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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Unnoticed - Teen Wolf

Lace Butterfly

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Hey this is a Sick!Stiles Teen Wolf fanfic based on a prompt by VividBubbles.

Prompt: The lunar eclipse is here and poor Stiles is sick, but since the eclipse takes away all werewolf powers the new girl in the pack Malia, is sick too. Peter, Derek and Scott are all worried about Malia, and no one, not even Scott notices his best friend playing through the misery with his own nasty cold.

(SPOILERS for the end of season three) so it’s set after De-Void, but obviously I have no idea what is going to happen in season four so things are just going to be as normal as they ever are in Beacon Hills High School. This is my first time writing for someone on the forum, so sorry if I’ve done it weirdly. :/ but I hope it’s at least kind of okay.

P.S I had inteded for this to be short but I have a feeling it's going to go past 2 parts so bear with me 'cause I'd like this to be an interesting one lol.

(Part One)

It was happening again, the full lunar eclipse. Scott had been apprehensive about it for days but it was actually Stiles who appeared the most troubled over the looming situation. For a while now he’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop and with the lunar eclipse happening in less than twenty four hours; it seemed like the perfect timing for something terrible to happen. He wasn’t feeling his best today, well he was feeling better than he had been when he was dying but still, he could have definitely felt better. Stiles coughed into his fist as he walked toward his locker and groaned; yep he was definitely coming down with something, most likely a cold, but if he hadn’t complained about everything else he’d been through lately he certainly wasn’t going to complain about a little head cold. Stiles reached his locker and began fiddling with his combination lock.

“Great, just friggin’ great,” he said tiredly with heavy sarcasm in his tone, he’d forgotten his own combination, really it wasn’t that much of a surprise, he’d missed a lot of school when he was possessed by the Nogitsune and he still wasn’t sure what that damn evil fox spirit had done to his head while it was in control of him, it seemed that he was bound to forget a few minor details in his life but, forgetting his locker combination was severely annoying, especially when the weight of his backpack felt like two thousand tons on his back.

“Hey,” Stiles jumped when Scott spoke from behind him and clapped a hand down on his shoulder, it made his muscles ache but he managed to keep his mouth clamped shut. “Kira and I were thinking of going to a party tonight, do you wanna come?” Scott asked. Stiles was a little disconcerted about the fact that Scott was barely processing Allison’s death, pretending like nothing was wrong and he knew that the werewolf was only dealing the best way he knew how, but he still wished that Scott would talk to him about it more.

Stiles tried to ignore that fact as opened his mouth to respond and the urge to cough surfaced, he supressed it with a forceful clearing of his throat. “I don’t know man,” Stiles replied, “I don’t really feel like being a third wheel again.” Scott’s face twisted into a confused expression and Stiles sighed, “You know, last year it was you, Allison and me, now it’s you, Kira and me, just me, little lonely Stiles.” This made Scott look guilty and Stiles began to feel bad, it wasn’t Scott’s fault he didn’t have a girlfriend, it was his. Stiles hadn’t had the nerve to ask out Lydia so soon after Aidan’s death and he probably wasn’t going to ever, he and Lydia were friends now but he had come to the conclusion that friends was all they’d ever be, other than that there was Malia, newest edition to the group and Stiles’ first. Although memories from the time of possession were foggy he remembered his time in the mental institution and his time with Malia very clearly. Honestly he felt that being intimate with her was the best part of sending himself to that terrible place, but Malia had her own issues to deal with now, learning how to shift back and forth, going to high school for the first time; life was hard enough for her without adding a complicated teenage relationship to the mix.

“Well we can invite Lydia or Malia,” Scott suggested, having no idea what was going through his best friend’s head regarding both the Banshee and Werecoyote.

“No thanks man,” Stiles shook his head, “You and Kira go and have a good time, I think I’m just gonna stay home tonight.”

“Are you sure? There will be tons of hot girls there,” Scott said enticingly, but Stiles wasn’t swayed, he knew he’d be no fun at a party with the way he was feeling now. Scott was waiting for an answer but Stiles couldn’t make himself speak, his chest and throat were frozen in anticipation of a sneeze as his nose began to tickle, the tickle growing in severity with each passing moment, it soon turned into a burn within a matter of seconds and Stiles’ breath began to hitch.

Hhh hiihh…” he twisted away from Scott and held his wrist under his nose, “HhNKssht Hah-NGsht Het-shht!” Stiles stifled the rapid-fire triple with a breathy sigh afterward and sniffled, “‘Scuse me,” he said with an evident amount of congestion.

“Gesundhiet,” Scott offered with a slight frown and Stiles sniffled in response, “I guess one good part about the whole werewolf thing is I don’t have allergies anymore.”

Stiles gave a weak smile. “Yeah allergies,” he said tiredly but Scott didn’t seem to notice the exhaustion is his best friend’s voice.

The bell rang for lunch but Stiles wasn’t hungry, the mere thought of eating something besides a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup was actually making his stomach do little flips of distress.

“I think I’m gonna head home man, I’m kind of tired and I have a free period after lunch,” Stiles explained to Scott and the teen wolf nodded.

“See you later,” Scott said and began to walk away. At that moment Stiles decided to completely give up on his locker and head out to the parking lot to his Jeep, he stopped walking and looked around when he felt the tickle return, making sure no one was around. Stifling his sneezes earlier had been a bad idea because once he started he found it difficult stop, usually resulting in more sneezing in general.

Ehhhhh EhKtch, H’NGcht H’tscht hhhhiih…” the last sneeze was stuck, which wasn’t unusual for Stiles only today there was little to no sun to help him coax it out. “Hehhh…”

“You’re sick?” the shock of a female voice temporarily snapped Stiles back to normal.

“No, I just sneeze hysterically all the time for no apparent reason,” Stiles said sarcastically as he sniffled, he turned around and squinted through the slight need to sneeze to see Malia. She was looking as attractive as ever, she didn’t have the same kind of attractiveness as Lydia with all the strawberry blonde’s make-up and short skirts, Malia was rougher, more of a tom boy but in Stiles opinion her look was just as alluring, plus the fact that he knew what she looked like under her loose white tee and blue skinny jeans only made her more attractive in his eyes.

“You sound sick,” Malia continued, clearly not getting Stiles’ sarcastic remark, Stiles sighed and cursed in his head; he guessed the effects of his cold were dampening his ability to be facetious.

Stiles groaned, he didn’t have the energy to crack jokes right now anyway, “No I’m fine really, it’s nothing,” he told Malia tiredly.

“Stiles, you can’t fool me I’m a werecoyote remember? I have superhuman hearing and even if I didn’t I could still plainly hear all that congestion in your voice, so what’s the matter exactly?” Malia asked, more with curiosity than concern.

“It’s a cold, and so far a really, really annoying one,” Stiles said as he snuffled and coughed a little, “but I don’t suppose you’d remember what a cold feels like being as you spent half your life living as a coyote in the woods.” Malia cocked her hair and made a face of undeniable agreement.

“True, I don’t remember what it feels like to be sick but I do remember what it’s like to sneeze and I know that you aren’t supposed to sneeze like that, you’re supposed to let them out,” she said with a hint of a smile.

Stiles scoffed, Malia’s in human form for all of five minutes and she was actually trying to school him on how to do human things, typical of someone from Peter and Derek’s family.

“Uh no, that’s the stupid way to sneeze ‘cause it spreads germs and gets everyone else sick,” Stiles said almost sharply.

“Well good thing I can’t get sick then,” she replied walking closer to the hazel eyed teen getting closer and closer until her face was inches from his. Stiles backed away instinctively until his backpack scraped the door of his Jeep, Malia blew gently on his sensitive nose and instantly Stiles’ sneezy feeling came back with a vengeance.

HhhHehhHuhH’NGsht! Heh-CshTt…” he stifled the sneezes helplessly, his cheeks flushing red with strain.

“Let them out Stiles or you’re just going to keep sneezing,” Malia instructed and informed him.

“Oh and hhh… you’re an ehhh expert now?” Stiles snapped though his wavering breaths, Malia only smirked as Stiles’ breaths became more desperate and he gave way to the urge. “Hhh H’ESSHHUH!” the sneeze was violent and scraped his throat, yet now it was out, more followed. “H’URSSHHUH HESHH Hhhh HahtSSHHUH! H’ESSSHHH Hhh HAH-EHKSSSHHHH! Oh g- hhh… god HUUURRREESSSSHH!” The sneezes had caused Stiles to bend at the waist and he had sneezed directly onto the ground, uncovered, luckily Malia had moved back again, able to get sick or not he still had no desire to sneeze all over her. Stiles straightened up and breathed heavy snuffling breaths; he wiped his nose on his wrist, too exhausted to care about how gross he looked in front of Malia.

“Wow, that was an interesting show,” Malia teased.

Stiles coughed and sniffled wearily. “Nice, thanks, make fun of the sick human guy, y’ know a “bless you” would have sufficed,” Stiles said as he started to get cranky. Malia didn’t look offended only neutral, Stiles got the feeling many things just rolled of the werecoyote’s back like water.

Malia chucked, “I’m sorry Stiles I’m still getting used to the whole manners thing. Bless you.”

“Thanks,” Stiles replied and looked at the time on his watch and realising that they’d talked for several minutes he said, “I’d love to stay and chat but as you can see I can barely breathe let alone talk.” Stiles opened the drivers’ side of his blue and white Jeep but Malia only closed it again, Stiles stared at her wondering what the hell she was doing.

“Wait Stiles, you don’t expect me to just let you drive home alone do you?” Malia had now used her quick were-reflexes to get in front of Stiles.

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because I’ve just watched you succumb to pretty serious weakness, it’d be dangerous for you to drive like that and you just said you can barely breathe,” Malia replied as if it was common knowledge not to sneeze while driving. “I’ll drive you home.” Malia began dragging Stiles to the passenger side of his Jeep; she opened the door and shoved him inside. As Malia stepped into the drivers’ side Stiles stared at her.

Stiles choked as he replied, “You’re gonna drive? Are you crazy? You don’t even have a licence, how can the prospect of me driving while sick be any more dangerous than you driving without a licence?” Malia didn’t say anything, she only smiled. Stiles rolled his eyes which made him clutch his head in pain.

“Oh come on,” Malia smiled as she took the keys from Stiles’ clenched fist, “how hard can it be?”

“Fantastic we’re going to die,” Stiles muttered quietly and looked out of the window as Malia started up the engine. "Hhh... HeehhhUSSHH!"

"Hey, Stiles?" Malia asked.

"Yeah?" replied a sniffling Stiles.

"Bless you."

Sorry that it's only the one part but I've been a bit distracted due to life and shit, I'll try to finish it and post tomorrow, but don't hate me if I can't. :)

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That's really good

Thanks heaps, you always write lovely first comments DeathNoteOwner <3

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This is ADORABLE! I'm still kinda warming up to Malia but I really like her in this fic! Plus you are really good at writing Stiles! Please continue! <3

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I'm still kinda warming up to Malia but I really like her in this fic!

Totally agree. I'm not really sure what she's going to do to the dynamic of the show but I love her in here. :)

Eeeeee, thanks so much, Kaida Lake! :D I'm absolutely so excited about this and you're writing is amazing and I am just so happy right now. I can't wait to read the next part! :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

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This is really cute (and I love Malia, she's adorable <33), but I find it hard to imagine Scott would be so obtuse, especially when it comes to Stiles. I mean, he has been watching him the whole third season, he almost never left his side. ^^*

I really enjoy sick!Stiles though and I hope you'll write more soon!

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I know what you mean, but the story doesn't work if Scott catches on right away. Lol. And he's still reeling from Allisons death. Fucking so sad btw. :( update coming in a week.

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I know what you mean, but the story doesn't work if Scott catches on right away. Lol. And he's still reeling from Allisons death. Fucking so sad btw. sadsmiley.gif update coming in a week.

Omg yes .... I cried for a week. Allison was so awesome .... ;___;

Thanks for answering! =)

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