it man, unless you can pm cause I don't wanna threadjack
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  • 1 month later...

Omg Deathy! This is amazing! Please continue with contagion! I love this fic and Jalex is just adjkenfcjsdnbgfikjbvgdun,vc! I love you so much for writing this!

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Option a contagion

sorry I compleatly forgot about this thing. oi.

Omg Deathy! This is amazing! Please continue with contagion! I love this fic and Jalex is just adjkenfcjsdnbgfikjbvgdun,vc! I love you so much for writing this!

Thank you so much!:) uh I might continue it sometime later.


just not feeling it right now

I don't know where to go or how to write.


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