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Sharing (Harry Potter- Remus/Sirius)


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It's been ages since I've posted a Harry Potter fic on here. I've been writing in this fandom for over 12 years (I know…amazing!) and I've always loved writing Remus Lupin. Here's a little Remus/Sirius cold fic to break the long drought :)


“Are you sure you can't come?” Sirius asked with pleading eyes.

“I broke every single bone in my body last night and rearranged all my organs. Do you think I want to be in bed? No. Do I think I can sit through an Order meeting though? No,” Remus replied from his nest of blankets in the centre of the large bed the two men shared whenever they were both home for a rare evening together. “Go and you can tell me all the details when you get back.”

“But it's no fun without you,” Sirius whined, straightening his robes in the reflection of the full-length mirror and frowning at his appearance. “And I'm tired.”

“Then tell Dumbledore to stop scheduling them after full moons,” Remus replied wearily. “Or don't go at all. Stay home and say you're sick.”

“My throat does kinda hurt,” Sirius replied. “I have these dark circles.”

He pulled his lower eyelid down with his hand and stared into the mirror.

You have dark circles?” Remus asked with a barking laugh. “Shut up and get going or you'll be late.”

Sirius moved to the bedside and leaned to kiss Remus' brow.

“You're sure you're okay here? You sound a little stuffed up. Maybe I could stay and say you couldn't be left alone?”

Remus shoved Sirius' face away with a snort.

“Don't bring me in to it, Black. Get out of here!”

“I'll be back as soon as I can then,” Sirius assured him. “And I'll bring leftover treats if James doesn't eat them all.”

“Give everyone my love,” Remus instructed, pulling the quilts up to his chin with a yawn. He shifted his hips and winced as pain shot through his spine.

“See!” Sirius cried, noting the pained expression. “I should stay.”

“It's a back spasm, not the Black Death,” Remus retorted, adjusting the heating-charmed pillow beside him to cradle his back. “Go!”

“Ugh, fine,” Sirius replied, getting his scarf from the hook on the back of the door and winding it around his neck. “Owl if you need anything. Be home soon.”

“Have fun!” Remus called with mocking cheer as Sirius headed for the front door. His hoarse voice cracked and went up to a funny pitch. He could hear Sirius chuckle as the door shut behind him.

Closing his eyes, Remus tried to fall back asleep. Neither James nor Peter had the previous night off for full-moon adventures, but Sirius had come along as Padfoot and the two canines spent the whole evening romping through snow-covered fields in the Scottish highlands. In the morning when Remus woke in a snow bank shivering so violently he thought he was starting another transformation, Sirius had bundled him in a coat and Apparated them both back to his cozy flat.

They'd slept most of the day until afternoon turned into early evening and they were scheduled for an Order meeting. Normally Remus would try to get out of bed for such affairs, but it was freezing out which made the aches all the more painful and Sirius had been right- he was getting a bit stuffy.

So he curled up as best he could with an aching back and sore limbs, and tried to rest more. The heated pillows positioned on either side to cradle him seemed to be doing little to keep him from shivering, even with the pile of quilts Sirius had arranged on the bed. After an hour of fitful attempts to sleep he found himself wishing he'd allowed Sirius to stay home. His chest was beginning to ache with the early wheezes of a cough and his nose felt swollen and full.

When the door creaked open a few hours later, Sirius came inside kicking snow from his boots and sniffling noisily. The flat was dark and Remus was still in bed, lying quietly in the dim bedroom. Sirius shed his cloak and scarf as he walked, leaving a trail of damp clothes across the living room furniture.

“You awake?” he asked softly as he entered the room.

“Mhmm,” Remus murmured.

“Didn't miss much,” Sirius said. Remus could hear him rummaging in the wardrobe for his pyjamas and the sound of robes swishing to the ground in favour of warm plaid. After a moment, a chilly pair of arms circled Remus as the bed dipped under Sirius' added weight.

“You're freezing,” Remus yelped hoarsely, shying away from the touch and rolling over to look at Sirius. In the dim light he could see the shiny red glow of Sirius' winter-wind chapped nose.

“And you sound like shite,” Sirius replied.

“I think I've got a cold,” Remus admitted. “Probably better I stayed here.”

“I should have stayed too,” Sirius grumbled. “Half the group wasn't there and I'm pretty sure you shared your germs with me.”

“Really?” Remus asked.

“Do you want me to cough on you to demonstrate or...?”

“No, I believe you.”

“Good, cause I did my fair share on the road outside and I'd like to give my lungs a rest.”

“Should I go get some potions then?” Remus asked, finding Sirius' frozen fingers under the sheets and pulling the man's hands to his chest, wrapping them up under his arms for warmth.

“No,” Sirius replied, snuggling closer. “I want to die in peace without drinking some horrible tonic first.”

“You're so dramatic. What about tea?”

“I don't want you to get up. Just stay here and suffer with me.”

“Fine. Just shove over so I can reset the heating charms on the bed,” Remus said, rolling away from Sirius grip and reaching for his wand on the bed-side table.

“You strong enough for that?” Sirius asked. “I can do it.”

“You set them last night and they've already worn off,” Remus teased. “I'll do it.”

He sat up partially and swished his wand in a half-circle before bringing it straight down to touch the quilt, muttering 'Calorvapos'. The blankets glowed an otherworldly earthly red for a moment before returning to their normal pale green.

Remus set his wand back down and snuggled back down next to Sirius.

“Better?” he asked.

“Better,” Sirius agreed. “But it's making my nose run....going cold to warm...”

He sniffled wetly and bumped his nose against Remus' shoulder.

“I'd ask you not to share germs like that, but I suppose it's too late,” Remus said, shying away from Sirius' damp nostrils.

“Sorry, Moony...don't have a...hehh...ts'gHXHT!...a tissue.”

Sirius interrupted himself with a half-stifled sneeze directed into Remus' pyjama-clad shoulder.

“There's plenty here,” Remus said drolly, reaching for the box. “I'd try them next time instead of my sleeve.”

“Be nice,” Sirius moaned, taking one of the tissues and folding it over his nose. “You're used to this! Being sick and all that.”

“Just because I'm not whining doesn't mean I enjoy this,” Remus replied. “In fact, I've barely slept at all and I'm tired of being in bed.”

“I know, love,” Sirius said, his voice quieting as he circled an arm around Remus' thin hips. “I didn't mean to tease. Will you sleep now?”

Remus sniffled as he let himself bend against the curve of the other man, forming the little spoon to Sirius' embrace.

“I'll try,” he said wearily. “I wish it wasn't so cold out. It makes it worse.”

“I know,” Sirius soothed, kissing Remus' neck gently. “Poor skinny Remus...poor achy bones.”

Remus smiled wanly and reached a hand to poke Sirius.

“I'm not skinny...I'm efficient. Good metabolism.”

“I've seen you be efficient. No one that skinny should be able to polish off three steaks.”

“It was finals week before the moon,” Remus said, chuckling. “I needed my strength. And the house elves were happy to provide me with a good meal. Besides, I...hnhh...

He stopped mid-thought, tensing against Sirius before his head bobbed forward and he jerked violently with a throat-scraping Ehh...Hhn'TSGHXTT!

“Bless you!” Sirius exclaimed.

“Ugh,” Remus groaned, reaching for a tissue and giving his nose a gurgling blow. “Officially sick.”

“As if there was any doubt.”

“I know, but the first sneeze is what proves it for me.”

“Well, we're both official then. I'll send an owl in the morning....there's no way you're going in to see Dumbledore tomorrow,” Sirius said.

“I'll be fine. I already missed tonight,” Remus replied. “It's a short meeting.”

“Don't make me force you,” Sirius said, tightening his grip around Remus' waist momentarily. “Dumbledore can wait.”

“Mhm, fine,” Remus agreed sleepily, yawning as he spoke.

“Sleep, love,” Sirius urged, tucking his head against Remus's shoulder.

Remus made a contented sound of agreement and closed his eyes. If the first signs of a cold had shown themselves, there were many more to come and he needed as much rest as he could get!

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Exactly..dumbles can wait...i love when lupin is the sick one or both him and sirius and the puppies care for eachother. :heart:

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Thanks for sharing this lovely little piece! :D It's been forever since I read anything HP-related, but I'll always come back for your writing~

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I thought I was the only one who shipped this! And BOTH OF THEM OHEMGEEZ I'm in love -


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