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Colds on tour - All Time Low


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Hey peoples!

I've never posted on here before I started writing this and I really liked how it came out so I thought I'd share it.

Hope you enjoy :)

Alex woke up at a strange noise outside his bunk; he pushed back the curtain to see Jack’s bunk opposite his was empty. He reached for his phone to look at the time, thinking he’d overslept but it was only 9am. How odd, Jack was never normally up this early. Alex sat up and out of his bunk with the intention of going to find the younger boy to make sure he was okay. He searched the us only to find Jack lying, curled up on the couch at the back, a blanket half way across him and the bus teddy bear (Joe) lying next to him.

“Jack...Jack are you okay buddy?” Alex knelt down next to him, but Jack just turned over, burying his head in the back of the couch.

“Jack, what’s wrong?” He didn’t get an answer but Jack started coughing, even through the muffled blanket they sounded loud and painful.

“Jack?” finally giving in Jack rolled over to face him.

“Don’t feel good” Jack whined.

“I can see that” said Alex, taking in the pale appearance of his best friend.

“Come here” Alex moved under Jack so the younger was cuddling against him.

“Better?” Jack nodded his head against Alex’ chest before he started coughing again.

“What hurts?” Alex asked.

“Head, throat, chest, all stuffed up” Jack listed off.

“Sounds like a nasty cold you’ve got there” said Alex, resting the back of his hand on Jack’s forehead.

“Hitting fever too”

“Feel shitty” moaned Jack, shuffling closer to Alex.

“Go back to sleep, you’ll feel better” Jack nodded his head as Alex wrapped the blanket around both of them. Soon the two were asleep, cuddled up on the couch together.

“Surprised to see you two up so early” said Rian as he comes to the back lounge that morning to see his two band mates cuddling together.

“Shh he’s sleeping” said Alex, who was staring at his phone. Jack moved in his sleep, his head now resting on Alex’s stomach.

“What’s up with him?” Rian asked.

“He’s got some cold; we’ve been here since about 9”

“I’m right here you know” said Jack, sounding more ill than he did earlier.

“Are you feeling any better?” Alex asked, Jack just groaned and buried his face in the blanket.

“I’ll take that as a no. Ri, could you go grab Matt? Ask him to pop out and get the meds for him?”

“Sure thing, we’ve got to get him on stage somehow” Jack groans again which turns into a coughing fit, he sits up as he tries to get air back into his lungs. Alex rubs his back, taking in his friends appearance; his skunk coloured hair falls limply across his forehead, his skin pale, nose all red and eyes watering, he just looks plain sick.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo” Jack goes into a sneezing fit, Alex gets up from his spot his place next to Jack and finds some tissues for his friend. Jack who’s finished sneezing has curled up in a ball on the couch sniffling miserably.

“Thanks Alex” he said, blowing his nose.

“I’m going to go shower, will you be alright here on your own for a bit?” Jack nodded, coughing a bit. Alex fronted but went off to shower.

When he came back Jack was asleep again, Alex noticed his hair sticking to his forehead and reached over to feel the heat coming from the younger boy.

“Matt” he called “Matt” soon the tour manager appeared in the door way.

“Do we have a thermometer or anything? He’s getting worse” He said.

“Okay hold on” Matt disappeared coming back a minute later with the thermometer and a few types of medicine.

“Jack, Jack I need you to wake up” Alex said, shaking his shoulder slightly.

“Go ‘way” came Jack’s muffled replay.

“I’ve got drugs, come on” Jack pushed the blanket back and sat up slightly, leaning against the back of the couch.

“Open” Alex said, holding out the thermometer. Jack rolled his eyes but opened his mouth just enough for Alex to slip the device under his tongue.

“102, that’s high Jack”

“Just gimme drugs so I can go back to sleep” he said before breaking off into a coughing fit. Alex poured out the right amount of medicine and Jack drank in down like it was shot.

“Yuck, vodka next time?” he asked, Alex just laughed even when ill Jack could make a joke.

“No vodka till you’ve stopped trying to cough your lungs up” he laughed.

“Hmm alright” he grumbled, his eye lids already closing. Alex gets up to leave Jack to sleep curled up the couch.

“Wait” called Jack, his voice sounding strange due to his blocked nose.

“Stay with me” Alex smiled, happily agreeing and claiming back into his spot next to Jack as he cuddles into him, resting his head back on Alex’s chest.

“Alex, Jack sound check!” Matt’s voice rang through the bus, waking the boy who had been sleeping on the couch ever since.

“Will you be alright?” Asked Alex, sitting up and looking at his friend still curled up on top of him.

“Yeah, yeah fine” came his crocky voice. Alex stood up, straightening his shirt from where it had got crumbled from Jack sleeping on him. Jack tried to stand up but fell straight back down again.

“Err, hurts” he moaned.

“What some pain killers?”

“Please” Alex popped out a few pills and past them to Jack who took them with a few gulps of water.

“Are you good to try again?” Jack nodded and carefully stood up, quickly changing out of his pjs into a pair of sweats and his Ravens hoodie Jack and Alex made their way into the venue, Jack leaning heavily on Alex all the way.

“Shit dude, are you going to be able to do this?” Asked Rian as Alex sets Jack down on one of the boxes on stage.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll fine” he said, coughing into his sleeve. No one was convinced but if Jack said he’d be fine he probably would be... Probably.

They get through sound check, Jack sitting down the whole time with his guitar on his lap but despite his constant coughing his playing isn’t any worse than normal and they decide that Jack should be good to play.

“Come on back to the bus, so I can drug you up and you can sleep so you feel a little more alive for the show” Jack just nodded and Alex lead him back through the venue. Back on the bus Jack was cuddled against Alex again, Home Alone playing the back ground as the sick boy drifted in and out of sleep.

“Alex” came a thick, sick sounding voice.

“What’s the matter? What more medicine?”

“Nah I’m okay, but you’re going to get sick too being here... (Cough, cough) here with me”

“No I’ve got the best immune system”

“Then how come we can’t go to the UK without you getting ill?” Jack laughed.

“Hey! I’m not that bad...” Jack stuck his tongue out, and with his red nose and tired eyes Alex couldn’t lie he did look kind of adorable.

“Okay maybe I am... But that’s not going to stop me from taking care of my best friend” Said Alex, pulling Jack a little closer.

“Thank you” he crocks.

“No problem Jacky” Alex places a light kiss on top of the younger boys messy hair as he drifts back into sleep.

Just before they hit the stage they’re standing waiting, Jack’s only wear a t shirt not his hoodie and he’s shivering.

“Are you sure you can do this buddy?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, yeah” Jack coughs into his fist.

“Played through worse” he said, remembering the time Alex went on stage despite being so ill with the flu he’d barely been able to move all day. Alex smiled but couldn’t help being worried about his friend.

The show goes well, a few less jokes than normal because Jack’s voice shot to hell by the five song so Alex even get’s Zack talking. Jack finds the energy to run about his stage but breaks into a coughing fit half way through Stella and Alex lets the crowd sing why he checks he’s okay. Over all it was good and Alex comes of stage smiling and buzzing.

Him and Zack both grab a bear and start talking about their favourite parts of the show. It takes a few minutes but Alex notices Jack isn’t with the rest of the band and crew. Starting to get worried he searches the venue but there’s no sign of him.

“Matt, have you seen Jack?” he asked.

“Yeah, he was heading back to the bus and he really didn’t look good” he said.

“Thanks” Alex rushes back to the bus, careful not to be seen by anyone.

“Jack?” he called out. “Jack are you here?” he walked to the back of the bus to find Jack curled up on the same spot at earlier, still in the clothes he was wearing on stage and coughing his lungs up.

“Wow Jack” Alex sits down next to him, rubbing his back as he tries to calm his body wracking coughs. Finally they stop and Jack leans against Alex, utterly spent.

“Come on, let’s get you out of those clothes then you can sleep”

“Want to sleep now” Jack whined.

“You stink come on change” Alex helps Jack up and out of his sweaty clothes and back into his pjs, Alex quickly changing himself into sweats and a GK shirt.


“Yeah” Jack snuggled close to Alex, as they lay back on the couch they’d barely moved from all day.

“No more shows till you’ve stopped coughing up your lungs okay?” Alex said.

“Don’t want to disappoint...”

“It’s okay to be sick Jack, and anyway we have a few days off you’ll probably be better by then”

“Okay” Jack agrees sleepily.

“Sleep well Jacky” said Alex, running his fingers through his friend’s hair.

“Love you” he mumbles.

“Love you too” Alex places a kiss on top of his head and soon they’re both asleep once again.

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Jallllllllllllllllleeeex<3 :D yes more Jalex more c3 get Alex sick too. Omg this is so adorable :) please please more :) this made my morning so much better.

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Jallllllllllllllllleeeex<3 biggrin.png yes more Jalex more c3 get Alex sick too. Omg this is so adorable smile.png please please more smile.png this made my morning so much better.

Aw thank you very much! I sure can updated this very soon for you, anything you'd like to see? :)

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Jallllllllllllllllleeeex<3 biggrin.png yes more Jalex more c3 get Alex sick too. Omg this is so adorable smile.png please please more smile.png this made my morning so much better.

Aw thank you very much! I sure can updated this very soon for you, anything you'd like to see? :)

. Hum Jack sneezing on Alex(contagion) then Alex being grossed out.. Uhm humour maybe? Little bit of comedy if you wouldn't mind. I like light fluff stuff with cute humour idk. Yeh if it's not too much :D thank you so much ! :) can't wait to read c3
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Part 2

Alex opens his eyes to se Jack, lying with his head on Alex’s chest, dribbling slightly.

“Ew Jack” he laughed, Jack just shuffled around his hands wrapping around Alex’s middle as he sleeps. Alex puts the back of his hand on his friend’s forehead again to find him warm but not as hot as he’d been before. He checks his phone again to see it’s just after 1am, still quite early for him to be asleep and he’s not feeling all that tried due to the amount he’d slept that day. Carefully Alex get’s out of Jack’s grip and slowly picks him up; even if he is skinny he’s very long making carrying him not the easiest. Alex takes him back to his bunk, tucking him under his blanket and once making sure he’s still asleep giving him a quick kiss on top of his head.

“Hey Alex, how’s Jack?” Zack asked as Alex walked into their little kitchen.

“Better, he’s sleeping and his fever seems to have gone down”

“Good, well he’s got a few days to kick this bug in the butt before we play again” he said, handing Alex a beer.

“Thanks man, and exactly he should be fine” said Alex taking a sip of his beer. “What’s going on out here tonight?”

“Not a lot really, some of the guys have gone out but the few of were thinking of watching a movie or somethin’ what to join us?”

“Sure, sure”

“No more Batman though, you’re as bad as Jack and Home Alone” Zack said, pocking him in the side.

“You’re no fun” Alex fake pouted. The remaining band and crew crowd around in the front lounge, we decide on watching 12 Angry Men as it’s a classic that has Alex and Jeff quoting nearly the whole thing. Nearly half way through the movie when there’s loud, coughing, hacking noises coming from the bunks, Alex straight away gets up and pulls back the curtain to Jack’s bunk where he’s say up coughing heavily.

“Shh it’s okay” he sits down beside the sick boy, rubbing his back as he coughs more. It’s a long fit and they’re tears on Jack’s cheeks by the time it’s done. Alex places his hands on the younger boys face, wiping them away.

“You left” Jack crocked.

“I know, I’m sorry”

“Cuddle now?” he asked, holding out his arms to him. Alex chucked, but accepted and claimed into the bunk alongside his best friend.

“You’re so cuddly when you’re ill” Alex said, as Jack snuggles up close to him, wrapping his long arms around Alex’s skinny waist.

“Don’t feel good” Jack mumbled, his face pressed into Alex’s shirt.

“Want some more drugs?” Jack nodded against Alex’s chest.

“Okay, going to let me go?”

“Nope” Jack said, cuddling closer.

“You’re such a pain Jack” Alex laughed.

“But you love my anyway” came Jack’s muffled reply, Alex laughed and pulled his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants.

“Alex, why are you calling me? You’re in the other room” asked Zack.

“Jack needs some drugs and he won’t let me go”

“Haha, what do you need?” he asked.

“There’s some like cold & flu type things in the back lounge could you just them with some water?”

“No problem”

“Thanks” Zack came in a minute later holding a few bottles on medicine and the water to see Alex lying in Jack’s bunk with Jack completely attached to him.

“What do you two look like?” Zack laughed, Alex took the medicine and pouring out the right amounts for Jack.

“That stuffs gross” said Jack, lifting his head enough to see what Alex was doing.

“But it’ll make you feel better” Alex teased. Jack stuck his tongue but took the medicine, swallowing like it was a shot.

“Hate you” said Jack before downing the water, trying to get rid of the taste in his mouth and the dry, scratchy feeling in his throat.

“Feel better soon Jacky” Alex ran his hand through his friends hair as he drifted back to sleep, snuggled close to Alex snoring due to his blocked nose. Alex stayed awake for awhile, his fingers tracing patterns on Jack’s arm and staring at the adorable mess that was Jack Barakat who was now dribbling on Alex’s shoulder. It wasn’t long until he too was asleep, his head leaning against Jack’s and the blanket wrapped around them.

For the second night in a row Alex is woken by strange noises the rolled over to find Jack sitting up in the midst of a coughing fit.

“Wow there Jack” he said, rubbing his back until the coughs finally stopped.

“Can’t breathe” came Jack’s horse voice.

“Deep breaths through your mouth, okay?” Jack nodded taking breaths through his mouth.

“Better?” Jack nodded his breath hitching.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo” Jack sneezed over Alex.

“Ew you’re gross” said Alex, pashing Jack a tissue.

“Sorry” said Jack, sniffling thickly.

“I’m going to make you some tea, and how about we just sit and watch movies all day? We’re just travelling today so it’s like we’re missing anything”

“Sound....Atchooo sounds good” said Jack burying his face in his tissue. Alex frowned, Jack was his best friend and he really didn’t mind taking care of him, in fact he kind of enjoyed it but it did get a bit gross at times.

Alex did what he said, making tea for Jack and setting up a few of his favourite movies in the back lounge. He then went to get the boy, helping him up as he was a bit unsteady.

“Is your head still hurting?” Alex asked.


“Sit down, I’ll get you something” Jack curled up under the blanket, pulling his knees up tight to his chest and coughing into them, god he felt shitty.

“Here ya go” said Alex, passing Jack some pain killers and water.

“Thanks Alex, thanks for takin’ care ob me” he said, through his stuffy nose.

“No problem Jacky, just try not to sneeze me okay?”

“Can’t promise nothing” Jack smirked, Alex laughed joining Jack on the couch and pressing playing on the movie. The boys stay there for the most of the day, the others coming in and out to watch various movies with them and Matt even came in a few times with more medicine for Jack. Alex drifts off to the sleep somewhere about mid-afternoon but Jack stays awake now watching Finding Nemo.

“Dont...Don’t want to” came Alex’s muffled voice from beside Jack.

“Huh?” he looked over at Alex, he’s head was resting on his shoulder and his mouth open as he slept.

“Don’t make me go” said Alex again.

“Alex?” Jack questioned, Alex was talking in his sleep but Jack couldn’t remember if that meant he should wake him up or not...

“No...Don’t want to” Alex moaned again, pressing his face into Jack’s neck. Jack just wrapped his arm tighter around Alex’s waist he feeling hot hoping his fever hadn’t gone up again.

“Hmm what’s going on?” Alex woke up a bit later, running his hand through his now messy hair.

“You were talking in your sleep”

“I was?”

“You always talk in your sleep when you’re not well, are you feeling okay?” Jack asked.

“Fine” Jack reached and put his hand on Alex’s forehead.

“You’re warm”

“I’m fine...” Alex broke off into a small cough, covering his mouth with his sleeve.

“You sure about that?” Alex just groaned and pressed in his into Jack’s shoulder.

Don't worry there will be a part 3 to this :)

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Oh yay please more yes :) Awh Jalex cuteness<3 Yeees Jack, sneeze more on Alex please. And uhm yes I'd like several other parts, just tell me if I'm being a pain in the ass :P . Okay, you're perfect<3 please write more c:

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Oh yay please more yes smile.png Awh Jalex cuteness<3 Yeees Jack, sneeze more on Alex please. And uhm yes I'd like several other parts, just tell me if I'm being a pain in the ass tonguesmiley.gif . Okay, you're perfect<3 please write more c:

Aw than you very much lovely :3 I have two ideas which would you rather see? 1: Alex getting sick but denying it and Jack trying to get him to admit it and take care of him why still sick himself. 2: Alex denying his sick to make sure Jack's okay only to make himself worse and nearly pass out.

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Oh yay please more yes smile.png Awh Jalex cuteness<3 Yeees Jack, sneeze more on Alex please. And uhm yes I'd like several other parts, just tell me if I'm being a pain in the ass tonguesmiley.gif . Okay, you're perfect<3 please write more c:

Aw than you very much lovely :3 I have two ideas which would you rather see? 1: Alex getting sick but denying it and Jack trying to get him to admit it and take care of him why still sick himself. 2: Alex denying his sick to make sure Jack's okay only to make himself worse and nearly pass out.

1 :D

the second one.. passing out im always like "nopenopenopenopenope"

so yeh number 1 please :)

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Number two! PLEASE!! And maybe Jack is almost all better by the time Alex passes out? That'd be SO HOT!!!w00t.gif

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This story <3

I know you like all time low from my fic about Jack, and this is incredible!

I can't wait for the next part :3

Aw thank you!

More soon I promise :)

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Sorry it took longer to update this part, I'm writing another Jalex fic (Non sneeze fic) and I was busy writing that! Also I kind of took the two options and mixed them together, I hope you like it :)

Part 3

“I’m sorry I got you sick” said Jack.

“I’m fine” Alex protested, his voice cracking. Jack sighed, he knew how stubborn Alex got when he’s ill but he just snuggled closer to his warm friend and tried not to sneeze and failed.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo”

“How ya feeling Jacko?” Alex asked, handing him a pack of tissues.

“Crappy” Jack sniffed.


“Yes please” Ale gets up and finds Jack medicine, pours out the right amount and watches as Jack drinks the foul smelling stuff.


“Haha, you go back to sleep I’m going to shower. I feel gross from not washing all day” Jack nodded and curled up the couch, burying his face in the blanket. Alex grabbed come clean clothes and headed for the shower, walking straight into Rian on his way.

“Oh sorry Ri”

“No problem, are you alright Alex? You look a bit flushed”

“Fine, just going for a shower” he said.

“Okay, how’s Jack?”

“Better, fever gone down but he’s still...Atchoo coughing and shit”

“You sure you’re okay Alex?” Rian asked again.

“Fine, I’m fine” Rian rolls his eyes as Alex heads for the shower and goes to see Jack. Rian finds Jack curled up in the back lounge watching cartoons, coughing loudly into his arm.

“Okay man?” Rian asked, sitting down beside him rubbing his back.

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay” said Jack when he finally finished.

“Glad you’re feeling better, is Alex alright though?” Rian asked.

“I think so”

“If he gets ill he’s your problem”


“If you’re the one to get him ill you can be the one to make him take the medicine” Jack groaned.

“Just take your medicine and go back to sleep, we don’t need more than one sick band member at a time” Jack nodded weakly and curled back up and closed his tired eyes.

That’s how it started for the rest of the day, Jack asleep on the couch and Alex with the rest of the band and crew trying to stifle his coughs and sneezes.

“Drink Alex?” Zack asked.

“Tea please”

“Tea? At this time?” Zack was surprised, Alex was normally the first one to open a bottle of wine but he’d stayed oddly far away from the stuff tonight.

“I’m feeling in the mood for tea” Alex put his sleeve over his mouth in a tempted to hide his coughing.

“Well okay...”

“Hey I am English after all” said Alex putting on a very bad and very obviously fake British accent.

“For someone born in England your accent is terrible” laughed Zack handing him his tea.

Alex knew he was getting sick but making sure Jack was okay was more important that the sniffles so he sucked it up and carried on. It had gotten to about 2am and everyone was thinking about sleeping, Alex decided to wake Jack for one more bit of medicine before turning in himself.

“Jack, wake up buddy”

“Is it morning already?” he moaned.

“No just after 2am. I thought you might more drugs and to you know actually get in your bunk”

“Hmm maybe” he said, pushing himself up into a sitting position and downing the small cup of medicine Alex had given him. With a hand from his band mate Jack got shakily to his feet, wrapping the blanket around him like a cape.

“You’re such a child” laughed Alex leading him back to his bunk. Jack claimed into his bunk and held his arms open to Alex, inviting him to come lay beside him. Alex looked down at his best friend and over at his own bunk, he knew he wouldn’t sleep as well pressed up against Jack in his small bunk than in his own but Jack wanted him and if it made him feel better than a little less sleep wouldn’t kill him.

“Sure” he claimed in next to his best friend and let Jack cuddle up close to him.

“Thanks Alex” he mumbled sleepily.

“No problem Jacky” It wasn’t long before Jack was sleeping again, the medicine making him drowsy and soon he was dribbling on Alex’s shoulder again. Alex smiled at his best friend, glad to see him sleeping instead of staying up coughing and blowing his nose.

The next morning it was Jack who was awoken to a strange noise, he blinked his eyes open and looked at Alex sat beside him coughing.

“Alex? You okay?” his voice groggy from just waking up and he’s still stuffy nose.

“Yeah fine” came Alex’s rough replay.

“You don’t sound fine”

“It’s nothing I’m fine, really” Jack doubted his friend but he didn’t say anymore, he claimed out of his bunk slightly wobbly but okay and made his way towards the kitchenette.

“Hey morning Jack, feeling better?” asked Matt. Jack nodded taking some pop tarts for breakfast, the first solid food he had in a few days as finally he could swallow without a horrible pain in his throat.

“Good, do you feel like doing anything today?” Jack shook his head.

“Was going to play video games, maybe sleep more. Want to be good for the show”

“There’s a good boy” Matt patted him on the shoulder. “We were going to head out, do a bit of sightseeing you’ll be alright here. I’m sure Alex will stay with you anyway”

“Yeah” he said, taking a bite of his pop tart.

“And maybe have a shower too” Matt suggested, Jack flipped him off and went back to his breakfast.

Alex was now lying alone in Jack’s bunk, to say he felt crappy was an understatement. He was going to kill Jack for giving him this damn cold but that could wait, first he needed to make sure the younger was okay before he killed him.

“Feeling okay buddy?” Alex asked, sitting down opposite Jack at the table, a mug of tea in his hand.

“Yeah not as bad as before, what about you?” he asked.

“I’m fine” Alex tried to reassure him. “Hey where is everyone?”

“Sightseeing Matt said”

“And they didn’t invite me?” Said Alex, faking hurt.

“Thought you’d rather stay here... Was going to play Fifa or somethin’” Though Jack didn’t say it he figured Alex didn’t exactly feel like going out, as much as he said he was fine Jack could see how pale the singer looked.

“Yeah sure sounds good” Alex replied, taking a sip of is tea. Why Jack finished his breakfast Alex went to change, grabbing a pair of jeans, his favourite flying pig t shirt and GK hoodie as he felt cold, and he headed for the little bathroom. Seeing himself in the mirror he realised how sick he did indeed look, he skin was pale, there were dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a mess. Groaning at his sick like appearance he quickly changed and threw on his favourite beanie as he couldn’t be bothered to sort out his hair. Going back out to the back lounge with Jack he was glad it was only the two of them. Once Jack had showered and was ready for a game of Fifa Alex was beginning to think Jack looked healthier than he did.

“Ready?” Jack asked, controller in hand. Alex nodded and the game began. As Alex played the game he was feeling worse and worse, he head was pounding, his nose was running , he was sure he was running some kind of fever and he was trying not to cough up his lungs. He still didn’t say anything to Jack, he didn’t want to worry him as he was finally getting better and his coughs less and less frequent even if there was a pile of tissues next to him.

“Atchoo, GOD DAMMIT” Jack shouted as he sneezed and Ale scored a goal.

“Haha goallll!” Alex cheered, ignoring the painful stab in his throat.

“That’s not fair, I sneezed!”

“And that’s why it’s 4-2 to me” Alex gloated. Alex stifled two sneezes into his sleeve Jack looked up and frowned at him but didn’t anything he knew Alex would just get all defensive and about Jack pointing out the fact he was ill.

“I think I’m gonna make some tea” Alex got up but straight away felt light headed and dizzy, he pressed his hand to his head but everything was swaying and everything went black. Jack watched as he best friend collapsed quickly and without realising he was doing it Jack moved to catch him before Alex’s head hit the floor. He picked him and placed him on the couch, Jack pushed Alex’s hair from his face to feel his burning forehead.

“Alex you’re an idiot” he muttered, finding a thermometer and putting it in Alex’s mouth. Once it beeped Jack frowned at the reading a found a cold cloth to place on his band mates forehead, it took a few minutes but Alex slowly started to stir. Coughing as he woke up he groaned loudly.

“Alex, you’re an idiot you know that”

“Shut up, I feel awful” mumbled Alex, burying his face in his hands.

“You’re running a fever of 103 no wonder you passed out!” Jack exclaimed. Alex groaned again.

“Sorry, just don’t scare me like that” Jack said, shuffling closer to his friend and letting Alex snuggle up close to him. Feeling the heat pouring of him Jack frowned again.

“If I’m not allowed to play till I’ve stopped coughing up my lungs, you’re not allowed to play till you’ve stopped boiling your brains” Alex nodded his head against Jack’s chest.

“Now you take care of me” he mumbled.

“Only if you don’t get me sick again”

“Can’t promise anything” said Alex, sleepily.

“Go back to sleep Alex” Jack kissed the top of Alex’s messy hair as Alex closed his eyes and let sleep claim him.

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AWWWW!!!!!!!! So cute!!!!!! Gah w00t.gifstretcher.gifclapping.gif

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Sorry I've not updated in ages, been stuck on what to do! What do you guys want to see? smile.png

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Sorry I've not updated in ages, been stuck on what to do! What do you guys want to see? smile.png

You could have Alex have a sneezing fit, and he could sneeze on Rian (cos to be honest, I've never seen a Rian sneeze!fic before)

Ooooorrrr.... Vic (Fuentes) could visit, equaling some nice contagion <3

I hope this helped (:

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Sorry it's been so long! I did try t update yesterday but my internet wasn't having it.

Anyway here's part 4 :)

Alex turned over in his sleep, whimpering slightly. Jack continued to run his hand through his friend’s hair, trying to calm him down. Alex always got bad nightmares when he was ill, often waking up crying so Jack stayed by his side. Jack hearing a few muffled cries from his side looked down at the older man and realised he was in fact awake.

“Aw shh Lex it’s just a dream” he said, placing a kiss to the top of Alex’ messy hair.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, errrr I feel gross” Alex moaned, burying his head in Jack’s shoulder.

“I know Lex, I’m sorry I didn’t mean t give you my cold” Jack said, he felt guilty for getting his best friend sick.

“S’okay Jacky, how are you feeling?” typical Alex, worrying more about his friends health than his own.

“Better, still kinda coughing though”

“Go take some medicine”

“Alex, I think you’re the one in need of medicine” Alex whined as Jack got out from underneath him and grabbed the said medicine off the counter.

“Drink” said Jack, passing the little cup to Alex.

“No, it’s gross...Atchoo”

“You’re gross, now drink” Jack pushed the cup into Alex’s hand, who tried to give him a disapproving look but with his red nose and pale skin Jack had to stop himself from going ‘aww’ Alex swallowed the stuff in one sickening gulp. Jack then poured himself a cup and took some himself.

“Err you’re right that is gross” said Jack, sticking his tongue out. Alex pushed himself up off the couch, running a hand through his tangled, messy hair

“Where are ou going?”

“Shower, got stuff to do”

“Alex you’re sick, you need sleep and medicine”

“I’m fine...Atchoo...and I’ve got to meet Vic “Alex said, getting some clean clothes from his bunk and making his way to the shower.

“But Alex....”

“I’m fine” Jack rolled his eyes but left him to get ready, if he couldn’t stop Alex from going out the best he could do was go with him.

An hour later both Jack and Alex made their way into the venue to meet Vic, though having a shower had improved his appearance Alex still felt awful. A pack of tissues shoved in his hoodie pocket and his lyric book in hand he walked inside the venue, glad to be out of the cold. Out at the back of the venue they found Vic sitting playing an acoustic guitar and writing a few things down in a book.

“Hey man” he greeted as the members of All Time Low walked in. “Oh hey Jack, wasn’t expecting to see you”

“Well someone’s got to keep an eye on him” Jack motioned to Alex who was in the midst of a coughing fit.

“I don’t need baby-sitting” Alex moaned, coughing into his sleeve.

“Are you sure? You do sound awful”

“Are we going to do some work or just make comments about my health?” Alex asked, taking a seat beside Vic on the couch. Jack took a sit on the other couch and just watched them as they wrote; it was always good to hear a song coming together. Vic was playing the guitar and Alex was singing but he broke off into a sneezing fit.

“Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo, Atchoo”

“God Alex” Jack said, throwing him some medicine. “Take some before you infect the whole tour” Jack coughing into his sleeve as he spoke.

“Looks like he already has” said Vic.

“Jack’s the one that gave me the bloody cold in the first place” Alex said before sneezing again.


“Just take the fucking medicine” Alex grumbled something but took the medicine anyway.

“Why don’t you play and I’ll sing?” suggested Vic. “Save your voice a bit”

“Okay, thanks...Atchoo” Alex sneezed; burying his face in is tissue. “Sorry I sound disgusting”

“It’s okay, as long as you’re feeling okay” said Vic.

“I’m fine, it’s just a cold”

Alex continued to sneeze for the next two hours; Jack tried not to cringe at the pain his friend was obviously in.

“Lex we’ve got sound check in an hour then a show and you still sound bloody awful, you are going t get some rest” said Jack, having enough of listening to Alex sneezing and coughing madly for the past few hours.


“No buts Alex”

“Jackkkk” he whined.

“Alex, Jack is right. The song can wait you need to rest before you can get out there again” said Vic. Alex sniffed miserably and nodded letting Jack pull him to his feet.

“Feel better soon Alex” Vic called. Alex muttered faint thanks, and let Jack lead him back to the bus to get some sleep before sound-check.

Alex slept all the way up to sound-check before Jack dragged him back out and on stage.

“How ya doing Alex?” Rian asked as Alex took his guitar.

“A little under the weather but alright, the new songs coming on well” He said.

“Good I’m glad you’re feeling better”

“I never felt that bad” Jack knew Alex was lying; he knew exactly how crappy Alex was feeling but didn’t say anything.

They play through an hour of sound-check, Alex does fine even with a few miss timed sneezes.

“You look exhausted, you okay?” Jack asked as him and Alex walk backstage.

“So tired” Alex yawned.

“Everyone’s off the bus, want to go sleep on the couch with a movie or two?” Alex nodded, leaning on Jack as he led him out towards the bus. Alex straight away crashed on the couch why Jack got him some medicine and a blanket.

“What movie do you want to watch?” Jack asked.

“Spider-man” came Alex’s muffled replay as he buried himself in the blanket. Jack put the movie in and turned the face his best friend who was snuggled up on the cough, leaving just enough room for Jack to lay beside him.

“You do look cute” Jack said, as he lay down letting Alex cuddle into his side.

“Shut....*Cough* up” Jack just laughed.

After a few movies and Alex’s soft snoring it’s time for the show. Making sure Alex is drugged up Jack forgets to take his own, but that doesn’t stop him from going as mad as ever. It’s in the middle of Coffee Shop that Jack starts coughing, he’s so badly he had to stop playing his guitar to try and get air back in his lungs.

“Jack, Jack are you okay?” Zack asked, seeing Jack having trouble breathing. Jack shook his head.

“Can’t....breath” Zack dropped his bass and picked Jack up, carrying up off stage. Alex noticing what’s going on pauses the song and goes running off stage too, leaving Rian alone with a worried crowd.

“What’s going on?” asked Alex, moving his sweaty hair from his face.

“He’s coughing s badly, he can barely breath” Zack said, looking at Jack who was sitting on the couch still coughing.

“Shh Jack it’s okay” Alex sat down beside him, rubbing his back until finally the coughs stopped. Jack leant against Alex, all energy gone.

“What was that about?” Alex asked. “You sounded like you were dying”

“Forget to take medicine” Jack muttered.

“Take some now” Matt who’d been pacing in the background ran to get some.

“Only a few songs left, are you going to be good to go back out there?” Jack nodded. Having taken the medicine Jack, Alex and Zack went back on stage as Rian was trying to entertain the crowd. The band plays their last few songs, Jack not moving about as much but as least not coughing. After saying goodbye to the crowd Alex and Jack leaning heavily on each other as they’re both exhausted.

“Atchoo” Jack looked down at Alex assuming the noise to have come from him but it didn’t. “Atchoo” Looking up Jack saw Vic with a tissues in his hand. Seems like maybe they were infecting the whole tour.

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Holy mother of pearl balls..... '^'

I love you, and your writing, and your fics, and All Time Low, and Vic, and you, and Vic, and All Time Low...

I'm so happy that you got Vic into your fic!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you <3

Don't know if I mentioned this, but I love you. (;

Can I just give one tiny piece of constructive criticism: When characters sneeze, try to give them different sounding sneezes ^*^

I would say make Vic have really quiet stifles, and maybe Jack could have breathy sneezes?

I dunno, just an idea :3

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^^ yeh dude. Give em' different sounding sneezes or else it doesn't really tie together that well. I agree on Vic stifles and maybe it hurts cause his nose ring?(thought he had a nose piercing at a point). Yeh that would rock. And other than that yay Vic Fentes joining the sick crew ! :) I'm excited to see where you take this fic c: well written in general.

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maybe it hurts cause his nose ring?

Sneezing hurting his nose ring = CUTEE <3

As someone with a nose ring, it does hurt sometimes when you stifle, it also feels a bit sore when you have a cold too.

I vote for both these things though >:D

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