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Sick on the Plane - RPF Jensen Ackles


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This was supposed to be a drabble but it got too long. Beta'd by the lovely Sen Beret, who is the most awesome beta ever.

The plane ride is going to suck. It's not that I’m scared of planes (I'm not actually Dean Winchester), I just hate the silent judgement you get for being sick on a plane. And godfuckingdamn it, am I sick. There was no warning. I just woke up with a snot factory in my head and a cough like I had never stopped smoking. Oh, and a particularly delightful sore throat.

You know how awkward, disgusting and bothersome you feel when you’re sick in public? It’s a million times worse when you’re famous. Everyone is staring at you, not quite sure who you are, but they can almost place you. Meanwhile you’re hacking up a lung at too-fucking-early-o’clock in the goddamn airport.

Then there are the fans that don’t care how shit you’re feeling, because OH MY GOD IT'S JENSEN ACKLES. Aaaaaaaand here comes one now. She’s short, pretty, and running directly at me.

“OH. MY. GOD. YOU’RE JENSEN ACKLES!” She screams once she's about 5 feet away.

I’m trying to muster enough fucks to be nice but I “huhEEEEEEIISHUU!” I just can’t “EEIIISHT’UUU!” stop“IshhUU! HETISHHOO!” sneezing long enough.

“Ohmygod-ohmygod. I can’t believe it; I never thought I’d meet you Jensen, or should I call you Mr. Ackles?” She looked at me like I was God or something.

Sigh. Jedsed is okay. Uhh, scuuu… heh…scuuse bme eh’EITSHUU!” I turned as far away from her as possible. She’s talking again, but I’m so not done.

HEIIIIIISHUU! EtsSHHHH!” I may have hit her a bit with that one.

God, I’m so germy -- how can she even stand to be near me? She wasn’t just tolerating my presence, she revelled in it, she wanted to get closer to me. It was half endearing, half creepy. Either way I tried to be nicer.

“I’m always happy to beet a fand.” Well, not always. Not right now. Almost always. God my throat hurts


She started excited babbling but the booming PA voice cut her off. “Now boarding first class passengers for flight 19783AA Dallas to Vancouver.”

“That’s by fliggt, sorry.” I tried to soften the blow with my dazzling smile, but she was crushed.

“Before you go can I pleeeeeeeease get a picture with you?!”

“Are you sure wandt to gedt near to be righdt dnow? I’b godda gedt you sigk.”

I really don’t want to, I look like shit, I just know it; red nose, pale, pasty, stupid hair, feverish eyes, the whole package. Not how you want to be immortalized in a fan’s newest favourite picture, but God! She’s got puppy eyes to rival Jared’s.

“Sure, but please dond’t share it too buch, I bean, I loogk ligke shidt right dnow.”

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Sooo I know I've said to this to you already but this is SERIOUSLY perfect... his whole attitude, all bitter and tired and exasperated but still sweet enough to talk to a fan... it is very very Jensen. Your whole narrative is perfect, and I'm usually very wary of first person POV. You totally nailed it though. Honored to beta this for you!!

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Wow, this is really good, and can I just tell you that 'sick on a plane' fictions are on of my all time favorites!! The closeness of strangers, the embarrassment, just, damn, thank you!!! :D And of course, Jensen makes it one hundred times better!

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Omg thanks guys! I'm honored to have you beta me sen!

And Nola, Thanks :D I freaking loooooooove sick on planes fics. They're just delightful.

I might continue this

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Wow. This is awesome! I loved the whole dialogue and the attitude in the narrative and the sneeze spellings! Honestly, this is great! (:

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  • 3 months later...

I love the first person POV with Jensen! I liked his thoughts and everything.

ETA: Whoops, I just found this on Google and realized it said April, not August. Sorry for bumping an old thread

Edited by MoonDuck
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