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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"10 sneezes and you're out." (SPN)


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I know what you're thinking. Another Supernatural Fanfic?! Who needs those, right? :P

But this is only my second shot at it, so I'd really appreciate some readers and feedback! You know I love you guys and since I've been enjoying all these lovely SPN fics on here and I'm relatively new to the fandom, but all the more into it (currently watching Season 4), I thought I should write at least this oneshot to give back to you all and I hope that some of you enjoy it!

Sam has a headcold, but doesn't want to admit it, so Dean makes use of a rule he thought up ages ago...

Hope you like it! Let me know what you think, please! Thanks! :hug:

"So....Bobby says shapeshifter, huh?"

Dean took a sharp right turn.

"Yeah", Sam said and sniffled discreetly. Ever since he'd gotten up in the morning, his nose had been runny, itchy and annoying. But he was determined not to be a baby about it.

Dean gave him a short look from the side and sarcastically said: "Wow, okay, I didn't need all those details, Sammy."

Sam made a face at his brother. "I was getting there. There's a guy named Carson Schneider. He raped a 17-year-old two days ago, but when he was arrested by the authorities, he insisted that he didn't do it."

"Rapists lie", Dean replied, while staring ahead at the road. "Shocking."

"Thing is", Sam said and sniffled again. His nose was really starting to annoy him. If only he had a tissue... or two... "Schneider was seen at a bank the exact time he said he was there. The security footage doesn't show his face clearly, but I have a feeling it really was him."

"So the shapeshifter is the bad guy? Stealing people's identities and doing all kinds of bad stuff, then the real people are blamed for what the shapeshifter did?"

"Seems like it." Sam nodded, then turned away from Dean and began rubbing his itchy nose with the back of his hand. His head was pounding. Truth be told, he didn't exactly feel up to working a case. But Bobby had asked them to go check it out and a girl had been raped. Who was he to stop and rest because of a stupid headache and a runny nose?

"Great." Dean flashed a smile at him. "Sounds like fun. Let's do it."

"Do what?", Sam replied lamely. His brain was tired and slow. It had started out that way in the morning and he had only grown more tired ever since.

"Gank the bastard."

Before Sam could reply anything, his nose began acting up unexpectatly. The general feeling of itchiness intensified to a sharp stinging feeling all of a sudden and his eyes began watering. There was nothing he could do to fight the sneeze.


Dean gave him a quick look. "Bless y', Sammy."

Sam sniffled wetly. "Thaggs." He blushed at the audible congestion and sniffled again to clear his sinuses. "I think we should start by talking to the actual Carson Schneider."

"Yeah, I guess", Dean shrugged. "But the shapeshifter could be anybody we meet. It's unlikely that he's still walking around with Schneider's face on, right?"

"Yup. True", Sam said. Dean was about to reply, when two more sneezes caught Sam off guard.

"Huh'ATchoo! Heeh'IER'cheww!"

"Jeez. Bless y' again", Dean said and raised one of his eyebrows. "You alright there, man?"

"Sure, I'b great", Sam said and sniffled wetly. After a pause, he added: "We dod't happen to have any dissues aroudd...?"

Dean laughed a little. "Wish we did. You sure need 'em."

"Crap", Sam muttered.

Dean took his eyes off the road for a moment and looked at him. "Want me to stop at a gas station?"

"Nah....", Sam shook his head and wiped his runny nose with his sleeve. "M' fine."

"If you say so..."

"Yes, I say so", Sam insisted irritably. "Don't always question me, Dean. If I say I'm perfectly fine, then I...- hang on...I...huh...huh..."

"You getting there?"

"It's stuck. I ha...huh...huh'YATchoow! Ahh...fuck! That one hurt."

"At least you got it out, right?"



"Just shut up, okay? I'm fine."

"Then why you sneezing your head off`?"

Sam let out a sigh. "I'm not! Not...really."

Dean was silent for a while. Then he quietly said: "I give it a minute."

Sam frowned, confused. "You give what a minute?"

"I give it a minute until you sneeze again."

Sam's frown faded and was replaced by an angry glare. "Sorry to disappoint, but that last sneeze was the last one for today. No more sneezes. Don't get your hopes up."

"We'll see", Dean replied cooly.

So Sam sat and waited. He tried to breathe through his nose, but it was already too stuffed up. He sniffled to clear it, but much to his dismay this only caused the tickle to return. Only about ten

seconds had passed and he wanted to make it to the motel without any more sneezes, so he began rubbing at his nose aggressively. It didn't help much. He cursed when his eyes began watering again. He wanted to fight the urge, but it was pointless. When the tickle intensified, he knew he had to give up the fight and let his nose have its way. All he could do was catch the wet sneeze in cupped hands to avoid spraying Dean in the driver's seat.



Sam stared at Dean. "What?"

"That make five, Sam."

"Dean?! Are you counting my sne... sne...huh...huh'atchIEEW! ...sneezes?!"


"Goddammit, Dean! Will you knock it off? It's not funny!"

"Never said it was", Dean answered calmly, in no way responding to Sam's pissed-off face. "It's just how the game works, bro."

"How the...? What game? The fuck are you talking about?" Sam was seriously getting annoyed. Being sniffly and sneezy and headachey was bad enough by itself. Dean didn't have to be a jerk about it.

"The game, Sam!", Dean insisted. "Don't you remember? 10 sneezes and you're out."

"10 sneezes and you're out...", Sam repeated thoughtfully, because this was stirring up some memories. "I think I remember..."

"You should. You were like eight or nine, dude."

"And we were driving with dad..."

"Exactly. And you were coming down with something, but you didn't want to admit it. Dad didn't want to deal with it and you insisted that you weren't sick, but I knew that you were. I only had to find a way to force you to admit it, so I set up a rule. You can have ten random sneezes, but no more. After sneezing ten times, you have to admit that you're sick. So...there you go. Ten sneezes and you're out. That refresh your memory?"

"Yah!", Sam growled. "I remember perfectly how you dragged me to bed in that motel room and forced me to stay there for like two days without getting up. Ever."

"I made sure you stayed in bed until you were all better", Dean said with a satisfied smile, sounding pleased with himself.

Sam rolled his eyes at him. "Well, thanks again for that, I guess. But things are different now. I'm a grown-up and as such I am perfectly capable of taking care of my-... um...my... huh...my... huh..."

His breath was hitching and he could do nothing to stop it.

"Yes?", Dean said sweetly and Sam wanted to punch him, but he was preoccupied.


"Oh. Guess what that makes. That makes the fourth prime number. Seven."

Sam's head spun around and he looked at Dean wide-eyed, with his nose dripping.

Dean rolled his eyes and sighed. "C'mon, man, don't pretend you're the only one entitled to smart comments. I'm not as dumb as you think, you know?"

"Well, and I'm not as needy as you think", Sam retorted after recovering from the shock that his brother knew the prime numbers in order.

"Right." Dean just laughed sarcastically and Sam immediately shot him another angry look.

"Don't always act like I need you to take care of me."

"Oh, but you do."

"No, I fucking don't!"



"If you sneeze another three times, you'll have to let me take care of you without a single complaint. You know that, right?"

"Well, it's a good thing I don't plan on sneezing again, right?"

"Like you have any control over it."

Sam didn't know how to reply, so he simply turned around and starting looking out the window again. It was around 4 in the afternoon. There was still plenty of time to talk to some people. That was, if Dean didn't force him to go to bed as soon as they arrived at the motel, of course.

"You know it's my job to take care of you, right?", Dean began, but Sam refused to turn his head. "You know all I want it to make sure - "

"Shut up", he interrupted then, still without looking at Dean.

Dean sighed. "Why do you have to get so damn grumpy when you're sick, Sammy?"

"I'm grumpy because you're annyoing me. I'm not sick."

"I'm sure. You're probably just allergic to your own stubbornness."

"Or to your nagging."

That shut Dean up for a while, but maybe only because he had to focus on the road. Sam wanted to ask how long it would take until they were there, but he realized last second that this would make him sound a lot like a little kid, so he cut himself off and went back to watching the fields and trees pass by.

There were a few minutes of peace, in which his nose was runny, but nothing else. However, as all good things, this had to come to an end eventually.

Sam realized that another sneeze was inevitable, but he also really didn't want to give Dean the satisfaction of adding another count to the sneeze counter, so he turned his head to his shoulder, buried his nose in the fabric of his jacket and tried to make the sneeze as silent as possible.

It came out like this: "Huh'hhnggk!"

Sam held his breath, hoping that his brother hadn't noticed it. Right when he began to relax, Dean plainly said:


"What?", Sam tried desperately. "That wasn't even a sneeze!"

"Oh yeah? What was it, Sammy?"

"It was a...um... cough!"

Dean laughed. "I know it was a sneeze, dude! And besides, a cough wouldn't really help your case. You realize that, don't you?"

"Alright, whatever", Sam pouted. "I still have two sneezes left before I lose the game, Dean! And I can tell for sure that I'm all done now. I'm not sick, those eight sneezes were random, you'll see. I still have two sneezes left and I'm all done for to...to...'Itch'ieww!! Ah...dammit!"

"Make that one."

Even though Sam realized that childish behavior wasn't helping his case much, either, he couldn't fight the urge to stick his tongue out at Dean.

"Real mature, Sammy."

"Just shut up...", he sighed. At this point, he'd basically given up. "You're gonna send me straight to bed when we get a room, won't you?"

"Yup. Pretty much", Dean said and flashed another smile at him. In a more serious tone he added: "Once you fall asleep, I'll go out to get some tissues, meds, cough drops and what ever else you need."

"But what if I want to go talk to people about the case? It's still light out, you know? I might not even be able to sleep...", Sam pointed out and couldn't really keep his voice from sounding whiny.

Dean shrugged. "Well, I guess you have one sneeze left. If you make it to the motel like this and promise me that you're feeling alright, then maybe we could start on the case today."

Sam groaned. "Yeah, and what are my chances of making it to the hotel without another sneeze?"

"I thought you weren't sick", Dean smirked.

"I'm not!", Sam insisted stubbornly. "I feel fi- ...huh...huh'ItchhhH! Oh God. There. I told you."

"Bless you. And you're out!"

"Hey! That's mea...me...huh'ichHHew! At'chiieww!"

"HAH! Twelve, Sammy! You're out! You're so out!"

Sam was still cupping his hands with his nose, so his "Fuck you" sounded a bit muffled.

Dean only laughed and slapped his brother's shoulder in a friendly way. "C'mon, Sammy. Just let me take care of you. I'll make sure you get all better, then we gank the sonofabitch-shapeshifter. That cool with you?"

"How logg do you thingg...?"

"As long as it takes until you sound like a human being again. You really need to get those tissues, man. You need 'em."

"I'b aware!"

Dean grinned and stopped the car. They had finally arrived in the right town and found a motel.

"So?", Dean took his hands off the steering wheel and was looking at him now. "Will you give up the fight and just let me take care of you?"

"Maybe... but it's just a little headcold!"

"Well, then if you stay in bed and act like a good boy it won't take long until you're all better, right?", Dean grinned. "Now promise you'll be good."

Sam looked at his shoes and mumbled: "For Christ's sake, Dean..."

"You'll be good?"

Sam looked up and started rubbing at his nose again. It had started running again, so he really wanted to get inside and get tissues. This plus the fact that his headache was getting worse so that he could really use a nap, all led to him finally accepting his fate.

"I'll be good..."

"And you'll stay in bed until I tell you that you can get up again?"

"Sure. If..."

"If what, Sammy?"

"If you promise to stop counting my sneezes!"

Dean smiled a wide smile and leaned forward to ruffle through Sam's hair in a somewhat degrading, yet affectionate way.

"Now that you're already out...sure!"


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That was really cute. I haven't read any SPN tics in a while, so this was a nice little fluff piece to get me going again.

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No but really, caring Winchesters are what I need in my life and I love the whole concept of this. This is my new headcanon. This totally happens because their dad was a jerk and didn't care about his children's health because he was so focused on revenge so Dean had to take care of Sam and Sam had to try to do the same with Dean but more discreetly because the game didn't count for him since he's the oldest and he makes the rules. I love this. What have you done to me?

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Thanks Sophie, you're my favorite c: . You always write the most wonderful things :)

Definitly worth the read :D

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So so cute. Dean is so good at getting under Sam's skin, and Sam is so bitchy and irritated when he doesn't feel well. Ahh. My favorite thing!!!

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I looooove whiny Sam when he's sick. He tires to fight it but just can't. I loved the whole "It wasn't even a sneeze" part - laughed enough to startle my napping dogs.

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Oh my... wow. This is probably one of my favourite SPN fics ever. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this. Just... wow. Sophie, really, I just don't know what to say!! It's just so perfect! :wub:

"Yes, I say so", Sam insisted irritably. "Don't always question me, Dean. If I say I'm perfectly fine, then I...- hang on...I...huh...huh..."

"You getting there?"

"It's stuck. I ha...huh...huh'YATchoow! Ahh...fuck! That one hurt."

"At least you got it out, right?"



"Just shut up, okay? I'm fine."

That bit. Omg that just killed me, I can just imagine it happening and see it and everything and wow... :inlove:

Dean sighed. "Why do you have to get so damn grumpy when you're sick, Sammy?"

"I'm grumpy because you're annyoing me. I'm not sick."

"I'm sure. You're probably just allergic to your own stubbornness."

"Or to your nagging."

Ohmygosh I just adore the way that you wrote the banter between them!!

And the whole thing with the game and Dean counting Sam's sneezes, seriously, just... GAH. heart.gif

I love this so, so, so, so much Sophie, I just don't know how to put it into words!!

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Oh this is gorgeous. Their banter is as infectious as any I've ever read! And I'm loving the dynamic, that Dean knows him so well he can push and push and be annoying but still they both know he's doing it for all the right reasons and it's just the perfect amount... LOVE.

Also,AWESOME idea. So want to steal this...

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This was simply adorable. Made me smile and think of other weird games we play as kids... Just perfect.

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Everybody, thank you soo, so much for the amazing replies! I was overwhelmed! (:

That was really cute. I haven't read any SPN tics in a while, so this was a nice little fluff piece to get me going again.

Well, I'm glad I managed to get you going again haha... Seriously, though. Come back to SPN! It's worth it! There are some really good fics on here! ;)

I found this simply adorable! (I love bromances, seriously my favorite thing and I also love the idea of counting sneezes!) biggrin.png

Thank you! c: And yes, bromances are the best!! The counting sneezes thing...just came to me somehow. I'm really glad people liked it so much! :D


No but really, caring Winchesters are what I need in my life and I love the whole concept of this. This is my new headcanon. This totally happens because their dad was a jerk and didn't care about his children's health because he was so focused on revenge so Dean had to take care of Sam and Sam had to try to do the same with Dean but more discreetly because the game didn't count for him since he's the oldest and he makes the rules. I love this. What have you done to me?

Oh, Adrian, your first reply to one of my stories! Thank you so much, mate! (: I had no idea you liked Supernatural! That's awesome! Aww...you made me so happy with your comment! Thanks a ton! <3

And omg, yes, that's exactly how it was!! ;) Now I want to write a fic about that...


Thanks Sophie, you're my favorite c: . You always write the most wonderful things smile.png

Definitly worth the read biggrin.png

Awww...Deathy! I'm flattered! :blush: Honestly, thanks so much! I'm really glad you like what I write! (: (And I'm glad you're into SPN, too. One more thing we can obsess over together!!^^)

I loved this smile.png

Thank you! (: I'm glad.

So so cute. Dean is so good at getting under Sam's skin, and Sam is so bitchy and irritated when he doesn't feel well. Ahh. My favorite thing!!!

Aww...thanks so much, Sen Beret! And yeah, I just love myself a bitchy, irritated sick!Sammy! :D Oh by the way, Happy Birthday, right?? <3 Hope you have a good one!

I looooove whiny Sam when he's sick. He tires to fight it but just can't. I loved the whole "It wasn't even a sneeze" part - laughed enough to startle my napping dogs.

Me too!! :laugh: Whiny sick!Sammy is just... :wub: Anyway, thank you so much for the sweet reply! (:

Aww. Cute!

Hehe...thank you! (:

Oh my... wow. This is probably one of my favourite SPN fics ever. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this. Just... wow. Sophie, really, I just don't know what to say!! It's just so perfect! wub.png

"Yes, I say so", Sam insisted irritably. "Don't always question me, Dean. If I say I'm perfectly fine, then I...- hang on...I...huh...huh..."

"You getting there?"

"It's stuck. I ha...huh...huh'YATchoow! Ahh...fuck! That one hurt."

"At least you got it out, right?"



"Just shut up, okay? I'm fine."

That bit. Omg that just killed me, I can just imagine it happening and see it and everything and wow... in_love.gif

Dean sighed. "Why do you have to get so damn grumpy when you're sick, Sammy?"

"I'm grumpy because you're annyoing me. I'm not sick."

"I'm sure. You're probably just allergic to your own stubbornness."

"Or to your nagging."

Ohmygosh I just adore the way that you wrote the banter between them!!

And the whole thing with the game and Dean counting Sam's sneezes, seriously, just... GAH. heart.gif

I love this so, so, so, so much Sophie, I just don't know how to put it into words!!

Awww...MaiMai!! I feel sooo so honored by your long reply! You know I love your stories and I think everything SPN-related you write is simply perfect! So whenever you like my stories that's like the biggest compliment for me...! :blush:

Omg...one of your favorites? I...I... I don't know what to say. I'm just overwhelmed. I'm so incredibly glad that we have the same preferences and that you like my stories just as much as I like yours and aww...you make me so happy, girl!! heart.gif

Oh this is gorgeous. Their banter is as infectious as any I've ever read! And I'm loving the dynamic, that Dean knows him so well he can push and push and be annoying but still they both know he's doing it for all the right reasons and it's just the perfect amount... LOVE.

Also,AWESOME idea. So want to steal this...

Oh wow, thank you so much! Yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to write! (: And thanks again! Haha...if you want to borrow the idea for a story and just mention me at the beginning maybe...? Go ahead! We can always use more sick Winchesters! :D

This was simply adorable. Made me smile and think of other weird games we play as kids... Just perfect.

Thank you! I'm really happy I got so many positive and sweet responses, like yours! :)

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Oh, Adrian, your first reply to one of my stories! Thank you so much, mate! (: I had no idea you liked Supernatural! That's awesome! Aww...you made me so happy with your comment! Thanks a ton! <3

And omg, yes, that's exactly how it was!! wink.png Now I want to write a fic about that...

there's s first time for everything, right? you're very welcome! i'm not kidding; i really do love it!

ah yes i'm on season 7 so i've got a bit to go but it's just fantastic <33

omg please do i mean uh if you want to dskjhsgsd :hug:

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I know what you're thinking. Another Supernatural Fanfic?! Who needs those, right? tonguesmiley.gif


And I really, really enjoyed this one. I loved the stubbornness of it and Dean just being so laidback and like 'whatever, you'll prove me right pretty soon anyway'. I love the throwback to them as kids - I love anything like that, that hints at their history. My favourite, favourite bit was when Sam pretended it was a cough just to save himself from losing the game and forgetting that that wasn't really any better and I love LOVE how you spell your sneezes. They're completely different to any others that I've seen (which is impressive given how many spelled-out sneezes I've read!) and so realistic sounding and so masculine and so yummy. Yep. I loved this. A lot. A whole, whole lot.

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I know what you're thinking. Another Supernatural Fanfic?! Who needs those, right? tonguesmiley.gif


And I really, really enjoyed this one. I loved the stubbornness of it and Dean just being so laidback and like 'whatever, you'll prove me right pretty soon anyway'. I love the throwback to them as kids - I love anything like that, that hints at their history. My favourite, favourite bit was when Sam pretended it was a cough just to save himself from losing the game and forgetting that that wasn't really any better and I love LOVE how you spell your sneezes. They're completely different to any others that I've seen (which is impressive given how many spelled-out sneezes I've read!) and so realistic sounding and so masculine and so yummy. Yep. I loved this. A lot. A whole, whole lot.

Thank you so much, SexualOddity!! (:

I also like when stories are linked to their childhood, that's why I included it, because it stresses Dean's responsibilities as the older brother again, I think. I mean, they're grown men, but the roles have stayed the same, haven't they? ;)

Oh, and I'm totally flattered by what you said about my sneeze spellings! Seriously, that's such a great compliment for me! I noticed that mine were often a bit different from what other people are doing and was afraid that maybe I should change them, so thank you so much for the reassurance!

All in all, your feedback is very much appreciated! Thank you lots for taking the time to read the story and comment! :hug: And I'm glad you enjoyed it! (:

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Loved the dialogue and the concept was fantastic. So them! And Sam's sneezes were so lovely.

Wait...you're *the* tarotgal, aren't you? I feel so incredibly honored that you read and liked my story! (: I'm obsessed with all of your Marauder and SPN fics, you know? <3

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