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Highlights (SPN fic)


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This is kind of in the opposite direction when compared to my last piece. I think I needed a break from writing something so plot-heavy! So I'm filling my own prompt from like, a year ago. Just snippets of sneezing during a normal, low-stress, typical-salt-and-burn kind of day.

Also, totally unrelated but!! This is pretty exciting. Supernatural, the show, like the show I watch and write and think about all the time, is filming really close to my actual apartment right now! Like, where I live! How cool. (I'm staying inside until it all blows over!! It's making me so nervous!)



6:13 AM

Sam’s usually the early-riser of the two, especially lately, but today Dean’s up first. New state, new time zone, and the shift of daylight savings result in the sun rising too early and throwing off his internal clock.

He’s already had a shower and is nearly fully dressed when he’s forced to press the back of his hand against his septum, facing the wall and wincing into a roughly stifled “Hn’KNCHgh!”, coming out louder than he’d hoped for – especially given his usual aptitude when it comes to holding them in.

He thinks he’s gotten away with it until he hears Sam murmur a sleepy “Gesundheit” and turn over in his bed.

7:21 AM

Sam wonders how the pollen can already be getting to him, especially with the motel windows closed. He’s out of antihistamines, which he hasn’t needed for a while since it’s just now the start of allergy season. He’d feel awkward bringing it up to Dean (and then having to go out of their way to pick up some more just because his immune system goes haywire every year), so he decides to wait until they make a pit stop, hoping that the next gas station carries the generic brand.

Hp’CHSHhAh! Hh’ISSHhh!

What’s taking Dean so long? He should have been back from today’s breakfast run at least twenty minutes ago.

8:57 AM

Sam freezes in the library’s doorway, twists his upper body abruptly with his arm over his face.

Hp’PPTCHhew! Hhp’CHSHH! … Eh’htTCHhHEW!” He sniffles, shaking his head a little and turning back around. “Ugh. Sorry.”

“Hayfever?” Dean guesses. He’s still holding the door, and he motions for Sam to hurry up and get inside.

“Yeah,” is all Sam says as he follows his brother into the library, briefly scrubbing the back of his hand underneath his nose.

9:25 AM

Even in the air-conditioned library his nose is bothering him (or, rather, something else is bothering his nose) as he’s seated across the table from Dean with an assortment of books and records between them.

Hh’mmpt’uh! Hh… huh’hh’KSSH!” Blushing and feeling all eyes on him (even though they probably aren’t), Sam hears himself echo throughout the quiet room, despite his attempts to squash the sneezes down.

Without looking up from his research, Dean produces a stack of napkins and slides them across the table.

10:09 AM

Whatever’s in the air must be getting to Dean, too, or maybe it’s just one of those for-no-reason instances, but either way he’s gasping and pinching his nose on his way back to the archives.

He’s able to quiet it down into a near-silent “ngk!” but he still holds his breath afterward, letting it out slowly in a manner that’s uncharacteristically self-conscious.

11:32 AM


Dean notices that with Sam’s allergies, he never sneezes just once, and the final sneeze is almost always a little stronger than the one(s) preceding. He isn’t sure if that’s a result of Sam ‘scratching’ at the itch in his sinuses a lot harder to finally satisfy it, or his body deciding it’s had enough and attempting to finalize the whole sneezing process altogether.

“You wanna hop in the car already, Snuffles?” He calls from the driver’s seat. “I’m starving.”

12:03 PM

The first thing Sam does when they get to the restaurant is use one of the napkins to squeeze and wipe underneath his nose. He’d been sniffling constantly on the way over, eyebrows furrowed with frustration.

“Here,” Dean finally says, sliding into the booth opposite Sam and rifling around in his pocket. He pulls out a box of non-drowsy antihistamines – name brand – and sets them on the table.

Sam rolls his eyes and huffs. “You couldn’t have given me these back there when I was—”

“You’re supposed to take them with food, moron.” Triumphantly, Dean flips his menu open.

“How did you know to…?”

“Please. How could I not? You were snoring all night,” Dean remarks, scanning the menu. “Picked some up while I was getting breakfast. No big deal.”

2:56 PM

“I’m telling you, Sam, I don’t think he’s our guy. We should probably go and talk to—”

Uhh’KTSCHH! KSShhUH! Uhh. Sniff!” The medicine’s been doing its job, at least, better than Sam’s used to (no more watery eyes or itchy throat), but that doesn’t mean a few rogue sneezes won’t make it through. He could only be so lucky.

“Bless. Talk to the vic’s wife.”


“Jeez. You allergic to interviews now, too, Sammy?”

“Ha ha.” Sam clears his throat, rolls his eyes. “Just drive.”

3:07 PM

They’re stopped at a red light when Sam squints at the sun through the windshield and pitches forward into cupped hands.

Hh’TSSH! Huh… Hpt’TSHHHhuh!

The light turns green, and Dean steps on the gas. “Seriously? It’s been, like, ten minutes.”

Sam shrugs, sniffling. He takes the antihistamines from the glove compartment and scans the back of the box. “Says a dose is supposed to last six hours. It’s only been three.”

“Well, you’re a giant,” Dean reasons. While keeping his hand on the wheel and eyes on the road, he reaches into the backseat and pulls out a half-empty bottle of cola. “Take some more.”

7:00 PM

“Looks like we’re pretty strapped for cash,” Dean announces as he shrugs on his jacket, keys in his hand as he prepares to exit the room. “I’m gonna hit up a couple bars in town, see if one of them has a pool table. You comin’?”

No response.


Hh’ESSHhew! Eh’HTSCHh!” Still seated at the table, Sam grabs one of the leftover takeout napkins from dinner and steeples it over the lower half of his face. “Huh…! Uh’HPTSHHhew! TSSHh! Hh’TSHHuh!

Dean’s urged to smirk and roll his eyes, but he resists. “Bless you.”



“Uh, I’m good. Think I’m just gonna chill here, do some more research, maybe.”

“Suit yourself.” Dean shrugs and places a new, unopened box of Benadryl on the table. “The drowsy kind,” he explains before Sam can argue. “You could use the rest.”

10:42 PM

Dean’s been killing it at pool all night, and he knows that with tonight’s winnings they’ll be set for at least a week and a half. He’s just about to cash out when the smoke in the bar gets to him, and he dips his head forward to meet the back of his wrist.

Hh’EKSHH! TCHKSHnn!” They came too fast for him to stifle properly, but the music’s loud enough to drown out the sound to anyone more than a few feet away from him, anyway. He pats the fresh income in his pocket and grabs his keys as his head starts to clear.

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This part here:

He’s able to quiet it down into a near-silent “ngk!” but he still holds his breath afterward, letting it out slowly in a manner that’s uncharacteristically self-conscious.

Maybe because I'm REALLY seeing it in my head? Ugh....Loooooooooove!

I love this whole concept - and I remember that prompt! It doesn't have to be this big thing...the casualness of it all is just as hot. Hm. Maybe hotter...

And this line was yummy:

Sam freezes in the library’s doorway, twists his upper body abruptly with his arm over his face.

They're really shooting here? Can we go talk to the writers? turned.gif

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I really like this. It's just so ordinary and I like that.

Wow, they're really shooting near you? Oh my gosh. No, you should go outside dressed in different clothes every time and walk past the camera during crowd scenes! I mean. It's a possibility.

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"I really like this. It's just so ordinary and I like that."

Totally agree with AdrianMarx on this


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I love this. It's so casual, but so much hotness! And I agree with Adrian, photobomb those crowd scenes!

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Love it! Will you be continuing?

I have also experienced being close to the filming of Supernatural. They filmed one block up from my work a few years ago, as well as at a diner close by. Sadly I missed out on crowd scenes!

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“You wanna hop in the car already, Snuffles?” He calls from the driver’s seat. “I’m starving.”

This is my favourite line from anything ever :yay:

I love this!

I think it works as a one-shot, but I wouldn't be too opposed if you decided to continue :bleh:

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I absolutely love this!

And by the way, um, I've been following your SPN fanfiction for a really long time now (I was a lurker for ages, lol) and you're one of my absolute favorites. Thank you for writing all that you wrote, you're amazing! thumbup.gif

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This part here:

He’s able to quiet it down into a near-silent “ngk!” but he still holds his breath afterward, letting it out slowly in a manner that’s uncharacteristically self-conscious.

Maybe because I'm REALLY seeing it in my head? Ugh....Loooooooooove!

I love this whole concept - and I remember that prompt! It doesn't have to be this big thing...the casualness of it all is just as hot. Hm. Maybe hotter...

And this line was yummy:

Sam freezes in the library’s doorway, twists his upper body abruptly with his arm over his face.

They're really shooting here? Can we go talk to the writers? turned.gif

Ah, thank you!! I never know how good of a job I'm doing at making things vivid so that was so cool of you to tell me which parts you liked!

And oh my god, they were on the lower west side the other night... they went into bars that I know about, they went into a 7-11 that I've seen! Let's you and I meet up and pretend to be crew workers... I'm sure they'll let us in... we've got sooo many ideas for the show after all...

I really like this. It's just so ordinary and I like that.

Wow, they're really shooting near you? Oh my gosh. No, you should go outside dressed in different clothes every time and walk past the camera during crowd scenes! I mean. It's a possibility.

Thank you! Something about ordinary stuff really gets to me, I think. It's so raw and intimate and unaware so it just seems so EXPOSED. I love it.

God, you know I've thought about it! I've been on spring break and had nothing to do... I should have totally gone out and looked for them...

"I really like this. It's just so ordinary and I like that."

Totally agree with AdrianMarx on this


I'm so glad you liked it!

I love this. It's so casual, but so much hotness! And I agree with Adrian, photobomb those crowd scenes!

Aw, I wish! Maybe next time... I mean, I guess they're still here but... I'm SO nervous!

Thank you!

Love it! Will you be continuing?

I have also experienced being close to the filming of Supernatural. They filmed one block up from my work a few years ago, as well as at a diner close by. Sadly I missed out on crowd scenes!

I might make a similar one of a different day if people are interested! :D

Oh man, for real? That's SO close!!! How exciting! Are you in Vancouver??

“You wanna hop in the car already, Snuffles?” He calls from the driver’s seat. “I’m starving.”

This is my favourite line from anything ever yay.gif

I love this!

I think it works as a one-shot, but I wouldn't be too opposed if you decided to continue bleh.gif

I loooove Dean and all of his cute nicknames that he gives people!

I wasn't planning on making more but you guys are seriously making me reconsider...

I absolutely love this!

And by the way, um, I've been following your SPN fanfiction for a really long time now (I was a lurker for ages, lol) and you're one of my absolute favorites. Thank you for writing all that you wrote, you're amazing! thumbup.gif

:Pounce: NO WAAAAY. This is so incredibly nice of you to say. I don't know what to say back other than thank you so so much and you've definitely made my night! (I'm totally not amazing! I've only been into this show for a little over a year... I still feel so new! So much to practice, so much to learn!)

No need to stay in the shadows! At least, not if you don't want to. Don't be shy!!! I'd love to talk :)

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Oh man, for real? That's SO close!!! How exciting! Are you in Vancouver??

For real! Technically I'm in North Van.

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I'm really glad you wrote this one. It was always a really cool prompt. And the fill is brilliant for all the same reasons that the prompt was promising, it's so relaxed and natural and I love that even though Sam's the one who's having allergy problems, Dean's sneezing a little too and probably in most fics you wouldn't even see that, but it's believable, and I dunno, it's kinda nice to see it. I especially love that Dean had the antihistamines all that time, but he wasn't going to hand them over until Sam could take them properly, and Sam's mild frustration with him. :)

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You are a wonderful writer! I felt like I was actually watching Supernatural! I love how Dean calls Sam "snuffles" oh my goshness so cute!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I can't believe I never commented on this. I read this story back when you posted it and it was delightful! I especially liked the spellings. So desperate and hot! Sammy...! :heart:

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