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Thank you for the wonderful comments! I’m so happy you like my little drabbies! w00t.gif

Surprise Visitor Part Three

They set her down on the crate and kneeled to each of her sides as she rubbed her head. “Sabrina?” Markus asked with worry. “You okay?” William, also known as Austin, added with a hand on her shoulder. She kept her eyes closed and head down as to ignore them and the dizziness. “I'm fine guys...just dizzy from the fumes snf.” Austin looked worried and rubbed her shoulder for her to look up. “If the fumes are botherin' ya, why are you around them?” “Yeah, they never bothered you before.” She glared at Markus for not going with her excuse, but for once he seemed to be serious and she looked back down. “Guys snf I’m fine. I've been working for a few hours without a break...I just hih!” She quickly brought her hand up to her face when her nose twitched suddenly. “Heh hetchu! Hak'choo!” She could feel a blush making itself present on her face and leaned farther down so they couldn’t see it. “Bless you. Let me guess, the fumes are making you sneeze too?”

She refused to answer and remained where she was. “Sabrina, if you're not feelin' well you should be home restin'. Not workin' on cars with all the fumes and oil.” Austin pat her shoulder and stood by her side. “Let me take ya home.” “No.” She said firmly and rose to her feet with a loud sniffle. “I'm perfectly fine. Besides, we have a lot of cars that need fixing and I promised to stay overtime since no one else is here.” She pulled out her handkerchief again and blew her nose lightly. “Overtime? Are you serious? You can't even stand for more than a few seconds.” Austin complained and followed her. “I said I’m fine dammit! Stop worrying about me and tell me why you're here.” He froze at her sharp tone as she turned to face him grimly. 'Yikes.' Markus thought. “Sabrina, we're just worried about you. You're not yourself today.” She kept her stare as if she didn’t hear and crossed her arms.

Austin growled a sigh and placed his hands on his hips. “Thanks for letting me in Markus, I can take it from here.” “But-” He paused when the two shared a firm glare towards each other, nodded, and then walked back to the office. When Austin knew he was gone he spoke in a softer tone. “Phoenix, do you know what day it is?” He asked. “It's Tuesday.” She grumbled under her breath. He waited for her to think for a moment. “Did you forget we were supposed to attend a Meeting today?” She thought for another moment and then her eyes widened. “Oh crap! Was that today?” “Yes. I came over to your house to get you but ya weren't there. Nancy told me about you going to work and explained that she was worried about ya.” “Dammit...” She ruffled her hair, but soon realized that was a bad idea as another wave of dizziness made her wobble. Austin decided against helping her steady back up for her to realize she needed it.

She braced herself against the car and exhaled a deep breath. “You see why you need to be home and restin'?” She grit her teeth angrily. She knew she should be, but she couldn’t exactly leave Nick to fix all the cars by himself while watching the trainee. “I...I can't. There's too much to be done...” She rubbed at her nose again at the returned irritation and sniffled. “Just tell everyone I can't make it snf.” “Uh uh. You owe me.” She eyed him curiously with a thick sniffle to not sneeze again. “I Al doesn’t know, I haven’t told him.” His glare was still present but Phoenix's dissipated. “Whah what do you mehhh mean you did heh...didn't hehhh...” She raised her hand again just in time. “Hetchu! Hekchoo! Heshu!” Austin was at her side instantly and pat her back soothingly until the fit ended. “Hek'choo! Hechu! Hnxch! Hnnck! Ugh...snnff.” She let out a tired sigh that lead to a fit of coughing and yet another wave of dizziness.

“Ya finished?” He asked while sitting her up. She gave a nod. “Bless ya. And I figured I wouldn’t tell'em because one, I hate that idiot. And two, I don't want to deal with him. So you're stuck with me.” Phoenix sighed again and looked up with a defeated grin. He gave one in return and pat her back a final time before moving away. “Alright snf...but I have to finish some cars first. I was serious about no one else being able to come in.” Austin looked away and sighed, scratching his head in irritation. “How many do ya have left?” He gave in to her honesty and decided to wait it out, seeing as how he wouldn’t win against her stubbornness or kindness or love of working with cars. She mimicked scratching her head as well and walked over to the tool cart and flipped through some paper. “I have...” She flipped through more papers and reflipped to count. “I’ve done three so far snf, so we have fourteen left in total. That's without minusing any that Nick might have finished...ugh. And I have to wait another hour before I get an actual break.”

“Well then hop to it. The sooner you get these cars fixed, the sooner you can go home and relax. You need any help?” He offered when he saw her grab a slide board to go under the next car with. “Nah snf I’ll be good. But you can go ask Nick how many he's done and mark them off for me.” “Will do, be careful under there.” “Yes mom.” She teased and slid under the car as he walked off to find Nick.

Yay! Part three is complete and four is in the making! I'm spending time with my Dad for a few days at a friend’s place so I'm sorry about this one being a bit crappy. sweatdrop.gif And updates may be slow because I don’t get enough privacy to write. But I assure you they will keep coming. Until then, I hope this will satisfy you! biggrinsmiley.gif

Edited by fang815
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