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As Long As You're With Me (Ape Escape/Saru Getchu: JakeNatalie, M/F, Fever)


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Title: As Long As You're With Me

Fandom: Ape Escape (Saru Getchu)

Author's Note: This is based upon the tenth episode of Saru Getchu On Air 01, Monkey Roadshow!, where Jake (Hiroki) spontaneously buys tickets to Madly in Love in the hopes that Natalie (Natsumi) will accompany him to the theater. Shortly after returning from a Getchu mission, he collapses with a fever which he had gotten from his friend, Spike (Kakeru). This was supposed to be an elaboration on the event, but it seems to be centered more so on Natalie and Jake's bond than anything else. I am unsure of whether or not I will revise or add to this, but I may choose to visit it in the future and tweak it. Also, as an additional aside: I used the characters' English names because I figured that it would be easier to relate to. Should I go into more detail with this or should I leave it as is? Thoughts are appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ape Escape (Saru Getchu) or any of the characters in it! All rights belong to Sony Entertainment and SCE Japan Studio.


“How’s he doing, grandpa? Has his fever gone down any?” the concerned query of a girl sounded, her voice drifting from where she stood in the doorway to the living room. Her shoes clunked faintly against the floor as she drew nearer to the elder.

“I’m afraid not, Natalie. On the contrary, it’s getting higher” the Professor answered contritely, giving a shake of his head as if to further affirm his statement.

“Oh…” she murmured. Her brows knit together in worriment as she let her gaze fall on the boy who lay upon the couch, his body quavering although a heap of blankets enshrouded him.

“Not to worry. I’ll whip up my special tonic. He’ll be better in no time” Dr. Ozel announced confidently, making sure that his voice was pertinent enough to reel his granddaughter back to reality. He laid his palm consolingly on her shoulder before shuffling out of sight.

She absently stared after her grandfather’s fleeting figure for a moment before returning her attention to the one she had inquired about. I hope he’ll be all right she thought as she watched the labored rise and fall of Jake’s chest. She approached the couch and knelt upon her knees in adjacency with it. His hair was dampened with perspiration, causing it to adhere stubbornly to his blazing flesh. Tentatively, Natalie brushed her fingers along the Jake’s flushed cheeks and moved a few of the sodden locks aside. He’s really burning up.

As she hovered over him, Natalie realized that Jake was wheezing. She wondered whether or not she should rouse him to see if he was all right, but imagined her grandfather chastising her about not letting the boy get proper rest, and thus let the notion fizzle out of her mind. Her eyes roved over the figure before her, and her thoughts grew more apprehensive. Jake’s form was determinedly shaking and bathed in sweat; his clothes thereupon clinging to his body. His roseate cheeks glowed, the harsh contrast between their tinge and that of the rest of his pigmentation betrayed just how high his temperature had skyrocketed since morning.

“Nat…alie?” the boy croaked, his voice sounding heavily strained. He fell silent once more, and to the girl who had been addressed it seemed as though he had muttered the name in his sleep. However, a weak “Nugh” was issued, indicating Jake had indeed stirred at long last.

“Jake!” Natalie gasped. “How are you feeling?”

Jake gave a flustered grunt in response, apparently slightly abashed by his crush’s presence. “What’re you doing here? Didn’t you go to see Madly in Love with Spike?” he asked. The expression he wore was one of bewilderment; his brows raised with intrigue instead of furrowed with pain. He let his head fall to the side and set his half-lidded sorrel eyes upon Natalie.

A soft smile played about Natalie’s lips and she shook her head, her pigtails bouncing with the motion. “Grandpa and Spike went, but I stayed behind to keep an eye on you” she explained.

Jake’s face became alight with gratification as he mulled Natalie’s words over in his mind. “Natalie!” he sang, his raspy voice filled with newfound vitality. For a while, he simply gaped at the girl who loomed over him, obviously overwhelmed with elation.

“Erm…Uh…Well, before he left, grandpa said something about a tonic. I should go check to see if he left one for you” Natalie stammered awkwardly, feeling incredibly withdrawn as she always did whenever Jake would openly swoon over her. She rose and made to turn away before a clammy hand closed over her own.

“Wait” he breathed. “Don’t go, Natalie”. Although he was in such a pitiful state, Jake seemed to teem with strength, albeit he never failed to handle Natalie with the utmost care. His grip slackened when Natalie pivoted and set her focus upon him once more, blushing faintly as their eyes met.

“All right, but you’re not weaseling out of taking that medicine, you hear? Don’t think I’ll forget” she warned him, flourishing an index finger as she spoke.

“Yes!” Jake cried. His grin reappeared and spread along his lips like wildfire. The thought alone of Natalie was always enough to fill Jake with ardor, but her presence tripled its potency. Again, he was gawking like an outright moron, but he was too swimmy-headed to be aware of how goofy he looked.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll be right here if you need me” she cooed. Another smile flitted across her face as she gave a nod and laid her hand upon the cushion. “You can give my hand a squeeze to get my attention, okay?” Her blush made a comeback as she finished speaking, however, she did not avert her gaze, driven to show her sincerity.

Jake’s returned the nod and gradually let his eyes droop, eager to fulfill Natalie’s wishes. With Natalie’s visage branded into his hazy subconscious, the feverish boy soon nodded off.

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