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Summertime, and the Living is Sneezy - Disney Cars fanfic


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Hi, everyone! I happen to be working on what I hope will become a very sneezy "Cars" fanfic....it's going to feature sneezes from Susie the coupe (the animated Car that started my fetish for anthro Car sneezes) and hopefully some others

Here's what I have written so far...not many sneezes just yet, but there will be more to come! :)

Summertime and the Living is Sneezy

After an agonizingly, seemingly never-ending winter season, the warm weather had descended upon Radiator Springs, the peaceful, friendly town where all of the Cars lived. EveryCar was enjoying the summery weather in their own way. Lizzie, the grandmotherly Model T Ford, was out on her porch napping peacefully to country music playing softly on her radio. Doc Hudson and Lightning McQueen were playfully racing each other around the buttes outside of town. Sheriff was napping in his stakeout area behind the Radiator Springs billboard. Red, the shy fire engine, was out watering his small flower garden while Fillmore happily watched and “communed” with the plants as he did so. And Mater-well, don't tell Sheriff I told you, but he'd sneaked away for a little tractor-tipping.

Yes, everyone in Radiator Springs was out and about relishing the warmth, sunshine, and the distinct lack of slush, overcast skies, freezing rain and wind. Everyone, that is, except Susie, the little blue coupe.


“Yoo hoo, Susie,” Flo called softly outside the door of Susie's Cozy Cone. “You awake yet, sugar?”

Sally added, “We thought you might like to spend a little time outside today, that is, if you're feeling up to it.”

After a moment or two, a rustling sound and a few soft, sniffly and squeaky “kershooo's” could be heard from inside the little Cozy Cone. Then, the door slowly swung open to reveal a very sick – and sad - looking little blue convertible. Poor little Susie stood facing her two friends with her big, blue eyes full of tears and a very sniffly, runny nose that had turned a rather pleasing shade of pink from all the blowing and rubbing it had endured.

“Aaaww, baby, you've still got that bad cold, huh?” Flo cooed sympathetically, rolling forward to give Susie a gentle nudge.

“Huh-huh,” Susie wheezed, using her right fore-tire to rub upwards on her little pink-tinted, chrome-plated nose. “By doze is still all dribby ad all I do is sdeeze.” And she raised both front tires to rub at her teary eyes in the manner of a small, crying child – whether the teariness was due to her cold or to her actually being sad, Flo and Sally weren't sure.

“Ohh, you poor thing, you've had that cold for at least three weeks now,” Sally said. “I wonder why it's taking so long to go away.”

“I dod't dow,” Susie whimpered.

“Aw, well, why don't you come outside for awhile,” Flo suggested cheerfully. “All the new sunshine and flowers will put you in a better mood, and I bet the warm weather we've been having will dry that stubborn cold right up!”

“And while you're out,” Sally added, peering through Susie's doorway to get a good look at the various and sundry snowdrifts of used tissues piled up in her room, “ I'm going to go through and clean up all these used tissues and spray some disinfectant around. If we take steps to get rid of all the germs, that should help, too.”

“Okay,” Susie agreed, and she followed Flo to the V-8 Cafe while Sally went to get some trash bags and cleaning supplies.

...And there you have part one! I hope you like it so far. I know Susie didn't actually talk in the original cartoon, but I think it would be cute if she did, as long as it was the "right voice"....I like to think the actress Didi Conn (Frenchie from "Grease") would be fantastic as the voice of Susie. :)

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.....Also, please let me know if it's too hard to read, and I'll make another post with the dialogue and stuff more spaced apart. :)

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I thought this was very well done. I love the Cars universe and I've seen the cartoon a few times that features Susie. And I don't think it's hard to read at all :)

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I thought this was very well done. I love the Cars universe and I've seen the cartoon a few times that features Susie. And I don't think it's hard to read at all smile.png

Thank you very much, quantumsneeze42! I am very happy that you are enjoying it so far. :)

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I'm excited to see where this goes. smile.png

And a little love and comfort from Lightening would be neat too!

Thanks, ERWcst! I'll keep Lightning in mind. :) I promise I'll write more as soon as I'm not so busy with finals and moving out of the dorms! :)

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  • 1 month later...

All right, everyone, here's another installment to my story...there's a lot more Susie sneezes in this part, I can assure you! smile.png In this part, Susie's friends are beginning to realize that Susie may have more than a bad cold, but they're not sure what it could be. Hopefully the next part will bring some comfort from Lightning and the others, per the suggestion of ERWcst. smile.png My only concern is that I made the description of Susie's "sneeziness" a little too over-wrought...this is one of my first attempts at a sneezy fanfic. Hope you enjoy, though, and thanks to everyone who's read it so far! ^^


Unfortunately, the longer Susie stayed outside, the more she sneezed and rubbed at her eyes and nose.

“Flo,” Susie asked her friend, “H-h-hhhhooowww-haaaaa-choooo! How log does it usually dake for warb weather to dry up a code?”

“Well, it's the strangest thing, Susie,” Flo mused. “Your sniffling and sneezing has gotten even worse ever since you came outside.”

Flo quickly scanned the center of town for something that would take Susie's mind off of her sniffles. Then she spotted Red, the fire engine, watering his flowers near the statue of Stanley, Lizzie's late husband and the town's founder.

“ Why look, Susie, there's Red watering his flowers!” Flo exclaimed brightly. “Let's go see how he's doing.”

“O-okay,” Susie agreed. “I haven't seed Red id a while. He's probably beed woddering what happ-ed to be.”

As Red noticed the silhouettes of the two Cars approaching, he slowly lifted his gaze with a wary look. But when he noticed it was his friends Flo and Susie, and not a couple of nosy tourists come to break his private reverie, he smiled warmly and gave a friendly honk.

“Hello, Red! How are you today, sugar? My, but your flowers are looking beautiful today!” Flo remarked. She bent down to smell some of them. “Ooohh, that's lovely,” she sighed happily. “Susie, you should smell some, too!”

Susie obediently rolled forward to take a sniff from one of Red's dahlias, but before her little nose came within three inches of one of the blossoms, she began to feel even more sneezy than she had in the three weeks since her cold began. Her vision instantly became blurred with what seemed like gallons of stinging tears, and the insides of her nose felt as if a whole family of little VW bugs were crawling around the ticklish, sensitive, flushed nares of her chrome-plated nose. Poor little Susie felt so sneezy that her front and rear axles wobbled and gave way; plopping her on the ground.

“Susie, honey, are you all right?” Flo asked as Susie's teary eyes gently fluttered closed and she began to build up with squeaky, hiccuping breaths that became longer and more drawn-out with each one. “Oh, my goodness, baby, you're all sneezy again, aren't you?”

“Ahh...aaahhh...heehhh...hih, hih, hih...heeehhh...heeeehheeehheehh...heeAAaAhh...” Susie built up her sneezes, until they finally burst forth in the same soft, breathy way they had that morning. “Hah-shhhhhhoooohhh, kershoooo, kershooooo, kershooooo, hahaahh-shooooeeeyyy....” To Susie, it felt as if the sneezes would never stop, but she didn't much care about that. Her little nose itched and tickled so fiercely that all she could think about was how badly she needed to sneeze. She didn't want to stop until the unbearably tickly sensation subsided. She'd lie there in front of Red's flowers and sneeze all day and all night, if that's what it took.

By now, Red and Flo were very concerned. Flo pursed her lips and turned to look at the shy fire engine. “Red, I'm so worried about our little friend Susie, and I can tell you are, too,” she confided. “She's had the most awful cold for over three weeks now – ever since the weather changed from winter to spring.”

At this, Red leaned close to Flo and whispered in her ear – it was his preferred method of communication with his friends, since he hardly ever spoke aloud.

“Take her to see Doc Hudson?” Flo asked, repeating what Red had whispered to her. “Yes, I suppose that's what we'll have to do, if Susie doesn't stop sneezing soon. There isn't much a doctor can do for a cold, but this isn't like any cold I've ever seen. If anyone will know what to do, Doc will!”

Red then whispered in Flo's ear again. What Flo heard made her light up with a big smile.

“Why, that's awfully nice of you, Red, wanting to give Susie some of your flowers to cheer her up! You're such a good friend to think of that. As soon as Susie isn't quite so sneezy, you can give them to her, and then she and I will see what we can do about getting in to see Doc.”

Edited by SneezyCars
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