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Link and Sheik fluff- ocarina of time


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hahaha oh yet another fic from me xD i swear i cant stop xD

well, as long as you don't mind animania reflecting her unfulfilled romantic dreams into cute couply fluff then thats all good (Y)

oh Link you big lovey you xD

“Listen, an arctic breeze is blowing from the Zora’s river!” Navi chirped repetively in Link’s ear, the young hero grimaced at her shrill voice and put his hands over his ears.

“I kdow, I cad feel it!” He sniffled thickly and rubbed an index finger underneath his red nostrils. He looked over to the empty pool where he had defeated the creature in jabu jabu’s belly seven years ago, there was nothing there but icy cold water now. A violent shiver wracked his thin shoulders and he wrapped his arms around his chest for warmth, his fingers were numb and red as were his cheeks and his nose, he took a deep breath of sharp cold air in through his mouth and then coughed stiffly.

“Link, you need to get some rest, lets find somewhere to stop for tonight.” Navi sounded concerned, and she had a right to be, ever since Link had heard that Zelda had never been found after she was kidnapped 7 years ago, he had become dangerously obsessed with finding her, he had defeated both the kokiri forest and death mountain sage temples without stopping for a second, even to sleep, and now he was physically and mentally at his limit. His eyes were red, watery and sore looking, with thick black bags underneath them, he couldn’t go five seconds without them trying to flutter closed.

“I can’s afford to sleep, I need to…find…Zehh…hehh…” he froze midstep, his chest heaving up and down violently, his expression grew blank and the edges of his pink nose twitched slightly. He raised his hand and hovered it in front of his face as he waited, his mouth open wide, his head slowly started to tilt backwards as he let a series of deep hitching breaths wrack his tired body.

“Hahh…Haaahhhh…HAAAGKTCHUU!” He snapped forward with an incredibly loud sneeze that threw him so far forward he bent almost down to his knees. He stayed bent over for a minute as though he didn’t have the strength to pull himself back up, gasping for air, then he slowly dragged himself up and pressed his index finger against the underneath of his red nose, which still tickled slightly.

“Not catching a cold, are you?” A slightly playful male voice rang out from behind him, it made Link shiver slightly when he heard it, though that could just have been the fact that he was up to his knees in snow, “It looks bad for the fate of the world if the hero of time catches a cold.”

“Sheigk,” he commented tiredly, as though he couldn’t be bothered to mistrust the Sheikah boy, it didn’t really matter since they had met and saved each other so many times by this point, Link was sure that he wasn’t a bad guy, “no, I dohh…don’t hahh..haaaveKtsh! Have a cuhh… cold…HeeKgtchuu! Dot dat ids ady of your busidess…Huhh…Huhh…Huhh…HAAGKTCHUU!” He choked out, quite unconvincingly, and trailed off with another earth shaking sneeze that made him bend forwards into his knees, when he stood back up again he looked even more dishevelled than before.

“Bless you!” Sheik almost laughed, touching his ears lightly as if to imply that he had gone deaf, “that’s quite a sneeze you got there, you trying to develop a new weapon against Gannon?”

“Shud ub, Sheigk,” Link gave a thick liquid sniffle and coughed quietly into his hand, “for sobe reasod, by sdeezes always ged really strong ad loud whed by body is really weagk or cold. *sniff*”

“Maybe your body is trying to tell you something?” Sheik grinned, but Link only frowned in response, then his eyes started to grow lidded once more and his breath started to hitch loudly, Sheik walked over to him quickly and pinched the young hero’s nose between his index finger and thumb, and held it like that until the sneezy expression had gone from his eyes, “well, either way, you’re going to crack a rib if they keep coming like that, if you’ll come and sit down and rest a while, I’ll give you something good.”

It was no use, Link was too curious and too tempted by the offer, his shivering weak body couldn’t bear to go on any longer without rest, so he silently let the Sheikah boy lead him to a small, dry cave only a short distance away from where they had been standing. He sat the young hero down against the wall and then eased down beside him, Link made sure to lean away from him at first, but as time went past he decided to throw away his pride and found himself a warm, comfortable pillow on Sheik’s shoulder. He felt slightly strange snuggling up to another man, and a potential enemy none the less, but he was just so tired and it felt so good that he really couldn’t help himself. Within minutes, there was a warm fire going and Link was feeling so pleasantly comfortable that he was starting to fall asleep, until a slight tickle in the back of his nose jolted him back awake.

“Huh…Huhh…Shh-Sheihhhkk…Hahh…” he mumbled into the other boys arm, too dazed and paralysed by exhaustion to lift himself up or even turn his head away, “I’m gohh…gonna…ahhh…”

“It’s ok,” Sheik murmured quietly, looking unconcerned as the hero struggled with all his might to keep from sneezing on him, “just let it go.” He wriggled his nose desperately and fought it back for as long as he could, but only a few seconds later he lost the battle and snapped forward into Sheik’s sleeve with a ticklish sounding triple.

“HeKtshu! HeKgtchu! HuKgtchu!” He sniffled wetly and snuggled his itchy nose into the Sheikah’s arm with an embarrassed blush decorating his cheeks, “Sheigk, I’b sorry, I could’dt hold id ady longer.

“I told you, its fine,” Sheik smiled, patting the hero’s blonde head soothingly, Link relaxed against his touch, then another deep shuddering breath wracked his chest as his sensitive nose started to tickle again and another sneezy urge started to build up, “that’s your problem, you’re too kind. If you need to sneeze then just sneeze, don’t hold them back for my sake.” Seeing that Link didn’t seem to be getting the message, Sheik moved away his arm and snuggled the tired boy against his chest, then reached down and began teasing Link’s already tortured nose with his index finger, tracing his nail around his twitching nostrils and across his septum, tapping lightly on the bridge, and when none of that worked, inserting the tip of his nail just slightly inside and wiggling his finger against the sensitive walls.

Link had thought his nose itched badly to begin with, but with the addition of Sheiks ticklish touch the poor hero couldn’t bear it any longer, he took in a deep gasp of air before exploding forward with a fit of quick consecutive sneezes.

“Hahh…Ktshu! Hgktch! Gktchu! HeHeGktchu! Ktshu! Too exhausted to even try to hold them in, Link’s willpower crumbled and he burst out with a fit of unrestrained sneezes, they were softer than his usual ones because he was curled up in a position that restricted his chest, but he was grateful for that, since they came out mostly dry. He would have died of embarrassment if he had gotten Sheik’s clothes all covered in snot. Even after Link had stopped holding back, the Sheikah boy kept on teasing at his nose, lightly coaxing him into sneezes after sneeze, long past the point where he would have stopped naturally on his own. Link was somewhat curious as to why, but the sneezes felt nice and relieving, and if he stopped now he’d probably just return to the sniffly, perpetually tickly nosed miserable state he had been in for quite some time now, so he left Sheik to work on his nose, which twitching ever so slightly whenever the Sheikah found a new sensitive spot to exploit.

“Heh…HgKtchu! KgTchu!”

“ Well, this is going well,” He grinned, the hand that wasn’t busy scrabbling all over Link’s nose gently cradled the back of his head, holding him tenderly against his chest. As much as Sheik tried to fight it, he gradually became more and more girlish the longer he spent with Link, as though princess Zelda’s soul was thrashing around inside of him, desperate to break free. Since Link didn’t seem to notice however, he thought that it would be ok to at least indulge her for the time being.

“Here? What about if I touch here? Itchy itchy itchy! And a little tickle right here? Oh yeah, that’s the spot, isn’t it?” He squirmed his fingers all around Link’s sensitive nose, matching his touches to the sneezy expression on Link’s face, he knew exactly which spots would produce the best reactions. Somehow, all the teasing words he spoke seemed to make Link even more responsive to his touch “my my, aren’t you sensitive?”

“Hah…ahh…” Sheik stopped his teasing as Link turned over onto his back and rested his head on his lap, looking straight up into his eyes, face looked flushed and his pink nose was twitching slightly as he hovered on the edge of a sneeze, Sheik found himself wearing Zelda’s blush. Then Link reached up and pointed to a small spot on the bridge of his nose with a trembling hand, “S-sheik…here.”

The Sheikah boy silently complied, and grazed his fingertip lightly over the spot Link had pointed to, immediately his face contorted with a sneezy expression and he let out a soft ‘HeKtchu’ straight up into the air.

“Well bless you,” Sheik remarked, before he continued to tease the boy’s twitchy nose, “see, you’re getting the hang of this.”

He lightly tickled the soft, slightly rounded tip of Link’s thin nose and the young hero scrunched up his face in the most adorable way before letting out the softest feather light ‘Ksh’ of a sneeze that Sheik had ever heard from him, the princess Zelda inside of him melted.

“Oh, I think I’ve found a little sneeze button here,” he giggled, neither of them realising that it was princesss Zelda’s girlish laugh that came out, and he started to repeatedly stroke that same sensitive spot with his finger, coaxing a mixture of childish giggles and feathery sneezes from the young hero.

“Hahaha, S-shei…Ksh! Sheeiik! Ksh! Haha, that ti…Ksh! That tickles!”

Then he felt the light teasing itch at the tip of his nose start to get stronger and he brushed Sheik’s hand away and rubbed at his nostrils roughly with an index finger. The tickle spread deeply into the back of his sinuses and made Link give a deep shuddering breath right from the bottom of his lungs.

“Hahh…Hahh…” Link sat up quickly as his breath started to hitch rhythmically, as though he was preparing himself for another giant sneeze, his hand hovered loosely in front of his face. The sneezy urge rooted itself in the most sensitive part of his nose and grew even stronger, while Link reacted to it with his whole body, each deep hitching breath shook his whole body and made his head tilt back.


“Oh no, not another demon sneeze,” Sheik asked with a slight laugh, , “want me to help you hold it back again?” He asked, but Link just looked at him out of the corner of his watery eyes and shook his head violently.

“No…Hehh…D-dohh…don’t… Hehh…I…I wahh…want to…hahh…” the Sheikah nodded and passed him a tissue instead, which Link just barely managed to bring up to his face before he smothered his nose into it and...

“Hahh…HAAKGTCHUU!” He snapped forward into his cupped hands, expelling all the congestion that had been building up inside his nose with one satisfying explosion, bending so far forward that his head almost touched the floor. The sound was so loud that it echoed around the entire cave, even though he had been expecting it, Sheik still jumped slightly. Link sat up slowly and gave a huge sigh of relief, his eyes were glassy and dazed, his mouth was hung open in a lopsided grin,

“Oh god, that felt so good! He gave a contented sigh and collapsed back onto Sheiks shoulder, “sorry, I know its loud, but letting it out like that felt heavenly.” He scrubbed roughly at his nose with his index finger and then closed his eyes, completely relaxed. He laid still for a minute, purring contentedly, then he looked up at Sheik out of the corner of his eye.

“*sniff* sorry, letting you indulge me like that.”

“You’re still to kind, Hero,” the Sheikah boy half smiled and patted Link’s blonde head, “here, I said I’d give you something good!”

He gently placed a glass bottle into Link’s hands, he held it loosely for a moment as though he hadn’t noticed yet, then he picked it up and slowly popped out the cork. The steaming hot liquid inside was very familiar to the hero.

“Lon lon milk?” Sheik laughed as he saw the bright sparkly look in Link’s eyes, he breathed in the warm nostalgic scent with a small smile on his lips, then he drank it all down in one huge gulp, “mmm, that’s good, I feel all warm inside now.”

A warm silence fell over the two of them for a moment.


“Yes, hero?”

“You remind me of Zelda sometimes.”

Link gave a huge yawn and let his head rest against Sheik’s shoulder, his eyelid’s fluttered lightly as though he was trying to stay awake, but he quickly gave in to the warm haze that was overtaking him and drifted off into a deep sleep, snoring lightly. Sheik watched him sleep with a contented look on his face, cuddling him tightly, he loved how much smaller and human Link seemed now that he was a boy, not the strong, unreachable hero he had appeared seven years ago, when he had still been princess Zelda. He reached out his arms, snuggled the sleeping Link against his chest, and then when he could be sure that no one was watching, he lifted down the mask around his mouth and placed a light kiss on Link’s cheek.

happy days ^0^

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i wrote that middle scene like 4 times and each time it got hotter and hotter xD

the amount of detail in my fics directly correlates to my frustration at not getting to do this in real life xD

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he's so cute and Sheik like inducing on him c3 awwwie


thanks so much for writting this.

You surprise me on how much you improve each time you post a new fic! :) Like you're really an amazing writter and you get better and better each time :D gah i'm jealous.

you're too perfect :)

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*heavy breathing*





I hope you are proud of yourself Animania, because you broke me. Akahana.exe is not responding, please tey again later.

I love you

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*heavy breathing*





I hope you are proud of yourself Animania, because you broke me. Akahana.exe is not responding, please tey again later.

I love you

^0^ this comment made me happy!

i always end up posting so many Link fic's i was worried people would get fed up of them xD

also, does your name akahana mean red flower? if so, awesomeeee!!!!!! <3

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*heavy breathing*





I hope you are proud of yourself Animania, because you broke me. Akahana.exe is not responding, please tey again later.

I love you

^0^ this comment made me happy!

i always end up posting so many Link fic's i was worried people would get fed up of them xD

also, does your name akahana mean red flower? if so, awesomeeee!!!!!! <3

Yes, it does mean red flower!! And don't worry, we are never tired or Link <3

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Yes, it does mean red flower!!

yess! my japanese is up to scratch! <3


no worries, we can't all be into the same fandoms, just glad that you liked it <3

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I'll never get tired of Link....Especially SickLink and caringSheik.

My Otp.

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I'm not even this fandom yet (but its on my list of things to try, don't worry). I still love this so much! I just think link is the hottest thing! I think this just makes me want to play the games more! Thank you!

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And then...I die.

Of story awesomeness.

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  • 1 month later...

"“Listen, an arctic breeze is blowing from the Zora’s river!” Navi chirped repetively in Link’s ear, the young hero grimaced at her shrill voice and put his hands over his ears."

Hahaha! Gotta love Navi!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwwwwww thank you so much! Especially for replying on my birthday <333333

I'm glad you liked it :3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well then, I'd be lying if that wasn't the most exciting inducing I've ever read. drool.gif

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  • 1 year later...

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