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Noragami Yato x Hiyori


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have to ask this before i start

in the tags box, what does SwH mean? its driving me mad XD

ok, and after that,YAAAAAAy a full length Noragami fic by yours truly :3 hope you guys enjoy my obscure fandoming xD

Hiyori woke up in the morning in her brothers bed. She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes and yawning tiredly, Yukine, who had been sleeping next to her for the night twitched slightly in his sleep, but he didn’t wake up. She was having him stay over for a few days to give him a rest from sleeping out in the cold, but when she realised that he was too scared of the dark to sleep alone she had ended up having to stay with him. She wobbled out of the room as though she was still half asleep and was walking down the corridor towards the stairs, then through the slightly open door to her room she saw a slight bump beneath the blankets on her bed.

Somewhat hesitantly, Hiyori walked into her bedroom and saw Yato curled up in a ball in her bed, fast asleep and snoring lightly through his nose. His face was a sickly pale shade of white and his cheeks were flushed, his nose was pink and twitching slightly, and he looked as though he was in pain. She gasped slightly, she had been expecting it to be Yato, but she had never imagined that the happy go lucky god could ever look so sickly.

“Yato…? Are you ok?” She asked hesitantly and the minor god snorted quietly in reply, turning over in his sleep and scrubbing at his small irritated nose with the back of his hand. Hiyori walked slowly over to him and put her hand on his forehead. “Yato…you’re warm! Are you sick?”

Yato groaned weakly and cracked open one of his eyes.

“Nuhhgmmm…*snff* H…Hiyori…HeAkshoo!” He sneezed openly straight up into the air, Hiyori would have been disgusted if she wasn’t so worried about her friend, since he looked delirious with fever. “*Snff* tha you?”

“Mmm, I’m here,” she smiled, gently stroking his hot forehead, she could feel him shivering violently as she sat down on the side of the bed and she resisted the urge to run for more blankets, since she knew that it wouldn’t help his fever.

“S…sorry, I…IhhKshuu!” this time he tried to turn away from her, but he was still too tired to bring his hands up to cover, “I shoudandt habe cobe here, *snff* I should g-guhhh…GuuuKtchuu!” He sat up slightly as though he was going to try to get up and leave, but he had barely gotten his head off of the pillow before he collapsed back down with an exhausted sigh as though he had pushed himself too far.

“You’re not going anywhere until your feeling better,” she lightly massaged his head, watching his eyelids flutter delicately as he drifted in and out of conciousness, “you probably got this way by sleeping outside in the freezing cold every night, a good nights rest in a warm bed will do you some good.”

She sat back, watching him breathe heavily as he drifted back to sleep, and found herself blushing at some of the things she had said to him while she had been swept up in the moment. She was sincerely regretting not asking Yato to stay at her house for a while as well as Yukine, but she had assumed, since he always seemed bursting with energy, that gods somehow didn’t get tired or cold or sick. Seeing him this weak made her regret being so mean to him. Quietly, so that she didn’t disturb him, Hiyori stood up and walked slowly towards the door, then as soon as she got out of the room she set off running frantically down the corridor.

“HeaaGnktchuu!” As soon as he was sure Hiyori was gone, Yato let out the sneeze he had been holding and sat up slowly, propping the pillows up behind his head to keep himself upright. He’d been feeling as though he had a cold coming on ever since the day before, which was what had prompted him to sneak in to Hiyori’s house for the night, but he had woken up feeling infinitely worse than he had when he had fallen asleep. Honestly he was starting to regret that decision now. He had to admit that it felt amazing to snuggle up in a warm bed after spending so many nights sleeping rough, but he’d been sure that he would wake up in time to sneak out again before Hiyori found him, and being caught in his weakened state was unbearably embarrassing for him. He cringed inwardly just thinking about it, the crimson blush on his cheeks blended right in to his already fever flushed face. Shivering tiredly, he debated trying to warp out quickly before she came back, but he barely had the strength to lift his head up right now, and he wasn’t sure he would be able to do it even if he tried, so he decided not to waste his strength.

“HeNgktchuu! Tchshoo!” he smothered a loud explosive pair of sneezes into the bed sheets, his entire body shuddering violently each time he snapped forward, then he immediately broke into a harsh coughing fit.

“Ughhh…I feel terrible… *snff*” he admitted to himself, wiping his runny nose on his jersey sleeve, his voice sounded dry and hoarse. When he swallowed thickly to try and loosen it up, the razor sharp pain in his throat made him cough again, “I thigk I’b dyig. HeGnktchuu!”

“Bless you!” Hiyori smiled kindly as she came back into the room, carrying a heavy looking tray overflowing with things that Yato couldn’t quite distinguish. “I could hear you sneezing all the way downstairs, it’s a good thing you have no presence or else we’d be busted by now.”

He knew she was trying to make light of the situation, but he didn’t have the strength to laugh.

“*snff* sorry bout… this… Hiyori… *snff* I’ll only stay til… *snff* til I cad…move…again…” he started to trail off towards the end as though he was either falling asleep or just lacking the strength to talk properly, but then Hiyori noticed his pink nostrils start to twitch and his half closed eyes jolted open wide as a slightly panicked expression became prominent on his face. He sniffled wetly and pawed at his nose delicately with the back of his hand.

“Nuhh…need to snehh…s-sneeze, *snff* don’t w-want to… uhnnnnnn…*snff* h-hurts…heh…Hektchuu!”

Without much hope of holding back, the sneeze exploded out of him and he snapped forward, his body automatically sitting him up slightly, as he laid back down he groaned and winced in pain. Hiyori smiled gently and plucked a couple of tissues from the box she had brought up, then before she even realised what she was doing, she found herself reaching over and wiping gently all around his nose.

‘in for a penny, in for a pound’ she thought to herself, and told him to blow.

“Right, food time,” she picked up a bowl of chicken soup off of the tray and brought the spoon up to his lips, “hope you’re hungry, you need to eat before you can take any medicine.”

Blushing almost crimson from embarrassment, Yato sipped at the soup, but he only got halfway down the bowl before he was feeling full. Hiyori tried to convince him to have another couple of spoons, but he just lolled his head back and refused to sit up until she out the bowl down, so she quickly gave up and just fed him some medicine.

“*snff* thags, Hiyori” he murmured quietly, his eyelids starting to droop again almost the second he laid down. Hiyori smiled and pulled the blankets up over his shoulders, tucking him in tightly so he’d be warm, “will you stay wid be…until I… fall asleep?”

“Of course,” she sat down beside him and he slowly shuffled towards her until his head was resting on her lap. She lightly brushed her fingers through his hair until he closed his eyes and his breathing became slow and deep, then she gently lowered his head back onto the pillow and went off to do some homework until he woke up.

i did have plans tocontinue this, but then im having this weird block and now i cant figure out how to. i will do more if you want, but you'll have to give me some ideas xD

heehee :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hehe thanks! I don't think this fandom I very popular on here so I'm glad you liked it ^0^

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Hehe thanks! I don't think this fandom I very popular on here so I'm glad you liked it ^0^

It seems to have fallen into obscurity...

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Ah! Noragami! I knew I'd seen this in the recent tag in the past few days. I just watched through episode 9 and it's wonderful! This is really cute, and totally hits the spot after watching Yato suffer all the stinging... Huehuehue I am such a sucker for hurt/comfort. Thanks for sharing! :D

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Hehehe I'm glad you liked! I've done quite a few drabbles of yato on my thread, but it was really hard writing a full length for some reason ghee xD

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  • 1 year later...

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