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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fresh Air (SPN fic)


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Written for Tarotgal's prompt on her meme: "Dean's just back from Hell and his favorite thing to do is drive his baby. Sam steps aside and lets him, of course. But Dean likes to drive with the music up and the windows down and Sam's got a new allergy to whatever's in this part of the country. Sam doesn't want to bring Dean down, so he pretends it's just a little cold, which means he has to fake sneeze at night when they're stopped at a motel (not hard, as the drive during the day has made him so congested)."



Sam frowns when he sees his brother pull his arm from its relaxed position on the windowsill and reach to roll the windows up.

“What are you doing?” Sam asks. “Dean, it was like, three sneezes. I’m fine.”

“Sammy, it’s the start of the season…”

“I’m okay,” Sam promises. He knows what driving the car means to Dean, especially after… well, after everything, and he wants him to have the Full Experience. “Leave it. I like the fresh air.”

Dean shrugs, grins, and turns up the music.

Maybe the roar of rock n roll will do its usual job of distracting Sam from his own thoughts – particularly, the reminder that the inside of his face has felt like it was buzzing ever since they crossed state lines a couple hours ago.

Sure, he’s always gotten seasonal allergies in one form or another, but the variance is high given how much they move around; something making him miserable one day would be gone by the time they blew town, and so on and so forth. There isn’t much telling when one region’s pollen season begins or when another one’s would be wrapping up, and then there are some places (like Baton Rouge) that tend get to him all year round.

It’s nice, sort of, because even during the peak of allergy season he knows that he’ll find relief once they close up the case, which really is all the more motivation to get things done. On the other hand, the unpredictability of it is a pain and more times than once he’s been knocked his ass unexpectedly just because his body didn’t know how to properly to its job.

Hh’TSCHCHh!” Exhibit A. “Uht’PtSSHh’uh!

“Sam?” Dean probes.

“I’m fine,” Sam says quickly. He presses his palm to the side of his nose and rubs it back and forth, but it doesn’t do much to help the itch. He can feel it getting worse as they drive further east, temperature and humidity both increasing.

Dean seems to accept Sam’s self-report, thank god, because he doesn’t comment further, just rocks his head and sings off-key to the music.

Dean isn’t talking much these days – at least, not what he should be talking about. But Sam gets it. Really. He has no way of telling what Dean’s been through, and if Sam himself can’t directly help Dean to cope with it, the least he can do is allow him these small, joyful indulgences.

Apparently, his nose isn’t so gracious. “HpCHHSHhuh! Uh’hh… huh’hhtKGSSHhew! KHT’TSHHew!

Peripherally, Sam sees Dean quirk an eyebrow, and he knows he’s just one sneeze away from dampening Dean’s good time. It’s suspicious; he doesn’t ever normally sneeze this much unless he’s either sick or allergic.

NGHKTCHh’ew! Sorry.” He’s resisting the urge to rub at his eyes, which are hot and dry and probably just seconds from watering. “Uh. Think I might be getting sick, or something.”

“Really,” Dean says. It’s more challenging than curious, a curt way of saying I don’t believe you.

“Throat’s been kinda sore for a couple days,” Sam elaborates. It hasn’t, but he figures that maybe with everything else going on, Dean hadn’t noticed… or might assume that it was something that he hadn’t noticed, at least.

Thankfully, mercifully, Dean reaches into the backseat – without breaking the rhythm of his steering wheel tapping, or taking his eyes off the road – and rummages around before producing a mostly-full bottle of Gatorade.

“Here,” he says, handing the bottle over to Sam. “Better stay hydrated, then.”

Sam clears his throat and unscrews the cap, sniffling a few times before he finally takes a drink. He swallows it down quickly when he feels the itch inside his face begin to grow.

Uhh’hhTCHHSHuh!” He’s turned away from Dean, facing the window, and he feels the liquid slosh inside of the bottle as he jerks forward. At least these are a little lighter and less powerful than the ones he gets when he’s been coming down with something. “Huh’EHSSHhEW!


It’s a good few hours before they finally stop for the night, during which Sam has developed grossly swollen, dry sinuses as well as a raw feeling in his throat from making the explosions more vocal than they would be naturally – for the sake of keeping up the façade, at least; for the sake of keeping his brother happy.

“You’re ndot goindg out?” Sam asks from the bed furthest from the door, his eyes on Dean as he searches through his duffel for a tshirt to sleep in.

“Figured you could use an early night,” Dean says with a shrug. “Wouldn’t wanna wake you up coming back late or anything.”

“It’s fide,” Sam promises. God, his voice is shot.

“Besides,” Dean adds, “I don’t like leaving you alone when you’re sick. Especially in a town like this.”

What he means is a town full of danger and sin – a town full of excitement. Definitely Dean’s cup of tea these days, and Sam’s keeping him from having a good time… which is the exact opposite of what he wanted.

“It’s just a cold,” Sam insists – although, admittedly, he is starting to feel better now that they’re indoors. “Really. I’mb good here.”

“Nah,” Dean finalizes, taking his bag of toiletries from the duffel. “I figure we can just chill here tonight, get an early start tomorrow. You want first shower?”

“You go ahead,” Sam allows. Once Dean’s in the bathroom, Sam unfocuses his eyes and glances at the bedside lamp until… “Hh’hh! HuhITSSHHhUH! HehIHSHCHUH!

“Hey, Sammy?” Dean calls, just before Sam hears the shower turn on, water echoing as it hits the tile.

“Yeah?” Sam calls back, the bottom half of his face obscured by a fresh tissue from the motel’s complimentary box on the nightstand.

A box of antihistamines – not cold medicine – soars from the bathroom doorway and lands softly on Sam’s bed.


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  • 4 months later...

Okay, I'm already slacking, so I thought I might as well read this one too!

and then there are some places (like Baton Rouge) that tend get to him all year round.

:heart: Have I told you lately that I love you??

“Really,” Dean says. It’s more challenging than curious, a curt way of saying I don’t believe you.

I effin' love Dean! And poor Sam, trying to get the upper hand and making up an illness and Dean just sees right through him...

Thankfully, mercifully, Dean reaches into the backseat – without breaking the rhythm of his steering wheel tapping, or taking his eyes off the road – and rummages around before producing a mostly-full bottle of Gatorade.

I don't even know why....but I love the thought of brothers and friends sharing bottles, or drinking from someone else's when they're done with it. :bag:

God, his voice is shot.


A box of antihistamines – not cold medicine – soars from the bathroom doorway and lands softly on Sam’s bed.


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This! This is amazing omg I was so excited by the prompt - you did an awesome job with ittt!

Aww, thanks buddy!! First one I filled in that meme. :D


Looooove him omg :heart:

Okay, I'm already slacking, so I thought I might as well read this one too!

and then there are some places (like Baton Rouge) that tend get to him all year round.

heart.gif Have I told you lately that I love you??

“Really,” Dean says. It’s more challenging than curious, a curt way of saying I don’t believe you.

I effin' love Dean! And poor Sam, trying to get the upper hand and making up an illness and Dean just sees right through him...

Thankfully, mercifully, Dean reaches into the backseat – without breaking the rhythm of his steering wheel tapping, or taking his eyes off the road – and rummages around before producing a mostly-full bottle of Gatorade.

I don't even know why....but I love the thought of brothers and friends sharing bottles, or drinking from someone else's when they're done with it. bag.gif

God, his voice is shot.


A box of antihistamines – not cold medicine – soars from the bathroom doorway and lands softly on Sam’s bed.


Heeee! I love YOU! :heart: Louisiana is great for allergy stuff, right?? And yes, Dean is the best. He always knows!

Sharing drinks is so intimate, I think! Maybe because I am so grossed out by spit and stuff, so like, I think it's extra sweet with other people don't notice/care and aren't aware of germs and stuff, so they don't give it a second thought and put their lips on the same bottles all the time! It's one of my favorite things. Gotta remember to include it more...

And yeah, hoarse voices. Wow! So into it!! Throat stuff is always so cute...

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This was great! Love the fact that Dean just knew anyway. And Sam inducing sneezes by looking at the lamp light was just brilliant! :)

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This was great! Love the fact that Dean just knew anyway. And Sam inducing sneezes by looking at the lamp light was just brilliant! smile.png

Hee, thank you!! I think that a lot of girls on the forum have a collective headcanon about Sam being photic... not sure who started it but I am sooooo not complaining!!!

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Awww, Dean bugging Sam, but eventually getting him some meds! That's adorable and totally in-character! Thanks! :)

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