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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Jackpot (SPN fic, Dean)


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Written for this prompt on TG's meme: "Dean hooks up with a girl at a bar, and they head to her apartment. As sexytimes are about to ensue, Dean finds out the girl has several cats in the apartment (that like to sleep in her bed) and Dean has a massive allergy attack. Dean tries to leave, but as it turns out, the girl has a sneezkink (which she doesn't tell Dean), and she is determined to make a night of it with her hot sneezy guest. Dean is embarrassed, frustrated, and sneezing his head off, but he's also horny so of course he stays. And the girl is just like, holy crap, I hit the jackpot with this guy."

(I already ran this by the mods and they said that it's okay to post this here instead of the adult board... Thanks PuddinPop!!! You rock.)


I don’t know, I mean, maybe I’d be lying if I said that I don’t usually do this. Well, to be fair, I haven’t been doing this much lately. It was way more of an issue a few years ago, back in college, but the whole thing is easier and a lot less dangerous now that I’ve got my own place. The process of getting picked up is flattering and it’s exciting and yeah I’m pretty sure that this guy is only after One Thing, but whatever, so am I.

Seriously, can you blame me? God. He’s all rough and strong and tall and stubbly with these round green eyes and freckles, smooth-tongued and cocky, wearing the scent of whiskey and leather and some sharp, fresh generic aftershave or deodorant or… something extra, whatever it is. He’s one of those guys that you’d expect to be driving a motorcycle, but he followed me to my place in a sleek black muscle car.

It’s a little embarrassing, actually, opening my front door and exposing him to my mess. I really hadn’t planned on having company and it’s been a while since I’ve really gotten to dusting and vacuuming and I don’t know, I’d blame it on a busy schedule but truth be told I just keep telling myself that I’ll get to it later. Some good that always does, right?

He doesn’t seem to mind, though. I guess he doesn’t strike me as the Clean and Pristine type himself, so my uneasiness settles quickly.

We’re kissing before we even make it to the bedroom, his touch slow and deep and passionate and not at all what you’d expect from a guy wearing a leather jacket that you met at a bar. He’s warm too, and his hands are dry and heavy on my bare shoulders.

He breaks the kiss after a few seconds, when he tries to breathe through his nose and it makes this adorable little snnk! sound. He turns away from me with a couple of light coughs, apologizing afterward.

“Everything all right?” I ask him. He confirms that yeah, he’s fine, and I lead him to my bed.

We make it as far as the bedroom by the time I’ve almost finished unbuttoning his shirt, and I’m tugging it off down his arms as we fall onto the bed, lips still attached.

He jerks away again, my arms still wrapped around him as he pulls in a short breath and blinks repeatedly. My heart speeds up. Is he going to…?


Oh my god.


Oh my god.

“Bless you,” I manage, thankful that the huskiness in my voice is at least marginally appropriate. He’s hovering above me, his face still turned away as he sniffles and clears his throat. I pull him back in, flipping our position so that I’m on top.

My hand is on his chest when his breath quickens again, making me feel like I just might be The Luckiest Girl in the World. He lets go of my lips and turns his head away with a gasp.

Hh’CHZSHsh!” It’s perfect: rough and forceful and sharp without being exaggerated or overwhelming in volume. I run my hand down his chest while he does it, nearly shuddering as it swells again. “Hh’KNCHh!

Just as he’s recovering, one of my pets darts out of the room from underneath my bed, emitting a sweet mewl as she departs.

“You have a cat?” asks my guest.

“Three, actually,” I answer.

“Mm. I’m, uh…” he makes a gesture, and I know what he’s implying, but I still furrow my eyebrows like I’m confused. I want him to say it. “I’m allergic.”

I smile, letting one of the straps on my dress slide down my shoulder, saying, “Well, that explains…” but I don’t finish the thought, allowing my expression to grow concerned instead. “Is it serious?”

“Nah,” he decides. “Think I’ll be okay.”

“Good.” I let the other strap fall before I’m pulling the dress over my head, discarding it on the floor as I feel my hair splay across my shoulders. I bend down to kiss him again and this time I can feel the skin of my stomach on his. Much better.

We switch positions again, each of us lying on our side this time. One of my arms is curled underneath his neck, holding him close. His breath hitches again, but I grip him tighter when he tries to tug himself away.

“It’s okay,” I whisper hurriedly, and I can’t see his expression because he’s lurching forward, involuntarily pressing his body closer against my own.

Uh’KNXGhh!” Mmmm. He’s angled his head so that it’s directed over my shoulder, and the force of him trying to hold it in is enough to bounce the mattress underneath us. “HhNGhtCH!

“It’s okay,” I repeat. “Let it out. I don’t mind.”

Understatement of the year.


Mmm. I can feel the spray from that one misting over my back. This shouldn’t be sexy, right? But something about somebody so handsome, so confident, becoming so vulnerable because of a tiny, harmless animal…

He shakes his head a little bit (is it possible to combine adorable and light-my-pants-on-fire hot?), possibly signaling that he’s done, and I kiss him before he has the chance to apologize. I can feel the moisture from his nose getting on my upper lip, and he sniffles to no avail.

The sniffling doesn’t stop, and I reach for the box of tissues on my nightstand.

“Here,” I offer, and he accepts gratefully, averting my gaze as he empties his sinuses. I can see that his eyes have become a little watery and pink to match his nostrils.


I rub his back just after that one, more as a reflex on my own part than it is intended to comfort. Mostly, I just want to touch him.

“I dod’t… UhHPCHSHh! thidk this is goigg to stdop,” he admits, then blinks twice, slowly. “HuhhGDTSHSH! Ugh. God. I thidk I should head out…”

“Mmm, no,” I say. “You don’t have to.”

His eyebrows furrow, suggesting confusion, before they rise as his eyes shut and he draws in another shaky breath.

Hgh’KSHCHh’eh! Hey,” he says, scrubbing the back of his hand underneath his nose. “This isnd’t godda be addy fud for you if I’b sdeezing every few secodds.”

All I can do is shake my head. “Only if you’re not really not feeling well,” I delegate. “I just. I don’t… I really… don’t mind if you don’t mind.”

I reach around to unclasp my bra, the action working as an explicit invitation.

Please stay.

Judging by his watery, devious grin, I think it’s safe to assume that I’ve hit the jackpot.

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sneezy allergic to kitties Dean and sexytimes.



magnificent fic c:

ouh and a girl with a sneeze fetish gets to enjoy sneezy Dean, lucky her !.

Well written :)

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Oh my gosh. First thing I've read in ages and hottest thing I've read in, like, ever. Love the kind of subtle sexiness and the Dean-from-someone-else's-perspective, and I really like the POV character, which never happens for me. And it was very in-character, super impressive considering it's from an outsider. I was totally imagining this as cheeky Season One Dean, and it's soooooo imaginable. Thanks so much, great job!!

*also, forgot to mention - the first, breaking off the kiss bit? :wub:

Edited by BlueRandom
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Very well written, indeed! I love how the girl describes Dean. The sneezes were perfectly spaced, and spelled. However, the girl doesn't know his name before ***? Cough*slt* Cough. However, I loved her PoV. Thank you for another wonderful SPN fic!

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This was incredibly fantastic for more reasons than I can possibly articulate. I loved he outsider perspective and the fact that we know it I'd Dean but she never identifies him by name is one of the things I love the most - It suggests a casualness that rivals Dean's own. Also seriously sexy in a very accessible way while still being well written.

Simply put-loved every part if it.

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Oh man. Have I ever mentioned before how much I LOVE your voice? No? Well, I LOVE it. Like seriously. Sort of like salt and vinegar chips and you HAVE to keep going back to it because they're so moreish.

I really like the perspective. I'm not usually one for 1st person, but it works really well!

And then you just have Dean being adorable :P

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“Uh’KNXGhh!” Mmmm. He’s angled his head so that it’s directed over my shoulder, and the force of him trying to hold it in is enough to bounce the mattress underneath us. “HhNGhtCH!”

I know what I'll try to dream about tonight :) That was SO HOT! Thank you for an excellent story hug.gif

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YES SECONDED~ GOOD GRAVY. *rolls around*

You describe the sneezes PERFECTLY~ And not only that, but you have amazing pacing. The wait between sneezes is brilliant.

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Adorable and light-my-pants-on-fir HOT? DEFINITELY!!!!! Love it!!!!! And her description of Dean, perfect!

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Wow, let me just say... This. Is. Amazing. One of the hottest and sexiest fanfics I've ever read. The way you describe Dean is great, and her reaction to his first couple of sneezes was so acurate. I'm sure any of us fetish girls/guys would be thinking the same thing if ever in the same situation. Thanks for writing this. :)

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sneezy allergic to kitties Dean and sexytimes.



magnificent fic c:

ouh and a girl with a sneeze fetish gets to enjoy sneezy Dean, lucky her !.

Well written smile.png

Aw, lucky her indeed!! Thank you! Glad you liked it!!!

Oh my gosh. First thing I've read in ages and hottest thing I've read in, like, ever. Love the kind of subtle sexiness and the Dean-from-someone-else's-perspective, and I really like the POV character, which never happens for me. And it was very in-character, super impressive considering it's from an outsider. I was totally imagining this as cheeky Season One Dean, and it's soooooo imaginable. Thanks so much, great job!!

*also, forgot to mention - the first, breaking off the kiss bit? wub.png

Thank you! I'm so happy that you liked it and I was so excited and surprised to see feedback from you -- it's nice to see you around again! S1 Dean is, of course, my favorite, so I had that in mind too (especially because that was when they showed him at his most promiscuous)! And yeah... definitely my favorite part to write, the kiss thing. Poor boy.

Very well written, indeed! I love how the girl describes Dean. The sneezes were perfectly spaced, and spelled. However, the girl doesn't know his name before ***? Cough*slt* Cough. However, I loved her PoV. Thank you for another wonderful SPN fic!

Haha, of course she doesn't! I guess since Dean rarely can tell you the names of the girls that he sleeps with, the types of girls are probably on that same level of understanding. Thank you so much for reading, and for taking the time to comment! Means the world to me.

This was incredibly fantastic for more reasons than I can possibly articulate. I loved he outsider perspective and the fact that we know it I'd Dean but she never identifies him by name is one of the things I love the most - It suggests a casualness that rivals Dean's own. Also seriously sexy in a very accessible way while still being well written.

Simply put-loved every part if it.

You're so awesome for noticing that! I was careful to try and keep it subtle and balanced, so that the reader would know who it was without me having to be explicit... since I don't think a lot of people are like that when describing a one night stand! Thank you!


You can't??? Looks to me like you already did, buddy. Hehe thaaaaaaank you! You're always so so sweet to me... I'll probably be writing a coldfic next so... stay tuned my dude...

Oh man. Have I ever mentioned before how much I LOVE your voice? No? Well, I LOVE it. Like seriously. Sort of like salt and vinegar chips and you HAVE to keep going back to it because they're so moreish.

I really like the perspective. I'm not usually one for 1st person, but it works really well!

And then you just have Dean being adorable tonguesmiley.gif

Dean is such a cutie, isn't he? I love it!!

And thank you!!!! Seriously, thank you for saying that. I get that a lot, about the POV thing, which is weird because that's kind of my default mode for writing anything, so I'm scared that it'll come off as lazy, but I always get specific comments about it when I post anything in first person!! Which is really cool, I guess, so I'm extra glad to hear it!

“Uh’KNXGhh!” Mmmm. He’s angled his head so that it’s directed over my shoulder, and the force of him trying to hold it in is enough to bounce the mattress underneath us. “HhNGhtCH!”

I know what I'll try to dream about tonight smile.png That was SO HOT! Thank you for an excellent story hug.gif

Thank YOU for letting me know you liked it! I was definitely dreaming about a moment like that for a long time before I wrote this... so glad I got to use it somewhere. And that you enjoyed it! Awesome <3


YES SECONDED~ GOOD GRAVY. *rolls around*

You describe the sneezes PERFECTLY~ And not only that, but you have amazing pacing. The wait between sneezes is brilliant.

*rolls around with you because of this comment* THANK YOU! I get nervous about that sometimes, because I'm not really great at writing out full-on rapid-fire sneezing fits (maybe it's just hard for me to hear them in my head? idk) so that's awesome that you still liked the way they were spaced out! Special attention to each sneeze and all that.

Adorable and light-my-pants-on-fir HOT? DEFINITELY!!!!! Love it!!!!! And her description of Dean, perfect!

Eeeee, thank you!!!! So hot coming from someone who barely knows him, right? I love thinking about what they must look like to regular civilians. Mmmm.

Wow, let me just say... This. Is. Amazing. One of the hottest and sexiest fanfics I've ever read. The way you describe Dean is great, and her reaction to his first couple of sneezes was so acurate. I'm sure any of us fetish girls/guys would be thinking the same thing if ever in the same situation. Thanks for writing this. smile.png

Whaaaat thank YOU, actually, for taking the time to read it and tell me all of these nice things! Her monologue is pretty similar to what most of us (at least I) would be thinking (lots of "mmm"s and "oh my god"s...) so it's cool that you think I was able to translate it okay!! I could describe Dean forever tbh.

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  • 1 year later...

OH SWEET LORD I LOVE THIS! I sneeze fetish fic on a sneeze fetish forum! For some reason I never thought of that, nor have I ever seen one. Not from a woman's POV anyway. Great job!

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Absolutely loved this it was amazing. :) always had a thing for Dean sneeze fetish. great Job!!!

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Well hello there kitty baby. What is this I find floating? A sneezy allergic Dean? Don't mind if do.

Holy sweet Winchester :drool: what a lovely thing to wake up to!

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My gosh!

I don't usually click on allergy fics, but it was Dean. He's got a canon allergy. I had to see.

And OH MY GOSH. She's one of us, and she's having the time of her life.


I can't be the only one who wants to be in her place (in a few years, of course :) )

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