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The Drunkard and The Ill - Les Miserables (Enjolras/Grantaire)


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I don't know how I feel about this fic. WARNING: It's long. ENJOY :D

Plot: Enjolras receives a lot of attention after catching a cold from the rain; Grantaire gets jealous.

Setting: 1800's

Actors: Aaron Tveit as Enjolras and George Blagden as Grantaire. Just picture exactly the Les Miserables 2012 movie!


Chapter 1: Enjolras

The cobblestone streets that Enjolras had walked upon glistened from the fall of rain. His lonely self had been drenched from this dreadful weather for almost half an hour. The poor revolutionary seemed to have gotten lost for most of the streetlights were too misty to be seen. Enjolras glanced through the town's streets finding not a single soul in sight. What did the boy expect in a night so gloomy and grey? He continued his way toward one of the brightest lights lit in the street: the Cafe Musain. It was the general meeting area for all of the friends of the A B C.

As he entered the cafe and proceeded to reach the second floor, he had begun to sniff and rub his nose with the back of his palm. Enjolras made it to the top of the stairs, but before he could say anything he leaned onto the railing and went into a large coughing fit.

All at once the young revolutionaries gathered around Enjolras as quickly as possible.

"Why Enjolras, you're wet to the bone!" Combeferre spoke with concern.

Enjolras managed to spit a few words out, but he couldn't finish his sentence without sniffing at least once. "The rain took me by surprise...sniff...I didn't see any storm clouds since..sin...hih...HI'schieww! Sniff...Since it is night." The boy sneezed and began to shiver violently; he produced an intense chattering sound with his teeth.

"Somebody fetch him a blanket or a coat! He needs something to keep him warm!" Joly demanded out into the open.

Courfeyrac immediately withdrew his jacket from his body and wrapped it around Enjolras.

"You don't need to do this." Enjolras protested. "I'm fine...hih...Hep'tSHOO! Guh."

Feuilly shook his head. "But you are chilled."

"I'll admit, only a little, but I'm okay. Heh...etTISHcheww! HEPt'cheww! Sniff...Excuse me." He sneezed twice more.

The cheeks of Enjolras flushed, turning a rosy shade. As Enjolras let out a massive shiver combined with a sneeze, Marius had just entered the cafe. He looked as if he were going to make an announcement until he laid eyes on Enjolras.

"I was just about to report that it is down pouring right now, but it looks like you all already have proof." Marius laughed and he joined in with the others attending Enjolras.

"I would like to thank you all very much. Hih...HEPt'ISHOO! My apologies." The leader sneezed. He had nothing to wipe his nose with so he rubbed it against his sleeve. Most of the members of the A B C looked disgusted by Enjolras and his messiness.

"I brought you some napkins, Enjolras, to wipe your nose with. No need for using your sleeve any longer." Jean Prouvaire held out a pile of napkins to Enjolras.

"You are very kind." He thanked him.

Chapter 2: Grantaire

In the corner of the cafe, there was an image of a young man reclining on a chair with his legs kicked up on the table. He held a bottle in his left hand; in fact the bottle was nearly half empty. He snorted at the sickly Enjolras, but not because he was almost to the point of being drunk; he felt a little bit of jealousy stirring inside. He stared straight at the feverish boy, envying his attention. As he continued to gaze at the charming revolutionary, he was soon interrupted with a small tap on his shoulder.

"Grantaire, what are you doing?" Courfeyrac questioned his friend.

Grantaire looked up at Courfeyrac while carrying a confused look on his pale face. "Well, what does it look like I'm doing?"

Courfeyrac shrugged. "I'm just surprised that you, out of all of us, aren't over there attending Enjolras."

"I'd rather not."

"I find that quite odd. Is everything alright?"

Grantaire sighed and looked back at Enjolras. "What's the use? It wouldn't mattered if I joined the crowd; I'm just an extra body in the room. Nobody listens to me."

"Perhaps it's because you are drunk." Courfeyrac insisted.

"I am not! Well listen, another thought occurred to me. Think about it, if any of us were feeling ill, I highly doubt he would take part of aiding us. Likewise, none of us would get nearly as much attention as he is receiving now."

Courfeyrac lightly playfully Grantaire in the shoulder. "Oh posh; you're just feeling jealous, that's all. I'm sure he would help us if we were sneezing as much as he was."

"I wouldn't count on it." Grantaire shook his head.

"One day, you shall see."

Courfeyrac left the boy alone and went back to the group of other revolutionary students. Grantaire glanced back at Enjolras one more time to catch him in the midst of a sneeze. His head was exploding with emotions at the moment; he didn't know what he was feeling. It was as if he completely envied his friend, but he couldn't help but let his admiration for Enjolras overcome his jealousy. Every move he made seemed to fill Grantaire's stomach with troublesome butterflies. He briskly snapped back into realizing that almost all of the students were giving Enjolras their full undivided attention.

Grantaire sparked an idea and reached for the pepper shaker that was placed precisely next to the table salt. He gathered a group of napkins and placed them directly in front of him. He shook the pepper shaker and was able to get a plentiful amount of the spice onto the napkins. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, but he quickly let it all out. He opened his eyes and leaned towards the pile of pepper. Grantaire placed his index finger on his right nostril and proceeded to take in a good whiff of the pepper. He instantly scrunched his nose for the spice competed with his sensitive nose. His breath began to hitch, but he fought back the temptation of sneezing.

He then gently placed his finger on his other nostril and breathed in with the pepper right below his nose. His eyes immediately filled with water and his nose began to burn. Grantaire shortly began to continuously sniff to keep the pepper in his nose. He arose from his chair and made his way over to the group of students. His poor nose couldn't hold in the tingling sensation any longer. He squinted his eyes and began to hitch his breath. "HEH-EIshoo! HAT'ishoo! Sniff... Pardon me." He excused himself from his powerful sneezes.

All of the boys turned their attention toward Grantaire for a split second, but then attended Enjolras once again. Grantaire looked over to Courfeyrac to try and prove himself right, but Courfeyrac had no interest in his little game.

Grantaire sniffed once again and felt the itching sensation stay put in his nose. His chest had arose and and he shot his face into the crook of his arm. He continued to stay in that position, as for the sneeze was stuck. "Heh...heh... ih...come on..."

"What's going on with him?" Bossuet pointed at Grantaire.

"I'm afraid I cannot get this sneeze out." Grantaire whined.

"Look up to the light; it will help you with your sneeze." Joly spoke.

Grantaire did as followed and stared up at the lights on the ceiling. He proceeded to gaze at the illuminating source until he finally felt the tingle intensify in his nose. He squinted his eyes and jerked his head foward. "HehTI'SHOO! Heh...EI'shoo! Sniff...thanks." Grantaire sneezed. "Excuse me everyone; I'm just feeling a bit under the weather."

"Perhaps he could have caught what I have?" Enjolras admitted without thinking ahead of time.

"Oh don't be silly. From what I recall he wasn't even standing near you this entire night. Besides, nobody can catch a cold in such shortage of time." Combeferre interjected.

Grantaire still had some irritation built up in the back of his sinuses from the large amount of pepper he inhaled. Courfeyrac pulled Grantaire aside to discuss his act, but he held up his pointer finger to stop him. He shifted his head towards the right so he wouldn't sneeze on Courfeyrac. "Heh...EI'shoo! HAT'ishoo! Hep'tSHOO! Heh...pt'gnxx!"

"That was quite entertaining!" Courfeyrac laughed as Grantaire began to blow his nose into a tissue.

"Certainly." Grantaire responded with a blocked nose.

"You must sit down and take a few deep breaths. I'll get you a cup of tea; the steam with help clear your nose."

"NO...uh, please, you mustn't. You really don't need to." Grantaire objected.

"I thought that's what you wanted. Isn't attention what you wished for?" Courfeyrac questioned him.

Grantaire sighed and kept watch of Enjolras. "Yes, but not quite. Listen, I proved you wrong, my friend. I said he wouldn't care for me and he didn't."

"Why must you crave for attention from Enjolras? Why is that all you care about?"

Grantaire looked back at Courfeyrac. "It would be special if it came from him. Imagine having someone you admire so much give some admiration back. That is what I long for. Heh'TIShoo! Sniff..." Without warning Grantaire sneezed into mid air. He held his palm up to the tip of his nose and applied pressure. Courfeyrac handed Grantaire a handful of napkins to use as tissues.

"Do you fancy Enjolras?" Courfeyrac asked.

"Perhaps. I truly don't know."

Chapter 3: E/R

Closing time seemed to sneak upon the revolutionary students. As everyone headed out of the cafe with thirty minutes to spare, Grantaire stayed in the corner to finish up the rest of his bottle. He sat back in his chair and placed his feet on the table once more before the night was coming to an end. He swiftly shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. As he breathed in he heard a subtle sneeze, but he didn't dare to open his eyes. When he exhaled he heard a voice fairly close to his body.

"Bless you." The voice spoke.

"I did not sneeze." Grantaire replied while opening up his eyes. He was taken by surprise when he saw that the person who approached him was Enjolras.

"I know, my friend, it was me who did. I am blessing you for the amount of times you did tonight. Bless you." Enjolras smiled and pulled up a seat next to him.

Grantaire put his feet down and sat up properly in his chair. He cleared his voice and proceeded to speak. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little. I may give a sneeze here and there. Thank you for asking, but this isn't about me. I came here because I heard from a certain someone that you requested my assistence."

"Courfeyrac." Grantaire murmered under his breath.

"Perchance. Well, I'm here now." Enjolras continued to grin and gaze into Grantaire's brilliantly blue eyes.

They sat there in complete silence for ten minutes straight. The only interruptions they had were a sneeze from each other. Although the situation seemed awkward, Grantaire was as content as he's ever been. Having Enjolras as his company changed him into a completely different person. The only thing that Grantaire fantasized was having Enjolras blurt out that he admires him as well. He received nothing out of the silent ten minutes.

"I still have some pepper in my nose." Grantaire announced out of the blue.


"I guess Courfeyrac didn't tell you about that." Grantaire spoke, ashamed.

"I'm afraid he did not. What did you do, R?" Enjolras felt intrigued.

"I may or may not have sniffed some pepper to make myself sound like I was ill. I know, how embarrassing. A little word of advice: do not do it. It burns the inside of your nose and makes your eyes water; it's just a painful expeirence. I think I sneezed more tonight than I have this entire year." Grantaire explained.

"I will keep that in mind."

"Heh...HeiTSHOO! Sniff... see? I show proof." Grantaire smirked.

"R, you fool. You are drunk." Enjolras teased.


I wonder if anyone actually made it to the end of this. Well if you did, CONGRADULATIONS!

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"Bless you." The voice spoke.

"I did not sneeze." Grantaire replied while opening up his eyes. He was taken by surprise when he saw that the person who approached him was Enjolras.

"I know, my friend, it was me who did. I am blessing you for the amount of times you did tonight. Bless you." Enjolras smiled and pulled up a seat next to him.

This part was so cute :3 I love Grantaire and Enjolras... very heart-warming! I loved it!! :D

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This part was so cute :3 I love Grantaire and Enjolras... very heart-warming! I loved it!!

Thank you!!! I'm so glad to hear that thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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See, it's okay to do embarassing, selfish, stupid things if you're drunk.

:) Couldn't have put it in a better way!

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Ahhhhhhhhh so nice! I admit I cringed through all of the part where grantaire was faking it, but it was so well written.

EDIT: I wrote this comment at 12:30 am so looking back I can see that the whole cringed thing might be taken the wrong way. I didn't mean there was anything at all wrong with your fic. I just have this weird thing where I get very uncomfortable around lying, delusion, or deception in fiction. I was watching Nebraska with my parents and I couldn't deal with the fact that the old man wasn't going to win a million dollars, but he thought he was going to, and kept telling people he was.

Edited by occasionalfury
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@occasionalfury That's okay :) I cringe when people lie and then get away with it. I don't even know how I made Courfeyrac not say anything to anyone about it...Thank you for the sweet comment!

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