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The Monkess (sort of) "Cool it, baby. My porcelain crowns."


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Hi okay, so, this is less of a Monkees fic and more of an Alias Micky Dolenz fic. it's based on the characters Babyface and Ruby, from that episode. It's my favorite, and Babyface is such a babe, I had to write something up for him. (In case you haven't seen the episode, Babyface is basically Micky Dolenz with a gravely voice and a fedora.)

So, here goes!


The door to the Purple Pelican flew open, and in stepped a man. A man with a face that could only be described as vicious, cold, and mean. His dark brown eyes scanned the place from left to right, taking everything in, until they stopped on a thin blonde. He made his way over, pushing aside various men.

He took the dame by the arm, then turned to a table where three large men sat. The one with the dark eyes snapped and pointed away from the table, and like dogs obeying a call from their angry master, off they ran with their tails between their legs. The blonde sat first, then gave the man across from her a big smile.

She spoke in an airy, light voice, that sounded just like a particularly bad imitation of Marilyn Monroe. "Babyface, you're back!"

"That's right, baby." He smirked, fingering the ring on his left pinky. "I busted out this mornin'." His gravelly voice was soft, but with a firm authority behind it. He hardly ever raised his voice. He was the boss, the number one man. He didn't have to speak up for anybody. He was Babyface, and the boys had better listen. "Where's Tony and the guys?"

"In the back." She said, leaning in a bit, to show her cleaving cleavage in her low-cut black minidress. "Aren't you gonna give your Ruby a big kiss?"

He leaned in to give her one of his special kisses that he saved for only her, when a thought crossed his mind and he pulled back. "Cool it, baby. My porcelain crowns."

Ruby pouted slightly, knowing what that meant. He always used it as an excuse not to kiss her. Sometimes she wondered if he really just didn't care, but then she realized that even if he didn't, she'd still be there by his side, anyways. She was head over heels for Babyface Morales.

His voice became a hushed whisper as he leaned in. "Haven't you heard anything from Mugsy yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"He was supposed to contact Tony about the..." His voice trailed off, his eyebrows knitting together. He noticed for the first time then, an irritating itch in the back of his nose. The sentence came back to him as he decided to ignore it, in hopes that it would go away. "The break."

"Oh, no, I haven't heard anything from anyone since Tony took over. Nobody tells me anything." She crossed her arms. "Hmph."

The gangster blinked as he grabbed his girl's wrist suddenly. "Tony took over?"

"Well yeah," Ruby nodded towards the back door, "You've been gone a while, Babyface. And Tony's top dog now."

He let go of Ruby's wrist and stood up calmly and rigidly from the table. "He won't be for long." His nostrils flared with determination, and that seemed to have triggered that annoying itchy feeling again. He nonchalantly tried to rub at his nose without drawing attention- Specifically Ruby's- but it did very little to hinder the itch. He started his cool strut towards the back and reached for his gun, which was stashed in his trousers.

He tried with all his might to fight off he itch, pretend it wasn't there. But by time he'd reached the bar, he realized he was fighting a losing battle. His breath began to hitch, and just before he got to his gun, his hand flew to cover the sneezes.

"H'tCHXT... heh-HEPT'chnNG!" The stifled sneezes bent him in half, and were much louder than he'd hoped they would be. He tried to collect himself, but could feel the stares on him, or that he thought were on him, and it was heating him up.

In reality, only one pair of eyes were on the stopped man, and those crystaline eyes belonged to Ruby. "Bless you." She said quietly.

He hesitated. Was there a way out of it? No, no. Those sneezes were far to obvious to pass off as something else. And besides that, Ruby knew him better than anyone else in this whole rotten town."Thanks, baby." He said cooly, playing it off. But a small sniffle gave him away.



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