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Rain - Divergent Fanfic


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It’s raining.

In Amity, they rejoice the rain. They’re the ones who manage the farming, so the thought of saving water is something to celebrate.

But get this. They don’t even have to. Their water systems are far more than adequate. But I guess the Amity are like that. They remain as peaceful as always, knowing that the rain can’t do them any harm.

The Abnegation stay in the comfort of their houses. Although simple, the buildings are warm and comfortable, especially in times like this. The rain falls like threads of sadness, but the Abnegation don’t mind- they have a place to hide from it. And for them, that’s more than enough.

The Erudite don’t mind the rain. In fact, I wonder if they even notice it. In their busy lives, the raindrops are forgotten... they’re treated only as what they are: singular droplets of water, nothing more.

It’s so easy to forget them. They’re muffled by large walls; drowned out by spacious rooms. But if someone were really to listen, they’d hear it. It’s faint, like a heartbeat. A heartbeat just moments from dying. But it’s still there.

The rain is work of nature. And no matter what, nature can never be erased.

In Candor, the rain falls gently. The clouds fill up with lies, as the sky turns dark with deception. Then, at one point, it all overflows.

The rain pours down, with a cool calmness. It’s like it lets go of everything. The clouds have a new start, away from the troubles they have caused.

You see, the truth is like drops of rain. It melts away the sorrow in our lives. And when the sun returns, it always shines brighter than before.

Here, in Dauntless... it’s a different story.

The rain isn’t peaceful... nor is it to be ignored. The rain is an obstacle. If I really want to fight, I can’t be defeated by something as simple as water.

So, I train. It doesn’t matter how hard the rain is falling. I never give up, and I never will. It’s that determination that keeps me alive.

I guess, that’s what makes me Dauntless. Not the courage, but the willingness to make sacrifices... the willingness to risk my life for others. I may not make it in the end, but at least, I would have made a difference.

Only this time, there’s a problem.

This time, I've been defeated by the rain.

Edited by monochrome
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Seniorstatus14 - thanks! I'm continuing this now! :D

The prologue was longer than I expected... sweatdrop.gif

Chapter 1 is kind of rushed, and I didn't write it that well. But if anyone's still reading this, here:

Chapter 1


Surprised, I release the knife. It cuts through the air, curving sharply away from my target.

Then it disappears into the shadows. Wincing, I expect to hear it crash.

But somehow... it never does.

Instead, someone catches it. The figure steps out of the darkness. My eyes widen, realizing who it is.


He’s holding the knife in his left hand. His fingers are an inch away from the blade... an inch away from destruction. If I’d thrown it a little harder, if I’d moved my hand a little more, then...

I force the thought from my mind. I can feel my bottom lip trembling, so I bite it to keep it still. Four would be fine, I reassure myself. He knows how to avoid knives. He’s not that stupid.

But no matter what, I can’t ignore the sinking feeling inside my stomach. So instead, I focus on a good excuse.


“Tris.” His voice distracts me from my thoughts.

I look up, my heart pounding with dread. Not now. Any time but now...

I stand there for a moment, frozen. Then I realize he expects an answer. So, quietly, I murmur... “Yeah?”

Tobias smirks, a playful gleam in his eyes. “You know, that was bad. Even for a Stiff.”

I force a grin onto my face. Like maybe then, he won’t notice that I’m pale and shaking. “I can throw better than that,” I retort.

“Then prove it.”

I stare at the target. In my mind, I picture the knife’s path as it sails through the air.

Suddenly, I feel dizzy. The world blurs before my eyes, as I struggle to keep my vision straight. Why is it so hard to focus? I wonder, gritting my teeth.

My headache surges. A wave of dizziness overcomes me, as I stumble backwards, leaning onto the wall. What’s wrong with me? I wonder. I try to regain my balance, but I can’t.

His smirk is gone, a frown in its place. “Tris,” He says softly. “Are you okay?”

“I... I need to rest for awhile,” I stutter. “See you.” Then I turn away, leaving him there.

When I finally reach my room, my face is wet.

That took a long time...

Anyways, should I continue this? Thanks for reading! :D

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Oooh, Divergent.... :D

I love how you described the rain in the beginning. Don't ask if you should continue, continue no matter what; there are always people reading and loving it!

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Although I'm not a fan of female sneezing, so I probably won't be keeping much track of this story, I just had to comment to tell you that you're writing is amazing. I especially love the prologue about the rain and how deeply you understand the different factions. Great job and definitely continue. :)

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Ooo I love the divergent fandom I love your writing! Even though I am not a fan of female sneezing its still awesome!

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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE DIVERGENT! I was so obsessed with the books, I read them all in like three days! Haha I am so happy you wrote a fic about it! It is extremely well written! And I totally agree with MoonDuck you should continue as long as you want!:) there are always people reading even if they don't respond!

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Wow, thank you all so much! I didn't expect this story to have any readers... you guys really make my day. :D

This chapter is pretty weird... It doesn't really make sense. At all. sweatdrop.gif

//Hides in a corner and cries

Chapter 2

I’m not in the mood for breakfast.

More accurately, I’m not in the mood for anything. Especially eating. But just to prove that I’m fine, I force myself into Dauntless kitchens.

A few bites won’t hurt. Right...?

I take a seat. A moment later, Tobias joins me.

Secretly, I steal a glance at him. His hands are folded in his lap; his shoulders relaxed. He looks as calm as always. But I’m not fooled... His eyes are sharp and bright, and I know he’s ready for anything.

I look away, my face growing hot. Tobias takes my hand, and I smile, closing my fingers around his.

“Thanks,” I whisper. “I really needed that.”

“So...” His lips form the dreaded question. “How are you feeling?”

I look away, averting his glance. I can’t tell him the truth. So I ignore his question, hoping he’ll drop the subject. “Oh, um... How was training yesterday?”

It’s a stupid question, not worth asking. But still, anything’s better than making him worry...

“Tris.” He gazes sternly into my eyes, and my heart skips a beat. “Don’t change the subject.”

“I’m fine.” I lie. “Really.”

Suddenly, I’m struck with the urgent need to sneeze. I can’t hold it back, no matter how hard I try...

“Hi’kshh! Hi-hi’tscht!”

He raises an eyebrow, and I can tell he doesn’t believe me. “Yeah. You’re totally fine.”

I shrug. “I’m just tired. I couldn’t really sleep last night,” I say defensively. It’s a lie, but I hope it will do.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t fall for it. “No, seriously.” The corners of his mouth twitch into a smile. “Are you okay?”

He stares at me. His eyes are dark blue, almost black, and I can see my reflection inside of them.

His expression is so gentle, so forgiving. And for a moment, I want to tell him everything. I’m not okay. I’m sick, and I’m in no shape for training.

But I can’t do it. I can’t trouble him, I can’t admit to weakness. So I retain my composure, even if it kills me inside.

“I already told you. I’m fine,” I snap. “It doesn’t matter, anyways. You have more important things to worry about.”

I spit out the explanation like it’s bitter. And for the first time, I wonder what prompts me to say it.

Am I really afraid of worrying him? Or am I just too embarrassed to admit that I’m sick?

When I look up, there’s a pained expression in his eyes. It hurts to know that I’m the reason for it. “Tris, that’s not–”

But before he can finish his sentence, I turn around, running from the room. My footsteps echo in the empty hallways, as the kitchen grows smaller and smaller in my vision.

When I’m sure he can’t see me anymore, I collapse onto the ground. A drop of water trickles down my cheek, followed by another.

I thought I was strong. But deep inside, I’m not meant to be Dauntless. I can’t admit the truth, not even to the people I love.

I’m a coward.

Should I write more?

*Silence, crickets*

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A short part I wrote... for no reason...

To compensate for the sucky third part


Chapter 3

Something isn’t right.

Usually, the mornings are loud. The Dauntless wake before the sun, when the world is still dark. Then, they proceed to talk until the day is over.

Their incessant chatter echoes throughout the halls. It’s the lifeblood of the building... after all, the Dauntless would be incomplete without their fiery spirits.

But today... everything is silent. Christina is hovering over my bed, worry evident in her dark features. “Come on, Tris. We have to go. Now.

“Is something wrong?” Tiredness hangs over my voice, as I prop my head up on my chin.

She shakes her head. “No time to explain. If you want to live, then come with me.”

I push myself upright. As I follow her outside, a familiar smell drifts into the hallway. Smoke.

Suddenly, I know why Christina is so frantic.

The compound’s on fire.

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  • 3 months later...

*starts singing* "it's killing meee! And I-I must confess-" dude I am dyyyying for more of this.

~dead~ *-*

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. We need a hundredth part to this. On second thought, 2 hundred. Yeah-that's more like it. LOL this is good stuff. I think you should keep going. This is getting good, and I'm not a fan of cliffhangers (What I mean is that they drive me insane wondering what will happen) Not that I'm insane or anything. *Twitch* No, not insane. *Twitches again* No, never insane........

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