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Rescue Mission (Doctor Who 11 and River)


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Taking a break from my Sherlock obsession to write some Doctor Who. MoonDuck wrote a couple awesome 11 and River drabbles and they inspired me to write this little story. Probably going to be a one-shot...unless I change my mind...which happens sometimes heh.gif Writing dialogue for these two characters is kind of addicting.

River smiled as she heard the familiar whir of the TARDIS materializing behind her. The door flung open and a very annoyed Doctor came stomping out.

“Do you think every time you leave a message written in the stars I’m just going to come running?” he asked.

“Yes and right on schedule, as usual.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I might be busy, or too far away, or simply feeling uninclined to come to your aid?” River smiled that wicked little grin of hers only fueling his frustration. “I am not your personal errand boy!”

“Dear, do you think there is any possible way we could continue this inside the TARDIS?” she asked. “I’ve been chained to this tree for ages and it’s freezing and you’re clearly in a mood.”

“I am not in a mood.”

“You are.”

“Well if I am it’s your fault,” he snapped. The Doctor sighed and finally seemed to take in his surroundings for the first time since exiting his ship. River was handcuffed to the only tree next to a large purple frozen lake. It was desolate and cold and—yes, now that he looked—she was shivering. He huffed and pulled out his sonic screwdriver, quickly undid the cuffs. She kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, sweetie. Now let’s go inside and you can keep yelling at me.” She walked into the TARDIS leaving him outside.

“I wasn’t yelling,” he mumbled and followed along.

The Doctor was pulling levers and pressing buttons to get the TARDIS into the vortex when he heard an odd sound.


He poked his head around the console and watched as River turned her back and sneezed again.


“Was that you?” he asked.

“Was what me?” He took a couple steps closer and narrowed his eyes.

“Did you…?”

“Did I what?” she countered. They might have entered into a staring contest except for the prickling sensation at the bridge of her nose. She sniffed once, twice, and then turned, sneezing into her hands.


“You did! You sneezed!” the Doctor exclaimed. “Oh, that’s adorable. All girly and feminine.” River scowled.

“Oh, shut up,” she snapped, rubbing her nose. Ahh hahNTKss! ahhTSCHHeew!

“I can’t believe that soft, delicate sound comes from you of all people,” the Doctor said. “You! Always so brash and loud and—”

“I am not loud,” she said.

“Yes you are and you’re brilliant for it,” he said.

ahhTsschhew! HahTSCHeew!

River sneezed again and the Doctor stopped laughing, his smile slowly disappearing as he looked her over.

“Why are you sneezing so much?” he asked. She sat down in one of the chairs on the console and sniffled. A box of tissues appeared next to her and she reached over and patted the wall of the TARDIS.

“Thank you, dear,” she said, pulling a couple tissues from the box.


“Just a bit chilled. If a certain someone had completed his rescue mission a little quicker I might not have been outside for so long,” she said. He opened his mouth to argue but saw the glimmer in her eye—that unique glow reserved for when she was teasing her Doctor. He took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders. Still pale, he thought when he got closer.

“How about a cup of tea?” he asked.

“Lovely. Thank you, sweetie.” He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. Warm too, he noted.

River followed him into the kitchen and sat at the little table while he went about making tea. She adored these moments—him at ease in his TARDIS, trying so hard to be domestic yet having no idea where he’s stored the tea for the last 900-and-some years.

“Aha! Found it,” he said. He put the teapot and two cups on the table and sat down. “Exactly how long were you out there?” he asked. She shrugged.

“Not long.”

“How’d it happen?”

“Oh, a very slight misunderstanding with the locals. You know how it is,” she said with a wink.

“You alright?” he asked quietly.



“I’m fine,” she said firmly, pouring them both some tea. They sat quietly for a few moments and he watched her as he drank his tea. He noted the slight tremor in her hand, the way she sniffled after every third sip, and the way her cheeks and nose were still tinged pink even though she’d been back inside the TARDIS for nearly an hour. River cleared her throat. “You’re staring,” she said.

“Trying to figure out exactly how sick you are.”

“I told you I’m fine.”

“You’re lying,” he said pulling out his screwdriver. River slapped his hand away.

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to sonic a girl without her permission?”

“Then give me your permission,” he said.

“No.” She stood up and slipped out of his coat, shivering despite her best effort. “Thank you for the lift, but I really do need to hehh gehh get going.” Her voice trailed off as her nose twitched. River turned her back to the Doctor and tried to stifle the sneezes. ahhNGtss! NXTss! KTSHH! The tickle grew more intense and she sneezed into her cupped hands, bending at the waist. Ahhtsschheew! Ktschheew! Ktschheew! hahntschheeew! Tschheew! She pushed her mess of curly hair out of her face and straightened back up.

“Bless you, River.”

“Thank you,” she mumbled, keeping her eyes downcast. This time when she heard the pulse of the sonic screwdriver she didn’t even resist, letting the Doctor scan her from head to toe. He looked at the output and frowned.

“How long were you out there?” he asked. She mumbled something and reached down and tilted her chin up. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

“A day and half,” she said. The Doctor shook his head and pulled her towards him in a tight hug.

“Oh, you reckless, stubborn, marvelous woman,” he sighed. “Come on. The only place you’re going is to bed.”

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Love love love love this!!! Please continue! :) I'm so happy to see the sick River with the Doctor fics around here! I can never find enough! :)

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Is this the first sneezefic to be written with River? I'm just going to join the "please continue!" club :D The dialogue is so well written!

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Oh River, you bloody marvellous woman. :wub:

You captured them perfectly and I love the banter and her whole "don't let him see the damage"-thing. :wub: I do hope you might write more about them. :blushing:

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Oh River, you bloody marvellous woman. wub.png

You captured them perfectly and I love the banter and her whole "don't let him see the damage"-thing. wub.png I do hope you might write more about them. blushing.gif

Aww, thanks everyone! Yeah, I like Doctor-River banter. Here's the second half:

“Come on. The only place you’re going is to bed.”

River rolled over and winced. The Doctor looked up from the book he was reading and frowned.

“That bad?” he asked, getting up from the armchair he’d been sitting in while she slept and coming over to the bed. She rubbed her forehead and cleared her throat.

“I’ve been better,” she said, rubbing her nose against her wrist. She pinched her nose and turned her head away from the Doctor. ahNTKS! NXTss! KTSHH!

“Quit doing that,” he said. “You’re gonna…you know…hurt something”

“Hurt sobething?”

“You know…an ear or a…head thing,” he said.


“Bless you. Seriously stop that. Sounds awful.”

River sniffed several times in a row, still not sure if she was done sneezing.

“Oh, right!” the Doctor said. “Here. You need these, right?” He put a fistful of handkerchiefs on the bed next to her. She smiled and grabbed one, holding it to her nose.

“Well, I’b not sure I need all of theb at this particular moment, but thag you.” She blew her nose gently and yawned. The Doctor tilted his head and watched her as she settled back against the pillows. His eyes softened and pushed an errant curl behind her ear. “What?” she asked.

“It’s odd seeing you like this.”

“What? Sick?”

“All…” he waved his hands in her general area. “All still and pale. Your voice is all low and husky. Alright, that part is kinda attractive, but you’re feverish and unwell and a little drippy.”

“I am not drippy and you are rambling, sweetie.”

“Never seen you not ready to spring into action and save the world at a moment’s notice.”

“Oh, I could still save the world,” she said, before grabbing the handkerchief and sneezing. Ktschheew! hahntschheeew! Tschheew! “Rather glad I don’t have to at the moment,” she added.

“Bless you, River.” Worry lines marred his face.

“What is wrong with you?” she asked.

“Nothing’s wrong with me. I just…you’re not well and I…”


“I’m worried about you,” he finally said. She gave him a bemused half-smile.

“Oh sweetie, I’m fine—just a cold.” He looked very unsatisfied with that answer. “You’re the Doctor,” she said. “You should know there’s nothing that can be done for a cold. Just need to let it run its course.” She bit her lip before adding, “I could go though. If it—”

“No, don’t be ridiculous. You’re not going anywhere until you’re well. I just would like to do something to make you feel better and I’m not exactly sure what that would be.”

“Could have just said that,” River said.

“Yeah, took me a while, didn’t it?”

“A bit.”

“Right. So…uh what…what should I do?” he asked. River held up a hand, her breath growing shallow. She picked up the handkerchief and held it in front of her nose. Her head tilted back with each inhale.

heh ahh… “Sorry…ahh…” ahhTSCHH! hhTsschhew! Ktschhhew!

“Bless you.” She shook her head violently and doubled over. hehAHHtsschheew! HahhKTSCHHHeeew! AhhNTSCHHHeeew! The Doctor frowned as she blew her nose and coughed a bit. “Tea?” he asked. River nodded.

Five minutes later and she had a hot cup of tea in her hands.

“Thank you dear,” she said. “My throat is rather sore.”

“What else do you need?” he asked. Cold or no cold, River couldn’t resist. She raised an eyebrow and slid over in the bed, patting the mattress. “Um, what…what are you suggesting exactly?”

“I’m a bit chilled. Thought you could warm me up.”

“I could uh…get you another blanket? A thick, thick warm blanket.”

“I’m teasing. Just come sit with me. I was serious about being cold.” He perched on the edge of the bed and looked ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. “I’ll behave. Promise,” she said. He slid up and rested against the headboard, letting River curl up against him and rest her head on his chest. “Thank you for looking after me,” she said with a yawn. The Doctor pulled the blankets up over her and handed her a fresh handkerchief.

“You’re welcome. This is good?” he asked.

“This is ahh…lovely…” hahTsschheew! Tsschhheew! KTSCHHEEW!

“Bless you,” he said.

“Thank you, sweetie.” He brushed her hair back, her curls bouncing out in a dozen different directions.

“Where does all this hair come from?” the Doctor mumbled, running his hand over her head.

“Mmm…feels nice.”

“Good.” He grabbed his book off the bedside table and balanced it with one hand, slowly stroking her hair with the other. River yawned and rubbed her nose. She was fading.

“What’re you reading?” she asked.

Pride and Prejudice.”

“Oh, wasn’t Jane Austen lovely?”

“What?” He glanced down at River and saw she was nearly asleep, her head resting on his chest, eyes closed.

“Jane Austen. That was a lovely weekend,” she whispered. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him. “We haven’t done that yet, have we?”

“Sounds like fun,” the Doctor said. “What sort of trouble do we get into with Ms. Austen?”


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AWWWWW!! This is so adorable!!! I love it!

They're so in character! This makes my late night doing homework worth it to come on here and see a perfect ending to an amazing story!

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“Quit doing that,” he said. “You’re gonna…you know…hurt something”

“Hurt sobething?”

“You know…an ear or a…head thing,” he said.

He's so delightfully vague sometimes. :lol:

“All…” he waved his hands in her general area. “All still and pale. Your voice is all low and husky. Alright, that part is kinda attractive, but you’re feverish and unwell and a little drippy.”

I can just him say that, slowing down for the last word, with the whole finger waving, tip-toe thing that he does.

Also, everything is better with a little Austen. *grins*

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