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Colds on tour - All Time Low


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I'm so sorry for taking so long to update but I come with cuteness!!

Having showed and got changed Alex was now curled up on top of Jack in the back lounge with a movie playing in the background.

“How are you feeling?” Jack asked, stroking his friends hair.

“Like shit” Alex mumbled, giving up trying to act like he felt okay.

“Finally giving in?” Jack teased.

“Shut up” Alex said before sitting up sneezing.

“Atchhoo, atchooo, Atchoo” he groaned lying back down on Jack’s chest.

“I hate you and your cold”

“I hate it too Lex” Jack said, coughing into his sleeve. Though he felt better the annoying cough was really bugging him.

The two laid there for a while, going through a few films before the bus tour opened and someone walked on.

“HEPT-CHOO” they both look up to see Vic standing in the doorway, a tissue pressed to his nose.

“Ah sorry man, didn’t mean to give this to you” said Alex, pulling his legs up so Vic could sit on the end of the couch.

“S’okay” the older man sniffed. “Don’t mind if I come crash with you guys though?”

“Sure, come on you look like you need a rest” Jack said.

“HEPT-CHOO” Vic sneezed again, trying to rub his nose but having trouble with his nose ring.

“Damn this hurts” he moaned, his voice getting deeper as he struggles to talk.

“Tell me about it” Alex sniffed, his own nose now red and raw more all the blowing.

“Want to pick the next film?” Jack asked as the end credits of the previous film appeared on the tv screen. Vic flicks through the endless piles of dvds on the All Time Low tour bus before pulling one out. The title screen to Wayne’s World came on and the three boys now with a blanket between them watched the film, laughing, joking in between coughing and sniffling.

All other members of band and crew had gone out so when the bus door opened all three boys looked up. Rian walked on the bus, he was carrying a bag of shopping he placed on the table beside the three boys on the couch.

“I thought you’d need some meds” he said, opening the bag and taking out cough medicine, tissues, and anything else they could need.

“Thanks Ri” Alex said.

“No problem, hope you guys start to feel better...” He cuts himself off with a small cough.

“Ri... You sure you don’t need any?” Jack asked.

“No I’m fine” he said, before coughing into his fist. “Just a tickle”

“That’s how I started now look at me” said Alex blowing his nose again.

“You really do have share everything” muttered Rian taking a shot of medicine.

“Come on join us, you’re in time for the best part of Wayne’s World” Vic chimed in.

“Okay” Rian grumbled, sitting down beside Vic on the end of the couch.

When the movie ended Rian (As the newest to group) was elected to pick the next one, after five minutes going through the bin of DVD’s Rian finally picked one and was just about to put it in when the bus door opened again.


“You and your bloody cold Victor” Jaime walked into the back lounge with a tissue to his nose.

“It’s not my cold, it’s Alex’s” Vic said in his defence.

“It’s not mine, I got it from Jack” Alex argued.

“So this is your fault?” Jaime tried to joke but was caught off guard by another sneeze “AHH-CHOO”

“Err this is awful” he moaned.

“We know” chimed the rest of the bus.

“Sit down, Rian was just about to put another movie” said Jack. Jaime agreed and sat on the opposite couch, Rian got him a blanket before putting in the movie. The beginning credits of Armageddon appeared on the tv and two sick singers tried to sing along to I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.

The now five boys sit watching the film, laughing or should that be coughing at the humour of Bruce Willis and crying when he agreed to be left behind or lest Alex did.

“Alex are you seriously crying?” questioned Jaime.

“No...” he sniffed. “This cough is making my eyes water”

“Alex you’re lying, you always cry at this movie” Jack said, pocking his friend’s side.

“I do not”

“You do too” Rian joined in.

“Oh shut up” Alex replied, burying his face in Jack’s chest.

The bus door opened again, there was a loud cough and Alex looked up from where his head was buried in Jack’s chest to see Tony walk on the bus. He was coughing so hard he was basically bent over. Vic quickly untangled himself from the blanket and helped Tony to the couch beside Jaime.

“You okay?” Vic asked, passing Tony a bottle of water.

“Yeah” he replied hoarsely. Vic put his hand to the younger mans forehead pushing away his fringe.

“You’re burning” Vic replied.

“Here you better take some” said Rian throwing a bottle of cough syrup at Tony. He nodded in thanks and took a shot of it, wincing at the taste.

“I’m going to kill whoever gave me this fucking cold” he muttered, all eyes turned to where Jack and Alex were curled up on top of each other asleep, not noticing the rest of the bus staring.

About two hours later both Mike and Zack are looking for their band mates only to walk on the All Time Low Tour Bus to find six band members curled up on two couches fast asleep, all snoring due to mass amount of blocked noses.

“What do we do?” Zack asked, looking at the way Alex was lying on Jack why Rian was curled up on the other end of the couch with Vic’s head on his shoulder.

“There’s no point trying to get them back to our bus, think we could get them in the bunks?” Mike suggested.

“Sure, none of them are exactly heavy” Zack said putting his arms around Vic and lifting him off Rian’s shoulder. Once Vic, Rian, Tony and Jaime were all in bunks that only left Jack and Alex.

“I don’t want to move them” said Zack, looking at the way Jack held Alex in his sleep.

“There’s no point, we’d only wake them” Mike agreed, pulling the blanket up around them.

Leaving their band mates to get some much needed sleep Zack and Mike headed back to Peirce The Veil bus, to inform the crew of the antics of the band and maybe sleep themselves.

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This is BEAUTIFUL!! Very well done!!

“I don’t want to move them” said Zack, looking at the way Jack held Alex in his sleep.

So cute!!

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