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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Just Friends. Sick!Olliver (Arrow fanfic)

Lace Butterfly

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Hey guys, idk if this will be any good or not, just lately I've been getting into Arrow and to me Stephen Amell always sounds a little but stuffy to me, which always makes me wonder what he'd sound like if he sneezed lol. So failing finding any real footage on the net I just decided to write a fairly short fic about him being sick in Arrow.

(Part One)

The Arrow slumped through the entrance to his lair beneath his sister’s night club with a yawn, he slowly scanned the room to make sure he was alone and sighed with relief as he realised that none of his friends were there. His guess was that Felicity was at home, Diggle was probably out with his ex-wife and Roy was obviously with Thea, but where was Sarah? She always told him when she was going out; he sat down and rubbed his sore muscles, there was a note on Felicity’s work desk and Oliver was relieved when he saw that Sarah was spending the night with Laurel. As long as everyone was safe he was perfectly content to be left alone at the moment, he’d been going fast and hard non-stop on criminals lately and that coupled with the stress of knowing that Deathstroke was out to get him and everyone he loved was taking its toll on his body. Oliver clutched his chest as he broke into a short but dry and painful coughing fit.

“Oliver?” a woman’s voice sounded, slight shock zapped its way through Oliver’s head, he had thought Felicity was at home in bed, it was four in the morning after all but now the barbie-like computer whiz was staring at him from across the room.

“Felicity, what are you doing here?” Oliver asked, his question punctuated with an unconscious sniff.

“I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d try to train a bit, you know, I’d like to be able to hold my own if I really need to but I was just taking a break. Did you just get in? I thought you were spending the night with Sarah,” Felicity said, slightly rambling as usual.

“Well there was a robbery and everyone was out, I thought I’d just take care of it on my own…” Oliver trailed off, his breath began to hitch, his sinuses burning, “…HhNxxGht!” he stifled his sneeze painfully with his wrist.

“Um, bless you, are you okay? I’ve never heard you sneeze before,” Felicity said, walking over to the still costumed billionaire.

“Must be allergies,” Oliver replied. That wasn’t entirely a lie, Oliver in fact used to have fairly bad allergies to pollen before the island but he seemed to have formed immunity to it whilst fighting for his life there. Though at the moment allergies weren’t the problem, no he’d been sick enough times in his life to know when he was catching a cold, but he’d be damned if let anyone else know that he was feeling under the weather, he had to be strong, or at least pretend to be strong, if only for his own mentality. Oliver sniffled wetly and silently cursed when Felicity walked over it him and handed him a tissue from her pocket.

“Are you sure you’re alright? You look hot,” Felicity replied, then as Oliver just stared at her with a smile beginning to form at the edges of his mouth she began to backtrack, “Oh! Not hot, hot, I mean not that you’re not attractive because you are, like extremely attractive…” she said becoming flustered. Oliver sighed, he was used to the way Felicity was by now, “…What I mean is that you look like you have a fever.” she finished red-faced.

“Felicity,” Oliver said softly but seriously, “I’m fine.” Felicity nodded and smiled.

“Okay, well I’m going home, you sure you don’t need anything before I go?” she asked the masked man. Oliver shook his head and waited until she had walked up the stairs and left via the nightclub exit before taking off his Arrow costume. As he removed his hooded archers’ shirt he winced, his ribs were bruised but luckily for him it was no more serious than that, as the air hit his bare skin he began to shiver and hastily walked to the bathroom he’d had installed to get into a warm shower. When the water hit him he was warmer but still shaky, he started to think that Felicity might have been right when she’d suggested that he had a fever, he groaned, he hadn’t had a fever since the last time that he’d had an infected wound. Oliver Queen stepped back out to his lair in nothing but a towel searching for the painkillers, he stopped when he felt his eyes tear up and his nose itch.

HhNgTchhhiiew!” he’d tried to stifle again but this time he hadn’t had as much luck, probably due to the fact that there was less need now that he knew for sure that he was alone. “God damn it,” he muttered as he wiped his spit from his wrist and palm on his towel with an expression of light disgust in himself. He found a box of tissues under Felicity’s desk along with the painkillers he had been looking for and blew his nose then got dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a white shirt. Oliver was exhausted and he had every reason to be, usually he could contain the stress he was feeling but it was different now, everything had escalated so quickly. Slade was his most pressing concern but he knew that worrying about it wasn’t going to help at all, all he could do was wait, wait until he could kill Deathstroke, a man like Slade Wilson was too organised to be taken out with ease but when the time came he would put another arrow through his eye, or better yet two arrows, one in his head another in his heart, he couldn’t risk the chance that his old friend turned enemy would come back from the dead once again to carry out his revenge.

Oliver gave an absent minded sniffle as he lay on the makeshift bed that he and Sarah shared, though tonight as she was out with Laurel would likely spend the night at her sister’s and he would have the bed to himself, good thing too because the last thing he needed was to let Sarah know just how bad he was beginning to feel. His head was throbbing and his throat was scratchy but the worst part was the persistent tickle creeping its was up and around his sinuses, Oliver drew a few desperate but quiet hitching breaths before he bent at the waist upwards and sneezed directly in front of him not bothering to cover.

HEHH-TSSSHH hhhhHahTSHHiiew huh hhh HuhNGSssshhhT! Ugh,” Oliver sniffled thickly and coughed. He blew his nose on a tissue, taking one from the box he’d swiped from Felicity’s desk. As he lay back down his last thoughts were of Sarah as he fell asleep, breathing heavily from his mouth.


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YES!! Please continue!

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“Are you sure you’re alright? You look hot,” Felicity replied, then as Oliver just stared at her with a smile beginning to form at the edges of his mouth she began to backtrack, “Oh! Not hot, hot, I mean not that you’re not attractive because you are, like extremely attractive…” she said becoming flustered. Oliver sighed, he was used to the way Felicity was by now, “…What I mean is that you look like you have a fever.” she finished red-faced.

I love rambling Felicity :D

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More Arrow! There is NEVER enough Arrow here!

Loving it. Your spellings are incredible! And I'm looking forward to where this is heading...

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Kaida Lake, you're awesome!!

I always think he's got a cold or something when I'm watching, totally agree about the stuffiness. Hope there's more to come w00t.gif

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Haha thanks fraggle and there is more to come, mostly caretaking from felicity. I wish I had kore time to post on the computer and not my phone. :)

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  • 8 months later...

Bump Bump Bump.

I just recently, while laid up with the flu a couple of weeks back, stumbled upon Stephen Amell and this show, and holy hotness....I've been randomly searching for sneeze related goodies, and there are just far too few.

Loved this!

Wonderful imagery....mmmhmmmm!

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  • 3 years later...

Yeah...so...yes. This. Not often that I stick my head out from the rock that is Supernatural. But for this? Absolutely

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